4 - Friday, March 9, 2012 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com 4 - Friday, March 9, 2012 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom C I he Wchiaan4:)atolv l JEFF ZUSCHLAG E-MAIL JEFF AT EMORT@UMICH.EDU Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan since 1890. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 tothedaily@michigandaily.com ASHLEY GRIESHAMMER AND ANDREW WEINER JOSH HEALY EDITORIAL PAGE EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR So how has your break been? JOSEPH LICHTERMAN EDITOR IN CHIEF Pretty good, but I can't help but feel like I'm forgetting something... Unsigned editorials reflect the official position of the Daily's editorial board. All other signed articles and illustrations represent solely the views of their authors. Imran Syed is the public editor. He can be reached at publiceditor@michigandaily.com. Practice what you teach 'U' should expand massive open online courses The cost of higher education has been steadily climbing - especially in recent years due to the economic downturn. Recently, universities such as the Georgia Institute of Tech- nology and Stanford University have offered courses online. On Feb. 13, 2011, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology unveiled an expansion of its OpenCourseWare, which allows students to take online classes for credit - a system better known as a massive open online course. The University should follow this current trend in higher education and explore MOOCs as a worthwhile medium for the dissemination of its curriculum. Business, the 'U'and you The University's mission statement pledg- es to "serve the people of Michigan and the world through preeminence in creat- ing, communicating, preserving and apply- ing knowledge, art, and academic values." Though these courses don't ultimately lead to a diploma, the democratization of educa- tion stands to benefit a group of students that are strapped for cash yet driven to succeed. According to the National Center for Educa- tion Statistics, the cost of tuition at a four- year institution has tripled since the 1980s, and more than 700,000 students turned to distance learning to earn their degrees after the recession that began in the fall of 2008 - the number accounts for about 4 percent of all college undergraduates. The University has its own MOOC avail- able as of last month, a course titled "Model Thinking" taught by Scott Page, a professor of complex systems, economics and political sci- ence. The University should expand its aims of profitable research to make education for all a priority, and MOOCs are a natural start. Such an initiative would be a positive influence on the University's reputation as a proponent of higher learning. Online, for-profit college courses, although a possible alternative solu- tion to getting an education in a recession, are often criticized as negligent programs that deliver low-quality results. According to a recent Huffington Post article, 13 percentof all college students attended for-profit schools in 2009, and those in bachelor's degree programs suffered higher rates of unemployment and loan debt than students attending a public or private university. Though education for education's sake is an admirable rallying cry, it's not necessarily practical, which is why one school has taken its MOOC a step further.The Massachusetts Institute of Technology recently increased the scope of its own online course program, unveiling a new venture in December 2011 called MITx. This free program is open learn- ingsoftware available to all students, including those from other schools, and users can also use MITx to obtain a credential for "a modest fee." Though MITx is not far-reaching enough to allow students to graduate, certainly this online option a step in the right direction. In order to move forward, the University should seriously consider researching and implementing more MOOCs. This not-for- profit action would be admirable and would increase the University's alumni base. Free online courses like Page's, whether accred- ited or not, would be a boon to the University's reputation and, more importantly, the minds of hopeful learners. s the business of America busi- ness? Is what's good for General Motors good for the country? How about what's good for Google? .M These ques- tions resist simple answers. 1 Liberal and con- servative argu- ments on the JOEL subject often fail BATTERMAN to admit just how deeply involved our government has always been in shaping the growth of private enter- prise. But it's a good time for us to think about the relationship between businesses, especially one familiar public institution: the University of Michigan. Are the evolving connec- tions between the University and for-profit industries evidence of the corporate conquest of American life? Are they a potentially transformative cure for Michigan's economic woes? A complex phenomenon that merits careful analysis? I tend to think it could be all of the above. Like other public research uni- versities, the University has long- held close ties to business. The campus landscape is embedded with the names of private sector leaders from lumber baron Arthur Hill to Ford investor Horace Rackham. And like its peers, the University formed a crucial link in the postwar partner- ship between business and the U.S. government, absorbing billions in state research dollars