The Michigan Daily -
Thursday, April 5, 2012 - 3B
The Mchign Daly -michgandilycm Thrsda, Apil 5 201 - 3
Angelo's Restaurant has
come a long way from its
humble beginnings in
1956. Started by a Greek immi-
grant and his wife, the eatery has
been serving
up some of the
best French
toast, eggs
and bacon in
Ann Arbor for
more than 50
years, earn-
ing its cachet NATHAN
among local WOOD
breakfast- and
Situated on the corner of Cath-
erine Street and Glen Avenue,
Angelo's is ashortwalk from
Central Campus and just a block
away from the Biomedical Sci-
ence Research Building and
Medical Campus. On the outside,
its architecture is unassuming -
a simple brick building with a flat
roof - but inside, the place bursts
with character. The walls are
covered in earth-tone paints, save
for an accented wall of patterned
black-and-white tile that matches
the floor. Victorian crown mold-
ing skirts the ornamented ceil-
provides eclectic dishes
ing, providing a stark contrast
to the 1950s-diner-style vinyl
booths and barstools. An eclec-
tic melange of original artwork
hangsbetween the windows, and
a shelf of nondescript baseball
trophies leers from above.
This eccentric backdrop sets
the scene for the hustle and
bustle of the Angelo's experience.
The waitstaff is perpetually in a
hurried shuffle from one end of
the room to the other. Bowls and
glasses clang together in busboys'
buckets, silverware is heard strik-
ing customers' ceramic dinner
plates, and customers' orders
successively collide with the
stainless-steel counter connect-
ingthe kitchen and diningroom.
Voices compete with one another,
rising in intensity as families, col-
lege students, locals and hospital
employees discuss the dayto
come. There's certainly never a
dull moment inthis packed-full,
chaotic brunch rush.
I sit down and, like any good
college student unfortunate
enough to not be in bed at 10 a.m.,
the first words out of my mouth
are, "Coffee, please." I strongly
advise ordering somethingto sip
as you'
here yo
of 45 m
ular. Ar
acidic y
often a
if you, 1
to stay
As fa
dish he
If yo
the mo
tive bre
far and
To achi
of this 1
wait for your food, because are combined with loads of fresh
u will certainly wait: My feta and dark green spinach and
and I chat for upwards then cooked until it justbegins
inutes before breakfast to crisp. When it hits the table
. The coffee is a standard soon after, the feta has melted
ount brew, but their freshly only partially, yielding textured,
ed orange juice is spectac- tangy, briny cheese that oozes
n attractively vibrant yel- in every bite. Lastly, as an added
ange, the juice is stingingly bonus for flavor and presentation,
'et perfectly sweet, not the omelette is lightly brushed
so as store-bought juices with salted butterthat gives ita
re. It does have a healthy sheen in the warm sunlightpour-
t of pulpcthough, so beware ingthrough the windows.
ike me, prefer for the pulp The most famous dish here,
with the orange. the stuff of freshman-orientation
factoids, is Angelo's deep-fried
French toast. Crunchy on the
)rth the outside, soft and chewy on the
ewait inside, these three thick slices of
d the weight. batteredbread are late-breakfast
heaven. I always opt for raisin
bread, but the traditional, home-
made white bread - which I
ar as food goes, almost any find to be satisfyingly dense and
re is a safe bet, but let me yeasty in flavor - is also a good
ht some of my favorites. choice. Deliciously rich whipped
u're a vegetarian or justin cream tops the bread, as do a
od for some rather inven- decent number of whole straw-
akfast food, go for the berries and blueberries. Add
h and feta omelette - it's some maple syrup (the real stuff
away my favorite offering. is available upon request) and
ieve the savory splendor cinnamon sugar to round out this
breakfast bite, three eggs See WOOD, Page 4B
Next year's halftime show.
Challenging the
character of Che
are tarnished, Evita lit up and
inspired an entire country. That,
Like in the salons of 17th in and of itself, is worth more
and 18th century France, than Che's two cents.
this weekly installment -ANNA SADOVSKAYA
will feature two Daily Arts ***
and Ti
core: a s
with E
fact, I
her sm
glitz, ft
more al
and tho
her det
as man'
way qui
tude of
Evita m
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It's t
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It's not
one wh
ing Evil
she was
is about
own te
into a p
the audi
r deeds d
s discussing the finer
My love for Che is probably
ts of arts mediumIs biased by my love for Mandy Pat-
at least 10 years ago. inkin, who originated in the role
on Broadway and won a Tony for
his performance. But you might
Broadway's March 12 know Patinkin better as the
of Andrew Lloyd Weber Spaniard hell-bent on avenging
im Rice's 1979 musical his father's death in "The Prin-
" it's time to revisit and cess Bride." Oh yes, those pow-
ber what "Evita" is at its erful tenor notes were produced
tory of a girl from humble by the same pipes that peppered
who slept her way to the Rob Reiner's classic film with the
famous vow, "Hello, my name is
there's nothing wrong Inigo Montoya. You killed my
vita as a character - in father. Prepare to die."
