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September 25, 2012 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2012-09-25

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~Ile Lidigan 0ailj
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Ann Arbor, Michigan



UHS still
adapting to
no walk-ins

Michael Steinberg, the legal director of the ACLU of Michigan speaks to students attending a mass meeting for the University's chapter of the American Civil
Liberties Union on Monday, For complete coverage of the meeting and the ACLU's voter registration plans see page 6.
Business scolproposes
a m
aCRad m1Cminor program

System works
to accomodate
students more
Daily StaffReporter
Since eliminating walk-in
services at University Health
Services this summer to cut
down on wait times and better
serve students, UHS officials
are continuing to transition into
implementation of the program
during the academic year.
The new policy, enacted on
May 13, requires students to
make an appointment to see
a UHS health specialist, and
no longer offers walk-in care
except in serious, circumstantial
cases. Though the system was
designed to more efficiently pro-
vide health care services to stu-
dents, UHS is still in the process
of getting accommodated with
the new system.
Since eliminating walk-in vis-
its, UHS director Robert Win-
field said UHS is still adjusting
to managing the larger student
body during the academic year,
as opposed to the lower popula-
tion of campus residents in the
summer when the program was
first launched.

"We really didn't have any
experience with the kind of
volume we see," Winfield said.
"During the summer and spring
it was really slow."
In addition to high demand
from patients, UHS is undergo-
ing personnel changes. Win-
field said six providers - which
accounts for a quarter of the
staff - are out of the office for
various reasons, or have recently
However, efforts are being
made to accommodate for the
school year's increase in demand
and to smooth the transition into
hiring new staff members.
"We are doing rapid cycle
quality improvement, which is
if we find something that's not
working, within a week we try
and fix it," Winfield said. "We
tweak the schedule or the way
the waiting room is working."
Winfield said the high volume
of walk-in demands coupled
with low satisfactioni with the
waiting experience led to the
change in service offerings to
"The outcome of the larger
walk-in efforts of the past two
years resulted in the inability
to control the distribution dur-
ing the day, and more and.more
people would be coming in in
the afternoons or late mornings
and we simply couldn't handle
See UHS, Page 7


nor has been in ness has become increasingly
evelopment for To account for the mounting
interest in a business educa-
ore than a year tion, the Ross School of Busi-
ness has been developing a
By DANIELLE minor program for the past
STOPPELMANN year. The school, which has
Daily StaffReporter already created a core curricu-
lum for the minor, is currently
r many students enter- sending proposals to all of the
n uncertain job market, University's other schools and
g a background in busi- colleges for approval and it is

expected to start being offered
as soon as next school year.
The aim of the proposed
minor is to complement a stu-
dent's degree by integrating
a business education, Lynn
Wooten, the associate dean of
undergraduate programs at the
Business School, said.
If adopted, she said the
minor will target the high
demand for business courses
from non-business students

and will be helpful for students
as they pursue future degrees
and various professions:
"We have such a high qual-
ity BBA program, we have great
students at the University of
Michigan, we wanted to have
a minor program for students
who don't want to major in
business, but they think their
careers or interests may need.
to have some knowledge in
See MINOR, Page 7

. For
ing a

oe 0,4
Survey: Local officials
split on state EFM law


rd School study ingto a survey released Monday
by the Center for Local, State
ays 38 percent and Urban Policy at the Ford
School of Public Policy.
f state leaders The poll, released as part of
the fall 2012 Michigan Public
cUpport policy Policy Survey, reported that
38 percent of local leaders sup-
By DANIELLE port the law, 30 percent oppose
STOPPELMANN it, 21 percent are neutral and 11
Daily StaffReporter percent are unsure about their
cal government officials The controversial policy -
s Michigan do not agree on passed in March 2011 as Public
ate's contested emergency Act 4 - gives the state govern-
cial manager law, accord- ment the power to appoint

emergency managers to local
governments and school dis-
tricts experiencing economic
crisis. It was suspended on Aug.
8, because its constitutionality
will be decided on Nov. 6 as one
of six ballot initiatives before
Michigan voters.
Republican Gov. Rick Snyder
said in a video on his blog the
emergency manager law has
helped local governments, add-
ing that the policy has improved
with certain additions like the
early warning system, which
See EMF, Page 7

the st

Rushees stand outside the Delta Delta Delta shrority as they wait to go in during rush last Wednesday evening.
Record number of women
rush Panhellenic sororities

Coursera expands to 17 new schools

Online courses education website Coursera.
Coursera announced last
allows for greater. week that the additional uni-
versities - including Berklee
participation College of Music, the University
of Maryland, College Park and
By BEN ATLAS the University of Melbourne in
For the Daily Australia - have joined in the
organization's mission to pro-
Students wishing to expand vide free education to individu-
their education beyond a physi- als worldwide. There are now
cal university campus now have 33 participating institutions.
more options, as 17 universities The website allows professors
recently joined the free online at participating universities to

The Daily's editorial board believes
Coursera will give more people
access to higher education.
>>'See Opinioni, Page 4
create open online courses in
their areas of expertise.
The University was one
of four original participat-
ing institutions when Cours-
era launched in April. Martha
Pollack, the University's vice
provost for academic and bud-
getary affairs, said the Univer-
See COURSERA, Page 6

More bids will
be given to
accomodate for the
increase in students
Daily StaffReporter
During this year's recruit-
ment process, current members
of Greek Life found an even larg-
er sea of women lining up on the
lawns of their sorority houses

than in years past.
LSA senior Laura Raines, the
vice president of public relations
for the University's Panhellenic
Association, said the number of
students registered for Panhel-
lenic recruitment - a process
consisting of four sets of events
over the span of three weeks and
culminating in the addition of a
new pledge class to teach soror-
ity - grew by about 50 to 100
more women compared to last
Raines said she has noticed a
trend of increasing participation

in recruitment over the past few
"We're just really excited
that more people decided to go
through recruitment," Raines
said. "We're expecting a larger
pledge class this year as well."
Panhellenic sororities will
give out more bids this year,,
which quells the 'assumption
that more women involved in
recruitment will create a more
competitive environment for
To ensure that a fair amount


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