2A - Friday, October 12, 2012 MONDAY: TUESDAY: 'WEDNESDAY: THURSDAY: In Other Ivory Towers Questions on Campus Professor Profiles Campus Clubs The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom qti~a~U 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1327 www.michigandaily.com JOSEPH LICHTERMAN RACHEL GREINETZ Editor in Chief easiness Manager 734-41a-4115 ext. 1252 734-418-4115 ext. 1241 lichterman@michigandily.com rmgrein@michigandailycom corecotions@michigoodoily.omo otdiyoieiodiy Arts SectionEtrilPg arts@michigandaily.com poo~iigool~o sports@michigandoity.com it~ilgool~o Display SlsCasfe Sales display@michigandaily.coo teiidoemgool.o Inline SalesFnac onlinead@michigandailycom ioe~iigsol~o 734-41-5115 pn.3 s@micigandaily.com corectnsLetters to the Editor Spors Setion Photography Section CRIME NOTES CAMPUS EVENTS & NOTES Digital double Lock picked, Research WHERE: Taubman Cottege Liberty Annex WHEN: Wednesday at about 1:30 p.m. WHAT: A laptop and a computer system were allegedly stolen, Univer- sity Police reported. The incident is believed to have occured in the past week. Burnt toast WHERE: Northwood Community Center WHEN: Wednesday at about 7 p.m. WHAT: A toaster placed on top of a heated burner began a small fire in an apartment, University Police reported. The fire was put out with an extin- guisher and no further damage was done. laptop taken WHERE: Life Sciences Institute WHEN: Wednesday at about 6:10 p.m. WHAT: A secured laptop was allegedly taken from a room on the fourth floor of the building, University Policy reported. The cable lock that locked the laptop was found broken. ceremony WHAT: The 2012 MLibrary Undergraduate Research Award winners will be hon- ored and able to share infor- mation about their projects. A reception will follow the ceremony. WHO: Shapiro Library WHEN: Today at 2 p.m. WHERE: Shapiro Library Lobby Musical 1A helmet saved a teen performance horseback rider's life when raw chicken parts WHAT: "Sunday in the fell from the sky, The Huff- Park with George" tells an ington Post reported. The inspirational story of art and chicken supposedly came life. Tickets are $10 with a from a Tyson Ponds Inc. pro- student ID at the Michigan cssing plant, but the cma League Ticket Office. cyhsc eid h lcgtopa- nyhas dened the alegations EDITORIAL STAFF Andrew Weiner Managing Editoe anweiner@michigandaily.com Bethanyliron Managing Newsotditoe bireon@michigondaily.com SENI OsES EDITORS: osley Glatthor,HaleyGoldber, Raoyodsmith, Paige Pearcy, AamRenf5ore, ASITN ESO ED0ITORS icoo ologna, A,,oa Roenbe, Andrew Shlmno, Per Shi, Ko..Wassman Timothy Rabb and opinioneditiorsomichigandaily.com Adrienne Roberts tditorialePagetEditrs SENIOR EDITORIALePAGE DIOS: Meolnie Kruveli,sNhat, ,VanessaRcliski ASSISTANT EDITORIALePAGE EORS:oese Ki,Sarhkalba Stephen Nesbitt Managingorts Editor nesbitt@michigandaily.com SEOSOTSE DTO RS:oEverett Cok,Bnts,, ZchHlfad, Lke Pasch Nl Rothschild, Matt lsoin AoSSaSTTSeORTSEDITOS: SevenBraid, MichalLauila, ttSelich, ColleenThoa,,Liz Vukelic,DanielWasserman Leah Borgin Managingdetsotditor Burgin@michigandaily.com SENIOR ARTS EIORS:Ellit Aler, Davoid Taso, ayla ,,,,a ASSISTANT ARTS EDITORS:Jcob Axelrad, LarenCaserta,,MattEao,Klly Etz, Anna Sadosky,Chle Stahowiak Erin Kirkland and photogmicigandaily.com Alden Reiss Managig Phsotdios SNIORPHOTO EIOS:oerraolengr, Tosdd Nedle ASISTAT PHOTOEDITORS:Aamo51,ozon, senOff,,d, Allison Krsske Marleon Laass,AamSchnitzer Alicia Kovacheck and design@michigandaily.com Amy Mackens Manoging Designtditors Dylan tinti and statement@michigandaily.com JenniterXo MagazinetEditoes DEeUTYoMAGAZINEEDIT0O:ZahoBergsn,Kitin Williams Hannah Poindexter Copy Chief copydesk@mich~igandaily.com SORoCOPY EDITOS osehine Adams, BethCoplowitz BUSINESS STAFF Ashley Karadsheh Asocoiae BsinseManagee SeanlJacksonSalesoManaer Sophielnreenbaom ProductionManere SeanlJacksonSeilPoects Manaer Connor ByrdrFinaneManager Meryl lHultengoNatioeal Accoun Maeagee The MichiganDly (ISS 0705-9671 is pubishedondaeiy through Fiyrins~g the fall red wnete rmesibytudentat thr Universitylo Mihigan. Oe os vilblefreeof charge toslreaers.Adiional cope mayybepiedlupat thealy'ns ofie for2. Ssciptiose for falter,strting ineSepteme, viaU.S.emilar~e$110.OWiter term (anuary thrsogh pri)is 1115, yerlong Septbretrog Al)list195.Uniesrsty afliatesr~e suject tosaeduced susiption rte.O-campus susciptiosofor fall teormre$5. Subcpins mstibe prepai. ThMihignDaiy isa memer of TheAsociated Pre nd eil ssited ollegatePress Theatre & Dance WHEN: Today atS8 p.m. WHERE: Mendelssohn Theatre Moto-tipping Culture lecture Senior career WHAT: Prof. Jonathan WHERE: 525 Church Street- Glasser from the College Workshop Carport of William & Mary will WHEN: Wednesday at discuss Spain's relation- WHAT: A guide to help about 5:10 p.m. ship with the modern Arab seniors after graduation, WHAT: A motorcycle was world and how its history including information abc found tipped over, Univer- plays out in Andalusi musi- the job search process. Th sity Police reported. It is clans and writers, advisers will also discuss unknown if the damage was WHO: Department of how to apply for graduati: accidental or intentional. Romance Languages & Lit- WHO: The Career Center gut 2 Princess or equal? Nathan Chesterman responds that women want to be respected not put on a pedestal to be token care of by men. Di>> FOR MORE, SEE OPINION, PAGE Chinese author Mo Yan 3won the 2012 Nobel Prize for literature with his 1987 novel "Red Sor- ghum," and marks the first Chinese resident to win the prize, the Los Angeles Times reported. He is seen as one of the leading contempo- rary authors for his contro- versial social criticisms. erature WHEN: Today at 5 p.m. WHERE: 202 S. Thayer, room 2202 WHEN: Today at 1:15 p.m. WHERE: Angell Hall Com- prehensive Studies Program Office 4 4 4 4 ;I 4