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September 20, 2012 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 2012-09-20

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The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Thursday, September 20, 2012 - 5A

The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Thursday, September 20, 2012 - 5A

From Page 1A
for the 2012-2013 academic year
minimal - at 2.8 percent for in-
state students and 3.5 percent for
out-of-state students - Fitzgerald
said the University has focused
on more efficient spending over
the past decade.
He emphasized cost saving
. measures, such as energy effi-
ciency and smart purchases, in
assisting the University to bet-
ter manage funds. In 2003, the
University embarked on the first
phase of a cost-containment pro-
gram that saved $135 million. In
" it's second phase, the program
is expected to save an additional
$100 million, and with the third
phase ending in fiscal year 2017,
the total savings are expected to
be $355 million,
"Cost cutting is simply a part of
the budgeting process," Fitzger-
ald said.
From Page 1A
on the importance of economic
affairs in the upcomingelection.
"I think the number one issue
for me is definitely the economy,"
Jankowski said.
With September reports of
unemployment rates at 8.2 per-
cent, students have continued to
express anxiety about the inabil-
ity to find jobs in their field after
graduation, a critical issue for
"The most important thing for
me is to be able to find a job and
have a successful future," Boot
Russ Hayes, an LSA junior and
member of College Republicans,
said a candidate's stance on how
to improve the job market is a
vital consideration point for him.
"I'm more interested in vot-
ing for someone who's at least
nominally interested in improv-
ing my generation's job prospects
and presenting a real plan that
can resolve the debt the previ-
ous generation racked up," Hayes
Though some student Republi-
cans said they have accepted the
social stance of the party plat-
From Page 1A
mining the charges against me to
From Page 1A
advising for students enrolled
in the University's nursing pro-
According to Coleman-Burns,
the goal of GENESIS is to pro-
vide more opportunities for stu-
dents from underrepresented
groups to earn a nursing degree
and increase the number of
minority students matriculating
into nursing schools.
Nursing Dean Kathleen
Potempa wrote in an e-mail
interview that GENESIS is
essential for maintaining
diversity and a high standard
of excellence, in the Nursing

"The University of Michigan
School of Nursing is committed
to graduating nursing profes-
sionals who represent and will
provide world-class care for
people of all backgrounds and
cultures," she wrote. "The GEN-
ESIS program is an excellent
means to finding and retaining
students with the potential to
achieve great success."
In fall 2011, the Nursing
School enrolled 916 females
and 64 males, according to
the Office of the Registar. The
school had 772 white students,
46 Black students, 48 Asian stu-

Fitzgerald also noted that
financial aid has been increasing
at almost double the rate of tuition
to accommodate for rising rates.
"We know lots of Michigan
families are struggling financial-
ly," he said.
Financial aid increased by 10.1
percent for the 2012-2013 aca-
demic year, to accommodate for
rising tuition rates. At the Univer-
sity's Board of Regents meeting in
June, University President Mary
Sue Coleman said the adminis-
tration has been dedicated to pro-
viding aid to struggling families.
"For four straight years now,
we have presented a financial
aid budget that covers the full
increase in tuition for our needi-
est students," Coleman said. "This
year's increase in financial aid will
come in the form of grants, not
loans, which helps reduce (the)
student debt burden."
Though the University will
receive 2 percent more in-state
aid than last year, it comes on the
form for this election, they added
they are hopeful for a change in
the GOP's position on certain
social issues in the future.
Hayes said the Republican
Party is evolving on social issues,
specifically by diversifying its
"We've got folks across the
spectrum representing the party
- look at Richard Tisei, who's
running for Congress in Massa-
chusetts," Hayes said. "He's a gay
Republican who's emphasized
his focus on representing the
people of Massachusetts, not on
being a caricature."
Zoey Kotzambasis - vice
president of the University of
Arizona's chapter of the College
Republicans who was recently
featured in The New York Times
as an example of an emerging
Republican voter - said while
she is socially liberal, she is fis-
cally conservative, which is why
she will be voting for Romney in
"The biggest issues that I align
with (Romney) on are primarily
economic ...job creation, and also
taxes and fiscal responsibility,
especially spending," Kotzamba-
sis said in an interview.
Kotzambasis suggested it
might benefit the Republican

