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October 17, 2012 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2012-10-17

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2A - Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

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Don't worry, be happy


For Engineering. senior
Grant Schroll, the co-founder
of the Happiness Initiative,
the club isn't about hugs and
good feelings - it's about
implementing change in peo-
ple's lives.
"What we aim to do is to
provide an environment and
resources for college students
to get together and talk about
issues that lead to genuine,
wholehearted happiness in
our lives," Schroll said.
It may sound idyllic, but
the University's chapter of the
nationwide Happiness Initia-
tive is planning a variety of
ways to bring its in-house
techniques to the student

body. Though the club was
just developed last year by
Schroll, LSA senior Yianni
Ellenikiotis and Engineering
senior Pete Wangwongwiroj,
it has since grown to approxi-
mately 20 regular members
per meeting.
One of the most recent
activities the group complet-
ed was a journaling of their
positive weekly experiences.
Schroll said when the group
came together and discussed
their findings, group mem-
bers reported everything
from decreased stress to bet-
ter sleep because everything
felt more "lighthearted."
"When they actually took

the time to think about how
their experiences were good
or meaningful, they tended to
be happier and they tended to
have more meaningful inter-
actions with people," Schroll
He added that later this
year the group will partner
with other campus organiza-
tions and the Office of Student
Affairs to sponsor "Happi-
ness Week" activities. Later,
the Happiness Initiative will
also sponsor an "open-forum"
TedX style event for students
to share their "inspiring and
unique stories."

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Rackham student Eleanor Coyle participates in a free skate at
Yost Ice Arena Tuesday.


Smokin' on a Triple threat Annual lecture Climate

rainy day
WHERE: Medical Scinece
Building Unit 2
WHEN: Monday at about
11:20 a.m.
WHAT: Rainwater leaked
into an electrical conduit,
University-Police reported.
The box began smoking and
the building was evacuated
as a precaution.
WHERE: Alumni Softball
WHEN: Tuesday at about
1:30 a.m.
WHAT: Officers responded
to a call about two men
having an oral argument,
University Police reported.
There was no assault.

WHERE: North Campus
Research Complex
WHEN: Monday at about
11:40 a.m.
WHAT: Three cars were
involved in an off-road
accident, University Police
reported. There were no
injuries reported and there
is no estimate of damage
Off air
WHERE: University Golf
Course Club House
WHEN: Monday at about
12:10 p.m.
WHAT: A flat-screen
television was stolen from
the golf course clubhouse
overnight, University Police
reported. There were no
signs of a forced entry and
there are no suspects.

WHAT: The Todd Quida
AnnualLecture in Child-
hood Axiety and Depression
will feature Mary Fristad;
who will speak about non-
drug treatment of child-
hood mood disorders.
WHO: Depression Center
WHEN: Today at 10:30 a.m.
WHERE: Rachel Upjohn
Building, Depression Center
Human rights
WHAT: Pavel
Khordorkovsy, president
of the Institute of Modern
Russia, will speak about
human rights in the eastern
European country.
WHO: Center for Russian,
East European, and Eur-
asian Studies.
WHEN: Today at 4 p.m.
WHERE: Hatcher Graduate
Library, room 100.

change talk
WHAT: Inroyono Soesilo, a
minister of the Republic of
Indonesia and a senior Ful-
bright fellow, will discuss
the role of the Indonesian
Archipelago in regards to
climate change.
WHO: Center for Southeast
Asian Studies
WHEN: Today at 2:30 p.m.
WHERE: Duderstadt
Psych advising
WHAT: Psychology
concentration advisers
and career advisers will be
on hand for dual advising
WHO: Undergraduate Psy-
chology Office
WHEN: Today from 9 a.m.
to 10:30 a.m.
WHERE: East Hall,
Undergraduate Psychology

A Coneticut woman
was charged with Driv-
ing Under the Influence
and failure to drive properly
after she chugged half a large
bottle of alcohol-based hand
sanitizer, the Huffington Post
reported. The woman regis-
tered a.17 blood alochol level.
Computer science stu-
dents are being heav-
ily recruited by major
companies for their unique
3A California man was
cooked to death while
working at a seafood
plant, NBC News reported. A
state Occupational Safety and
Health spokeswoman said
the man was "fatally injured
when he was cooked in an
oven," but it's not clear why
he was in the oven.

