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April 17, 2012 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 2012-04-17

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0 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Tuesday, April 17, 2012 - 9A

The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Tuesday, April 17, 2012 - 9A

From Page 1A
tionship with this organization,"
Winslow said. "And while this
organization fully has the right to
exist and to pursue whatever goals
it wants, we just don't believe
those goals should involve public
taxpayers dollars."
State Rep. Bob Genetski
(R-Saugatuck), chair of the sub-
committee, told the Journal he
doesn't want to allow students to
receive academic credit for activi-
ties "that will ill affect Michigan
Senate Assembly member
Karen Staller, an associate profes-
sor of social work, alleged that the
recommendation was in reaction
to incidents of student organiz-
ing while participating in the pro-
From Page 1A
new structure will include charg-
ing stations for electric vehicles.
"We envision an architectural-
ly-detailed facade withopenspace
at either end of the structure that
will contain park-like landscaping
with trees and water features for
storm water management which
may also be used for irrigation
and reducing storm runoff to the
river," Slottow wrote.
When the University proposed
the Wall Street structure in 2008,
residents living in Ann Arbor's
nearby Lower Town neighbor-
hood expressed concerns about
the structure's construction. At
the time, Ann Arbor Mayor John
Hieftje asked the regents to look
for alternatives to placing the
parking structure in the area,
which has high traffic.
"We would like you to work
with us, to step back - it doesn't
have to be for a long time - and
take a look," Hieftje said. "Is there
another way to get people into the
Wall Street area except creating
two new parking structures there,
in what could become a very con-
gested area?"
In a communication with the
regents; Slottow and Ora Pesco-
vitz, the executive vice president
for medical affairs, wrote that the
vacated space in the former C.S.
Mott Children's Hospital allows
for expansion of the intensive care
unit to meet growing demand.
"This project will renovate
approximately 163,000 gross
square feet for a new adult oper-
ating room suite of eight rooms,
a new imaging suite, 95 general
patient care beds, and 25 intensive
care beds to serve primarily Neu-
rosciences piograms," Slottow
From Page 1A
proceeded to the Central Student
Judiciary. CSJ eventually remand-
ed the case to the UEC.
Singh announced shortly after
Friday's vote that she will not seek
another appeal.
As per the CSG constitution,

Parikh and Hashwi will be sworn
in on April 23, 10 days following
the final decision.
Parikh said he is wary of the
work before him, but looks for-
ward to beginning his term.
"We won this in the eyes of the
students; we won this in the eyes
of the judicial process," Parikh
said. "I understand that I'm not
going to get much sleep this year,
but I'm really excited to work for
the students."
Parikh said regardless of how
students voted; he was glad so
many people participated in stu-

"Apparently, some sort of pro-
test or some sort of community-
organizing that was happening
with students there is what the
Legislature is reacting to," Staller
Senate Assembly member Ed
Rothman, a statistics professor,
said a response from the faculty
body to the state government
should be broad and focus on the
University's independence rather
than a reaction to the specific leg-
"I hope that if we have a
response, it will not have too
narrow a focus on this particu-
lar issue; that we say we are an
autonomous unit, get off our
backs," Rothman said.
Rothman added that the
University should work with
other institutions in the state to
increase efforts to overturn the
targeted legislation.

"Perhaps we could have a big-
ger impact if we come together
with other schools and colleges
to formulate a particular posi-
tion that says we are indepen-
dent, autonomous organizations,"
Rothman said.
Barbara Garavaglia, chair of
the Senate Assembly's Govern-
ment Relations Advisory Com-
mittee, said the University is
working on publicizing its image
as a research institution to avoid
similar legislative issues in the
"We have to be cognizant of
the fact that state legislature is
comprised of men and women
who are from Michigan - many
in smaller areas all around the
state - and one of the things we
are looking at is to discuss ways in
which we can have more of a PR
presence in the state," Garavaglia