for science and technology. Under the leadership of University President Mary Sue Coleman and Vice President for Research Stephen Forrest, however, the University has taken unprecedented steps to deep- en its relationships with corpora- tions and make entrepreneurship a major part of its mission. This is best symbolized by the University's purchase of the former Pfizer corpo- rate campus on Plymouth Road, now the North Campus Research Com- plex. The University's campaign to "galvanize innovation" includes an expanding range of programs that train students to startbusinesses and provide material support, including direct investment, for student and faculty-run firms. Since 2007, the University's Business Engagement Center has lured companies with the promise that it will "maximize the growth potential for your business... by identifying and accessing the Uni- versity's vast resources, including research discoveries, new technol- ogy, high-tech facilities, student and alumni talent, continuing education programs and strategic giving." These are bigchanges, and they've put the University on the cutting edge of a national trend. Coleman is now chair of the Association of American Universities and the public sector co-chair of President Barack Obama's National Advisory Council on Innovation and Entrepreneur- ship. The University can justly claim to be a leader in the movement to integrate the public research univer- sity with the for-profit sector. But is that for the best? At its most promising, the trend could help universities become big- ger players in American life. If you asked the average citizen what the University does for the state of Mich- igan, a lot of people might be hard- pressed to come up with answers not involving football. I would love to see our University's vast creative capacities applied to more directly confront the challenges facing U.S. society instead of simply churning out literature on its margins. Univer- sities are notoriously slow-moving, and they could learn a lot from the private sector when it comes to more nimble practical engagements with a changing world. On a more imme- diate level, I'm not sorry to see the University attracting more industry to Michigan (especially in cleantech- nology) instead of simply exporting our state's best-prepared young peo- ple to Chicago and the coasts. Ontheotherhand,thetransforma- tion of the American public universi- ty alsoriskserodingits mostvaluable qualities. Key staffers now say "U-M must itself become entrepreneurial." But what. does that mean? Despite recent buzz about "social entrepre- neurship," most entrepreneurs are out for one primary purpose: to make a large amount of personal profit in a short amount of time. The Univer- sity, by contrast, is not a for-profit institution. It operates on a scale of centuries, not years. And on paper, at least, it exists for the benefitof all the state's citizens. Industry ties bring oppurtunity along with risk. It is somewhat ironic that the University is pioneering the inte- gration of the public research uni- versity with private enterprise, since most of Michigan's current woes arise from certain limitations of the latter. My own opinion of global capitalism is far from fixed, but it's pretty clear that its habit of sacrificing long-term community prosperity for short-term gain has not always served our state so well. The various elements of our society desperately need to be reconciled around civil and ecological sus- tainability, and learning between different sectors could conceivably further that goal. The real question is who's dictating the terms, and that's a question for another col- umn. Stay tuned. - Joel Batterman can be reached at jomba@umich.edu. This week was awful. I did not do enough work over break..." Every University student complained upon return from a brief spring break. GUS PORTELA|V Record debt under Obama (Critical) reading on the beach President Obama's campaign announced that it plans to send campaign staffers to 10 col- leges in swing states to reach out to youth vot- ers in what they're calling "Student Summits." The University of Michigan was one of the schools selected by campaign staff for a visit. In 2008, the youth voting demographic went heavily to Obama - he carried a whop- ping 66 percent to McCain's 32 percent. Obama utilized social media, celebrity endorsements and refreshing campaign rhet- oric to help capture that key demographic. He had little record to run on as a first-term U.S. Senator. Now, more than three years later, he has a record for voters to look at - but it's grim. Under the Obama administration, the grad- uating class of 2011 became the most indebted graduating class in history, with average per student debt sitting at $22,900. In addition, the average portion of the national debt per citizen sits at approximately $49,000. In addition, unemployment among young people is twice the national average at nearly 18 percent. Real-unemployment is even higher. In Michigan, the rate of unemployment is above the national average at an astounding 9.3 percent, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Meanwhile, Michigan's underemploy- ment rate, which is generally believed to be a better indicator of the actual job market, ties with four other states for highest in the nation, sitting between 21 and 24 percent in December 201L Major cities in Michigan have been hit even harder than