2A - Thursday, March 15, 2012
2A -Thusda, Mach 5, 012The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom
In Other Ivory Towers This Week in History.
How do y
jobs as ass(
physics del
Being a
dents, acti,
such direct
collective f
ciate chair
heing crest
also some
tive tasks t
fun. The s
made nn car
ing use of t
shount half r
which cruc
percent din
Campus Club Pofssr roils Photi
Studying the stars
you balance your 5 percent ecstasy. mum sues
ociate chair of the billion pat
partment and pro- What are some of your most how galax
exciting research projects? descrihing
over 1,00t
professor involves A good candidate would he entific lite
aod advisinsg stu- the Hubhhle Volume project,
ivities that I find done with my friends in the To you,
because they're Virgo Consortium. Using one gan such
investments in our of the world's largest super-
future. The asso- computers, we simulated cos- Persona
.position involves mic structure in avolume ashbig shout livir
tve, hut there are as the entire visihle universe. I freefornm
hasic administra- wrote thf code to create vir- happy 40t
:hat are taut all that toal sky surveys of ohjects crew at W+
sausage needs to he that astronomers would see the great:
opus, and I'm turn- if they lived in this synthetic in Michig
the cranks. I spend world. The simulation used shout the
ny time on research, a hillion particles, a record at system pu,
lely speaking is 95 the time. A few years later, we face.
adgery halanced hy followed up with the Millen-
:s of the Week
Ulation that used ten
rtidles and focused on
xies form. The paper
gthat simulation has
0 citations in the sri-
what makes Michi-
a special place?
slly, two major pluses
mg here are our local
radio stations -
th anniversary to the
CBN! - as well as all
mountain hike trails
tan. Just thinking
Copper Harhor trail
its a huge grin otn my
Pratosters march against the Fluxus String and Water
Compendium in tront at UMMA yesterday.
Job hunt help Flames on. ice
420 Maynard St.
Ann Arhor, MI 48109-1327
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Thn Mihigan Daily (ISS0l4t-96un)is published NMondayithrough Fiday during Sin fall and
wionrsby siadenti ai ihn Unisiy o ichigan. One capy isaailable fren:oftch:ar
to all reders. Addiionlcopis may b piked u tttheaily'soficeior $2. Subsitionsfor
filonr, stingi uin Septnmber, visU.oSil arent110.WineiemJanulary throagh Aprilli
sil5, yerlng (Setembethoghtpil)ti 19. Uniesityafilies arsubje ota edued
subsrinrair. On-amptssubscriptions is, fllutem aie $35. Subsripiosmust be prepaid.
BRisky business Potty crime
WHERE: Ross School of
WHEN: Tuesday at shout
4:40 p.m.
WHAT: A wallet was stolen
from the first floor cafeteria
area hetween 11 and 11:30
am., University Police
reported. Unauthorized
credit card charges were
also nsade to the account.
Knocked out
WHERE: 900 South Uni-
versity Ave.
WHEN: Yesterday at shout
250 an.
WHAT: Between 4
p.m. Tuesday and 2:40
amyesterday, a motorcycle
was knocked over, Univer-
sity Police reported. The
vehicle's nmotor was datm-
WHERE: School of Puhlic
Health Building II
WHEN: Tuesday at shout
9:35 p.m.
WHAT: A University staff
memher's wallet was found
insa restroom, University
police reported. The wallet
was maissing cash anad its
owner reported unauthor-
ized charges ona credit cards.
An investigation is under-
Fire expired
WHERE: Chemistry Build-
WHEN: Tuesday at shout
3:35 p.ns.
WHAT: A small fire
occured in asha on March A
hut was not reported until
Tuesday, University Police
reported. The fire was
extinguished and no injuries
were reported.
WHAT: Paul Rosenthal,
artistic director of the. Sinks
Music Festival, and Linda
Rosenthal, artistic direc-
tor of Juno Jazz & Classics,
will discuss networking and
career opportunities for
WHO: School of Music,
Theatre & Dance
WHEN: Today at 2;30 p.m.
WHERE: Moore Building
Social outreach
WHAT: A workshop hosted
hy Eric Heilmeier, a Uni-
versity Unions programs-
msinag adviser, seeks to teach
student organiations how to
more effectively use social
networking to reach out to
the community. Refresh-
ments will he provided.
WHO: Center for Campus
WHEN: Tonight at 5 p.m.
WHERE: Michigan Unions,
CSG Chamhers rooms
WHAT: A free ice skat-
ing event, called "Plumes
on Ice" honoring the
LGBT commaunity's Spring
Pride Week. Admission
and skate rental fees are
covered and groups are
encouraged to attend.
WHEN: Tonight at 8 p.m.
WHERE: Yost Ice Arena
Honor women
WHAT: The program will
honor the achievenments of
African American wonmen
o canapus.
WHO: Multi-Ethnic Stu-
WHEN: Tonight at 7 p.ms.
WHERE: Michigan League
Vandensherg room
" Please report any
error in the Daily to
1The lawyers of a multi-
millionare accused of
hitting and killing a
Florida man while driving
drunk is using a unique legal
defense, ABC News reported.
His laywers said that his car
was "malfunctioning," not
that he was intoxicated.
2Students are increas-
ingly converting to
e-readers over tradi-
tional hooks as shown hy the
closing of Michigan Book &
Supply sod the increased use
of c-readers in the classroom.
3Stars tourned out to the
Whsite House last night
for a state dinner hona-
oring Btritish Prime Minister
David Cameron, the Daily
Mall reported. First lady
Michelle Ohama had a prinme
seat, situated hetween Cam-
eron and George Clooney.
