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March 08, 2012 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2012-03-08

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2A - Thursday, March 8, 2012

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2A - Thursday, March 8, 2012 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom


TW it ipan DatIMy
420 Maynard St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1327
Editor in Chief Business Manager
734-418-4115 ext. 1252 734-418-4115 ext. 1241
lichterman@michigandaily.com zyancer@michigandaily.com

From textiles to teaching

Did you always know doing research, but then I
that you wanted to go into started teaching these really
teaching? big classes, (which) I hadn't
No. I got involved in done before, and it got really
teaching because I was interesting. The class I have
interested in researching right now is really just great.
textiles. I just decided it
would be really interesting What do you like to do
to understand why people outside of your work?
are still using and weaving Garden vegetables. I have
textiles in Africa, especially to say, my vegetable garden
in Nigeria. We don't do that is pretty nice. I have it in
here, it's not part of our rit- my backyard in Ann Arbor.
ual. So I decided to go back (I grow) tomatoes, beans,
to graduate school. I wasn't asparagus - it's serious. And
thinking really about teach- it's organic, which is really
ing per se, I was thinking nice.
about research. I ended up
coming to the University of What's an interesting
Michigan, (and) I was still fact about yourself that not
Depression "Black and
conference Blue" screening

Members of the local Occupy movement advocate for the opening
of a warming shelter for the homeless yesterday on E. Liberty St.

And $80,000
bites the dust
WHERE: Chemistry
WHEN: Tuesday at about
2 p.m.
WHAT: Lab equipment was
recently found tobe dam-
aged due to construction
dust in July 2011, University
Police reported. The equip-
ment is worth $80,000.
Flame on
WHERE: West Quad Resi-
dence Hall
WHEN: Tuesday at about
3:30 p.m.
WHAT: A fire extinguisher
was stolen, University
Police reported. It's believed
it was stolen between 5p.m.
Monday and 3:30 p.m. Tues-
day. The extinugisher has
not yet been recovered.

WHERE: The Diag
WHEN: Wednesday at
about 5:50 a.m.
WHAT: A student admitted
to the University Hospital-
Emergency Room reported
she was bit by a squirrel
Tuesday, University Police
reported. She said the squir-
rel attacked her after she
tried to feed it at about 5:30
p.m. Tuesday.
Book crook
WHERE: Hutchins Hall
WHEN: Tuesday at about
4:45 p.m.
WHAT: Six textbooks
were reported stolen from
a locked locker, but no signs
of forced entry were found,
University Police reported.

many people know?
I'm an aficionado of com-
mercials ... I don't watch
(television), I watch com-
mercials. The other thing
is, I like Pixar movies like
What advice do you have
for your students?
You should just follow
what you want to do. In this
economy, I know that sounds
kind of scary, but you should
really follow what you want
to do first and see if that
works out. This is what you
are going to be doing for your
A Polish kite surfer
attempting to cross the
Red Sea became stranded
for two days after the wind
died down, Reuters report-
ed. The man survived in the
shark-infested waters by con-
suming bottled water, enger-
gy drinks and energy bars.
Ten Thousand Villag-
es, an 8-year-old shop
on Main Street, pur-
veys products with origins
in more than 38 countries,
stressing fair trade and the
worthiness of hand-crafting.
An Indiana mother lost
her legs as she shielded
her two children from
last week's deadly tornado,
ABC News reported. The
woman's legs were crushed
when the twister decimated
her home. She protected her
kids under a blanket

734-418-4115 opt.3
Arts Section
Sports Section
Display Sales
Ontine Sales

News Tips
Letterstothe Editor
Editorial Page
Photography Section
tlassified Sales

WHAT: A symposium will
overview the symptoms
of depression and how to
combat and treat them. The
conference will also discuss
wellness maintenance. The
conference is free for stu-
WHO: Depression Center
WHEN: Today from 8:30
a.m. - 4 p.m.
WHERE: Rackham Gradu-
ate School
Comedy show
WHAT: The comedy "The
Man Who Came to Dinner"
will be performed with din-
ner. Reservations for group
seating may be made by con-
tacting the Michigan Union
Ticket Office.
WHO: Michigan Union
Ticket Office
WHEN: Tonight at 7 p.m.
WHERE: Michigan League
Hussey Room

WHAT: The film discusses
how Gerald Ford dealt with
racism against a fellow Uni-
versity football player.
WHO: Gerald R. Ford Presi-
dential Library
WHEN: Tonight at 7:30
WHERE: Ford Library
" An article in the March
6 edition of The Michi-
gan Daily ("Caught in
between: undocumented
immigrants fight for
tuition equality') mis-
identified LSA fresh-
man Daniel Morales'
citizenship status. He
is a permanent resi-
dent, not a citizen.
" Please report any
error in the Daily to

