2 - Friday, February 17, 2012
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Made a racket Grand theft
about ajacket bicycle
WHERE: Hatcher Gradu-
ate Library
WHEN: Wednesday at
about 12:40 p.m.
WHAT: A jacket was stolen
from a locked office, Uni-
versity Police reported.
There are no suspects.
WHERE: Mason Hall
WHEN: Thursday at about
12:05 a.m.
WHAT: A vending machine
was vandalized, but it was
unclear if anything was
stolen, University Police
reported. There are no sus-
WHERE: 400 Block of
South State Street
WHEN: Wednesday at
about 5:55 p.m.
WHAT: A student's bike
was stolen and his lock was
found nearby, University
Police reported. There are
no suspects.
Open mic
Story SLAM
WHAT: Audience members
can get up and tell a five
minute story related to the
theme of the night. The
theme for today's SLAM is
WHO: Word of Mouth
WHEN: Tonight at 6 p.m.
WHERE: Work Gallery,
306 State Street
No cash back Comedy play
Talent show
WHAT: The Kappa Alpha
Psi fraternity is hosting a
talent show that celebrates
the winners of a fraternity
sponsored essay contest.
Performers will sing and
show off their writings.
WHO: Multi-Ethnic Stu-
dent Affairs
WHEN: Tonight at 6 p.m.
WHERE: Michigan Union
Improv show
WHAT: ComCO, a Univer-
sity improv comedytroupe,
will perform. Tickets are
available for $2 at the door.
WHEN: Tonight at 8:30 p.m
WHERE: Modern Lan-
guage Building Auditorium
0 Please report any
error in the Daily to
Panasonic has halted
production of VCRs for
the Japanese market,
ending a production run that
started in 1977, the New York
Post reported. When the cur-
rent supply of VCRs runs out,
Panasonic will no longer sell
new cassette players.
Rick Santorum and
Mitt Romney visit-
ed metro Detroit on
Thursday and convinced us
of (some of) their qualifica-
tions and Vice President Joe
Biden's shares his thoughts
on domestic violence.
In an attempt to regu-
late the gaming craze of
its younger generation,
the South Korean govern-
ment has purposed a "cooling
off" law that allows only two
hours of video gaming per 24
hour period, MSNBC.com
Josh Healy Managing Editor jahealy@michigandaily.com
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The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Fridayiduring thenfall and
winterterms by students at the University of Michigan. One copy is available free of charge
to all readers. Additional copies may be picked up at the Daily's office for $2. Subscriptions for
fall term, starting in September, via U.S.mail are $110. Winter term(J:anuarythrough Apri)is
$115, yeariong (September through Aprilis $195. University affiliates are subject to a reduced
WHERE: University Hos-
WHEN: Wednesday at
about 5:43 p.m.
WHAT: A visitor's purse
was found missing a wallet
and cash, University Police
reported. It was reported
lost on Tuesday.
WHAT: Noises Off, a play
by English playwright
Michael Frayn, tells of the
comic misadventures of
producing a play. Tickets
are $17 and $10 with an
WHO: School of Music,
Theatre and Dance
WHEN: Tonight at 8 p.m.
WHERE: Mendelsshon
From Page 1
schools every year with the
hopes of bettering our communi-
ties and lives, do not simply give
up. I was an American at heart
and more definitely, I was a wol-
Morales addressed the board
during the public comments sec-
tion of the meeting and spoke
about his struggle to attend the
"I come here today to proudly
tell you my story because it rep-
resents the absolute complexity
of this issue," Morales said at the
meeting. "I am here today because
we would like to work with you
to remedy this injustice, alleviate
inequal access to higher education
for undocumented students and to
invest in a rich and truly diverse
experience for all Michigan stu-
Morales spoke on behalf of the
Coalition for Tuition Equality, a
student organization founded by
Public Policy junior Kevin Mersol-
Barg when he started his term last
fall as an LSA representative in
Central Student Government.
Mersol-Barg, who is running
for CSG president, said he hopes
the regents will collaborate with
the coalition.
"I'm hoping that they recip-
rocate our offer' to work with
them, that they would too want to
work with us," Mersol-Barg said.
"When Daniel spoke they looked
very receptive."
Morales echoed Mersol-Barg's
sentiments, and said in an inter-
view after the meeting he hopes
the University will work with the
organization to increase college
accessibility and affordability for
all students.
"My biggest hope is that they
will work with our coalition to
craft a new policy which is more
inclusive to all students from the
state of Michigan, and that we can
regain our status as a progressive
and fair school that gives any stu-
dent who is deserving of that edu-
cation a great education."
Mersol-Barg said he formed
the coalition, which is comprised
of representatives from various
student groups, because he saw an
injustice and wanted to fix it. He
said the number of undocumented
students at the University is not
possible to determine but is likely
very small, which could be due to
their difficulties affording tuition.
"This is a pressing issue for stu-
dents not only here at the Univer-
sity but even more students that
are very talented and bright and
can't be here," Mersol-Barg said.