the state as a whole. Unem- ployment in Detroit hovers at 20 percent as of early 2012. Young people in Michigan, as well as nationwide, are graduating college with more debt than ever before in history and entering one of worst job markets to date. We will be curious to see what Obama campaign staffers say to young people to try to win back their support after his administration spent the last three years failing them. College Republicans at the 10 schools select- ed will be doing their part over the next few weeks to educate their peers regarding how the administration has failed young people. Gus Portela is the Michigan state chairman of College Republicans. Over spring break, I read Khaled Hosseini's "The Kite Runner" for essentially the first time. I say "essentially" because I began reading it over winter break, but ended up putting it down when I got back to LEAH school because I POTKIN was immediately bombarded with tests, papers and the like. However, I ended up having to read the bestseller for a course. While reading for class, I was able to get caught up in the story, emoting at the proper times and feeling a great sense of connection with the charac- ters. And while my reactions to the novel were normal enough, I couldn't help but reflect on my readingstyle as I turned the pages of the text, eager to see what would happen next. What I came to realize was that whenever I read something for a class or for an academic purpose, I couldn't help but read critically. My style shifts away from naive and unassuming and toward analytical. For better or for worse, it alters my relationship with the text and men- tally keeps me on my toes. The concept of reading critically versus reading for pleasure is some- thing I have been studying in one of my classes and hasled me to explore and examine my personal reading habits. I've discovered, contrary to what I'd expected, I get more fulfill- ment and enjoyment from my critical reading than I do from my vacation- style reading. In fact, I encourage all students to take a step back and examine how they read. I truly think that under- standing how we read can greatly enhance the benefits and enjoyment of reading itself. I can pinpoint my own experience with "The Kite Runner" as evidence. When I began reading the book over winter break, Iread carelessly for the sole purpose of mindless enjoyment. And, while there's nothing wrong with this approach - after all, I was on vacation - I found when I went back to it from where I had left off only a few short weeks before, I could hardlyremember character names or major plot themes - embarrassing, I know.' Intrigued, I went back to review some of the books I'd read for class before an exam, and discovered I had no trouble remembering the same information I had so easily forgotten when I wasn't reading critically. From this experience, it seems that unlike pleasure reading, during which most people are merely look- ing for interesting plots or charac- ters to entertain them while idling away time on the beach or trying to fall asleep, critical reading forces people to become more involved in all aspects of a book. Critical read- ers seek, among other things, the author's perspective, the book's dis- tinguishing features and the book's relevance to the general topic being taught by the assigning professor. When critically reading "The Kite Runner," I found myself marking or re-reading certain passages in an effort to comprehensively understand their significance and consider their relevance - something I can never remember doing when reading on the beach. This deeper immersion left me with an enhanced appreciation of the book's message and overall better understandingof the issues raised. I would venture to say that as stu- dents at a prestigious university, it's in our nature to read critically when reading for class. We all strive to suc- ceed, and in doing so, we read with the purpose of extracting informa- tion and applying it later,- often only for exams, mind you. But it seems this increasingly aca- Take a step back and examine how you read. demic critical reading approach has its benefits inside and outside the classroom.Atleast in my recent expe- rience with "The Kite Runner," criti- cally I realized that books ranging from great novels like Hosseini's to what some would call trashy "beach reads" are more enjoyable when read through a slightly critical lens. Not to mention, as we're presented with countless reading materials every day, reading critically is vital in order to extract the important informa- tion from sources that aren't already tweet-length. This might all sound a bit abstract, but ultimately there is pedagogical value in critically readingtexts of all sorts, and students should capitalize on their abilities to hone in on texts for more than just the sake of a good grade or a classroom discussion. In myexperience, it certainlymakes for a far more interesting, if not enlight- ening, reading experience both inside and outside the classroom. - Leah Potkin can be reached at lpotkin@umich.edu. Follow her on Twitter at @LeahPotkin. EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS: Aida Ali, Laura Argintar, Kaan Avdan, Ashley Griesshammer, Nirbhay Jain, Jesse Klein, Patrick Maillet, Erika Mayer, Harsha Nahata, Harsha Panduranga, Timothy Rabb, Adrienne Roberts, Vanessa Rychlinski, Sarah Skaluba, Seth Soderborg, Caroline Syms, Andrew Weiner ,