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April 13, 2012 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2012-04-13

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0 ' I ItU N I )Ill 1 '\,I NI \EAIS011IDITI l f~l i IPt t

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Friday, April13, 2012


Time capsule
church's past

Sig Ep to move into
renovated building
this fall t
FortheDaily f
Amid the construction at s
Memorial Christian Church, v
located on the corner of Tap- b
pan and Hill Streets, members
of its former congregation and of t
the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity i
essentially heard its walls speak g
when a time capsule embedded in p
the building's cornerstone from f
1914 was opened yesterday as part t
of a decommissioning service at
the church. s
Among the contents of the i
dented copper box were a Bible,
a map of Ann Arbor, a history of a
the church with names of mem-
bers and officers and an American 1
flag with only 48 stars. The occa- g
sion was bittersweet for members o
of the Disciples of Christ, some in
of whom had attended services a
held at the church for more than t
30 years. The event symbolized a a
parting and a meeting as Sig Ep is
renovating the church to become o
its new University chapter house.
The history of the church has t
long been entwined with the Uni-
Goodness Day
aims to relieve
student stress
DoRAK promotes
stress prevention,
kindess in annual
campuswide event
For the Daily
Members of the student group
Do Random Acts of Kindness
offered free hugs, high fives, faux
tattoos and the chance to jump in
an inflatable castle on the Diagyes-
terday for the group's annual Good-
ness Day.
Engineering junior Sarah Khan,
* the event's co-coordinator, said
DoRAK planned the event to
help students reduce stress from
upcoming final exams and inspire
them to do good deeds in their daily
lives. The group organizes various
activities on campus to spread and
encourage kindness among stu-
In an effort to turn the day into
a school-wide event, Goodness Day
featured performances by two local
bands and 36 student organizations
that campaigned for philanthropic
causes. Members of DoRAK also
passed out pins that students can
take to Pita Kabob, Silvio's and
Middle Earth to take advantage of
deals offered by businesses for the
Khan said she has benefitted
See GOODNESS, Page 5

ersity. The University financed
he reconstruction and transfer
of the church from its location on
outh University Avenue, where
t was initially built in 1890, to its
urrent location in 1923 when the
Law Quadrangle was built on its
ormer location.
"The stones were numbered,"
aid Rosalie Karunas, a 1963 Uni-
versity alum who has been a mem-
er of the DOC at the Memorial
Christian Church since attending
he University. She recalled speak-
ng with a member of the congre-
ation who remembered wagons
ulling the stones of the church
rom South University to rebuild
he mirror image of the building.
The contract for the recon-
truction of the church was also
ncluded in the time capsule,
which was added to the building
t its new location.
Reverend Shirley Martinson, a
0-year member of this DOC con-
regation, said she has remained
ptimistic about the changes tak-
ng place. While she was hopeful
bout finding a location that bet-
er suited their congregation, she
cknowledged the bond many
members feel with the current
"I also recognized immediately
hat the people who have been

LSA junior Ian Matchett enters the Fleming Administration building with a large pair of scissors in protest of the University's contract with Adidas yesterday.
Protesters urge 'U' to
cut ties with Adidas

Workers in terday, anxiously awaiting for
the moment they would bring
Indonesia denied their sealed message and large
pair of scissors to University
severance pay President Mary Sue Coleman's
office - symbolizing their desire
By SABA JAVADI for the University to severe spoa-
For the Daily sorship rights and license ath-
letic apparel agreements with
A crowd of students gathered Adidas.
in front of the Cube by the Flem- United Students Against
ing Administration Building yes- Sweatshops - a student orga-

nization that works to prevent
Fortune 500 companies from
abusing their workers - started
their criticism of Adidas when
the company inexplicably shut
down one of its factories in Indo-
nesia without compensation for
their laborers last April. The
action violated Adidas' contract
with the University because the
company disregarded the Uni-
versity's pre-established code

of conduct that requires that all
workers must be compensated.
LSA junior Tessa Fast, a USAS
member who helped organize
the event, said Adidas made $13
billion in revenue in 2011, which
included the severance it failed
to pay its Indonesian workers.
Fast added that the company
made an additional $1.8 million
by ignoring severance payments.
See ADIDAS, Page5

College Republicans
face internal factions

The organizers of Maize Day participate insa flash mob on the Diag yesterday.
Maize Day unites campus

event promotes
achievements of
Daily StaffReporter
University students pass-
ing through the Diag last night
were treated to impromptu
dance performances, free
T-shirts and ample school spir-
it at the University's inaugural
Maize Day celebration.
Maize Day 2012 was orga-
nized by LSA senior Jessie
Baker and Kinesiology senior
Ben Cronin to recognize and

celebrate the accomplishments
of various student organiza-
tions across campus. Baker
said she was inspired to orga-
nize the event after attending
similar celebrations at other
universities, and was surprised
the University didn't already
host an event honoring stu-
dents' achievements.
"We were talking about
how there's an absence of cel-
ebration for everything we do,"
Baker said. "There's a lot of
spirit but no celebration."
Cronin said he felt it was
important for the graduating
class to show underclassmen
how much the seniors had
enjoyed their time at the Uni-
versity, noting that he wanted
his class to "go out with a

Maize Day featured a capel-
la and dance performances,
as well as speeches by student
leaders on campus and appear-
ances by varsity athletes. Stu-
dent groups ranging from the
LSA Student Government to
the University's Quidditch
Team set up information
booths that attendees could
visit while enjoying the eve-
ning's festivities.
After a flash mob perfor-
mance lured spectators in
and a signed men's basketball
poster was given away to the
most spirited attendee, LSA
senior DeAndree Watson, the
Central Student Government
president, gave the first speech
See MAIZE DAY, Page 3

Chair ousted amid
controversy over
Just weeks after a seem-
ingly uneventful election,
members of the University's
chapter of College Republi-
cans have recently been caught
in a power struggle between
the group's executive board
and the chair, as both sides are
claiming legitimate leadership
of the group.
LSA junior Rachel Jankows-
ki, the newly elected chair,
said the executive board does
not have the constitutional
right to remove her, but the
executive board alleges that it
unanimously voted her out of
her position.
According to an source affil-
iated with the College Repub-
licans who wished to remain
anonymous, the four voting
members of the newly elected
executive board attempted a
clandestine coup of Jankows-
"Several members of the
voting executive board tried
to suppress that they were
having these meetings," the
source said.
Jankowski said the execu-
tive board did not give her

notice of their intentions to
remove her before Sundayjust
weeks after the group's March
15th elections. She added that
she did not formally assume
office until April 3.
"I was given no reason for
the proceedings," Jankowski
said. "I was in office for five
days when the proceedings
were brought."
A previous version of the
College Republicans' consti-
tution allows for members of
the executive board to remove
the chair without obtaining
approval from the group at
large if the executive board is
united in its decision.
However, a constitutional
amendment passed at the
group's Wednesday night
meeting requires a vote by the
general membership to remove
a member of the executive
LSA sophomore Russ Hayes,
a voting member of the execu-
tive board, wrote in an e-mail
interview that the board had
several legitimate reasons for
removing Jankowski.
Hayes alleged that she com-
mitted funding to an event
without consulting other
members, prevented members
from using the College Repub-
licans' social media accounts,
invited a speaker to a College
Republicans' meeting against
the wishes of other members


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Vol. CXXII, No. 127
©20t2 The Michigan Daily

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