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September 20, 2012 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 2012-09-20

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2B - Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

In this feature, Daily Arts writers will give their endorsements
for the arts you need to experience to help you deal with current events.
"Inside Out and Back Again"
In Thanhha Lai's "Inside Out and Back Again,"
10-year-old HA is forced to move from war-torn
Saigon, leave behind her home and beloved papa-
ya tree and trade it in for Alabama. Lai's novel-in-
verse evokes child-like musings on war, life and
growing up. This National Book Award winner
is an enjoyable and insightful read, even for busy
H R s college students.
I'm Sorry
- The Neighbourhood
No, there isn't a Wikipedia page for this band
- not quite yet. But don't be surprised The Neigh-
bourhood starts bumping up festival lineups and
radio playlists. The ingredients - soulful melo-
dies, a Neon Trees-caliber voice and lines quick
enough for blue-eyed hip hop - all mix together
THE [R]EVOLVE G ROV E for one smooth pour.
ym "When Harry Met Sally"
The sight of leaves first changingcolors immedi-
ately evokes the cover of Nora Ephron's now-clas-
sic "When Harry Met Sally." Countless rom-coms
and pop songs have tried to define love, but we all
know it's Sally Albright ordering a pie. It might be
hard to imagine a time when romantic comedies
were refreshing and intelligent, but Ephron's reign
marked such an era, and this film is the crown
"The Last Story"
Mistwalker's Wii debut is a classic yet innova-
tive action RPG that feels at home with the Wii's
non-traditional controller. The creator of the
famed "Final Fantasy" series teams up with the
series's renowned music composer to deliver an
atmospheric and intense gameplay experience
with high production values and demanding com-
bat as you follow a group of hired guns sneaking
MISTWALKER and stormingtheir way through assignments.

Daily Arts writers go
against the famous
idiom, choose a
random book and
make assumptions
about its contents
based on the cover art.
she watched him fall overboard,
and float up moments later, dead
as a doornail. Juniper lunges for
him, but it's too late. As she climbs
aboard the now-empty sailboat,
she realizes there's only one thing
left for her to do: Leave Eric and
start life abroad.
Five months later, Juniper is
happily adjusting to life in Monte
Carlo, when a mysterious letter
arrives to jar her back to her pre-
vious life.
"I know everything. Come back,
or I'll tell everyone. -E"
Will Juniper return to face her
fears and endure the ramifica-
tions mysterious E has planned
for her, or will she keep running?
Find out in Ursula Hegi's novel
"The Worst Thing I've Done."

It all started the day Juniper
Haze decided to go sailing. She
wasn't particularly fond of water
or sails, but when dreamy Eric
Ritter asked her to jump on his
father's sailboat and sail away
with him, of course Juniper
agrees. She wanted mystery, love,
swimming with dolphins. Instead
she got a face full of sea foam as
she was catapulted overboard
during a drunken night of sailing,
right after the two got hitched in a
small, port-city-based ceremony.
Now Juniper is stuck in the
middle of the ocean, white dress
and all. After floating on her back
for a few hours, Juniper comes to
the realization that everything
in her life has always felt a little
like drowning: Her broken fam-
ily, with a cliched alcoholic for a

father and an avoidance-prone
mother, didn't provide for a good
childhood. Her best friend, Lilly,
was prettier, more accomplished
and better at her job than June.
Everything was a struggle, even
her 13-hour marriage to Eric, who
was currently searching aimlessly
around the ocean for his wife.
It was there, in the 13th hour,
that Juniper decided to turn her
life around. And that's when it
happened: the worst thing she's
ever done. She didn't mean to do
it - as soon as she saw Eric com-
ing towards her, green as the
seaweed, Juniper panicked and
dove underwater, surfacing 100
feet away, watching Eric scream
her name. Juniper wasn't sure
what made her do it, but just as
she was planning on yelling back,




"Lincoln" should make any
cinephile tremor. Without see-
ing a sliver
of footage,
can't help but [jniln
gallop toward T
fiery sunsets Tsachstsne
of filmmaking
immortality.with the promise of
the true Master, Stephen Spiel-
berg, combining with Daniel
never-leaves-the-set Day-Lew-
is. This must be a movie-movie.
Sadly, the trailer doesn't do
the promise justice.Why though
... why? Day-Lewis is picture
and pitch-perfect as a haunted
Lincoln. Spielberg rockets his
already formidable composition
toward genius heights (pause
the trailer at any moment - that
is aesthetics).
But something is off.
The trailer too easily brings
to mind "Amistad" and "War

Horse." These are great movies,
but Spielberg would do better to
reference their visuals, nottheir
content. And, it's the content
that perplexes.: No lines of dia-
logue are particularly stirring,
even if they are delivered by
shakingcharacters. The conflict

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seems worn, predictable.
Thankfully, it's just a preview.
While things seem tired now,
we should retain hope. This is
Spielberg. This is Day-Lewis.
This needs to be a good film; we
won't accept anythingless.

Christina Aguilera refers to
her latest single, "Your Body,"
as the rebirth of her singing
career, and
it is exactly
that an
Xtina song
reborn into Your Body
the world of Christina
basic music. Aguilera
The writ-
ing and pro- RCA
duction was
mainly contributed by Max
Martin, the hit-maker whom
labels insist on hiring for nearly
every pop artistnowadays. Late-
ly, however, Martin seems to be
the king of songs with fast initial
sales followed by an equally fast
burnout, and "Your Body" will
be no exception.
The same hard-hitting
beats and synthesized vocal
"Oooo"'s - nearly identical to
the sound in Martin's other
work "One More Night" by
"NTSF:SD:SUV::" is really
just an excuse for a bunch of
funny people to screw around
with police
procedural **
tropes until
something NTSF:SD:SUV::
or some- Seasonfour,
one gets EpisodeSix
shot - usu- "What-A-Mole"
ally both Adult Swim
and always
"Whac-A-Mole" demon-
strates that even when the
writers have to go deep in the
back catalogue to come up with
something to subvert, they still
come up with somethingridicu-
lous and hilarious.
The trope being decon-
structed this week is that of the
nefarious, obstructive and nasty
Internal Affairs agent Natural-
ly, the nothing if not agreeable
Ellie Kemper is cast as IA Agent
Fitzpatrick, who's assigned to







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