4 - Friday, January 6, 2012 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.cam 4 - ridy, anuay 6 202 Th Mihign Daly mihigadaiyco 4C fiiigan a30 l Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan since 1890. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 tothedaily@michigandaily.com ASHLEY GRIESSHAMMER JOSEPH LICHTERMAN and ANDREW WEINER JOSH HEALY EDITOR IN CHIEF EDITORIAL PAGE EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR Unsigned editorials reflect the official position of the Daily's editorial board. All other signed articles and illustrations represent solely the views of their authors. Imran Syed is the public editor. He can be reached at publiceditor@michigandaily.com. F RO M THE D AILY Closing time in Detroit Police must ensure precincts serve residents Detroit is considered one of the most dangerous cities in the nation. A recent decision by the Detroit Police Department will close certain precincts within the city to the public from 4 p.m. to 8 a.m. every day. The closings cause a concern for the safety of Detroit residents. If residents truly don't use the precincts during those hours and don't have a legitimate need for them, closing the pre- cincts for a large part of the day may save Detroit a significant amount of money. However, before a decision that could negatively affect citi- zens is made, police officials should conduct thorough research with the safety of the community in mind. 0 And the next leg of the marathon is the Palmetto state...here we come South Carolina!!!" - A tweet from Texas Gov. Rick Perry's Twitter account after he announced Tuesday he would reassess his presidential campaign following his fifth place finish in the Iowa caucuses. A we ll-rounded edcto Detroit Police Department precincts and districts in certain parts of the city will be closed to the public from 4 p.m. to 8 a.m. every day beginning on Monday. Several clerical jobs, including report clerk, desk clerk and timekeeper, will be eliminated. The officers currently holding these positions will be returning to street patrol. The pro- gram is scheduled to be expanded city-wide next month. Before deciding to eliminate 24-hour pre- cincts, the city should conduct comprehen- sive research to determine if there is a need for them. If residents use the precincts and want them open all the time, the city should not close them. The purpose of the police force is to protect and serve the commu- nity. If residents feel they need a precinct to be open for 24 hours a day, then they have a right to have that service. The police department has proposed a switch to virtual precincts. The idea of switching to virtual precincts has the poten- tial to be a viable solution. If the technology is in placeforresidents to file complaints and, perform other tasks online instead of at a physical precinct, the option could prove to be a money-saver for the cash-strapped city of Detroit. It's commendable that Detroit is not com- pletely eliminating the jobs at the shuttered precincts. Returning officers to the street serves as a win-win situation for residents and officers. Since Detroit is a dangerous city, more street patrols could deter crime and increase the safety of residents. These officers will also stay employed, so they won't add to Detroit's already high unemployment rate. Closing Detroit police precincts has both positives and negatives. The hours of the day when the precincts will close tend to be when most crimes occur, so the virtual precinct system should be flawless before it's imple- mented. If the safety of Detroit residents is compromised in any way by closing the pre- cincts, they should remain open around the clock. Though residents will not be able to receive services at the physical locations, the move will place officers back on the street, where they can better protect residents. If the residents of Detroit want the precincts to remain open for 24 hours,,and have dem- onstrated a need for it, they should have that right. ver break, I caught up with a friend of mine who hails from Australia. After reminiscing for some time about the high school years she spent living in my hometown in Maryland, we moved on to share sto- LEAH ries about our respective col- POTKIN lege experienc- es. We compared everything from American and Australian bar culture to classroom dynamics. Aside from the differ- ences in drink and sport preferences - she prefers Crown Lager and soc- cer while I'm partial to Sam Adams and American football- what most surprised me was her genuine shock (bordering on disdain) that a university as prestigious as ours offers classes beyond the core aca- demic curriculum typically associ- ated with "university" studies in the Down Under. In this case, I was referring to a meditation and con- templative practice course I had just completed. As she explained, her course choices in Australia are much more limited, and classes are more focused on preparing students for specific professions or vocations. Her expla- nation indeed highlights a con- tinuing quandary for students. It's difficult to find a balance between core academic and vocational cours- es intended to better prepare stu- dents for immediate entry into the work world, and alternative and cre- ative courses, which contribute to a well-rounded and fulfilling college experience. Supporting the argument for a more focused curriculum is a study released earlier this week by Georgetown University's Center on Education and the Workforce, which reported a11.1% and 9.4% unemploy- ment rate for recent college gradu- aces with degrees in the arts and humanities, respectively. only grad- uates with architecture degrees, a field which was significantly and negatively impacted by the housing bust, had a higher rate of unemploy- ment. And while these results might be expected considering the coun- try's current economic state, the numbers for unemployment of grad- uates with more technical degrees did