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April 10, 2012 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2012-04-10

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ersity bridged theIn its final CCHA tour, Michigan
n Mhockey will face a gauntlet of rivals.
:randson. 14}
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Ann Arbor, Michigan


After flirting
with the NBA,
Burke to stay


Freshman's return
makes Michigan a
top-10 candidate
Daily Sports Editor
Trey Burke was told he should
stay. He was told he should go.
He was leaning toward staying
in school, and he was leaning
toward going pro. He solicited his
family members and coaches for
advice, and he was given unso-
licited advice from fans and rival
athletic directors.
When he was done being
stretched every which way, the
freshman point guard decided
he'll stay at Michigan for his
sophomore season.
"I just felt like I could develop
more, and we have a great shot
of competing for another Big Ten
Championship and competing for
a national championship," Burke
said in a press conference yester-
After Michigan's season ended
in a 65-60 loss to Ohio in the sec-
ond round of the NCAA Tour-
nament, Burke started to look
at his NBA Draft prospects. He
consulted the NBA Draft Advi-
sory Board, and though he didn't
reveal what the board told him,
Burke said that the uncertainty

of where he would go in the draft
contributed to his decision to stay.
He was projected to be a second-
round pick by ESPN's Chad Ford.
Last Wednesday, rumors and
reports swirled that Burke had
decided to declare for the June
28 NBA Draft, but coincidentally,
that was the day Burke said he
decided to stay put. It could have
been that the reports were erro-
neous, or that Burke changed his
mind in the wake of the media
"(There) was a point where I
was considering leaving," Burke
said. "I was never really two feet
all the way in. Sometimes I was
more leaving and sometimes I
was more coming back. After
talking it over with the coaches
and with my family ... I think that
was the best decision for me. It
was more of a risk for me to leave
(and) declare for the NBA Draft."
Burke said the main thing
he would need to improve on to
become an NBA-caliber point
guard is his strength.
For a few days, Michigan fans
thought that their prized point
guard would be gone and-that the
Wolverines would need to find
a replacement, just as they had
done the year before when Burke
took over for point guard Darius
Morris, who left for the NBA after
his sophomore year.
See BURKE, Page 5

Rackham student Zack Polen pets Bo, a golden retriver, yesterday at the Duderstadt Center.
State Court of Appeals
reinstates GSRA ban

Immediate effect
policy at center
of conflict
Daily StaffReporter
When a bill preventing grad-
uate student research assistants
from unionizing passed with
immediate effect in the state

Legislature in early March, the
debate over whether GSRAs
at the University could vote to
form a union finally appeared
to be finished.
However, the status of
GSRAs remains unclear as
the bill, House Bill 4262, has
become caught in a tense debate
between state Republicans and
Democrats over the proper use
of the immediate effect provi-

An Ingham County Circuit
Court judge ruled last week in
favor of the House Democrats,
stating that the Republicans
improperly used the immediate
effect - a decision which the
University's Board of Regents
expressed support of on April
2 by deciding to file an amicus
brief after a contentious 5-3
vote. Yesterday though, the
State of Michigan Court of
Appeals issued a stay on the

issue, allowing the law to go
back into effect until the court
can take a further look into the
In its decision, the court
ordered the case to be expedit-
ed. Without immediate effect,
the bill would take effect 90
days after the last day of the
legislative session, or March of
next year.
The bill in question amends
See GSRA, Page 5

Students' achievements in
robotics honored at NCRC

Minors at the 'U' face challenges

Autonomous cars,
bots celebrated
Daily Staff Reporter
Swarming with robotic air-
crafts, hoop-shooting androids
and images of autonomous cars,
the North Campus Research
Complex appeared to be a scene
out of a science fiction film yes-
As part of a celebration of the
state of Michigan's achievements
in the field of robotics, the Uni-
versity co-sponsored an event
yesterday with the National Cen-
ter for Manufacturing Sciences -
a nonprofit consortium of North
American manufacturers. The
380 people in attendance listened
toapanel of professionals discuss
the role of the robotics industry
and watched demonstrations of
robots created by students at the
University and at other colleges
and high schools in the state, as
well as by government organiza-
tions and state industries.
U.S. Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.)
addressed the attendees at the
start of the event. He spoke about
the state universities' achieve-
ments in the robotics field and
about the potential for the new
technologies to create jobs.
Keynote speaker and Engi-

Students under
18 encounter
housing, legal
Daily StaffReporter
While some upperclassmen
anxiously await their 21st birth-
days, another decidedly smaller
group of underclassmen are
awaiting an equally momentous
event - their 18th birthdays and
their entrance into adulthood.
Atthe start of the school year,
there were 741 17-year-old stu-
dents living in University Hous-

ing and eight residents who
were 16, out of a total of 6,211
full-time students, according to
Peter Logan, University Hous-
ing spokesman. Logan wrote in
ane-mail interview that Univer-
sity Housing does not typically
place students who are under
the age of 16 in residence halls,
but will make considerations on
a case-by-case basis.
"We examine the needs care-
fully for any student who will be
entering the University Housing
system," Logan wrote.
All residents must also elec-
tronically sign a housing con-
tract, and a parent must also
sign for those under the age of
18. Kinesiology freshman Anna
Li, who was 17 when she started

school in the fall, said having
her parents sign wasn't an issue.
Logan added that when it
comes to the disciplinary sys-
tem within University Housing,
age does not make a difference
and parents are notusuallynoti-
fied for minor behavioral issues
unless the instance is warrant-
ed. However, the Department of
Public Safety is another matter.
DPS spokeswoman Diane
Brown said DPS has to follow
legal protocol when dealing
with underage students, not-
ing there are different deten-
tion centers and court systems
depending on the person's age,
but these are dictated by state
law, not University policy.
See MINORS, Page 5

Sustainability a priority in Big Ten

High schoolers from Team Virus, a high school robotics team based out of
Monroe Community College, fix their basketball playing robot at the Robot Day
Conference at the North Campus Research Complex yesterday.

neering Prof. Lawrence Burns,
former vice president of research
and design at General Motors,
spoke about the future of self-
driving vehicles. During his
address, Burns lauded auto-
mobile development as an area
where the technologies studied
by University researchers can
actually be implemented and
substantially influence the auto

"There are 1.2 million people
dying on the world's roadways,"
Burns said. "This is epidemic in
scale. I believe with the tech-
nology being developed and the
pathway we are on to autono-
mous vehicles is literally going to
eliminate these instances, save a
lot of lives ... resources, the envi-
See ROBOTICS, Page 5

'U' and other peer
colleges work to
develop 'greener'
Daily Staff Reporter
As sustainability initiatives
continue to garner attention at
Big Ten universities, the Uni-
versity remains steadfast in
its efforts to build upon past

improvements and reduce its
energy consumption.
The University's . sustain-
ability initiatives are currently
focused on decreasing energy
costs and consumption, accord-
ing to Planet Blue Operations,
the University organization that
monitors the environmental
impacts of 71 buildings across
campus. The group's primary
efforts are intended to conserve
utilities and increase recycling
across campus, similar to other
peer institutions such as Indiana
University and the University of

University Housing spokes-
man Peter Logan said in an
interviewlast month thatenergy
efficiency continues to be a pri-
ority for the University.
"Whenever we have the
opportunity to invest in our
facilities, whether through a
major renovation or some other
capital improvement, energy
performance is always top of
mind," Logan said.
He added that residence halls
have a significant impact on total


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Vol. CXXII, No.124
©212 The Michigan Daily

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