admire her for her fierce The same passion that gripped
ination to get away from Patinkin's performance in "The
all town and trade her Princess Bride" is evident in the
dressed life for a world of original Broadway cast's record-
ame and money. There's ing. Patinkin slides effortlessly
wrong with wanting from remorseful to baffled to
fter a life of having little, furious-beyond-words, solely
ugh Evita's approach was on the merits of his voice. He
odox and frowned upon, soothes, scathes and power-belts
ermination to sleep with with such nuance and feeling
y men as it took to get her that it's easy to get caught up in
te literally paid off. his cynical point of view.
r some time and a multi- And this is why Che, and spe-
lovers, the newly famous cifically Patinkin's portrayal of
eets Juan Per6n, a colonel him - please spare yourself from
army. Sparks fly and the the horrors of Antonio Banderas'
sk in their mutual fierce- interpretation in the 1996 film
ita urges Per6n to run for - is so important to "Evita." He
ffice in the hope that his complicates things. He is foil to
will grant her the ulti- Evita in every way, the yin to her
ower she's always craved yang, and they challenge each
thanks to her resolve, other and the audience. This
s elected president. isn't the cookie-cutter musical in
thy people snub her, the which the good guys are dressed
n folk of Argentina obsess in white and the villains twist
r, and Che, the narrator, their mustaches at you menac-
her. Refusing to keep his ingly. This is a story steeped in a
s to himself, Che's voice is complex historical event that has
esent. Whether he's in the numerous interpretations, and
during Per6n's speech or Che's opinions are an important
hurch where Evita goes to piece to that puzzle.
sacrament, Che prevents This complexity is demon-
ience from forgetting Evi- strated in the second act of the
shness. musical with "Waltz for Eva and
rue Evita did most things Che," in which the two behe-
sonal gain. She started moths battle it out (vocally, of
s more out of spite for course) and no clear winner
althy who refused to emerges: Evita expresses how
her than for any altruistic she is caught up in the red tape
. But it's not as if Evita's of government games and her
er hides her flaws from failing health, and Che critiques
ience: We knew from the her ego and empty promises but
t she persuaded Agustin also comes off asa heartless ass.
i to take her with him to This song and the duality creat-
Aires that Evita was not ed by Evita and Che make these
ed in being a demure, characters more than carica-
dy. tures. They're only human, and
non-stop criticism over- expose each other's flaws for all
s the point of the musical: to see.
about celebrating some- It's true that sometimes the
o was impeccable in her songs written for Che allow him
and it's not about expos- to make a more persuasive case to
ta and convincing people the audience, and this, for fans of
s wrongly liked. "Evita" Evita, is unfair to their protago-
a girl who got what she nist. But at the end of the day,
and who made it on her you should be able to defend your
rms without being born hero with her faults on the table,
rivileged life. It's a rags- not in spite of them. If Evita can't
s story as sassy as Evita stand the scrutiny of a single
and though Che leads individual, how is she to stand
ience to believe that good the test of time?
one with ulterior motives - LEAHBURGIN
From Page 1B
"All in all ... it was a powerful
festivalithat Sinclair's legions
staged. It churned up a lot of
bread for the alternate com-
munity around Ann Arbor
and showed what canbe done
once people settle down and
get organized. The Rainbow
people are beautiful."- Rich-
ard Nusser, from "The Wood-
stock Nation at Ann Arbor,"
published in the Village Voice
on Sept.28,1972.
Eventually, the Michigan
Supreme Court overturned the
ruling against Sinclair, and he was
released from prison in Decem-
ber of 1971. Upon his release, he
received a phone call. It was his
old friend Peter Andrews, one of
the producers of the John Sinclair
Freedom Rally. He was working
for the University's Major Events
Office and wanted John to assist
him in organizing the Ann Arbor
Blues and Jazz Festival.
The festival began in 1969, and
according to a 1972 article from
The Ann Arbor News, it was a
financial failure that was revived
three years later under "new
direction and expanded empha-
sis." That new direction was Sin-
clair's nonprofit organization,
Rainbow Multi-Media Corpora-
As a festival co-producer,
Sinclair helped to handpick the
lineup, which consisted of some
of the most notable names in jazz
at the time: Howlin' Wolf, Muddy
Waters, Archie Shepp, Freddie
King, Otis Rush, Pharoah Sanders
and Miles Davis, to name a few.
"We were trying to produce
events and carry on music in the
music business," Sinclair said.
"We also produced free concerts
in the park. They were a means
of producing things and making
things happen without being con-
cerned about anyone making a lot
of money or any money at all."