not suffer to the same extent. Despite my friend's disapproval and the results of such studies, stu- dents should still be encouraged to take courses that are not strictly academic in order to balance their schedules and expand their minds - ideally in ways which will assist them with their core courses and future endeavors. In the same way football players can benefit fromtaking ballet classes to improve performance on the field, University students can benefit from taking arts and humanities classes in order to get them thinking in new ways and with different parts of their brain. In addition to taking creative classes to find balance, University students should be encouraged to take classes in creative areas that interest them because of the oppor- tunity to learn in the amazing, highly recognized programs the University has to offer. Moreover, while the benefits of a more struc- tured academic curriculum maylead to more success in the job market immediately after graduation, there certainly is no guarantee that such directed studies will lead to long- term happiness or fulfillment. Further complicating the discus- sion of the potential benefits of tak- ing classes outside the core academic curriculum is the supposition that such classes are what students deem "easy A" classes. Students take these electives in order to inflate their GPAs, and while higher-level arts classes are most certainly difficult, some lower level and less conven- tional ones - such as the meditation course I took - indeed deserve the "easy A" identification, something nearly every student looks for when scanning websites such as ratemy- professor.com. While some students may, in fact, elect to take such class- es solely with the intention of get- ting a good grade, many others do not, and if the end result for either party is exposure to, or appreciation of, a new subject, then the motiva- tion for taking the classbecomes less important. Classes outside a core curriculum can be beneficial. With a new semester just under way, students shouldn't take the endless benefits of exploring areas outside their core curriculum for granted, and they should take cre- ative classes in conjunction with strictly academic ones. Though such creative courses may not pay imme- diate dividends in the "real world" as compared to more directed technical business or engineering courses, the application of materiallearned in cre- ative classes could very well be more practical and fulfilling in the post- college world outside the work arena. So, while strict academics and soccer might be the norm Down Under, a balance of less convention- al classes and strictly academic ones - along with, of course, football - should be accepted as the norm both here in the United States and at the University specifically. So long as the University continues to give stu- dents the flexibility to choose their courses, students should be encour- aged to make their selections with- out fear of limitingnthemselves in the job market. - LeahPotkin can be reached at lpotkin@umich.edu. CONTRIBUTE TO THE COVERSATION Readers are encouraged to submit letters to the editor and viewpoints. Letters should be fewer than 300 words while viewpoints should be less than 850 words. Both must include the writer's full name and University affiliation. Send submissions to tothedaily@michigandaily.com SARAH SKALUBAI W Back out of blacking out EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS: Aida Ali, Kaan Avdan, Ashley Griesshammer, Nirbhay Jain, Jesse Klein, Patrick Maillet, Erika Mayer, Harsha Nahata, Timothy Rabb, Vanessa Rychlinski, Sarah Skaluba, Seth Soderborg,hCaroline Syms, Andrew Weiner CHAYSON HURST 1 VIEWPOINT The rise of Groupon-care When your first thoughts upon waking up range from "How in the world did I get here?" to "What happened to me last night?," don't laugh it off with your friends and joke about the drunk texts that may have been sent the previous night. Blacking out has become a serious issue on college campuses across the nation, and it's now being viewed ass a'normal' part of the college experience. More than half of college students that drink alcohol report having blacked out at least once in the previ- ousyear, accordingto a Northwestern Univer- sity study in 2011. But an even scarier thought is the fact that as more students experience blackouts, we are desensitizing ourselves to the dangerous and serious nature of the situ- ation. Blacking out mainly occurs from one of the three following reasons: drinking too much too fast, not eating a large enough meal before drinking or beingunder a large amount of physical or mental stress. All of these are common here on campus, where students are constantly running around without adequate meals and proper nutrition while they're also overwhelmed from the stress and workload that tough University classes create. In addi- tion, the social scene at frats, bars and Satur- day pre-parties does nothing to help curb the binge drinking that so many college students find themselves a part of. It is the common associationwith social drinkingthathas made blacking out a new norm here on campus. In reality though, it's anything but normal. Not to be confused with passing out from too much alcohol, blacking out is actually a type of amnesia. An individual who enters a blackout state suffers from memory loss that can last anywhere from 10 minutes to several hours depending on that individual's situation and past alcohol history. In this state, alco- hol interferes with neural synapses and leads to disruption in the formation of long-term memories. This makes it impossible to have any recollection of the previous night's festivi- ties the next morning, and it's extremely scary for the individual involved. Blacking out is definitely not something to laugh off and joke about in the morning when you can't remember how you got home (if you did), what you were doing for those three and a half hours