heels of a 15-percent cut to higher
education in 2011. State Rep. Jeff
Irwin (D-Ann Arbor) said its crit-
ical that universities in Michigan
continue to see a greater increase
in state aid.
"University support in Michi-
gan is a downward trend. Rather
than diminishing support, we
should be increasing it," Irwin
According to Irwin, ideologi-
cal battles in the Michigan House
of Representatives mirror the
struggles fought at the national
level, noting that he believes
Republicans have made it clear
that education is their lowest pri-
"It impairs the academic free-
dom of colleges and universities
and diminishes their value to our
communities. That's a big mis-
take," Irwin said. "Those kinds
of attacks on the economics of
the University - all that will stop
if Democrats take control of the
Party to reconsider its social
"I don't think that it is right for
(Republicans) to champion free-
dom and liberty in the economic
sector and the private sector
with businesses, but to not also
champion that in social issues,"
Kotzambasis said. "I think it's
kind of contradictory. If you're
championing freedom, it should
be in every aspect."
LSA junior Margot McGowan
Staebler, who identifies as a Dem-
ocrat, said social issues are very
important to her this election
year and will play a significant
part in her decision to vote for
"In fact, that's probably my
biggest set of issues with the
Romney-Ryan ticket," Staebler
said. "I believe in a woman's right
to choose ... it should be a per-
sonal choice, not a government-
mandated policy."
Staebler said she disagreed
with nearly every social stance
Romney has taken and expects
Obama to earn the majority of
the youth vote.
"I think that social issues,
such as LGBTQ rights, abortion
law, etc. will play a big role in
this election, particularly with
the youth vote," Staebler said.

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney waves to supporters before a speech in Miami on Wednesday.
Romney claims support
of the 100 percent'

be completelyinvalid," Jankowski
wrote. "Today's decision success-
fully halted a power grab by the
members of the executive board."
Several other members of the
dents and 35 Hispanic students.
Coleman-Burns said many
high school counselors are not
knowledgeable about the track
to receiving a nursing degree,
and the program is designed
to combat the lack of aware-
ness. She added she believes it is
essential for prospective nurs-
ing students to pursue a college
preparatory curriculum in mid-
dle and high school.
"Too often if a young person
indicates an interest in nursing,
they are diverted from a college
prep program, with lots of math
and science and writing skills,
to a vocational experience,
which doesn't help the kind of
talent that we need going into
the 21st century," she said.
Once enrolled in the program,
students are supported through
peer study groups, mentoring
and cultural competence train-
ing to help them succeed at the
University and in their careers.
"The issue becomes the
retention and progress in gradu-
ation rates of students who may
come from communities that ill-
prepared them to compete suc-
cessfully with their peers from
the entering freshman class,"
Coleman-Burns said.
Nursing junior Jocelyn Dug-
gan said she thinks GENESIS is
a beneficial tool to help students
understand and succeed in the

University's chapter of College
Republican declined to comment
on the verdict, despite multiple
interview attempts on Wednes-
University's rigorous nursing
"It is important, especially
with the health care shortage,
to be able help recruit and pre-
pare students for the program,"
she said.
Coleman-Burns said that of
the 75 students who have par-
ticipated in GENESIS since it
started, 66 have graduated.
"The true test of our commit-
ment to the education endeavor
is to see the students come out
with a degree," she said.
She added that furthering
diversity in the nursing field is
a key aspect of the project, as
research shows that students
who come from rural or disad-
vantaged communities are like-
ly to return to those places once
they receive their degrees, and
can help reduce health problems
that exist there.
"When we bring in persons
who have, perhaps, a vested
interest in rural communi-
ties and serving and doing the
research that will improve the
health of the communities they
come from, it improves the sci-
ence that we are well known for
here at the University," Cole-
man-Burns said. "That really
is how diversity does inform
and improve the excellence and
quality of the scholarly science
that we do at the University."