and Pescovitz wrote.
About 104,000 square feet
will also be repurposed for use as
office space in the new C.S. Mott
Children's and Von Voigtlander
Women's Hospitals. According to
Slottow and Pescovitz, renova-
tion work will primarily focus on
architectural and utility upgrades
to prepare the facility for its new
Slottow and Pescovitz wrote
that the architectural firm Hobbs
will design the renovation. The
project is expected to cost approx-
imately $163 million.
In a separate communication
to the regents, Slottow request-
ed that the regents approve the
second phase of renovations to
the Law Quadrangle, which are
scheduled to focus on Hutchins
Hall and the William W. Cook
Legal Research Library, the Law
School's main library.
es on the renovation and updating
of the vacated spaces as well as the
overall organization of the Law
School, encompassing approxi-
mately 30,000 gross square foot-
age of space," Slottow wrote.
The library, originally con-
structed in 1931, is due to undergo
a series of electrical and mechani-
cal updates. Slottow also wrote
that the approximately $7-million
project willbe completed in phas-
es to avoid disruptions duringthe
school year, and it is expected to
be completed during the summer
of 2013.
In another communication,
Slottow requested the approval of
a $55-million renovation to the A.
Alfred Taubman Health Sciences
"By moving a large portion of
less frequently used library col-
lections off-site, the University
is freeing up nearly two floors of
the building for higher priority

academic needs," Slottow wrote.
"The renovated building will
house a smaller library collection
and increased health sciences
instructional space, including
a clinical skills and simulation
suite, and space for computing,
study, and faculty and student
The project will renovate
approximately 137,000 square
feet of the building focusing on
electrical, mechanical and archi-
tectural work to prepare the
library for academic use.
Aside from construction and
renovations, University Provost
Philip Hanlon and Slottow also
wrote a communication to the
regents requesting their approval
to create a master's of Medical
Science program.
"The purpose of the degree is to
grant formal academic recogni-
tion by the Medical School to stu-
dents who successfully complete
and demonstrate competency in
the first two years of the medical
school curriculum, but are unable
to complete the requirements for
a Doctor of Medicine degree due
to personal or administrative rea-
sons," Hanlon and Slottow wrote.
Hanlon and Slottow wrote that
no student would be admitted to
the Medical School for the sole
purpose of obtaining the mas-
ter's of Medical Science degree.
If approved, the Medical School
plans to award the degree to two
currently disenrolled students,
and in the future, it would only
consider students who apply for
admission in the program within
12 months of disenrolling.
If approved by the regents, the
degree will need further approval
from the President's Council of
State Universities of Michigan
before it can be instated.

From Page 1A
residence hall, has was also reno-
vated to make the space more
welcoming for student use.
Other common areas include
a laundry room, music practice
rooms, study rooms, classrooms
and student lounges.
University Housing spokes-
man Peter Logan noted that
students from nearby residence
halls, including as Couzens Resi-
dence Hall and Mosher-Jordan
Residence Hall, will have easier
access to Alice Lloyd through
a new entrance from Palmer
"By promoting more of the
entrance to the building on the
Palmer Field side, it builds on
that whole neighborhood expe-
rience that we've been work-
ing into the Residential Life
Initiatives," Logan said. "It's
not about a series of very dis-
tinct and isolated buildings, but
creating more of a flow among
residence halls that share a
Logan said 520 students will
live in Alice Lloyd next year, 175
of which will be a part of the
Lloyd Hall Scholars Program,
which is a living and learning
community for students inter-
ested in literature and the arts.
Yurk said the design team
tried to use environmentally-
friendly products when pos-
sible, as it has done with other
recently renovated residence
halls such as Couzens. He said
the building also has motion-
sensor lighting throughout the
corridors, lounges, bathrooms
and other common areas.
The design team also
installed low water-flow appli-
ances and an energy recovery
unit, which harvests hot and
cold air from showers and bath-
rooms to limit the residents'
water consumption. Insulation
on the exterior walls has also
been added to further improve
energy conservation.
Yurk said University Housing
is looking forward to seeing stu-
dent reactions to the renovated
"Every time we finish a proj-
ect, we're excited," Yurk said.

"We hope that we addressed the
concerns that we heard in the
focus groups and the surveys ...
(and that) the students find (the
changes) exciting, beneficial,
useful, both from a serious point
of view of studying, but also
from a leisure point of view."
Last night, the Housing
Design and Planning team
hosted an event to thank stu-
dents who live in Mosher-Jor-
dan and Couzens for tolerating
the inconvenience posed by the
construction in Alice Lloyd.
Students had the opportunity to
ask design team members ques-
tions about the changes.
LSA freshman Andrew Loeb,
a member of LHSP who lives in
Couzens, said there were only a
few instances in which the con-
struction directly affected him,
noting that sometimes loud
noises woke him up when he
tried to sleep in and occasional-
ly dust from the work blew into
his window.
Loeb will live in Alice Lloyd
next year as part of LHSP, and
said though Couzens has been a
great home for the program, he
is excited about moving into the
new Alice Lloyd.
"I'm reallylookingforward to
what it looks like," Loeb said. "I
was really happy to find out that
we would be going back there
next year."
Art & Design freshman Grace
Ludmer said the construction is
being done right outside of her
window but the negative effects
are minor.
"It was not nearly as bad as
I thought it would be," Ludmer
said. "It wasn't noisy; it never
woke me up, but it definitely
was an eyesore, and it made it
inconvenient to walk to Mo-Jo,
but nothing awful."
East Quad Residence Hall
will be the next residence hall
to receive major renovations,
Logan said. Designers plan
to improve the first floor and
ensure that student living cor-
ridors are private and separated
from Residential College facili-
"Now we have been able to
properly separate (the Residen-
tial College) but keep the com-
munity spaces contiguous and
open to the Residential Col-

