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September 12, 2012 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 2012-09-12

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6A - Wednesday September 12, 2012

The Michigan Daily - michigandaily com
Insurgent attack on base kills
three, destroys NATO chopper


Additional suicide
bomber attack kills
five people
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) -
Afghan insurgents bombarded a
U.S. base and destroyed a NATO
helicopter, killing three Afghan
intelligence employees, officials
said Tuesday. There were also
NATO personnel aboard and
wounded, the coalition said with-
out providing further details.
Separately, a teenage suicide
bomber on Tuesday walked into
a shop in western Afghanistan
and blew himself up, killing five
people, Afghan officials said.
The bombing and the strike at
Bagram Air Field outside Kabul
came as U.S. and its allied mili-
tary forces marked the 11th anni-
versary ofthe Sept.11, 2001, terror
attacks with a tribute to the more
than 3,000 foreign troops killed
since the invasion of Afghanistan
- including about 2,000 mem-
bers of the U.S. military.
The attacks were a reminder
that the Afghan war launched
less than a month after 9/11 con-
tinues to rage, with insurgents
waging a ceaseless campaign

against the U.S.-led NATO
coalition and the Afghan gov-
"Eleven years on from that
day there should be no doubt
that our dedication to this com-
mitment, that commitment that
was seared into our souls that
day so long ago, remains strong
and unshaken, " said Marine
Gen John Allen, the top com-
mander of U.S. and coalition
troops, at a ceremony at NATO's
Kabul headquarters.
"Today we remember the vic-
tims here in Afghanistan who
have suffered so horribly at the
hands of al-Qaida and the Tali-
ban and other terrorists," he
said. "Perhaps more significant
to all of us at this ceremony,
today we remember the pre-
cious soldiers and civilians of all
nations lost in Afghanistan since
that day of infamy in 2001."
Allen hailed the troops fight-
ing in Afghanistan as the "next
greatest generation," a reference
to those who fought in World War
"A generation that has been at
war for 11 years, the longest war
in most of our nations' modern
histories. Many of you standing

here today are on your second,
third, fourth, and sometimes
even fifth tours in this fight,"
Allen said.
After the short ceremony, he
swore in eight members of the
U.S. military, who decided to re-
enlist on the anniversary of the
"I think it is a great honor to
be able to re-enlist on September
11," said SFC Isaac D. Engle, 30,
from Salem, Oregon. A member
of the Oregon National Guard,
the 10-year veteran was heading
home in less than a week after
serving a year in Afghanistan.
The attack on the sprawl-
ing Bagram Air Field occurred
around 10 p.m. Monday. Mili-
tants occasionally fire mortars
or rockets at Bagram, but the
attacks usually cause little or no
The Taliban claimed respon-
sibility for the attack.
"Four rounds hit," coalition
spokesman Army Maj. Adam
Wojack said, adding that it was
unclear whether they were
rockets or mortars. "One of the
rounds hit the helicopter and
started a fire, which destroyed

Vice President Joe Biden visits with patrons over lunch at Cruisers Diner in Seaman, Ohio. Biden buddied up with bikers,
posed for countless pictures at a pizza place and downed an ice cream cone at a Dairy Queen over the weekend.
B iden, in road trip across
Ohio, says it feels like home


