The Michigan Daily - Monday, September 24, 2012 - 5A The poetry behind those three little words Mastering introsuection T here's never a worse time to fall in love than whenever you do. You become painfully aware of all your shortcomings, all the times you don't make your bed, comb your hair or check your teeth for food. It's a messy, weird ride. Things ANNA only get SADOVSKAYA weirder the longer you stay on: All of a sudden, it might feel strange to have a Tuesday night to yourself. A text that reads "Hey dood" makes you happy. Certain songs make you sigh. You're vaguely crazy and you know it - and the weirdest part is, almost everyone wants their slice of this insane cake, and to eat it too. No one really knows what's going on, ever. Falling in love is a lot like a rowdy game of "red light, green light" that starts and stops as unexpectedly and sloppily as a four-year-old on a sugar high. "I just. She's just so ... I mean ...You know?" Yeah man, the thing is, I do know. But she does not. Put- ting feelings into words comes as naturally as engineering the Mars rover landing, for some. And for whatever reason, "I like you 'cause you're like ... pretty," isn't romantic enough. And it should be - you skipped going to Meijer so you could spend r 20 extra minutes with her. You sacrificed bacon for her. You love her. Chivalry might be dead, but you better hope that you can Frankenstein a bit of it for the sake of your relationship. Where's the poetry? If Univer- sity relationships were albums, most would be bumpingto Lil' Wayne's lyrics. Highly quixotic. "I wish he'd just tell me how he feels," say all girls every- where. But what do they know? They're equally lost when it comes to working out how they feel - just much more vocal about the process. And where there are girls loudly proclaim- ing their indecisive decisions every hour, there are lost boys meandering through the battle- field of love. There's no foolproof plan to follow. There's no "Say This To Make Her Happy" book - but, thankfully, there's poetry. Poets are wounded souls, peo- ple that experience feelings on another level: Everything makes just enough sense to be beautiful and not enough to be painless. So rather than drive themselves 'crazy with emotion, they've let it out in the form of poetry, yours to quote and take hints from. Shakespeare wrote 154 son- nets. William Butler Yeats meditated on love and loss. John Keats was one of the main romantic poets of his time. All are waiting for you in the near- est library. "I am not artsy" is no longer an excuse. A long time ago, someone somewhere decided that feelings and art go hand- in-hand, and that unless you're a starving-artist hipster, it was weird to express yourself in an artful way. Painting the person you love a picture? Cute when you're eight, a bit strange at 18. "Roses are red, violets are blue, it's your birthday, I like you," doesn't quite make the cut for meaningful irerse. Roses are red, Violets are blue, 'Sup dude? Let's hang out. It's not about reinventing yourself into the next e. e. Cum- mings - it's about reading something profoundly relat- able. Mussed up musings aside, relationships center on being in touch with the emotional half of things, and expressing that is difficult when you're unsure of how you feel. Read poetry to connect with something insight- ful, to witness sentiment playing out properly, to finally see your angst put to words. If there ever comes a time when it's appropriate to say, "hut, soft! What light through yonder window breaks," take it. Use it. Nail that line and feel proud to have used Shakespeare to your advantage. But if there's ever a time you start fearing for your lexicon and stop under- standing how to explain a par- ticular thought, crack open "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" and settle down for some light, cathartic reading. Sadovskaya is making love potion number nine. To assist, e-mail Seymour Hoffman, Phoenix dominate Anderson's latest ByAKSHAY SETH Daily Arts Writer Paul Thomas Anderson is the closest thing we have to an estab- lished, proven and, above all, dedicated art- house director. All the tell-tale signs are there The Master - we frequently find him bitch- At Quality16 ing about how and Rave it's a pain to The Weinstein secure any form Company of funding, he casually curses in the middle of interviews and lastly, he's made arguably the best pieces of American cinema in the past decade. The most significant of those is "There Will Be Blood," a spellbinding epic with which Anderson was able to force his audience into the depraved mind of a maniac. And as we sat there and watched, Anderson slowly suf- focated us with the tension and unease he quietly used to weave together his masterpiece. In short, it was the type of filmmak- ing that changes one's perception of what a movie can do. Ander- son's latest film, "The Master," never reaches the heights he was able to achieve in "Blood." It is in most senses a weaker film, but nevertheless still an amazing movie that has the capability to engross and challenge a patient audience. The movie opens on a shot of Freddie Quell (Joaquin Phoe- nix, "Gladiator") pretending to have sex with a sand sculpture "Oh, we know soylent green is peopleJoin us? on a military base in post-WWII Guam. After a few psychiatric evaluations, it's made clear that Quell is a very disturbed indi- vidual battling with alcoholism - not even the most significant of his many self-destructive tenden- cies. As Quell struggles to come to terms with the normality of life after living in a state of constant war, he begins making his own alcohol - by combining paint thinner with hard liquor. Ultimately, he catches the interest of Lancaster Dodd (Phil- lip Seymour Hoffman, "Mon- eyball"), a charismatic and magnetically compelling indi- vidual who claims to know the secret to curing Quell of his des- perate dependence on destruc- tive behavior. Dodd peddles his "process" to a cult of followers only identified as "The Cause." As the film gradually hones in on the volatile relationship between Quell and Dodd, Anderson lets go of the reins and allows the actors to dictate the flow of the movie. It's also at this point that "The Master" becomes probably the best movie released so far this year. Mitch like "There Will Be Blood" was Daniel Day-Lewis's film, "The Master" belongs to Phoenix and Seymour Hoffman. The performances they deliver are nothing short of extraordi- nary and serve as perfect foils to each other. On the one hand, there's Phoenix's visceral, car- nally violent embodiment of a man tormented by his own inept- itudes. At its core, the rawness that Phoenix brings to his por- trayal of Freddie Quell gives him the emotional composure of a parentless child or caged animal. On the other end of the spec- trum is Lancaster Dodd, a man so in love with the idea of being in absolute control that he attempts to use Quell as proof that his "process" is valid. When things quickly get out of hand, Dodd's fractured personality surfaces and Seymour Hoffman subtly molds it in a way that incites deep feelings of self-doubt in anyone watching. That ability to force audience members to look inward and question the self is classic Paul Thomas Anderson, who has made a career out of doing character studies of deeply troubled men. Even if it isn't a masterpiece, it has what we've come to expect from Anderson - a deep and thoroughly fleshed-out vision that grips and rattles our core until we see things a little dif- ferently. And when all's said and done, that's what meaningful cin- ema is really about. 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