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September 21, 2012 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2012-09-21

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Ann Arbor, Michigan
Regents OK
South Quad

Friday, September 21, 2012


Coleman also gets
3 percent raise,
donates it back to
the University
Daily StaffReporter
The University's efforts to
revamp residence halls on cam-
pus have continued with the
approval of a $60-million reno-
vation of South Quad Residence
In addition to approving
updates to the residence hall, the
University's Board of Regents
voted to raise the salary of Uni-
versity President Mary Sue Cole-
man and discussed the impact
of Coursera technology in the
classroom during its monthly
meeting Thursday afternoon.
Stephen Forrest, the University's
vice president for research, also
reported that the University's
research budget was increased
by 3 percent this year, a historic
The 106,700 square-foot
renovation of South Quad will
increase the size of the dining
hall, the upgrade the restrooms,
improve study lounges and add
more of study spaces throughout
the building.
A majority of the project's
funds will be devoted to util-

ity upgrades including a new air
conditioning and heating system
and improved wired and wireless
Internet access. Timothy Slot-
tow, the University's executive
vice president and chief financial
officer, said the renovation will
involve a "total revamp" of the
first two floors.
In an interview before the
meeting, E. Royster Harper, the
University's vice president for
student affairs, said the project
would be similar to previous
renovations in other residence
halls, noting that improving the
student experience while pre-
serving the history of the build-
ing is key.
"In our heritage halls, because
some of the buildings are so icon-
ic and so beautiful, we're really
investing in them, and investing
heavy in the infrastructure,"
Harper said. "The majority of
the money has been in the infra-
structure, in the wiring, in the
HVAC systems."
According to Harper, the ren-
ovation of East Quad Residence
Hall is still on schedule and slat-
ed to re-open in time for the fall
2013 semester. However, closing
South Quad at the same time as
East Quad's reopening will result
in a net loss of 300 beds in the
University Housing system.
"We'llbein thiskind ofcrunch
for several more years," Harper
said. "We've been doing pretty
See REGENTS, Page 3

The School of Art & Design's name change was announced at the Penny Stamps lecture series at the Michigan Theater Thursday,
Stamps gve.325 "u
to School of Art & Desig
Regents rename ofthichool of Art and Design and Desi n in 1974, and-o6nd- -at '' gallery, profes-
to the Penny W. Stamps School of the largest gifts to any art sorships and an expansion of
school in honor of of Art and Design to recognize school in the country. a scholarship program within
a $32.5 million donation to the According to Jerry May, the School of Art and Design.
Penny W. Stamps school, the largest in its history. the University's vice president University President Mary
In addition to the donation for development, the money Sue Coleman wrote in a state-.
By PETER SHAHIN from the Penny and Roe Stamps provided by the Stamps and ment that the donation plays a
Daily StaffReporter Foundation, the University will matched by the University critical role in positively mold-
contribute $7.5 million, for a will largely be used to sustain ing the future experiences of
The University's Board of total of $40 million. The dona- existing programs, including students.
Regents unanimously voted tion is the biggest since the the Penny W. Stamps Distin- "The depth of the Stamps'
Thursday to change the name foundation of the School of Art guished Visitors Series, the See STAMPS, Page 3

Gordon asks court for
-. mental exam of Shirvell

attorney filed
request in federal
court Monday
For theDaily
In the latest twist in a long
series of legal proceedings,
Bloomfield Hills, Mich. lawyer

Deborah Gordon requested a
court-ordered mental exami-
nation of Andrew Shirvell,
the former Michigan assistant
attorney general.
The federal court filing,
submitted on Monday, is in
response to an ongoing defa-
mation lawsuit filed by Shirvell
against Gordon. In August,
Shirvell was ordered to pay
$4.5 million in damages to
Chris Armstrong, a University
alum and the first openly gay

president of the University's
student government. Gordon
represented Armstrong in his
case against Shirvell, which
was filed in response to ablog
he authored attacking Arm-
strong's "radical homosexual
Shirvell appealed the case
filed by Armstrong, and pro-
ceeded to file a defamation law-
suit against Gordon, claiming
that Gordon's statements to the
See SHIRVELL, Page 3

'West Wing' cast reunites in
commercial for Law professor

Michelle Mirowski, program coordinator at the Leslie Science & Nature Center, discusses the eastern screech owl with
students during Earthfest on the Diag Thursday.
Earthfest lauds sustainability

Annual event
community efforts
Daily StaffReporter
Not even chilly, rainy weather
could put a damper on EarthFest
2012: Party for the Planet, one of

the University's largest events
The rain cleared just in time
for students and organizations
to gather on the Diag to celebrate
Mother Earth at the University's
annual sustainability festival on
Thursday afternoon, which is
organized by students and the
Office of Campus Sustainability.
Each of the 50 booths addressed
one of four main categories relat-

ed to the goals set by University
President Mary Sue Coleman for
the University to achieve by 2025
- community awareness, climate
action, waste prevention and
healthy environments.
This year's celebration fea-
tured booths from student
organizations - including LSA
Student Government, Central
Student Government and Stu-

running for state
Supreme Court
Daily StaffReporter
The cast of "The West Wing"
has a new policy crisis: getting
voters to fill out the nonpartisan
ballot on Election Day.

In a four-minute political
advertisement released Thurs-
day on YouTube, the show's
cast, including Martin Sheen,
Bradley Whitford, Allison
Janney and Richard Schiff,
encourages voters to fill out
the nonpartisan section of the
ballot when voting on Nov. 6.
One version of the advertise-
ment points specifically to the
Michigan Supreme Court race
and mentions Bridget Mary

McCormack, the associate dean
of clinical affairs at the Univer-
sity Law School and a candidate
for the Supreme Court.
The advertisement was,
in part, due to the initiative
of McCormack's sister, Mary
McCormack, an actress who
played deputy national secu-
rity adviser Kate Harper on the
show during its last three sea-
See WEST WING, Page 3


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INDEX NEWS ..............
Vol. CXXII,No.14 SUDOKU............
©2012The Michigan Daily OPINION...........

..2 ARTS .......................5
.3 SPORTS .......................6
...4 CLASSIFIEDS................6


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