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October 19, 2012 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2012-10-19

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

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Friday, October19, 2012


GOP Super
PAC to air
ads in Mich.

Restore our - which Kall deemed a turning
point in the election - races in
Future to spend statesthat were previouslynon,
competitive, including Penn-
$12 million across sylvania and Michigan, have
become more contested.
nine swing states Obama led by six points in
Colorado prior to the Denver
By ANDREW SCHULMAN debate, but a Public Policy Poll-
Daily Staff Repoter ing survey released Thursday
indicates his lead has shrunk to
Weeks after withdrawing three points. Meanwhile, polls
television advertisements from in Florida have shown Romney
the Michigan airways, the pro- leading by as many as seven
Romney Super PAC Restore our points.
Future announced Thursday On Thursday,in what appears
that it will reinstate its adver- to be a sign of confidence, the
tisements beginning next week. Romney campaign diverted
The advertisement purchase resources from North Caro-
which is part of a $12-mil- lina, where Romney and Obama
lion expenditure in nine battle- have been evenly matched, to
ground states - is one of the states like Ohio, according to
most extensive advertising the Raleigh, N.C.-based News
campaigns for Republican pres- and Observer.
idential nominee Mitt Romney Political Science Prof.
thus far, The New York Times Michael Heaney said the
reported. Super PAC's ad purchase was a
The push could give Romney response to fluctuating support,
an advantage in crucial swing in which more battleground
states, including Ohio, Florida states are "within competitive
and Colorado, where he has range" for Romney.
seen significant gains in the "The electoral map has really
polls since the first presidential changed," Heaney said. "States
debate in Denver two wdeks that were considered out of
ago. reach for Romney are, all of a
It could also offer Rom- sudden, nowwithin reach."
ney, who led President Barack The states Heaney said are
Obama by seven points in a winnable for Romney include
Gallup poll released Thursday, Colorado, Ohio, Wisconsin,
a broader path through the Iowa and Virginia, all of which
Electoral College to the White are among the nine states the
House, according to Aaron Kall, advertisements will target.
the director of the University's The $12-million expenditure
debate program. consists of $1 million for Wis-
"That path is very narrdw consin and Iowa, $2.3 million
for Gov. Romney for that magic for Florida and $2.5 million for
number of 270, so putting more Ohio, according to the Times.
states on the table will certainly The report did not include the
increase the chance ofgetting to amount of funding that will be
that number," Kall said. allocated to Michigan ads.
In the aftermath of Romney's The race in Michigan has
performance in the first debate See SUPER PAC, Page 3

In Ohio,
rally for
Campaign hopes
Springsteen will
appeal to working-
class voters
Editor in Chief
PARMA, Ohio - Bruce
Springsteen planned to sit this
election cycle out, but when
President Barack Obama called
him asking to write a song for
his re-election campaign, the
Boss couldn't say no.
"He called me a few weeks
# ago and said, 'Bruce, I don't
have a campaign song,"' Spring-
steen said at an Obama cam-
paign event on Thursday, where
he performed after a speech by
former President Bill Clinton.
"'There's a country guy who
wrote a song about Mitt Rom-
ney. There's a song gap. I need
Springsteen, of course, was
joking, and after campaigning
for John Kerry in 2004 and for
Obama in 2008, the musician
had said repeatedly in the lead
up to the 2012 election that he
wasn't planning on publicly sup-
porting a candidate.
But as polls show a tighten-
ing race between Obama and
Republican presidential nomi-
nee Mitt Romney, Springsteen
decided to lend his support
to the President's re-election
efforts, performing in Ohio
before traveling to Iowa for
another concert Thursday after-
See BRUCE, Page 3

U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) discusses women's rights in the Michigan Union on ThursdayA
State, nat'l offi cials,
laud women s righS
In campaign (D-Mich.) and other promi- equality and urged political
nent Michigan Democrats in activism while expressing their
event, panel shows the Michigan Union on Thurs- support for President Barack
day to campaign for President Obama and his stance on social
support for Obama Barack Obama and Staben- issue .
ow's re-election efforts, while Aside from Stabenow and
By DANIELLE emphasizing the importance of Richards, the panel also includ-
RAYKHINSHTEYN women's issues amid an election ed State Sen. Rebekah War-
Daily StaffReporter cycle rife with controversy over ren (D-Ann Arbor) and Debbie
issues such as rape and contra- Dingell, wife of U.S. Rep. John
Planned Parenthood presi- ception. Dingell (D-Mich.) and was
dent Cecile Richards joined Each woman stressed the hosted by Organizing for Amer-
U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow importance of health care See RIGHTS, Page 7

Prop. 3 focuses on energy
Voters to determine opportunityto decide to institute of their services from renew-
environmental policy in the state able sources by 2025, while rais-
how state uses constitution, an effort that no ing the costs to consumers by no
other state has undertaken. more than 1 percent.
renewable energy Proposal 3 - officially titled Michigan already currently
Michigan Energy, Michigan a Renewable Portfolio Standard
By TUI RADEMAKER Jobs - which would expand the in place as a result of the Clean,
Daily StaffReporter state's efforts in renewable ener- Renewable and Efficient Energy
gy, has power companies and Act of 2008, which requires 10
In the third of six ballot pro- environmental groups divided. If percent of energy output to be
posals Michigan voters will face passed, energy companies would produced from renewable sourc-
on Nov. 6, voters will have the be required to provide 25 percent See ENERGY, Page 7

Panel weighs impact of Fisher
Experts consider U.S. Supreme Court case, the student, who was denied admis-
University is capitalizing on the sion to the University of Texas,
merits of race- potentially precedent-setting which uses race as a factor in
court decision to talk about the admissions.
based admissions importance of affirmative action If the Supreme Court rules
at public universities. in favor of Fisher, it could over-
By MOLLY BLOCK On Thursday, the National turn the decision of Grutter v.
Daily Staff Reporter Center for Institutional Diver- Bollinger, a 2003 case involving
sity hosted a symposium in the the University of Michigan Law
In the wake of last Wednes- Rogel Ballroom at the Michigan School'that affirmed the legality
day's oral arguments in the Union to discuss the case, which of affirmative action policies at
Fisher v. University of Texas involves Abigail Fisher, a white See PANEL, Page 3

Senior quarterback Denard Robinson and other students gather on the Qiag for the Go Blue Beat MSU pep rallyto rev
up the student body before Saturday's game against Michigan State at the Big House.

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