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February 14, 2012 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2012-02-14

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2 - Tuesday, February 14, 2012
In Other Ivory Towers

The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Professor Profiles Campus Clubs Photos of the Week

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Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1327
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lichterman@michigandaily.com- eyancer@michigandaily.com

Book store strike

30 years ago this week (Feb.
13, 1982): Employees at the Uni-
versity Cellar, a student-run book-
store, staged a "sick-out" in protest
of unfair salaries. According to The
Michigan Daily, officials said almost
all of the union members who work
at U-Cellar - approximately 85 per-
cent of the employees - called in
The catalyst for the "sick-out"
was the U-Cellar Board of Direc-
tors' decision the week before to pay
the management staff a $250 bonus.
U-Cellar manager Bob Carlson
said he thought employees would be
back to work the next day.
"I think it will prove to be just a
one-day flu streak," Carlson said.
Mary: Anne Caballero, chair-
woman of the U-Cellar Board of
Back it up Def
WHERE: Lot NW-53 2300 WHE
Stone Rd. dence
WHEN: Friday at about WHE
4:40 p.m. 8:55 p
WHAT: A four door Nis- WHA
sanAltima and a BMW sta- stude
tion wagon were involved and b
in an accident where one Police
backed into the other, Uni- pect i
versity Police reported. One male
car sustained damage to blond
its bumper. There were no baggy,
injuries. sleeve

Directors, said the responsibilities
given to management warranted
increased pay.
60 years ago this week (Feb.
13, 1952): The University Student
Legislature passed a bill to help
eliminate bias in campus organiza-
tions with a vote of 27 in favor, one
opposed, and eight abstentions, the
Daily reported.
The bill urged the University's
Student Affairs Committee to make
it mandatory for campus organi-
zations that have discriminatory
clauses in their constitutions to
petition their national committees
to remove them. The bill asked SAC
to refuse recognition to any organi-
zation that refused to do so.
Reactions were mixed, with
some Student Legislature members

saying the bill was too weak to be
effective, and proposing a timeline
to reevaluate the bill. The motion
to implement a timeline for the anti-
bias proposal failed by a vote of 22 in
favor and 14 opposed.
70 years ago this week (Feb.
13, 1942): The University League
Council shortened Friday night dat-
ing hours by imposing a curfew on
females that was an hour earlier
than the previously instated curfew,
the Daily reported.
Council' members said they
changed the curfew from 1:30 a.m.
to 12:30 a.m. to save electricity,
ensure coed physical fitness, "bring
the war home to the students" and
address the problem of coeds not
being able to donate blood due to

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Dye Hogan, and Esther "Reggie" Williams share
a last rinute kiss before curfew is imposed.


fenestrator Off-Campus

RE: Bursley Resi-
N: Saturday at about
VT: An unknown male
mt punched a window
roke it, University
reported. The sus-
s described as a white
about six-feet tall with
e hair, slim, wearing
jeans and a dark long
d shirt.

Given the hoot Pole dance

WHAT: Ann Arbor land-
lords and managers are
meeting to discuss off-cam-
pus living options, including
apartments and houses,
with interested students.
WHO: University Housing
WHEN: Today from noon
to 5 p.m.
WHERE: Michigan Union
drift lecture
WHAT: Rob Van der Voo
will speak about the history
of geomagnatism research
in support of the continental
drift theory.
WHO: University Library
WHEN: Today from 4 p.m.
to 5:30 p.m.
WHERE: Hatcher Gradu-
ate Library Gallery Room

WHERE: Couzens Resi-
dence Hall
WHEN: Saturday at about
2 p.m.
WHAT: A subject reported
his boots stolen from a
hallway, University Police
reported. They are thought
to have been stolen between
10:30 a.m and 2 p.m.

WHERE: Murfin Avenue
WHEN: Friday at about
9:45 p.m.
WHAT: A vehicle slid on ice
into a light pole, University
Police reported. There were
no injuries and no damage
to the pole. The vehicle was
towed away from the scene
of the incident.

* An article in the Feb.
13 edition of The Michi-
gan Daily ("DataDive
brings together schools,
students in information-
based event")incor-
rectly spelled the last
name of a represntative
of Focus: Hope. It is
Cooper-McCann. The
article also misidenti-
fled Nikki Road's mas-
ter's degree program:
She is a student in the
School of Information.
* Please report any
error in the Daily to

An 85 year old man drove
his Jeep into a hardware
store in the Detroit sub-
urb of Center Line, WDIV
reportdd. The man drove into
a parking spot and acciden-
tally hit the gas pedal instead
of the brake. There were no
injuries reported.
After seeing govern-
ment dysfunction in
India, columnist Har-
sha Nahata is much more
appreciative of the U.S.
Congress despite its dismal
approval ratings.
3 MySpace announced
yesterday that it has
more than 1 million
new members after intro-
ducing the new MySpace
Music Player in December,
Fox News reported. Execu-
tives say the site has the most
free music on the web.

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Greeks clean up after riots opposing
austerity vote, more than 120 injured .