He bu
for co
cone a
the st
end i
in Scr

Vice President here. I've been here a lot - and I
plan on coming back alot."
Biden makes good on that
ters in crucial promise Wednesday, when he
campaigns in Dayton - his
ttleground state third trip to Ohio in the past
two weeks. Obama will travel
to Columbus and Cincinnati on
IILLICOTHE, Ohio (AP) - Monday, his second visit to Ohio
ddied up with bikers, posed this month.
untless pictures at a pizza The Democrats' frequent vis-
and downed an ice cream its underscore Ohio's role as a
at a Dairy Queen. crucial battleground in the race
Biden loves Ohio. for president. No Republican has
e only question now is won the presidency without win-
her Ohio loves him - and ning Ohio, and Biden and Obama
dent Barack Obama. are doing everything they can to
e vice president toured make sure the state's 18 electoral
tate by car over the week- votes stay in the Democratic col-
n a journey that was part umn.
aign rally, part family road Both Republicans and Demo-
Biden, accompanied by his crats say internal surveys show
, Valerie, and former Ohio a tight race in Ohio, with Obama
Ted Strickland, a longtime narrowly ahead.
, said rural southern Ohio Biden's two-day tour through
ids him of northeastern central and southern Ohio took
sylvania, where he grew up him through parts of the state
anton. where Obamais faringthe worst.
his is kind of like coming Largelywhite and working class,
," he told a crowd in Ports- towns such as Portsmouth and
h, near the Kentucky state Zanesville were hit hard by the
"I feel really comfortable recession and have keenly felt

the loss of manufacturing jobs in
the past decade.
The Obama campaign believes
Biden's middle-class roots and
Everyman style fit rural Ohio,
and they have tapped him as a
top ambassador to working-class
In a fiery speech before about
500 people at Zane Grey Elemen-
tary, Biden accused Republican
Mitt Romney of pursuing poli-
cies that would crush the auto
industry and other manufactur-
"Do the folks in Ohio really
think that Gov. Romney, with
his views on outsourcing, with
his views on General Motors
and Chrysler and beyond that,
do they honestly believe that
if he had been president the
last four years that today, that
there would be today 115,000
auto jobs in Ohio?" Biden said
at the school in Zanesville, a
town which won brief fame last
year as the place where lions
and tigers were released from
private cages and then killed.
Zanesville is about 55 miles east
of Columbus.

Flames approach a house in Wenatchee, Wash., about 140 miles east of Seattle, early Tuesday morning.
Southwest residents flee from fires

Thousands of Tuesday over vast swaths of the
West as wildfires forced more
people live within residents to flee their homes in
evacuated areas Fire officials reported seven
homes were destroyed and hun-
WENATCHEE, Wash. (AP) dreds of people were evacuated
- A haze of thick smoke formed near Casper, Wyo., where a wild-
fire has burned across almost 24
square miles. In western Mon-
tana, fire crews said there was
no containment in sight for a
Call:4#734-418-4115 blaze that has prompted an evac-
Email: dailydisplay@gmail.com uation order for 400 houses west
of Hamilton.
With winds dying down,
MARKETING RESEARCH JOB& fire crews in eastern Washing-
PROJECT MANAGER JOB ton were hopeful they could
Need business school grad with gain ground on dozens of fires
completed market research project, sparked by weekend lightning
Must he able to research, communicate, trs u oeeauto
& write well.Need a Project Manager storms. But more evacuation
also to manage the market research orders were issued Tuesday as
project. Email business658@gmail.com a wildfire continued to move in
for moreinfo. +i.,,.. . . .

- - '

- I
RELEASE DATE- Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle
Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis

1 "Rumble in the
Jungle" champ
4 Hanging on every
8 Crmmb bum
14 Actor Chaney
15 Dot on a map
16 Delphi's claimto
17 Perspective-
bending artist
19 "Beau Ose"
20 Grade for a tween
21 Scottish hillside
23 Convent
24 Runner Sebastian
et al.
26 Second and third
in asequence
28 Port relativee
30 Sears rival
34dSubdue witb a
stun gun
35 Final Four initials
37 "Mercy!"
38 Penn Sta. users
39 Bluesstandard
first rerded by
Ma Rainey
41 KGBcounterpart
42 Prettify
44 "Roots"author
45 Game with a 32-
card deck
46 "Never Give a
Sucker an Even
Break" star
48 Howsmebeeris
50 Mil. plane for
small runways
51 Civilwrong
52 Barbershop
58 Reverend's
61 Pepsi altemative
63 Justice League
65 Charm
66 Entry point
67 Kiteonrte links
68 "Whowantsice
cream?" reply
69 Ld malady
70 Lamb mom

