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March 27, 2012 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2012-03-27

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The Michigan Daily -- michigandaily.com

Tuesday, March 27, 2012 -- 3

The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Tuesday, March 27, 2012 - 3

Detroit finances
deal progresses
A deal aimed at rescuing
Detroit before it goes broke
appeared imminent yesterday
after city and state negotiators
reported major progress in their
often-contentious talks and a
review panel appointed by Gov.
Rick Snyder decided not to rec-
ommend an emergency manager
to take over the reins of city gov-
Snyder has 10 days to negotiate
a compromise with city officials,
but he and the City Council pre-
dictedthere would be a"financial
stability agreement" reached by
the end of the week. Regardless
of the final version, the compro-
mise being worked out wouldn't
strip nearly as much authority
from city leaders as the emergen-
cy manager process would.
"My role is not to run the city
of Detroit. My goal is for the state
to provide a supporting resource,
be a partner," the Republican
governor said. "Much of this
agreement is pretty far along. We
need to make some reviews. Both
the City Council and mayor need
to make some reviews."
Decades of sex
abuse uncovered
within Pa. church
The Archdiocese of Philadel-
phia protected sexual predators
in its ranks for more than 70
years, putting the church's repu-
tation over the safety of children,
a prosecutor said yesterday at the
start of a landmark priest abuse
case that's shaken the Roman
Catholic establishment.
The church kept secret files
dating back to 1948 that show
a long-standing conspiracy to
doubt sex abuse victims, protect
priests and avoid scandal, Assis-
tant District Attorney Jacqueline
Coelho said in opening state-
Coelho called the case "a battle
" between right and wrong within
the archdiocese and the office of
secretary for clergy."
Ontario's top court
legalizes brothels
A ban on brothels puts pros-
titutes at risk and is unconstitu-
tional, Ontario's top court ruled
yesterday, in a case that is expect-
ed to be appealed to Canada's top
court and have ramifications for
the country at large.
The Ontario Court of Appeal
said sex workers should be
allowed to work safely indoors.
"The world in which street
prostitutes actually operate is
a world of dark streets and bar-
ren, isolated, silent places," said
the five-judge panel in their rul-

ing. "It is a dangerous world, with
always the risk of violence and
even death."
Romney gains
campaign support
Mitt Romney trumpeted a
flurry of conservative endorse-
ments along with backing yes-
terday from a delegate who
belonged to campaign dropout
Jon Huntsman as he looks to
wrap up the GOP presidential
The former Massachusetts
governor highlighted the ongo-
ing primary slog as the conser-
vative chorus behind him grew,
along with worry that the drawn-
out nomination fight will dam-
age their likely nominee against
President Barack Obama.
Campaigning in California,
Romney made an appeal to pri-
mary voters in a contest still two
months away on June 5. "I need
you guys to get ready, to organize
your effort, to get your friends
to vote, to collect some money,
to get campaign contributions,"
Romney told employees at medi-
cal device maker NuVasive in
southern California. "We've got a
ways to go."
-Compiled from
Daily wire reports


The late afternoon sunshine peers through the windows of Nickel's Arcade yesterday.