The festival lasted for three
days. And for three days, as many
as 16,000 attendees filled the
grass of the Otis Spann Memorial
Field for what was, by definition,
an event for the people.
"The thing that's gonna make
the Ann Arbor Blues and Jazz
Festival different from any other
festival is that it's gonna be a real
people's festival - produced by
freaks and for the community,"
Sinclair was quoted as saying in
a Rolling Stone article from 1972.
Sinclair further explained that
all proceeds from the festival
were used to promote "self-help
and self-determination projects
here inAnn Arbor."
"(People) had the opportunity
to pay and have the money go to
the artists," Sinclair said.
"Dope is marijuana, LSD,
peyote, mescaline, psilocybin,
sacred mushrooms, hashish,
DMT, nitrous oxide, and other
beautiful chemical substances
that make you feel good with-
outhurting you." - John
Sinclair, "Guitar Army: Street
Today, the Ann Arbor Film
Festival persists, and musicians
come to Hill Auditorium every
year for the Ann Arbor Folk Fes-
tival, though in far smaller num-
bers than the 1972 Blues and Jazz
Festival. And Sinclair's legacy is
still celebrated annually, as pro-
testers loudly voice their beliefs
on the Diag for an hour on the
first Saturday of every April.
Festivities follow at the Monroe
Street Fair, colloquially known as
Hash Bash.
Why has Hash Bash persisted?
In Sinclair's view, it's an oppor-
tunity to have a good time, much
like the festivals that surrounded
the original Freedom Rally. And,
he believes Hash Bash would con-
tinue even if recreational marijua-
na were to be legalized.
"It'd be a celebratory occa-
sion, then, wouldn't it?" Sinclair
said with a laugh over the phone.
"We'd have even more fun. You
could just smoke a joint out there
without worrying about the thugs
from the University Police riding
down on you."
However, according to DPS
spokeswoman Diane Brown,
Hash Bash doesn't generate con-
troversy as it once did. Citing
statistics from the past decade,
Brown explained that the number
of arrests made by DPS has signif-
icantly decreased in recent years.
1999's Hash Bash saw 74
arrests. In 2000, that number
decreased to 56. And by 2007,
there were no arrests, "and (the
protesters) left before 1 o'clock
even gotthere," Brown said.
Brown said the recent legal-
ization of medicinal marijuana
played a part in attracting more
visitors than the event had seen
in recent history, and she noted.
that their actions were primarily
"(The number of people)
inched back up partly because of
the medicinal marijuana issue, so
its low last year was somewhere in
the 6,000 range, maybe," Brown
said. "But it was aO6,000 that came
and then left at (1 o'clock) rather
than (staying) all afternoon and
into the evening, which is what
used to happen."
This isn't to say the protests
have stopped. They haven't. But
the methods and forms have
changed. And in today's Ann
Arbor, an event like Hash Bash
seems to be exactly that - an
event, a time for momentary cel-
The actual protesting occurs on
a quieter level.
LSA junior Sebastian Swae-
Shampine, the assistant executive
director for Students for Sensible
Drug Policy, said the the Universi-
ty's official stance toward medici-
nal marijuana, in his opinion,
doesn't make sense.
"I think it's pretty absurd that
someone can have a bottle of
Vicodin on the Diag and pop one
of those and that's OK, but they
can't even possess - not even con-
sume - they just can't even have
their state-sanctioned medicine
on them," he said.
SSDP - astudent-runorganiza-
tion that's part of an international
network with over 140 chapters
- fosters discussion about drug
policies at the grassroots level.
But Swae-Shampine explained
that the organization "does not
endorse or condone drug use in
any way, shape or form." Its role
is to foster discussion about drug
policy, which he believes is not as
widely accepted as it could be.
When it comes to Hash Bash,
however, SSDP maintains a safe
distance from the message put
forth bythe annual protesters.
"We're definitely going to be
there. We support it, you know,
as what it is and as a celebra-
tion of culture," he said. "But it's
just unprofessional for a reform
organization to be like, 'free the
Sinclair, a state-registered
medicinal marijuana patient, con-
tinues to return every April to
smoke a joint and see old friends
- not to re-experience the past or
to put forward a political agenda,
but to live in the present.
He says he'll keep coming back
as long as Hash Bash continues,
even if it's only a time for people
to express themselves the way he
feels they should.
"What else is it supposed to
be about?" he asked. "It's just an
hour for one day a year. It's just
a thing. But I'm happy they still
have it because it's good for people
to express themselves like that, I
believe. It doesn't happen enough
in today's world."
As Warhol noted during his
Film Festival visit back in '66, art-
ists have never really needed a
reason to express themselves in
Ann Arbor. The act of expression
is enough.
- Senior Arts Editor Kayla Upad-
hyaya contributed to this report.
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