lege," Logan said.
Logan added that designers
have been planning to revamp
the residence hall's mechani-
cal aspects and infrastructure.
There will be also be new wire-
less Internet, plumbing, elec-
trical, heating, cooling and fire
suppression systems.
Upon completion, Logan
said East Quad will be the final
upgrade to the University's
residential fire suppression sys-
tems. He also said East Quad
will contain similar sustainabil-
ity features to Alice Lloyd.
Yurk added that the complete
renovation planned for the din-
ing facility at East Quad will
most likely have the biggest
impact on students who live and
work in East Quad. Currently,
there are two separate dining
halls, but after renovations, they
will be integrated, with new
additions to variety of foods
offered, including a vegetarian
and vegan station.
Logan said renovations to
residence halls preserve exist-
ing character while updating
the buildings to meet students'
"It's a way of bringing a
new life to our Heritage Halls
and respecting the tradition-
al designs and architectural
uniqueness of those buildings,"
Logan said. "There is always
some new dynamic to this reno-
vation. It's not simply restora-
tion - that wouldn't serve the
purposes of contemporary and
future students."
Logan added that the hous-
ing team is aware that there are
more buildings that have yet to
be upgraded to keep up with
students' needs, but said plans
aren't official regarding the
next project.
"I know it won't end with
East Quad," he said. "But where
it goes after East Quad is yet to
be decided."
Yurk added that Baits II Resi-
dence Halls will also receive
additions and updates. The
halls will be renovated with
improved community learn-
ing centers, a new fire suppres-
sion system, additional music
and media rooms and updated
lounge facilities, house kitchens
and furniture.
Pickard argued that Porter
shouldn't have involved herself
in the matter.
"I don't think it's her respon-
sibility at all because the case
didn't even involve her," Pickard
Though he believes he was
wrongly accused, Pickard main-
tained that he believes that the
girl mentioned in the initial
e-mail was a victim of sexual
"I want my name cleared, and
I hope the girl gets her justice,"
Pickard said.
In an interview yesterday,
Porter reiterated thatshe regrets
sending the e-mail.
"I'mvery sorry thatthis could
have any sort of negative effect
on him," Porter said. "It was a
mistake, and I am very sorry
about it, and I'm willingto admit
Porter's e-mail was followed
by another Greek e-mail in late
March sent by LSA sophomore
Lauren Leibach, accusing LSA

junior Omar Hashwi, then a
candidate for Central Student
Government vice president, of
being homophobic and anti-
Porter said members of Greek
life and other people sending out
mass e-mails should be cautious
of the content of their messages.
"It's a matter of - myself
included, obviously - just being
aware of what you're sending
out there and realizing that it
could get to a bigger audience
than you originally intended,"
Porter said.

dent government. He added that
even if students did not vote, he
looks forward to engaging them
in future CSG activities and elec-
"Student government is irrele-
vant without the student, Parikh
said. "My focus is on returning
student government back to the
He added that the election
commission should be lauded for
their dedication to ensuring the
election's results were fair and
"(They) spent over five times
the hours they thought that they
would be putting in," Parikh said.
"Despite final examinations and
other commitments, their dedi-
cation to this university and the
ideals of justice is something I
personally admire."
Though elections ended in
March, the ongoing appeal did
not allow Parikh to take office
at the regularly scheduled time.

