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Ann Arbor Michigan
Friday, October 5, 2012 .l
- 'U' places
20th in
new global
* British publication
lists 400 best
around the world
Daily News Editor
The University was ranked
20th on a 2012-2013 list
released Thursday of the top
400 universities in the world.
The list is released annu-
ally by the Times High-
er Education, a British
higher education publication.
The rankings are based on 13
variables divided into five cat-
egories that measure univer-
sity performance: teaching,
research, citations, industry
income and international out-
University spokesman Rick
Fitzgerald said though he's
proud of how the University
fared, rankings aren't the most
important indicator of a uni-
versity's success.
"What you or I may have
picked for a college is some-
thing that's unique and indi-
vidual," Fitzgerald said. "So
rankings are nice, but they
are not what students should
be basing their decisions on
where to attend college."
Though the University
dropped two spots from last
year's rankings, Phil Baty, the
editor of the Times Higher
Education Rankings, said
it was a difficult year for
American and British institu-
tions. Specifically, she noted
tough competition from Asian
institutions benefitting from
significant funding and gov-
ernment support, according to
a University press release.
California Institute of
Technology was ranked first,
followed by the University of
Oxford and Stanford Universi-
ty. The University of Michigan
was the third-highest ranked
American public institution in
the Times' rankings. The Uni-
versity of California, Berkeley
came in ninth and the Univer-
sity of California, Los Angeles
ranked 13th.
Baty said in the release that
the top 200 schools comprise
just 1 percent of the world's
colleges and universities.
In addition to ranking the
world's top institutions, the
Times Higher Education also
ranks world universities by
See RANKINGS, Page 3
LSA junior Nick Anastasia writes a poem on a typewriter during a Write-a-Thon at Espresso Royale on State St. on Thursday. The event was sponsored by the State
of the Book Festival. For a complete preview of the event see page S.
AD:kI Slippery Rock in talks
to play at the Big House
DiiinII school announced at Michigan home playing another opponent, not discussions don't necessarily sig-
hopeful to make a
deal, but 'nothing is
Daily Sports Editor
pery Rock, the Division II school
whose football team's scores are
games, has engaged in discus-
sions with the Michigan Athletic
Department about playing a foot-
ball game at Michigan Stadium,
according to multiple sources at
the school.
Slippery Rock Athletic Direc-
tor Paul Lueken said on Thursday
that Slippery Rock is "exploring
the options" with the Michigan
Athletic Department, but said,
"nothing is definite." A potential
plan would have Slippery Rock
Michigan, as early as=next sea-
"We love our positive relation-
ship with Michigan football fans
and how supportive they are of
our program and look forward
to a possible game in the future,"
Lueken said.
Michigan declined to discuss
the matter, but Associate Athletic
Director Dave Ablauf cautioned
that these conversations aren't
uncommon and in many cases,
nify a deal is imminent.
"We have discussions with a
lot of schools, some that come to
fruition and some that don't due
to a multitude of reasons," Ablauf
wrote in an e-mail. "As a matter
of policy, we won't comment on
any on-going discussions that we
might have with a school until
the ink is dry on a contract."
Slippery Rock previously
played at Michigan Stadium in
Group unites first-generation
college students on campus
Organization set foot on campus.
However, unlike most fresh-
provides resources, men, Johnson couldn't call par-
ents for first-day advice. Johnson,
community a first generation college student,
was on her own, until an adviser
By ALICIA ADAMCZYK introduced her to First Genera-
Daily StaffReporter tion College Students at Michi-
gan, a campus group connecting
As one of only 10 students in students who are the first mem-
her high school graduating class bers of their family to attend col-
to attend a four-year university, lege.
LSA junior Theresa Johnson had Founded in 2007, the clubholds
no idea what to expect when she events and activities for members
to network and discover Uni-
versity resources. Lisa Rudgers,
the University's vice president
for global communications and
strategic initiatives, and E. Roys-
ter Harper, the University's vice
president for student affairs -
both of whom are first-generation
college students - have spoken to
the group in the past.
Johnson - who attended Kel-
loggsville High School, a small
school near Grand Rapids, Mich.
See FIRST GEN, Page 3
Rackham student Allyson Green picks tomatoes at the UMSFP Harvest Festival at the Botanical Gardens on Thursday.
Harvest Fest celebrates
locally-sourced food
Conference focuses on women's
issues and justice in modern era
Students support roasted oil-drizzled baguette
slices - attendees of Thursday
home-grown food night's Harvest Fest got a taste
of the value of sustainable food
from nearby farms sources.
The event, held at the Mat-
By KASEY COX thaei Botanical Gardens, was
For the Daily designed to encourage attend-
ees to appreciate harvesting,
With a spread of fall-themed eating and supporting locally-
delicacies - including gourmet grown food. The University
goat-cheese and kale salads, of Michigan Sustainable Food
apple butternut squash soup and Program, a student organiza-
tion started and managed by
master's students in the School
of Natural Resources and
Environment, hosted the well-
attended festival.
Attendees included Slow
Food Huron Valley, a local
organization committed to-edu-
cating about food, the student-
developed food stand Brassica,
and Cultivating Community - a
student group that grows a gar-
Three-day event
features multitude
of experts
Daily StaffReporter
In light of the increasing
prominence of women's health
care issues in national politics,
the University's Institute for
Research on Women and Gender
is hosting a Sex and Justice Con-
ference this weekend to promote
discussion on the many forms
that sexual injustice takes in
today's society.
Multiple campus departments
are also involved in the confer-
ence, which began Thursday and
will continue through Saturday.
By focusing on the intersection
between sexual identities and
other factors, such as race, the
conference aims to change the
conversation on how sex and jus-
tice are intertwined.
The conference will focus on
intersectionality, a feminist soci-
ological theory that examines
how institutions, such as gen-
der, race and sexual orientation,
are connected. The theory holds
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INDEX N EW S ......................... 2 A RT S .............................5
Vol. CXXII, No. 24 AP NEWS .....................3 SPORTS....... ........6
@212TheichiganDaily OPINION.....................4 CLASSIFIEDS...............6