1 Poor box
2 Focal points
3 More than
4 Haoing deeper
5 Hibachi residue
6 Roman
7 Okla. or Dak.,
8 Iept sheep
9 Circle part
10 Beginning
11 Color of raw silk
12 Narrow valley
13 Mil. bigwigs
18 Five-and-dime,
22 Game player's
25 iPad-to-iMac
27 Pourth prime
minister of Israel
28 It may be bendy
29 One of three in
30 Larks up
31 Cable venue for
vintage sitcoms

32 Poland Spring 52"Dracula" novelist
competitor Stoker
33 Dublin-born poet 53 Peak
36 Pacifier site 54 Fountain build-
39 Online tech news up
site 56 Track numbers
40 Parkway off- 57 S t.Andrew's Day
ramp celebrant
43 Meat- orfish- 59 Garbage barge
filled pastry 60 Salinger heroine
45 "Vamoose!" 62 Apollo lander,
47 Pin down briefly
49 "Mecy!" 64 Afeedly shy

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the hills west of Wenatchee, a
fruit capital on the banks of the
Columbia River.
More than 150 homes were
evacuated due to the fire burning
about 140 miles east of Seattle.
About 160 firefighters from
across the state gathered to help
fight the blaze, which covered
1,000 acres. Resident Shannon
Grosdidier and her four daugh-
ters delivered oatmeal cookies
to several stationed at the end of
her street Monday night.
"The wind has died down,
which is good," she said. "But
I've got the photo albums in
the car and our overnight bags
Only a shed has been lost near
Wenatchee, and no injuries have
been reported at what appeared
to be the most-threatening of
numerous wildfires in the state
that were sparked by lightning
In Montana, Sawtooth Fire
spokesman Gregg DeNitto with
the U.S. Forest Service said
there was no word on when res-
idents there might be allowed
to return. The fire exploded
over the past two days from
just over 1 square mile to more
than 6, although no houses were
reported lost.
DeNitto said most threatened
houses were stilla half-mile to a
mile from the fire's edge.
An estimated 1,000 people
live within the evacuated area,
although Ravalli County Com-
missioner Suzy Foss said not all
of them left. Of those who fled,
most were staying with friends,

relatives or acquaintances, Foss
said. Only a couple of residents
spent the night at a Red Cross
shelter set up in Hamilton for
evacuees, DeNitto said.
Firefighters got help from the
weather in Wyoming, where
cooler temperatures and calmer
winds bought time to put more
people and equipment into
action around two large fires.
As many as 750 homes were
threatened by the large wildfire
near Casper. Some 400 people
were evacuated from 150 homes.
Firefighters on Tuesday
planned to deploy more than a
dozen aircraft against the blaze,
including two air tankers and
seven helicopters.
In central Oregon, hazard-
ous smoke settled in Sisters for
about six hours Tuesday morn-
ing as crews battled a forest fire
burning on about 4,300 acres
southwest of town. Sisters has
about 2,000 residents and is a
center for tourists and outdoor
The Oregon Department of
Environmental Quality said
atmospheric conditions - atem-
perature inversion - could mean
poor air quality in the mornings
through Saturday.
The fire began Sunday in the
Three Sisters Wilderness area.
Residents of a subdivision west
of Sisters have been warned that
they might have to evacuate, but
the fire has not yet advanced on
populated areas.
Blazes have scorched more
than 8.1 million acres across the
West so far this year, up from
the 10-year average of 6.1 million
acres, according to the National
Interagency Fire Center.
In Utah, more than 100 proper-
ty owners filed a lawsuit Tuesday
in state district court blaming a
utility for one of the state's largest
wildfires this year.
The lawsuit against Rocky
Mountain Power alleges arcing
between power transmission
lines sparked the 75-square-
mile Wood Hollow Fire, which
destroyed 52 cabins or houses
in central Utah and left one man
dead in June.
Rocky Mountain Power told
The Associated Press the law-
suit is unnecessary because the
utility is pursuing out-of-court
settlements with dozens of fami-
lies. The company has admitted
no fault.

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