Exiting CSG President DeAndree
Watson said time to organize
before the end of the semester is
valuable for the CSG president,
which may present Parikh and
Hashwi with some challenges.
"I think he's going to have to
make some quick decisions in
the next few weeks to get some
things in place in order to be fully
functional and effective over the
summer," Watson said.
Watson added that he was
pleased his extended term was
coming to an end, if only to allow
Parikh time to prepare for the
work at hand.
"I'm glad that we finally got
some closure, and that we can
move forward (and) allow the
next administration to come in
and get busy," Watson said.
Parikh said he plans to stay in
Ann Arbor over the summer and
declined an internship to focus
on his presidential responsibili-

Carpenter said police advised
TAXI him that cases are forwarded to
From Page 1A the prosecutor even if there is
little or no evidence against a
happen. I really don't know." suspect.
Porter wrote that she thought As a result of the accusa-
she was doing a good deed for tion, Pickard said he has had to
her community by sending the change his business's appear-
e-mail. ance and remove the alias "Big
"When I sent my 3/13 email Wade" from the side of his van.
about Big Wade, I was acting in He added that his business has
good faith and I thought I was decreased 50 percent since
doing the right thing by warn- before the allegations surfaced.
ing my friends about a certain "I suffered a month of going
creepy cab driver but I realize through people thinking I did
what I heard third-hand was this before Brianna Porter
false," Porter wrote. "Because I decided to send out a retrac-
had my facts wrong, my e-mail tion," Pickard said.
was erroneous and a huge mis- However, Pickard said he will
take. It falsely accused an inno- continue to use his street name
cent man of a sex crime." despite the allegations that
In an interview after the might continue to be associated
e-mail was sent, Pickard- who's with it.
name was omitted from the pre- "I'm continuing using my
vious Daily article because he name Big Wade, because I didn't
was still under investigation by do anything wrong," Pickard
police - affirmed that he had said.
passed a lie detector test and Porter also noted Pickard's
that police told him that he was business troubles in her e-mail,
no longer a suspect in the inves- expressing deep sorrow for
tigation. causing his economic downturn
Ron Carpenter, Pickard's and urging her friends to call
attorney, also acknowledged him for his services.
that police had told him that "He says his income has gone
Pickard had passed the lie detec- way down since I sent my first
tor test with "flying colors." e-mail, and he and his wife are
According to Ann Arbor having trouble affording gro-
Police Department spokeswom- ceries, paying household bills,
an Lt. Renee Bush, the case has etc.," she wrote. "They're really
been forwarded to the prosecu- struggling, all because of me.
tor's office for review of charges. I feel terrible about this, and I
She declined to comment fur- have apologized profusely to Big
ther and could not confirm if Wade. That's why I am doing
Pickard was still a suspect or if whatever I can to undo the dam-
he had passed a lie detector test. age I've done to his reputation."

From Page 3A
tor for philanthropic outreach
' and education, said it's important
to honor all students who consti-
tute the University's diverse com-
munity, including those who have
passed away.
"When I think about com-
munity ... I think about how all
these individuals come together
and share their talents and love to

create what is Michigan," Walsh
said. "I think it's really important
to take time to honor those stu-
dents, especially (those) who have
passed away while they were here
and part of this community."
Leroy Fleming Jr., Patrick
Fleming's father, said he was
thankful for the memorial service.
"We think that it is wonderful
that the University is doing this for
our family and for the other fami-
lies," Fleming said. "I'm sure that
Patrick and the other kids would

love this."
Patrick's mother, Linda Flem-
ing, added that the service assisted
in providingclosure and a support
system for all the families and
"I think it helped for the Uni-
versity to get all the families
together, and (it helps) to know
that we are all going through the
same thing, so it's not like we are
here all alone," she said.
Scott Boerma, director of the
marching band, showed his sup-

port for Fleming at the event, and
described how his death affected
the band's dynamic.
"A group like (the marching
band) shares so much, so many
hours and so much blood, sweat
and tears in their pursuit of excel-
lence," Boerma said. "It was an
occasion that reminded us the
importance of working together
with people and taking care of the
people around you."
Business graduate student
Tiago Godoi said he attended the

service in memory of his friend
Serrano, who he had not been
able to properly send off earlier.
"The service is important for
us because we never got to say
goodbye to him," Godoi said.
"They took his body to Brazil, so
we never got a moment - a cer-
emony - where we could actu-
ally gather and celebrate or honor
LSA senior Stephanie Garbari-
no, a friend and former roommate
of Jordan Harris, said Harris will

be remembered in many ways,
including her ability to reach out
to others.
"If you knew her, you (would)
immediately fall in love with her
because she was probably the
nicest person you've ever met in
your entire life," Garbarino said.
"She was so generous, kind and
basically she'd change your life
... she didn't have a mean bone in
her body, and I think we'll always
remember her as the person who
taught us to love life."


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