VIOLATION "These statutes are usually
From Page 1 enforceable in the Department of
Labor, and (employers that do not
follow the Davis-Bacon Act) can
The audit recommended be forced to pay employers their
that the AATA change its wage dues; they could be fined for non-
reporting process from a per- compliance," St. Antoine said.
project basis to a per-contract The Davis-Bacon violation was
basis, to better comply with the the only major violation on the
Davis-Bacon Act. report on the AATA's floances.
The report also alleges that Stasiak said the AATAwas forced
when the AATA received certi- to dip into its reserve funds in
fied payrolls for Davis-Bacon 2011 - likely due to a decrease
Act monitoring, it neglected to in government funding - but
compare them with the wages still maintained the minimum
claimed by employers in regularly amount of reserves.
conducted wage rate interviews According to the report, the
required by the act. AATA received more than $3 mil-
AATA spokeswoman Mary lion from the federal government
Stasiak said she could not com- in 2011. The AATA also receives
ment on violations of the act, and some financial assistance fromthe
referred comments regarding the state of Michigan through a por-
violation to AATA controller Phil tion of state gasoline taxes, vehi-
Webb, who didn't respond to sev- cle-related sales taxes, license fees
eral interview requests. and other taxes and fees.
Law Prof. emeritus Theodore The AATA also receives
St. Antoine said he could not com- significant funding from Ann
ment on the AATA audit specifi- Arbor property taxes. Since
cally, butnotedthatanyemployers property values have decreased,
that do not comply with the act the taxes collected are subse-
could face repercussions. quently decreasing, which will
FUNDING attend a congressional break-
FUNDINgfast in Washington, D.C. this
From Page 1 .week to discuss federal funding
at public universities around the
are graduate students or pro- nation.
fessional students, and there .is In his speech on campus
nothing in those metrics that rec- in January, President Barack
ognizes that," Coleman said. Obama said it was necessary for
She said a one-time increase the federal government to play
- like the one the University an active role in keeping college
received - is difficult to factor costs down.
into a long-term budget because "This is a conversation we
continued funding is not guar- need to have," Coleman said. "I
anteed, adding that the system want people to know internally
should place greater emphasis what we are doing to keep our
on comparisons with peer insti- cost down."
tutions across the country, rath-
er than within the state. HANLON SAYS
"There are unintended con- UNIVERSITY TO REPLACE
sequences that people didn't THREE DEANS
think about in proposing these
metrics," Coleman said. "We've Hanlon also discussed the
been proposing alternatives process of selecting new deans
with every breath we have." for the 2013 academic year, not-
Coleman noted that she will ing that Dentistry Dean Peter
cally on CALEA's standards.
rm Pa e1. "Our purpose of being here
o Pis to allow people to speak to us
directly and give us any insight
she was unable to complete her they have on the agency as it
schoolwork. She said former DPS relates to the standards to see
Executive Director Greg O'Dell, if the agency is in compliance,"
who died last December, eventu- Tondiglia said in an interview
ally lifted the warning without a after the event/
formal hearing before he left the Though Tondiglia and Ice do
department. not personally decide whether
Martinson argued that the DPS should be re-accredited, they
department lacked independence forward a report of their findings

impact revenues for next year,
according to the report.
"The July 1, 2011 property tax
levy decreased 1.2 percent from
the July 1, 2010 levy," the report
stated. "Cirrent projections
show a further decrease of 1.0
percent in the July 1, 2012 tax
levy because of declining prop-
erty values."
With fewer funds available
through these avenues due to the
poor economy, the AATA may
see less revenue next year. Sta-
siak said added that the AATA
has not been negatively affected
thus far, and she does not fore-
see making any substantial fare
increases in the near future.
"There was a certain amount
of property taxes that are not
going to be collected," Stasiak
said. "It has reduced the amount
of taxable revenue collected
and has over the past couple of
years. It hasn't affected us at
this point; we are still operat-
ing and have not had to decrease
our services. In fact, we have
increased our services this
Polverini, LSA Dean Terrence
McDonald and Dean of Librar-
ies Paul Courant will end their
terms in August of 2013.
Hanlon said committees will
be assembled to select the new
deans by the end of the year,
and the positions will be filled
during the 2012-2013 academic
The selection committees
will consist of 12 to 15 members
comprised of one senior faculty
member, six faculty members
from the school, a dean from
another school, a faculty mem-
ber from another school as well
as students, staff members and
The committees will appoint
chairs and assemble lists of
potential candidates to submit
to Coleman and Hanlon, who
will select the new deans from
the lists
to CALEA's commissioners, who
will then review the report at a
commission hearing in July.
DPS spokeswoman Diane
Brown said the low turnout may
be a good indicator of how the
public thinks of the department.
"I actually think (the small
turnout) says that people think
we're doing a fine job," Brown
said. "People will come if they've
got a complaint to something like

