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September 18, 2012 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2012-09-18

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Regents to
South Quad

LSA senior Nikole Hampton locks up her bike in front of Angell Hall on Monday.
Bike rental proglram launches

Board to also vote
on MRI machine,
updated elevators in
Daily StaffReporter
Though the renovation of East
Quad Residence Hall is only just
underway, the University's Board
of Regents is slated to vote on a $60
million renovation to South Quad
Residence Hall at its meeting on
In their first meeting of the aca-
demic year, the regents will also
be discussing a proposal for a new
MRI machine within the Univer-
sity of Michigan Health System
and renovations on elevators in
the Modern Language Building, in
additionto infrastructureupgrades
at the Willard H. Dow Laboratory.
Built in 1951, South Quad is the
current home of many student ath-
letes and the University's Honors
Program. Though renovations to
the structure will be extensive, the

changes won'tbe quite asoverarch-
ing as thoseto other residence halls.
According to a communication to
the regents written by Timothy
Slottow, the University's executive
vice president and chief financial
officer, less than one-third of the
building's 390,000 square feet will
be affected by the project.
Slottow wrote that the renova-
tion would impact about 106,700
square feet for expansion of the
dining hall and renovation of rest-
rooms throughout the building.
The plans also call for the reorga-
nization ofsome community spaces
and the addition of study spots,
music practice rooms and modern-
ized lounges.
He also wrote that the plan
would include new heating and
cooling systems, fire suppression
systems and improved wireless
Internet access. If approved, the
project will be funded by Univer-
sity Housing's budget.
Slottow did not indicate a pro-
jected start date for the project. If
the motion to consider the renova-
tions is approved by the regents, it
will allow the University to begin
See SOUTH QUAD, Page 8

Bicycles available launched Blue Bikes, a program
that provides bicycle rentals
for rent on for students, faculty and staff.
Available through Outdoor
semseter, short- Adventures - a Recreational
bai Sports organization that pro-
term basis vides outdoor equipment,class-
es and trips for students - the
By MARIE TYSMAN service is part of University
For theDaily President Mary Sue Coleman's
initiative to reduce the Univer-
Students struggling to make sity's carbon emissions by 30
it to class on time now have a percent by 2025.
new environmentally friendly The University currently has
way to avoid being tardy. 15 bikes available to rent per
This fall, the University semester and an additional 15

to rent temporarily for days or
weekends. Rentals cost $5 per
day, $11 per weekend or $75 per
semester, and borrowers are
given a lock and a helmet with
their rental.
Renters are responsible for
replacement costs if equipment
is stolen or broken, but general
maintenance will be done free
of charge, according to Dan
Marshall, assistant director of
Outdoor Adventures.
The program is a collabora-
tion between the University's
Parking & Transportation Ser-

vices, the Office of Campus
Sustainability and the Uni-
versity Planner's Office. Steve
Dolen, the executive direc-
tor of PTS, said the partner-
ship between the departments
and Rec Sports was critical to
developing the programzting.
that Rec Sports already had the
infrastructure needed to lease
the equipment.
According to Dolen, a major-
ity of the funding came from
Parking & Transportation Ser-
vices, with additional funding
See BIKE, Page 8

'U' works to inform campus
of medical amnesty policy ~

By A
into law
igan res
21 imm
hol law

ident advisers another individual while inebri-
ined to share While current freshmen are
well versed in the law through
)rmation with informational programs held
during University orientation,
residents many returning students said
they didn't know about the law
LUSTEN HUFFORD and the protections it offers
aily StaffReporter them.
Kevin Mowers, the assistant
years of deliberation, director of student conduct for
can Gov. Rick Snyder University Housing, said all
a medical amnesty bill members of University Hous-
in June, granting Mich- ing's Resident Hall Staff, went
tidents under the age of through training on campus
unity from the state's that included two segments on
in Possession of Alco- medical amnesty protocol.
if they seek emergency "We know that our students
help for themselves or are getting this information,"

Mowers said. "We want to pre-
pare our staff members to be
able to engage in the conversa-
Mowers said RAs are con-
tinuing to discuss the law with
residents casually, but there is
no explicit directive for the RAs
to tell all their residents about
medical amnesty.
He added that the law does
not change the role of RAs,
since their job has always been
to assess and record alcohol-
related incidents. He noted that
housing has informally followed
medical amnesty long before
the law was in place, though
students may meet with a hall
See AMNESTY, Page 8

New salsa dancing students receive instruction from LSA senior Celia Salazar during an MSalsa class on Monday.
Cultural understanding a focus
of translation theme semester


Council delays vote on housing trust
Also approved plated a resolution at length adding that some contributors,
to add to the city's affordable such as developers, would now
group to study city housing grant, the pool of provide housingunits.
money that allocates proceeds Some councilmembers
property sales from sales of city-owned prop- raised concerns that the hous-
erties toward cheaper homes ing market is too expensive and
By TAYLOR WIZNER for Ann Arbor residents. that development would be too
Daily StaffReporter The group eventually decid- costly. Councilmember Chris
ed to postpone a decision, Taylor (D-Ward 3) noted that
Ann Arbor City Council dis- pending a review by the bud- the council has outstanding
cussed a measure involving getary committee. debt from downtown develop-
housing and funding for Ann Councilmember Jane Lumm ments.
Arbor Fire Department ven- (I-Ward 2) began the discus- Councilmember Stephen
tures atits meeting on Tuesday sion by reminding the council Kunselman (D-Ward 3) said
night. that it has not contributed to he felt the program was mis-
Council members contem- the housing trust since 2009, See COUNCIL, Page8


Semesterly LSA get lost in translation.
Translation, this fall's LSA
program focuses theme semester, is focused on
language interpretation and
on language understanding different per-
spectives of the human condi-
interpretation tion. The theme is intended to
be a continuation of last winter's
By DANIELLE language theme and a bridge to
STOPPELMANN next winter's race-based theme,
DailyStaffReporter according to Yopie Prins, chair of
the Department of Comparative
At a University with approxi- Literature and co-director of the
mately 5,000 international stu- fall 2012 theme semester.
dents from over 120 countries, LSA departments are invited
sometimes things are bound to to submit theme semester ideas,

before a final decision is made by
the LSA dean's office. Through-
out the semester, the theme is
incorporated into the college's
departments, classes and student
Prins said the translation
team is encouraging student
participation through a variety
of mediums, including activi-
ties, contests, blogs, events and
games. Faculty members are also
teaching translation-themed
courses, such as the Compara-
tive Literature class "22 Ways

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