At least 45
buildings burned,
67 arrested, 68
police injured
ATHENS, Greece - Firefight-
ers doused smoldering buildings
and cleanup crews swept rubble
from the streets of central Ath-
ens last night following a night
of rioting during which lawmak-
ers approved harsh new austerity
measures demanded by bailout
creditors to save the nation from
At least 45 buildings were
burned, including one of the capi-
tal's oldest cinemas, while dozens
of stores and cafes were smashed
and looted.
The stench of tear gas still hung
in the air yesterday morning,
choking passers-by. More than
120 people were hurt in the riot-
ing which also broke out in other
Greek cities. Authorities said 68
police needed medical care after

being injured by gasoline bombs,
rocks and other objects hurled at
them, while at least 70 protesters
were also hospitalized.
Police arrested at least 67 peo-
ple, while in several cases they
had to escort fire crews to burn-
ingbuildings after protesters pre-
vented access.
The rioting began Sunday
afternoon ahead of a landmark
vote in Parliament on yet more
austerity measures. The dras-
tic cuts debated in parliament
include axing one in five civil ser-
vice jobs over the next three years
and slashing the minimum wage
by more than a fifth.
Lawmakers approved the bill
in a 199-74 vote - to the relief of
investors who pushed the Athens
stock index up 5 percent yesterday.
The vote paves the way for
Greece's international creditors
to release euroI30 billion ($172
billion) in new rescue loans to
prevent the country from a poten-
tially catastrophic default next
month - bankruptcy could push
Greece out of Europe's euro cur-

rency union, drag down other
troubled eurozone countries and
further roil global markets.
There was nevertheless strong
dissentover the austerity package
among the majority Socialists and
rival Conservatives who make up
Greece's interim coalition gov-
ernment. The parties disciplined
the dissenters in their ranks, with
the Socialists and Conservatives
expelling 22 and 21 lawmak-
ers respectively, reducing their
majority in the 300-member par-
liament from 236 to 193.
Germany gave the vote result
a cautious welcome, with For-
eign Minister Guido Westerwelle
describing it as "a first significant
step along the right road."
"However, the actual diffi-
cult work with implementing the
reforms that have been agreed on
is only just starting now," he said
in a statement. "That is the deci-
sive precondition for Germany
and the other euro partners being
able to stand by Greece with a
further rescue package."
"Embarking on implementa-

tion is decisive now," Westerwelle
"These decisions show the will
and readiness of the Greeks to
make great efforts of their own
... to put the country on the right
track," German Chancellor Ange-
la Merkel's spokesman, Steffen
Seibert, said in Berlin.
"These measures, and we
really have to note this, are not
just saving for the sake of saving,
they are not cutting for the sake
of cutting - this is about reforms
in every political area," he said.
"These are measures that are
meant to restore step by step the
financial room for maneuver that
the country needs for new jobs
and new growth to emerge."
Germany's vice chancellor,
Philipp Roesler, also.said the vote
was "a step inthe right direction."
"It is good that the legislation
has now been approved, with a
broad majority too, but what is
decisive is the implementation of
structural reforms," Roesler, who
is also Germany's economy min-
ister, told ARD television.

From Pagel
Stadium Taxi in Ann Arbor, said
if the Walk of Shame Shuttle
garners widespread support on
campus, it may begin to compete
with his company's business.
"If friends are willing to
pick up other friends by hav-
ing a shuttle ride - that will
take away from our business, of
course," Newmann said.
However, Newmann said that
since the Walk of Shame Shuttle
will most likely be operating at
early morning hours, the ser-
vice would not pose as much of
a threat to his business.
"Something like that would
be beneficial for the early morn-
ing hours, from 2 to 5 a.m., it'd
be fine for someone to do that,"
Newmann said. "However, pick-
ing people up from the bar and
taking them elsewhere would
take away from our money."
Wargo said her business has
gained interest from custom-
ers who seek to avoid obtain-
ing a ride with an unknown cab
"Many girls are already
showing a lot of interest in the
service because they prefer hav-
ing a friend like me pick them up
instead of a random cab driver,"
Wargo said.

LSA senior Amanda Schwei-
gert said the Walk of Shame
Shuttle is a service that appeals
to her.
"It's a brilliant idea, and I
think Kellyann is brilliant for
starting it," Schweigert said.
"It's a service that a lot of people
want and will use because they
don't want the embarrassment
of a taxi."
After creating the online
flyer and posting it to her Face-
book, Wargo said her prospec-
tive business went viral, gaining
attention on BroBible.com, a
website dedicated to teaching
the "Bro Code," which was
linked to by Sports Illustrated's
website, SI.com. She added that
the mass coverage was uninten-
"At first, the plan was just to
offer this service to friends as a
way for them to pay me for my
work," Wargo said. "I didn't
think other people would be
interested in this until it went
Known for her comedic Tum-
bir, Ginger Ambition that has
gained increased popularity,
Wargo said she aspires to be the
next red-headed Chelsea Han-
dler. If Walk of Shame Shuttle
becomes an established busi-
ness, she hopes to sell the com-
pany and pursue her dreams
related to writing and comedy.




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