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Officialst tofind Sht .
of huge meningitis outbreak -


steroids have killed
15 and sickened
more than 200
NEW YORK (AP) - Was it'
some moldy ceiling tiles? The
dusty shoes of a careless employ-
ee? Or did the contamination
ride in on one of the ingredients?
There are lots of ways fun-
gus could have gotten inside the
Massachusetts compounding
pharmacy whose steroid medi-
cation has been linked to alethal
outbreak of a rare fungal form of
The outbreak has killed at
least 15 people and sickened
more than 200 others in 15
states. Nearly all the victims had
received steroid injections for
back pain.
Federal and state investiga-
tors have been tightlipped about
any problems they may have
seen at the New England Com-

pounding Center or whether
they have pinpointed the source
of the contamination. They did
disclose last week that they
found fungus in more than 50
vials from the pharmacy.
Company spokesman Andrew
Paven said by email that crimi-
nal investigators from the Food
and Drug Administration were
at the pharmacy in Framing-
ham, Mass., on Tuesday. The
visit was part of a broad federal
and state investigation of the
outbreak, FDA spokesman Ste-
ven Immergut said in an email.-
New England Compounding
has not commented on its pro-
duction process or what }night
have gone wrong, so outside
experts can only speculate. But
the betting money seems to
be on dirty conditions, faulty
sterilizing equipment, tainted
ingredients or sloppiness on the
part of employees.
The drug at the center of the
investigation is made without
preservative, meaning there's
no alcohol or other solution in

it to kill germs such as a fungus.
So it's very important that it be
made under highly sterile condi-
tions, experts said.
Compounding pharmacies
aren't as tightly regulated as
drug company plants, but they
are supposed to follow certain
rules: Clean the floors and other
surfaces daily; monitor air in
"clean rooms" where drugs
are made; require employees
to wear gloves and gowns; test
samples from each lot.
The rules are in the U.S. Phar-
macopeia, a kind of national
standards book for compound-
ing medicines that's written by
a nonprofit scientific organiza-
tion. Most inspections, though,
are handled by state boards of
pharmacy. Massachusetts last
inspected New England Com-
pounding in March in response
to a complaint unrelated to the
outbreak; the results have not
been released.
High-volume production of
the sort that went on at New
England Compounding also
raises the chances of contami-
nation, experts said.
Traditionally, compounding
pharmacies fill special orders
placed by doctors for individual
patients, turning out maybe five
or six vials. But many medical
practices and hospitals place
large orders to have the medi-
cines on hand for their patients.
That's allowed in at least 40
states but not under Massachu-
setts regulations.
Last month, New England
Compounding recalled three
lots of steroids made since May
that totaled 17,676 single-dose
vials of medicine - roughly
equivalent to 20 gallons.
"I don't see it as appropri-
ate for a community pharmacy
to do a batch of something pre-
servative-free in numbers in
the thousands" of doses, said
Lou Diorio, a New Jersey-based
consultant to compounding
pharmacies. Diorio, who has no
connection to the investigation
or the company, said it is harder
to keep everything sterile when
working with large amounts.


A woman shows her passport and that of her son to reporters as she leaves an immigration office io Havana, Cuba,
Tuesday, Oct 16, 2012.
Cuban citizs now allowed to
travel abroad without exit visas

Policy reverses
50 year old rule
preventing free
foreign travel
HAVANA (AP) - The Cuban
government announced Tues-
day that it will eliminate a half-
century-old restriction that
requires citizens to get an exit
visa to leave the country.
The decree that takes effect
Jan. 14 will eliminate a much-
loathed bureaucratic procedure
that has keptmany Cubans from
traveling or moving abroad.
"These measures are truly
substantial and profound," said
Col. Lamberto Fraga, Cuba's
deputy chief of immigration,
at a morning news conference.
"What we are doing is not just
Under the new measure
announced in the Communist
Party daily Granma, islanders
will only have to show their
passport and a visa from the
country they are traveling to.
It is the most significant
advance this year in President
Raul Castro's five-year plan of
reforms that has already seen
the legalization of home and

car sales and a big increase in
the number of Cubans owning
private businesses.
Migration is a highly politi-
cized issue in Cuba and beyond
its borders.
Under the "wet foot, dry
foot" policy, the United States
allows nearly all Cubans who
reach its territory to remain.
Granma published an edito-
rial blaming the travel restric-
tions imposed in 1961 on U.S.
attempts to topple the island's
government, plant spies and
recruit its best-educated citi-
"It is because of this that any
analysis of Cuba's problematic
migration inevitably passes
through the policy of hostility
that the U.S. government has
developed against the country
for more than 50 years," the
editorial said.
It assured Cubans that the
government recognizes their
right to travel abroad and said
the new measure is part of "an
irreversible process of normal-
ization of relations between
emigrants and their homeland."
The decree still imposes lim-
its on travel by many Cubans.
People cannot obtain a pass-
port or travel abroad without
permission if they face crimi-

nal charges, if the trip affects
national security or if their
departure would affect efforts
to keep qualified labor in the
Doctors, scientists, mem-
bers of the military and others
considered valuable parts of
society currently face restric-
tions on travel to combat brain
"The update to the migra-
tory policy takes into account
the right of the revolutionary
State to defend itself from the
interventionist and subversive
plans of the U.S. government
and its allies," the newspaper
said. "Therefore, measures
will remain to preserve the
human capital created by the
Revolution in the face of the
theft of talent applied by the
On the streets of Havana, the
news was met with a mixture of
delight and astonishment. Offi-
cials over the years often spoke
of their desire to lift the exit
visa, but talk failed to turn into
concrete change.
"No! Wow, how great!" said
Mercedes Delgado, a 73-year-
old retiree when told of the
news that was announced
overnight. "Citizens' rights are
being restored."

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