and where you managed to lose your credit card, ID and cell phone. Blacking out has become a dangerous trend in our com- munity that can lead to injury, sexual assault, unprotected sex and, often times, regret. Poor decisions are made under the influence of large quantities of alcohol and can't be remem- bered in the morning when the time has come to deal with the consequences and fix the damagethat was done. This vicious cycle leads to immense stress, anxiety and even depres- sion if the blacking out occurs often enough. It is a growing trend among college students today that has taught us it's okay to blackout when drinking, and it's even a fun goal to aim for. The next time you hear someone yell, "I'm getting blackout tonight," take a second to ask if they truly understand what they're saying. Binge drinking on college campuses is ancient news, butthe increase in students who are blacking out needs to stop. It's not worth the stress, regret and embarrassment in the morning when the previous night is one giant blur. We were all intelligent enough to get into the University, so it's time to start acting like it and drop the mindset that blacking out is a socially acceptable behavior. As a community, we need to educate each other on the negative consequences associated with blackouts and how dangerous they can actually be to one's health. We need to change our mindsets and realize thatblackingout isn't all it's crackedup to be, and is in fact quite the opposite. So the next time you're out with friends - whether you're casually sipping a beer, cel- ebrating a 21st birthday or raging hard - just remember to drink responsibly, watch out for one another and eata decent meal beforehand. Let's try to start acting like the responsible, intelligent students that were accepted to the University in the first place. Don't we want to remember as much of our undergraduate experience as possible? -Sarah Skaluba is an LSA sophomore. ver Winter Break, while browsingthe Web, I noticed that the Internet discount giant Groupon now offers coupons for medical procedures. It's clear many Americans who don't have health insurance find these deals appealing, but is relying on Grou- pon for medical procedures a viable alternative to conventional health insurance? The first deal I found was a teeth cleaning for $39. Groupon also listed full eye exams for $29. Both deals boasted hundreds of dollars in savings compared to the project- ed normal cost of the procedures. It didn't shock me that these deals were available because many Amer- icans don't have dental or vision insurance - even I don't have cov- erage for those. What scared me most, however, were the multiple discounts for full medical check- ups. One deal offered an examina- tion for only $69 - it even included blood and urine testing. But it doesn't stop there. There were even listings on Groupon for LASIK eye surgery at the unbeat- able price of $2,100 per eye! That's a 58 percent discount according to Groupon. These are just a few of the many deals on medical proce- dures that can be found on the site. In fact, according to an Associated Press article, DealRadar.com - an online coupon finder - found that one out of every 11 deals offered online last year were discounts on medical procedures. As an aspiring pre-med student, I'm all for finding ways to make health care more affordable, but, using online deal sites like Groupon scares me. For one, many of the business- es offering deals on Groupon are doing so to advertise their compa- ny or practice. The idea is simple: If potential customers, clients or patients come in and enjoy their experience, they are more likely to come back for additional services. Eventually, those coupons for $29 eye exams will be extremely hard to find. When that happens, former coupon patients will either be forced to pay the full price of the procedure out of pocket, or forego the procedure altogether. Both of these are unfortunate options. It's important to remember that like other businesses, ophthalmologists, dentists and every other medical professional can't sustain services that are significantly discounted in the long run - they'd go bankrupt. It's dangerous to rely on cou- pons because they're inconsistent. For example, if you get a cavity and your "health insurer" is Groupon, the only option you have is to go online and hope that a nearby den- tist is offering discounts on fillings. If you can't find such a discount, then you go without. One final potential problem is the constant movement from one health professional to another. It's unlikely to see the same doctor that offers a $69 checkup offer another discounted procedure one year later. If you want another checkup, you will need to purchase the most affordable discounted checkup that you can find, which will likely be with a different doctor. Entire medical records are not quickly transferred from one office to another. One needs to fill outa lot of paperwork and questionnaires at both offices to facilitate the trans- fer. Unpredictable things can hap- pen that could hinder the care you receive. Maybe you forget to men- tion an allergy, or perhaps previous relevant symptoms that could help your current doctor quickly diag- nose a problem slip your mind on a given visit - there is real reason why many healthcare professionals claim consistency leads to better care. In all, Groupon can help bridge gaps in one's medical insurance, but online, discounted procedures are not a solution to America's health care problems. The system isn't reliable enough to be the primary source of care a person receives. Perhaps a more viable option is for sites like Groupon to offer coupons for conventional health coverage, like a discount on six months of coverage from established insur- ance companies. Hopefully the future holds better healthcare solu- tions for all Americans. Until then, I'm off to get my teeth cleaned for $39. - Chayson Hurst is an LSA junior. i &