Josh Healy ManagingEditor jahealy@michigandaily.com
ethaplrn MaGgingNewst ,yditor d biron@michigndaily.com
SENORsNSo EDIoTnORS: aley Glatthon, Haey odbe, Raanoldsmih,
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Ashley Griesshammer and opinioneditors@michigandaily.com
Andrew Weiner EditorialrPage Editors
SENIOR EDITORIAL PAGE EDITORS: Harsha Nahata,TimothyRabb,Vanessa Rychlinski
Stephen Nesbitt ManagingSports Editor nesbitt@michigandaily.com
SENIOR SPORTS EDITORS: Everett Cook, Ben Estes, Zach Helfand, Luke Pasch,
Neal Rothschild, Matt Slovin
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ColeenThomasLiz Vukelich, Danieasemn
Leah Burgin ManagingArtsEditor burgin@michigandaily.com
SENIoAARTSEDInRS :Eli o ern,JaobAxela:d,oDavdTnaoKalaUaya a
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AldenRBelsManaging Photo Editoes
SENOe nPO T OSTrraMoengraff,ToddNeedle
ASSISTANT PHOTO EDITORS:Adam Glanzman, Austen Hufford, AllisonKruske
Marlene Lacasse, Adam Schnitzer
Arjun Mahanti Managing Design Editor mahanti@michigandaily.com
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Jennifer Xu Magazine Editor
Christine Chun and copydesk@michigandaily.com
Hannah Poindexter copy chiefs
sENIOR CoPY EDITORS Josephine Adams, Beth coplomit g
ZacBlergson Onine Editor bergon@mihigandaily.com
Imran Syed Public Editor publiceditor@michigandaily.com
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Rachel GreinetzS ales Manager
SophieGreenbaum Production Manager
Sean Jacksonspecial Projects Manager
Connor Byrd Finance Manager
Ashley Karadsheh Client RelationshipsManager
Meryl Hulteng National Account Manager
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and
wint. teerms by studentsat the University of Michigan. One copy is available free of charge
to all readers. Additional copies may be picked up at the Daily's office for $2.Subscriptions for
fal term, startingeintSeptemberviaU.S.malare $110. Winter term (Januarythrough Apriltis
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University of Michigan's 29th Annual Michigan Business Challenge
sponsored by the Zell Lurie Institute at the Ross School of Business
Awards more than $60,000 to Promising Student Startups
The 29th annual four month, multi-round Michigan Business Challenge began in the fall with nearly 145 students from across the
University representing 45 teams. On February 17 eight semi-finalist teams were narrowed down to a field of four finalists that pre-
sented their businesses in an interactive session with professional investors and competed for the top Pryor-Hale prize of $20,000.
Several teams will go on to compete at intercollegiate business plan competitions where winning Michigan teams in 2011 brought
home $326,350 in prize money and services.
Congratulations to the winning U-M teams!
Michigan Business Challenge awards $62,000 in total prize money

$20,000 Pryor-Hale Award for Best Business
$2,500 Marketing Award sponsored by Mark Petroff
Fashion Forward Maternity - a socially responsible online boutique
where savvy professional women can rent high quality and designer ma-
ternity and nursing fashions at a fraction of the price of new. Erin Lewis
(eMBA '12), Judy Skiles Lavers and Sannie Sapier
$10,000 Runner-Up
$2,000 Outstanding Presentation
Converge Medical Technologies - a medical device company that de-
velops patient brain function monitoring solutions through principles of
neuroscience. Mike Johnson (MD/MBA, MIC Fellow '12), Jay Johnson
(MSE, MIC Fellow '12), Anna Ng (MHA, MIC Fellow '12), Anthony Tsai
(MD, MIC Fellow '12), George Mashour
$7,500 Erb Award for Sustainability
$5,000 Williamson Award for Outstanding Business and Engineer-
ing Team
$2,500 Marketing Award sponsored by Mark Petroff
$1,000 Advancing to Finals
QFingerTips - a for-profit social-entrepreneurial company that builds de-
vices enabling the blind to use modern touchscreen devices. Siyang
Chen (MFA '13), RK. Mishra (MBA '12), Roger Potter (BSE Mechanical
Engineering '12), Nick Wilcox

$2,500 Undergraduate Award
$2,000 Outstanding Presentation
Thru.im - a mobile website that lets you transact with any business via
free text messaging for consumers who want to communicate with busi-
nesses through text. David Spiro (BBA '12), Chad Stark (BBA '11),
Calvin Gee (BS Informatics '12), Cheng Chen (BS Computer Science
Engineering '12)
$2,000 Best Written Plan
$1,000 Advancing to Finals
StrideSports - a designer and manufacturer of fitness and exercise
equipment with a mission to create fun, exciting, innovative products
that inspire people to live healthier lives. Brian Beard (MBA '12), Grant
Weber (MBA '11)
Round Two competitors each received $200; Semi-finalists that did
not advance or receive a larger award each received an additional
$300. ASK Interfaces Ginny Liu (BS Neuroscience '12), Christopher
McMeeking (BSE Computer Scinece Engineering '12),, Jackson Buell
(MBA '12), Jeffrey Miller, AutoBike LLC Sean Simpson (MBA '13),
John Czoykowski (MS Energy Systems '13), Mark Simpson, Kevin
Smith and Surf-face Shying Lin (MBA '12), Hiroshi Kitami (MBA '12),
Ellie Chang (MBA '12)

www.zli.bus.umich.edu 0MICHIGAN

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