From Page 1
lim Students' Association, said
she joined the cause after Ala-
wadi's death to show solidar-
ity with the African-American
community, adding that she also
contacted the University's Iraqi
Student Association to encour-
age them to get involved.
"There was a lot of grief and
shock, and I think channeling
that into action was important
for me personally (because)
I felt almost paralyzed by it,"
Sajid said. "I think the reason
that University of Michigan
students should focus on this,
and why it's relevant to them,
is that this is a reality. Racism,
intolerance, bigotry is a real-
ity in America, and we need to
acknowledge it as the next gen-
Rackham student Moham-
med Tayssir Safi, the Univer-
sity's Muslim chaplain and a
speaker at the event, said people
are obliged to raise awareness
about race-fueled tragedies.
"As human beings, I think
that we all have an unbreak-
able bond and an unbreakable
responsibility to one another,"
Safi said. "When an individual
(is) killed unjustly in the type
of incident that Trayvon was
killed in, I think that it hurts all
of us as a community."
Safi said the event's strong
turnout displayed the commu-
nity's ability to make a lasting
"I know there have been
turnouts all across the country
for Trayvon," he said. "I hope
that people continue to raise
their consciousness and con-
tinue to have a global effect to
build relationships as commu-
nity members."
LSA senior Ematn Abdehadi,
From Page 1
reform and adapt," according to
the plan.
"The decisions of colleges
and universities to raise their
prices would have been con-
strained if the federal govern-
ment had not stepped in so often
to subsidize rising tuitions," the
plan states.
Cindy Bank, assistant director
of the University's Government
Relations Office in Washington,
D.C., argued that'the plan has
very little chance of passing the
Senate, especially since Demo-
crats control the Senate.
"The plan won't pass in the
Senate as it is written (though
the University) is concerned
about any cuts to financial aid,"
Bank said.
Bank said in its current state,
the plan would not have an
immediate influence on the
University, noting that the pro-
posed cuts are more restricting
than the Budget Control Act,
which was passed in 2011 to
reduce national debt.
"(The plan) is written broad-

president of the University's
Muslim Students' Association,
spoke at the event and said the
vigil not only allowed students
to process their grief by uniting
in a positive way, but also built
bridges between multiple com-
"It recognizes underlying
causes behind these deaths,
which is really just one cause
- and that's racism," Abdel-
hadi said. "This all comes back
to 'fear of the ther.' Both of
these events come back to peo-
ple of color's lives being at risk
... because of hatred, because of
stereotypes and because of this
environment that we have in
our country of xenophobia."
Abdelhadi said the event pro-
vided an opportunity to educate
the student body about impor-
tant racial issues.
"This event, it's not an iso-
lated incident," she said. "It's an
incident that highlights these
pent up tensions and these
problematic discourses that you
still see every day just turning
on the news."
LSA sophomore Margaret
Staeber said 'she attended the
event because she was disap-
pointed that such killings still
occur today.
"As a white female, I may
not have come against a lot of
the problems that other people
have," Staeber said. "But you
can all still band together and
really show why these things
aren't okay and why they never
should have been okay."
LSA junior Patrick Parkin-
son, a member of a coalition for
diversity, announced at the end
of the event that students will
be holding a Million Hodie
March on April 10 to further
honor Martin and Alawadi.
"Frankly, I'm fed up," Par-
kinson said. "The fight cannot
end here tonight"
ly - the specifics haven't been
described," Bank said. "It sets
caps for spending below those
set in the Budget Control Act,
and we don't have a sense yet oni
how those cuts will be applied."
Bank added that the budget
proposal does not consider the
expenses of privately provided
loans in its restrictions-on federal
"The proposal doesn't take
into account the expenses for
subsidies when private groups
administer loans," Bank said.
The plan will be debated in the
House today, and a vote is sched-
uled for Thursday. If passed, the
cuts will be implemented for the
governmental fiscal year, begin-
ning in October 2013.
In an e-mail interview, U.S.
Sen. Carl .Levin (D-Mich.)
said cutting financial aid pro-
grams is not an effective way to
approach college affordability.
"We need to make college
more affordable, not less,"
Levin wrote. "Protecting pro-
grams that help families send
their children to college is
vitally important, and I would
strongly oppose any of those


from University administrators.

"Police are deputized
uphold the law, not the j
mental whims of adminis
tors," she said.
Martinson added
CALEA assessors misrepo
or failed to report many of
comments in 2009.
"I really question the v
of CALEAs accreditation1
cess," Martinson said.
Biology Prof. emer
Thomas Moore, a membe
the DPS oversight commi
spoke briefly at the meeting
said DPS officials have I
responsive to the commit
concerns and suggestions.
"My impression has I
one of DPS professional pe
coming forward quite fr
with us and discussing th
that are going on," Moore so
Tondiglia interrupted 1
Smith and Martinson frequ
ly to remind them of time li
and asked that the attendee
the meeting comment spe



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mits http://pharmacy.umich.edu/pharmacy/register .
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es of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Michigan

The Myth and Reality of Androgen Abuse
Richard Auchus, UM Department of Internal Medicine
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of Anabolic-Androgenic Steroid Use
Thomas Hildebrandt, Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Steroids:They're not just for athletes anymore
Ruth Wood, University of Southern California
Kids, Drugs and Sports
Linn Goldberg, Oregon Health and Science University
Moderator - Kirk Brower, UM Department of Psychiatry
Discussant - Greg Harden. UM Associate Athletic Director






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