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September 14, 2012 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 2012-09-14

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2A - Friday, Septermber 14, 2012

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WHERE: Cardiovascular
WHEN: Tuesday at about
7:25 p.m.
WHAT: Pills were report-
edly stolen from a paient's
prescription bottle wbeo
be was receiving medical
treatment, University Police
reported. There are cur-
rently no suspects.
Wallet lifting
WHERE: Intramural
Sports Building
WHEN: Wednesday at
about 4:25 p.m.
WHAT: A wallet and keys
were allegedly stolen from
tbe secund flour weight
room, University Police
reported. They were later
found on the same day by
a custodian with all items
accounted for.

Dent and dash Library

WHERE: 1300 block of
Catherine Street
WHEN: Wednesday at
about 2:50 p.m0.
WHAT: A white sedan
backing out of a parking
space dented a white Uni-
versity van and drove off,
University Police reported.
There are no suspects or
surveillance footage.
Free speech
WHERE: The Diag
WHEN: Tuesday at about
12:45 p.m.
WHAT: A vocal man was
allegedly bothering pass-
ersby on the Diag, Univer-
sity Police reported. While
it is unknown what the man
was protesting, there were
around 100 students listen-
ing when officers arrived.
Me was allowed to continue.

WHAT: An event to get
acclimated with University
databases and accurate
search methods.
WHO: Teaching and Tech-
nology Collaborative
WHEN: Today from noon
to 1:30 p.m.
WHERE: Shapiro Under-
graduate Library
Film screening
WHAT: The first in a series
of Japanese films, featur-
ing a number of silent films,
including "I Was Born,
But.." and "The Cook."
There will also be musical
performances and theater
WHO: Center for Japanese
WHEN: Tonight from 7
p.m. to 10 p.m.
WHERE: Michigan The-

WHAT: Student poetry
and fiction is presented in
the Mark Webster Eeading
WHO: University of Michi-
gan Museum of Art
WHEN: Today at 7 p.m.
WHERE: University Muse-
um of Art
" An article in the Sept.
13 edition of The Michi-
gan Daily ("Freoh ideao
at this year'soMFarmer'o
market") incorrectly
stated the dates the
Farmer's Market will
be open. It will he open
on Sept. 27 and Oct. 11.
" Please report any
error in the Daily to

1The New York City Board
of Health viewed a pro-
posal requiring consent
forms for circumcisions, The
New York Times reported.
The review was proposal is
a reaction to a series babies
contracting herpes due to
their circumcisions.
2The Michigan foot-
ball team squares off
against Massachussets
at the Big House on Saturday.
The Wolverines are a heavy
favorite. >> FOR MORE. FOOTBALL
3One of the four victims
in the attack on the
U.S. Embassy in Libya
was former Navy SEAL Glen
Doherty. Eeuters reported.
His family released his infor-
mation, but the State Depart-
ment hasn't identified him yet.