GOP candidate
tries to recover
from exposed gaffe
MIAMI (AP) - Facing tough
questions abouthis commitment
to all Americans, Republican
presidential nominee Mitt Rom-
ney declared Wednesday that
his campaign supports "the 100
percent in America."
Romney was responding at
a televised forum to questions
sparked by his remarks last
spring that, as a candidate, "my
job is notto worry about" the 47
percent of Americans who don't
earn enough to pay income
taxes and are likely to support
President Barack Obama. He
also described them as people
who are "dependent upon gov-
ernment, who believe that they
are victims, who believe they
are entitled" to a wide range of
In the days since the maga-
zine Mother Jones posted the
secretly taped comments to
donors, the Romney campaign
has tried to fend off criticism
that the Republican candidate
was writing off nearly half the
country or was disdainful of
Earlier in the day, Romney
tried to draw a distinction
between himself and Obama.
"The question of this campaign
is not who cares about the poor
and the middle class. I do. He
From Page 1A
conditions, carriers could have
problems," Moseley said.
Genetic counseling is recom-
mended for parents of carriers so
they are informed about the pos-
sible risks of conditions.
Sickle cell anemia is character-
ized by abnormal hemoglobin in
red blood cells, which causes the
cells to form a sickle, or crescent
shape, and inhibits the delivery of
oxygen throughout the body.
Cystic fibrosis is a disease that
causes mucus to build up in the
lungs and block individuals' air-
ways and pancreatic ducts lead-
ing to digestive problems.
Despite the seriousness of the
sickle cell gene's implications,
many parents of newborns carry-
ing the trait do not receive coun-I
Oseprns nnwon

does," Romney said at an Atlan-
ta fundraiser. "The question is
who can help the poor and the
middle class. I can. He can't."
Romney has said he was talk-
ing on the video about support
for his campaign, a point he
returned to Wednesday at the
Miami forum hosted by the
Spanish-language TV network
"I know that I'm not going
to get 100 percent of the vote
and my campaign will focus on
those people we think we can
bring in to support me, but this
is a campaign about helping
people who need help," Rom-
ney said.
"My campaign is about the
100 percent in America," he
The forum, which was
broadcast nationally in Spanish
from a swing state that could
help decide the presidential
contest, was an opportunity to
court Hispanics. That growing
voting bloc overwhelmingly
supported President Barack
Obama four years ago.
However, the televised ses-
sion initially focused on the
caught-on-tape remarks, the
latest in a string of missteps on
domestic and foreign policy for
the Republican candidate seven
weeks out from Election Day.
Speaking to Romney in
Spanish, the Univision hosts
peppered him with questions
about the video before turning
to his reluctance to clarify his
sickle cell anemia screening has
been in place since the 1970s,
whereas cystic fibrosis screening
is fairly new in comparison.
"My theory is that the biggest
issue is that cystic fibrosis is in
front of the doctor because it's
newer," she said.
She added that people generally
believe African Americans already
know about sickle cell disease, so
doctors aren't referring to them
for counseling as often.
Moseley found that there is
often a lack of sickle cell coun-
selors available to accept new
patients, causing inefficient han-
dling of patients that may need
more counseling due to the pos-
sible severity of their condition.
While many patients with
newborns carrying the sickle cell

immigration policy and to his
support for Arizona's contro-
versial immigration law.
Romney backed away from
his support earlier in the year
for policies that would promote
"self-deportation" of illegal
immigrants. He said he sup-
ported policies that might give
legal status to young illegal
immigrants who serve in the
military or pursue higher edu-
"We're not going to round
up people around the country
and deport them," he said. "We
need to provide a long-term
He declined to detail his
solution, despite being pressed
by the hosts.
Romney assailed Obama
for failing to deliver cam-
paign promises to overhaul the
nation's immigration system.
"He never tried to fix the
immigration system," Romney
said of the Democratic incum-
bent. "I will actually reform
the immigration system and
make it work for the people of
The Obama campaign
responded by arguing that His-
panic voters have reason not to
trust Romney.
"On critical issues, he con-
tinued to refuse to answer any
of the tough questions or pro-
vide any specifics on what he'd
do as president," Obama cam-
paign official Stephanie Cutter
said in a statement.
trait do receive counseling, 20
percent of those patients are only
counseled in doctors' offices.
Moseley added that genetic
counselors are needed in these
situations to give more long-term
guidance to the patients and fill
the gaps when doctors may not
have the time.
While Moseley is still search-
ing for the reason for why there
is a genetic counseling disparity
between the two cases, she said
it does not seem likely that it is a
racial issue.
She added that keeping
patients informed is exceedingly
important, and doctors need to
take an active interest in carriers
of the sickle cell trait and cystic
fibrosis and ask their patients to
seek counseling.


with tht
more oft
it couns


vhile parents f newborns ---
e less threatening cystic
gene receive counseling
en. Dare to Dream
ey said this gap in genet-
eling may exist because Student Start-up Grants
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