MORE ONLINE lsse Crime Notes? Share them with ysurL
followers on Twtter @CsmeNtes srtfind them sn their new lag. -
x & tiJames Bj. Angell Scholars for 7+ Terms
- - -89th Annual Honors Convocation I Sunday, Match 18, 2012
ThC2 following studenrs will bC among rhosC recognized during the Honors Convocation program on Sunday, March 18, 2012. These individuals
have demonstrated the highesr le'Ye of undergeraduate aeade'mic-success by achieving sCvCn or more coDsecutive terms of all A's and earning
the de'signatioan of Angell Scholar. The UnOiversity of Michigan congratrulates these students on their
superior scholastic achicvement and wishes them continue'd success.
Nime Term Angell Scholars
Scan Michael Collins
Paul Dunbar levis
Patul Thsmas Rink
n1lyss~a Ru v'
Schaol tof Music, Thetatre, & Dancer
Schooal of Music, Theatre, & Dance
CGull -gesaf literature, Scie'ncc, and the Arcs
Schosolssf Nursing
Eight Term Angell Scholars
',lamanGrace- Anfdrad'*
AX/itle, Aunnas
Sara E:mily Burke"
Iamvid By ru)nChapel*
Melsuic MIirdell Clnn*
Ausi n Man-eluster*
Andlrco\Juhn H ayhurst*
College osf itrerature,' Scie'nce , and the Arts
Coallege of Ltteratunre, Science, ,nd the Arts
College of i trerature, Science, and the Arts
College oaf iter-ture, Science, and the Arts
Schoosl of Arc and Design
College oaf 1I tetattnr , Scie'nce, and tihe Arts
Schoocl of Music, Thseatre, & Dane
Melissa A. l.eemhuis*
N achleen Yitn Leung*
L aurens Ghristin' McBride*
IKathryn Frances NMueller*
Amber-Jeast Vlasri Samsu n*
Sannanthsa Raschael WXinter
Seven Term Angell Scholars
Candiee Ants Amuri
I ltzahetla;\nn Atnastasia
( In ruollsr I soil Anadersn
'slsehaol Aurlsonas Iarera
Reb ekan S anrshs Bartlet
Bnritsny I-darn Ilanell
Aarons I hum is -Bekemever
I aruag ( :hen5
N at haniecl Lee f'ggins
Roin ulajoy ( rwinssi
I liccns la"in Divriasg-i
Ben~tjamn sAluex lielud
Cono ulTmurI lsnats Yielud
AshI vBincaedGum
Sarash Roseu.--lallinen
Slu',sun a ma I lannid
A W" Is..masII Iasarn
Cheu.ste.r Jng'hiu Kana
Brandonats ssaaNIappy
izItabeth Ann Kelly
Moh samad lKlsalid l awedl
Ale Jaymu.es reosoter
Gerald R.I (ard Sehoosl of Puhlie Poslicy
College caf i terature, Scaence, and the Arts
(salle a f i teorature, Sceneando lthe Arcs
College uf 1itteratu~re, Scene andl the Arts
College of Iiacrature, Sceeand ltime Arcs
Collegenof itteratusrs, Setenace, and the Arts
solle~ge nsf i terature, Scenae, and. the Arts
fCllege of IEngineening
Coullegeonf i treraiture, Scieneand lhe Artns
College tn ]'literature, Seieneanol the Arts
(College of i ,tera tore, Seciesoad the Artns
Conllege of itaerature, Scencae, aand the Artns
Conlegecaf1ln gneertg
College of i tceratureSetenendl the Artns
College osf I .itrratureScence and the Arcs
C ollegse uf iterature, Setene andI the Artns
College of Li.toracureSceee and the Arts
Cllege of iteratur, cene aod the Arcs
(n7erald RH. cord School of Puhlic Polhey
Collee ocf itaeratureScaenee ,and the Arts
(College of IEngineering
Cole'e of Lirerature, Scenee anad the Arts
E-mily Rosse L andu~graf*
1=,Inia-aeth A. LeBlance
La inn
ArielR.I ussinsg
S amasnth a NMassell
T humas 'hiatsew*
Micel o 1jshna Matlueck*
Ink okLy nn Mayer
(nahraol \VlpuplcN fss
D~nouglams Iee Nrestorovski
Shaae Mar'i e Osuna*
Sara 1l uolan Paqu~uet
Poswell Pornsgy
Wt/iltam (Croni. Perrich*
NMhelol Anathonny Q)uail*
Is-tln -lotpe Roherts
Dotntus Adamss Sharp*m
Dad MIatthew Spriogstead
Alyse .Marie Steg man
E mily I lazaheth Sterlhng
justin Miehael Teplits
College o~f Arts and Sciences, UM-Flint
Schooal of Music, Theatre, & Dance,
Sehool of Nursing
Sehoocl nof Music, Theatre, & Dance
College osf Literature, Science, and the Arts
Sehosol of Music, Theatre, & Dance
College nof i terature, Science, and teArs
Cosllege of Arts and Sciences, UM-Flint
College of itceratmre, Science, and the Ars
Schosol nf IEdueationGM-Dearhbsrn
Schoosl of Musne, Theatre, & Dance
College of literature, Science, and the Arts
Sehool nsf MustclTheacre, & Dance
College nsf itatr.e, Science, and the Arts
(oilege of iteratareScence and the Arts
College of iteramure Scaonce, and the Arts
College nof LiteramureScence, and the Arts
Schosol of Music, Theatre, & Dance
College of Engineering
College of 1itceramur, Science, and the Arts
College nsf itteramure, Science, and the Arts
((511ege of i tcerature-, Science, and the Arts
(Crasld R.I Fsrd School oaf Puhlhc Policy
College of itserature, Science, and the Arts
Sehool of E dueation
College of iteramure, Science, and the Arts
Stephen MI Ross School of Business
*0Denotae graduates
4 A