Andrea Weiner ManagingtEditor anweiner@michigandaily.omx
Bethrany Biron ManagingtNesEditor biron@michigandaily.om
SEOR NE5WEDITOS:Hley Glatthorn,Haley Goldber, Rayza oldsit,
ASITN ESEI ORS incomoBologna, Annaoznberg, AndrnewShulma,
Pete hain, K.C. Wassmane
Tinothy Rabb and opinioneditors'.michigandaily.om
Adrienne Roberts Editoial PageEditors
Stephen Nesbitt Managing Sporntditor nsitt@mietigandaily.ooe
SNOSPRSEI O nEveettCook, BnEnoon, Zach Helfand, sLuke Pasch,
ASSISTN SORToSoEDITOStvn Braid,Michael Lauril, MattOpelich,
CollnoThoma,Liz Vukelich, DanielWasserman
Leah Burgin Managing Art ditor burgin@michigandaily.com
SENIOR ARTS EDITORS:Elio Alpen,David To, KaylaoUpadhyaya
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Erin Kirkland and photo@michigandaily.com
Alden Reiss Managing Photoditors
SE00000050HTOEITOS:TeraMolngraff, Todd SNdle
ASISTATrOoTOEDIToO:Ada lnzman, Aun uod, Allisn Kruske
Marlene Lcs,nnTersahew, AdamSchnitzer
Alitia Koalheck and desin@mihiandaily.om
Amy Mackens ManagingDesignoditors
Dylan Cinti and staeent@michigandaily.com
Jennier X azotnsEditrs
oEPUTY MAGAINE50EDITOZaBoergon, KaitlinWilliams
Hannah Poindexter topy Chief copydek@michigandaily.ome
SENOR 0COPY EDITORS: JoepionAda, BetohColowitz
Ashley Karadsheh Associate Business Manager
SeanlJackson Ss anagoer
Sophie GreenbaumProduonManager
Sean Jacksoo Special nProjectsManger
Connor ByrdFinance Manager
Meryl HultengsNationl Acount Manager
ThenMichigan DailytltSSN 0745-97isulihedrionay through Fiidayduing thefaan
witrtnrsby soudenattheUniverity of Michian. Oe copy in anailnble fre e ochrge.
to allreaders. Additioal copie maybe pickeupatitaily'offite f$. Subsriptions or
faliterm, startinin Septembe, iU.S. mnilare$110.lWinter t:emJauaytroughipril) in
$115, yarlog (Septebr through April) is$19. Uneity affiliate ae subet to aedced
subscriptionrate.tOn-campu ssritionntforfall toemae1$35.Subnscriptionnnmst eirepi.
Thn Michigan Daily inaeemebef ThAnsoitnd Pesnd eThe AsoiatedClleiate Prno.



FALL 2012

Republican prosidential nominee Mitl Ramsey addresses the aadience at a rally with the GOP teaw at the Military Avia-
ties Museum ix Virginia each, Va., an tatarday.
Romney focuses on economy
aftier controversy over Libya
Obama spends economic times. The two states omy followed a one-day cam-
are among a handful likely to paign detour into a foreign-policy
day in Colorado, settle the race, and most po11s thicket that left him bruised and
rate Obama a shaky favorite, his quarry largely unscathed. He
discusses foreign With campaign costs mount- made little mention during the
in g, Romney and Obama com- day of the events is Egypt and
policy peted for the most innovative Libya that he had cited Tuesday
fundraising appeal. as evidence of national security
FAIRFAX, Va. (AP) - Eepub- The Republican challenger's weakness on the president's part.
lican Mitt Romsney accused campaign urged people in an The issue intruded, though.
President Barack Obama on email to make a $15 donation for when a heckler at Romney's
Thursday of "failing American a chance to join "Mitt on board rally yelled out, "Why are you
orkers" by ignoring Chinese the campaign plane for an excit- politicizing Libya?" The crowd
ode violations, and seized on ing day on the campaign trail - responded with chants of "U-S-
w Federal Reserve attempts to at 30,000 feett" A" and supporters tried to place
oust the economy as proof the Singer and actress Beyonnce a Romsney/Ryan placard in front
'g ministration's policies are not Rnowles and hip-hop-artist-. of the heckler's face.
rking. hubby Jay Z countered for "We're going to crack down
Wa bama campaigned as com- the president. "Jay 'and I will on China," the former Massa-
'~nder in chief after the violent be meeting up with President chusetts governor vowed in an
deaths of four U.S. officials at a Obama for an evening in NYC appearance in the Virginia sub-
diplomatic post in Libya. "No sometime soon," she wrote. orbs around Washington, D.C.
act of terror will go unpunished "And we want you to be there." He spoke after his campaign
.no act of violence shakes the As with a day aboard Eomney's unveiled a television commer-
resolve of the United States of chartered jet, a donation was cial claiming that China has
America," he said. requested for a chance to win. outpaced the United States in
The president spoke in Coo- Only the fine print of both fun- new msanufacturing jobs since
rado and Eomney in Virginia draising appeals made clear that the president took office. "Seven
with less than eight weeks no contribution was necessary to times Obama could have stopped
remaining in a close campaign win. China's cheating. Seven times he
for the White House in tough Romney's focus on the econ- refused," it says.


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