After the speech, Morales said
though he was nervous before
he spoke, the nerves faded as he
began talking and he received
positive feedback from the regents
and people in attendance at the
"Once I was up there, and once
I began to speak, I was kind of
amazed at the positive receptive-
ness of the entire board of regents
as a whole," Morales said. "I felt
they were very receptive to the
overall message once I was fin-
ished delivering the speech."
In his speech, Morales said dur-
ing the year he deferred his enroll-
ment, he sought and received
residency, which qualified him to
pay the in-state rate.
"As soon as I mentioned how
my acceptanceto the University of
Michigan-Ann Arbor was riding
on this, the ICE agent's eyes shot
up from his desk, and he smiled;
he was a Michigan Wolverine,"
Morales said.
At the end of Morales's speech
when he mentioned the different
student organizations that con-
tribute to the coalition, members
stood up around the room holding
signs naming their representative
groups - including Central Stu-
dent Government, American Civil
Liberties Union-Undergraduate
Chapter, Latino Students Orga-
nization and Muslim Students'
Association - then walked out
of the Regents' Room on the first
floor of the Fleming Administra-
tion Building.
Though the timer went off that
indicated Morales's five-minutes
of allotted speaking time was up,
the room remained silent, and he
quickly finished the last few sen-
tences of his speech.
Upon commencing his speech,
regents Laurence Deitch (D-
Bingham Farms) and Andrea
Fischer Newman (R-Ann Arbor)
commended him and the mem-
bers of the coalition for attending
the meeting.
Morales said he was encour-
aged to speak at the regents meet-
ing by E. Royster Harper, vice
president for student affairs, at a
town hall meeting on Feb. 8.
"I went directly to the source
because I thought that was the
way that change can come about,"
From Page 1A
like as a zero percent corpo-
rate tax rate - that would ben-
efit manufacturing companies.
"Manufacturing, making
things, is the key to wealth cre-
ation in any society," Santorum
Santorum also suggested
large-scale changes to energy
policies. Specifically, he empha-
sized the importance of cheap
energy, citing that countries
with high standards of living
have lower energy prices and
noting that the 2008 economic
recession was exacerbated by
high energy costs.
Santorum said President
Barack Obama views American
oil, gas and coal resources as a
"liability," but Santorum said he
believes it is necessary to extract
more natural energy resources.
"I want to open up the Alaska
Wildlife Refuge to create more
opportunities for us to extract
oil," Santorum said.
Santorum criticized Obama
in a variety of areas, specifically
stating that he was "suffocating"
the economy, adding that Obama
was more concerned with forc-
ing automakers to produce clean-
er cars than with encouraging oil
drilling and pipeline creation.
Santorum added that Obama's
views are not compatible with
a country "that believes in free
people and free markets."
In a question-and-answer ses-
sion after the speech, Santorum
said Obama instigated a "war
on private education," citing
community colleges and private
schools as the only way to meet
the "exploding demand" for
skilled and semi-skilled labor.
He also discussed the need to
fund private schoolsto help meet
the needs of businesses.
Students from Eastern Michi-
gan University, Baker Univer-
sity and several high schools in
Michigan attended Santorum's
Noah Crowder, a senior at
Chelsea High School in Chelsea,
Mich., came with his govern-
ment class and said he enjoyed
the speech.
"I think he hit a lot of issues
that were really true to Detroit
and the Michigan area," Crowder
Gary Lesnau, a teacher at
Divine Child High School in
Dearborn, Mich., accompanied
his students to the speech and
said it was an educational trip.
"It's good exposure to the peo-
ple who are the movers and the
shakers in this country," Lesnau
Amy Pestenariu, a senior at
Divine Child, said she thought
Santorum would be a good
candidate for students and the
younger generation to support.
"Younger people should be
concerned about the job market,
and, in that respect, he would be
a good candidate for them," Pes-
tenauriu said.
From Page 1
nal investigation to review
"individual accountability" in
the case and determine if fur-
ther corrective actions need to
be taken. The motion called for
the hiring of experts to exam-
ine the organizational struc-
ture of the University's public
safety agencies and the refor-
mation of the University's 911
system so callers clearly know
whether they are calling police
or security.
"When people call, it should
be clear who they are talking to
and under what authority," Tay-
lor said.
To execute these actions, the
motion instructed Coleman and
Regent Denise Ilitch (D-Bing-
ham Farms), chair of the board,
to hire relevant experts or con-
sultants to perform the external
review and assist other tasks
moving forward.
"This situation is one that is
unacceptable to the regents,"
Taylor said. "And we the regents
feel we must do everything in
our power to ensure that it is not
The board passed the motion
unanimously, and Taylor read
a statement on behalf of the
regents that pledged their full
attention to the case moving for-
Jenson was arraigned today
at the federal courthouse in
Detroit. Magistrate Judge R.
Steven Whalen released him on
a $10,000 unsecured bond.
Court records show that Jen-
son will be represented by Farm-
ington Hills attorney Amanda
Paletz, who could not be reached
for comment as of yesterday eve-
ning. His preliminary examina-
tion on the federal charges is set
for March 8.
-Daily News Editor Paige
Pearcy contributed to this report