c 111Ic4i0 an 4:3atlm
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Monday, October 8, 2012
A2 police
alleged rape
on Hill St.
Incident reportedly BY THE NUMBERS
oCCurred early Sex crime statistics
Senior quarterback Denard Robinson runs for a gain against Purdue in Michigan's 44-13 victory over the Boilermakers on Saturday.
Michi'gan feasts on Purdue
- Welcome to the
place where inter-
ceptions fall into Michigan
hands as if dropped from a
" cloud. Where the Michigan
linemen can dictate games.
Where good just might be good
After wandering for four games
in the non-conference desert,
Michigan can finally see the
promised land. Football fans,
welcome to the 2012 Big Ten.
It's a strange place here, one
where Denard Robinson's
toughest decision is to try to
score or
duck out of
bounds and
avoid a hit.
Here, the
ness of a cer-
tain tailback
matters not, ZACH
nor does a HELFAND
kicker that
just doesn't
have the legto hit from far out.
Here, Michigan dominates the
line of scrimmage. It started
with the offense's first touch.
Robinson rushed for a modest
five yards, and all of a sudden,
78-yards and 8:48 of game time
had gone by and there was
Fitzgerald Toussaint, pounding
the ball in for the score, 7-0.
The drive was 17 plays of line-
men colliding and Robinson
checking down and Toussaint
grinding for a short gain. No
play went for more than 10
yards, save a facemasking pen-
alty on Purdue's Kawann Short.
This isn't Bo Schembechler's
Big Ten, and it wasn't exactly
the tailback for three yards and
a cloud of dust. Toussaint aver-
aged just 1.1 yards per carry on
17 touches. No, this is the new
Big Ten, where ball control and
a dash of flapping shoelaces are
enough to win.
Yes, the Wolverines' defense
was smothering. When Jake
Ryan wasn't in the backfield,
he was disrupting the potent
Purdue screen game in the
flats. He knows Big Ten games
are different. "We all know it,"
Ryan said.
"One loss can do it for us, and
we don't want that," fifth-
year senior linebacker Kenny
Demens put it. "We want to go
Sunday morning
Daily NewsEditor .
A student reported that she
was attacked by several men
and raped off-campus early
Sunday morning, according to
a Department of Public Safety
crime alert.
The student alleged that
at about 2:30 a.m. Sunday,
four men approached her on
Hill Street between Church
and Tappan streets. The men
dragged her into an alley,
where she told police one of the
men raped her before she was
able to escape.
The suspects are being
described as four white males
with brown hair. There was no
further description as of Sun-
day afternoon.
DPS spokeswoman Diane
Brown said the student's
report of the crime to DPS
was formally classified as
first-degree criminal sexual
Rapes were reported on and off campus
in 2011, according to DPS
Sexual assaults were reported on and
off campus in 2011, according to DPS
Crime alerts have been sent since June
regarding reports of sexual assault
The operating hours of the SAPAC crisis
line at (734) 936-3333
conduct, which includes sex-
ual penetration. She could not
confirm whether the student
had sought medical attention
as of Sunday morning.
Brown said police were able
to confirm late Sunday morn-
ing that the crime did not
After trial,
medical clinic
extends hours
Service will Williams said. "If I worked with
people half as organized in my
! provide primary regular administrative life at
the University as the students
care to community are, the whole University would
be better."
By MOLLY BLOCK The idea for the clinic
Daily StaffReporter stemmed from five third-year
Medical School students - Alex-
PINCKNEY - Michigan ander Andrews, Karen Chow,
medical students are extend- Lauren Dennisuk, Michael Gao
ing their education beyond the and Alexandra Pulst-Korenberg
classroom by reaching out to - that first presented their pro-
uninsured adults in the greater posal to the Medical School
Livingston area. in 2010, with the help of other
On Saturday, the University faculty members. The group
of Michigan Student-Run Free developed its plans to start the
Clinic held an open house for program in a pitch to adminis-
the Pinckney community after trators in summer 2011.The plan
completing a successful pilot was ultimately adopted with the
phase of the program, according help of Hari Conjeevaram, an
to Brent Williams, an associate associate professor of internal
professor of internal medicine. medicine and medical director
The clinic is expected to serve of the clinic.
the community with regular The student clinic operates in
hours starting on Oct. 13, and the Faith Medical Clinic, which
will be open every Saturday also provides free healthcare for
from 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. the uninsured. Laura Goldman,
"The pilot phase is almost a nurse practitioner who runs
flawless, it's remarkable to me," See CLINIC, Page SA
Zell critical
of national
'U' alum discusses
fiscal problems
plaguing the
United States
Daily Staff Reporter
At a conference Friday
morning held at the Michigan
Union, Samuel Zell, chairman
of the Equity Group Invest-
ments, LLC and a University
alum, provided a bleak outlook
for the world economy.
Speaking to about 200 busi-
ness professionals, Zell told
the audience that opportuni-
ties for private equity inves-
tors are being destroyed by a
combination of European fiscal
weaknesses, slowgrowth inthe
developing world, government
investment in the private mar-
kets and low interest rates.
"What is private equity?"
Zell said. "It's nothing more
than a prediction, or a bet on
the future."
In September 2012, Forbes
See ZELL, Page 7A
English Prof. Michael Byers, author Charles Baxter and former U.S. Poet Laureate Philip Levine discuss literature at the
State of the Book event at Rackham Auditorium on Saturday.
tate of the Book' honors
Michigan's literary legacy
Event looks to
past and future of
written word
Assistant Arts Editors
Despite the crisp fall air
Saturday morning, individu-
als gathered in the lobby of
Rackham Auditorium where
journalists, authors and pub-
lishers chatted excitedly about
their area of expertise, while
students integrated themselves
into the folds of the conversa-
tion. The book fair, a part of the
State of the Book symposium,
was the beginning to the day-
long celebration of literature.
The event consisted of a
series of panels, performances
and speakers that included some
of Michigan's most notable
writers, such as fiction writer
Charles Baxter and former U.S.
Poet Laureate Philip Levine.
Local booksellers and repre-
sentatives from literary reviews
and journals filled the lobby,
selling work from predominant-
ly Michigan authors. And if the
writing itself wasn't local, the
publishers were based in Michi-
Bill Cusumano, a buyer for
Nicola's Books and representa-
tive in the book fair, said it was
See BOOK, Page 5A
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news@michigandaily.com and let us know. MICHIGANDAILY.COM/BLOGS/THE WIRE
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Vol.CXXiiiNo.25 AP NEWS...................3A ARTS........8A
©2012TheMicbiganDaily OPINION.....................4A SPORTSMONDAY........1B