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March 12, 2012 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2012-03-12

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Monday, March12, 2012


Dr. Gupta
to speak at

Michigan men's basketball coach John Beilein is taking the Wolverines to the NCAA Tournament for the second-consecutive season.
Michigan draws No. 4 seed


olverines earn its NCAA Tournament fate on
Sunday night, but the Wolver-
ighest NCAA ines were just fine with that.
Instead, Michigan enjoyed
urnament seed a stress-free Selection Sunday,
knowing that it was a lock to
since 1997-98 make the Big Dance because of
the team's strong resume. For
By BEN ESTES their 24-9 performance this
Daily SportsEditor season, the Wolverines were
rewarded with a No. 4 seed in
ere wasn't any suspense, the Midwest Region. It's the
watch party or any hoop- program's highest seed since
the Michigan basketball the team earned a No. 3 in the
tuned into CBS to learn now-vacated 1997-98 season.

CNN correspondent,
'U' alum will give
address at April 28
Daily News Editor
Nearly two decades after he
graduated from the University's
medical school, Sanjay Gupta will
return to his home state to deliver
this year's Spring Commence-
ment speech on April 28 at the Big
Gupta, a native of Novi, current-
ly serves as CNN's chief medical
correspondent, where he contrib-
utes to various CNN shows and is
the anchor of the self-titled show,
"Sanjay Gupta M.D.," which airs on
weekends. He is also a practicing
neurosurgeon at Grady Memorial
Hospital in Atlanta and authored
two books about medicine, and his
first novel will be released tomor-

In an exclusive interview with
The Michigan Daily on Friday,
President Mary Michigan Daily
said Gupta
serves as an
of what
can aspire to
"We cNN
thought he,
so represents Michigan alums and
the impact that they can have on
the world," Coleman said. "In so
many areas, he has really become a
spokesperson who has tremendous
influence in the country soI think
for young people he really does
represent a terrific role model."
Gupta was on vacation last
weekend and unable to be reached
for comment, according to his
Gupta started school at the Uni-
See GUPTA, Page 3A

Michigan will take on Ohio,
the MAC Tournament champi-
ons, in Nashville in the second
round on Friday. Should the
Wolverines top the Bobcats, a
third round match-up looms
with the winner of the game
between No. 5 seed Temple
and either California or South
Florida (the Golden Bears and
Bulls play each other in the
first round on Wednesday in
Dayton, Ohio).
"(It was) less nerve-wrack-
ing," senior guard Zack Novak

said of watching the bracket
unveiled this season compared
to last year. "(I was) more con-
cerned about matchups this
time, looking who you're going
to play.
"If you would've asked me
lastyear after we got in, I'd had
no idea what seed we were, no
idea where we were going or
really even who we were play-
ing.... This year, we just saw it,
and you're waiting to see who
you drew."

a bigv
la as1

State Democrats
* endorse candidates
for board of regents
Two contenders versity Board of Governors.
Bernstein and Diggs were
unofficially unopposed for their party's
endorsement because former
nominated Michigan Lt. Governor John
Cherry dropped out of the race
By PETER SHAHIN days before the nomination.
Daily Staff Reporter Bern-
stein, a
After winning the endorse- University
ment of their party, Shauna alum and
Ryder Diggs and Mark Bern- president
stein are well on their way to and manag-
receiving the official nomina- ing partner
tion of the Democratic Party of the Sam
for the University's Board of Bernstein Law Firm, said in an
Regents race in September. interview with The Michigan
At a party conference held Daily that he is prepared for
at the Cobo Center in Detroit the general election in Novem-

U.S. Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) speaks at a voter registration rally hosted by the University's chapter of the NAACP.
rallystate officials
urg student aCtivism

SHEI fashion
show raises
money to
prevent abuse
More than $1,500
raised for women's
group against
domestic abuse
Daily StaffReporter
Sava's State Street Cafe clientele
transitioned from a crowd of hun-
gry customers to sartorial enthusi-
asts on Saturday night after being
transformed into a runway for a
fashion show charity event.
As part of women's history
month, student organizers at SHRI
Magazine collaborated with the
co-ed service fraternity Alpha Phi
Omega to develop the program,
which garnered more than $1,500
in proceeds for the Women's Cen-
ter of Southeastern Michigan, an
organization that provides a num-
ber of services for women, includ-
ing job counseling and divorce
LSA senior Inga Shoberg, SHEI
magazine spokeswoman, said the
theme was parallel with the values
and goals of the Women's Center,
which supports women who have
suffered from domestic violence
as part of its many services. Sho-
berg added that the colorful flow-
ers styled on the models' faces
and heads symbolized beauty and
regrowth, another theme of the
Models at the show sported
See SHEI, Page 3A

on Saturday, Democrats from
. across the state endorsed a
host of candidates for a vari-
ety of offices. State law for-
bids parties from awarding
nominations before their offi-
cial convention in the fall, but
these unofficial endorsements
carry the same weight in that
candidates will be the only
ones to stand for nomination at
the convention.
The Democrats also
endorsed Southfield District
Court Judge Shelia Johnson,
Wayne County Circuit Court
Judge Connie Marie Kel-
ley and University of Michi-
gan Law Prof. Bridget Mary
McCormack in their bids for
the Michigan Supreme Court.
Endorsements were also given
to nominees for the Michi-
gan State University Board of
Trustees and Wayne State Uni-

"My intention from the
beginning was to change the
way my party thinks about
these types of nominations,"
Bernstein said. "In doing so, it
was my goal to treat this posi-
tion with the seriousness that I
think it deserves."
Bernstein said his main pri-
orities, if elected to the board,
would be to keep the Univer-
sity affordable and maintain
its status as a public university.
"You can have the most
exceptional product in the
world, but if nobody can afford
it, it's frivolous," Bernstein
said. "On the other side, you
can have the most affordable
product in the world, but not
worth buying, it doesn't matter
how cheap it is."
He added that increased

importance of
youth vote
Daily News Editor
In the 2008 presidential
election, the youth vote played
a record role in the election
of President Barack Obama.
With the 2012 election just
months away, campus orga-
nizations from an array of
diverse backgrounds are laud-
ing the importance of student
involvement in the campaign.

About 40 students from the
University of Michigan and
Eastern Michigan University
attended a rally in Angell Hall
Friday evening that included
speeches from Sen. Carl Levin
(D-Mich.), U.S. Rep. Hansen
Clarke (D-Mich.), state Rep.
Jeff Irwin (D-Ann Arbor)
and state Rep. Fred Durhal
Jr. (D-Detroit). The Univer-
sity's chapter of the National
Association for the Advance-
ment of Colored People and
the Central Student Govern-
ment's Voice Your Vote Com-
mission co-hosted the event,
which centered on encourag-
ing political activism among
high school and college stu-

Levin, who spoke first,
emphasized the importance
for students to be politically
active and participate in the
voting process, especially to
bolster the liberal vote fol-
lowing the Republican surge
to take control of Congress in
In an interview after his
speech, Levin said even on
issues of higher education,
students are often unable to
grasp the effect of politics on
their daily lives.
"Young people frequently
don't understand what the
difference is, what difference
it makes whether they vote or
not," Levin said.


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