2 - Tuesday, Februrary 7, 2012 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.cam 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ..... --ueda.Fe..ar ,.01.TeMihianDi..-..hgada.yo 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1327 www.michigandaily.com JOSEPH LICHTERMAN ZACHA.RY YANCER Editor in Chief easiness Manager 734-418-4115 ext. 1252 734-418-4115 ext. 1241 lichterman@michigandaily.com zyancer@michigandaily.com Lawsuit fights same-sex benefits 20Oyears ago this week (Fehruary ships between unmarried people, witnesses would forget details of the 10, 1992): A lawsuit filed against Ann which were then illegal in Michigan. crime, the Daily reported. Arbor's domestic partnership ordi- 30Oyears ago this week (February 70Oyears ago thisnweek (February nance - which allowed both heteco- 91982): The murder trial for a former i1,1i942): With all eyes on World War sexual and homosexual partners to LSA student charged with fatally II, University officials advised frater- register with the City Clerk's office - shooting two students in Bursley nities to scale hack in every facet of was dismissed, The Michigan Daily Residence Mall was delayed due to their operations. reported. a conflict with Circuit Court Judge Assistant Dean Walter B. Rex The ordinance was unanimous- Ross Campbell's vacation time. said the University would not toler- ly approved one year prior, to the The trial - originally scheduled ate Greek-letter urganizations that lawsuit and allowed for same-sex for March 15 -was postponed until resembled "country clubs" during a couples to receive some extended May 10, after Leo Kelly shot and time of war, the Daily reported. He insurance benefits, including paid killed Edward Siwik and Douglas urged fraternities to return to their sick days to care for a partner. Four- McGreaham in the dorm's 6th Doug- fundamental purpose of philanthro- teen couples in Ann Arbor were reg-, las hallway with a sawed-off shotgun py and high academic standards. istered to receive benefits at the time. on April 17, 1981. Rea recognized that social events Charles and Ellen Graham, the William Delhey, a prosecutor were necessary during unsettling Ann Arbor couple. that filed the working on the case, said he was times, hut asked that fraternities lawsuit, claimed the ordinance was not happy with the delay hecause reduce the number of events they illegal hecause it allowed for extra- the longer it would take to have the held and limit excessive spending. marital affairs and sexual relation- trial, the more likely it would he that- EMILYKASTL Newsrinm 734-418-4tis eri.3 tornections correcins~michigandaity.com Ats Seciin arts@ miehicandaity, com Spirts Section sports@michigaedaity.com .DisySales dispay@michigandaiy.om Online Sales ohlineads@michigandaily.com News Tips newstnihigandily.com Lettes tothe Editor tothedaily@michigandaily.com Editorial Page opinion@michigandaily.com PhotographylSection photo~micigandailyecom tlassified Sales classified @ mich iga nda i y. con Finance fiance@michigandaily.com A UnivE Msichig< sihy student resets the sige an the Theatre en Sunday CRIME NOTES A free ride Textbook WHERE: CS. Mtt Chil- trouble dren's and Von Voigtlander Women's Hospital WHERE: Hutchins Hall WHEN: Sunday at about WHEN: Sunday at around 4 p.m. 1 p.m. WHAT: A taxi dropped off WHAT: Three texthooks a passengar at the hospital were taken from a student's who did not pay the fare, locker some time hetween University Police reported. 4 p.m. Feh. 3 and 12:50 p.m. An officer was not able to Feb. 5, University Police locate the subject inside the reported. There are no sus- building. pects. Parked fun Door dinged - WHERE: 700 Block East WHERE: Lot NW-30, 600 University Deal Ave. WHEN: Monday at around WHEN: Sunday at about 12:15 a.m. 6:45 p.m. WHAT: Two individuals WHAT: A man reported were arrested and then that his car door was dams released for smoking sus- aged by an unknown per- pected marijuana, Univer- petrator, University Police sty Police reported. They reported. He was unsure of were found in a parked when the accident may have vehicle. occured. CAMPUS EVENTS & NOTES Summer Insomnia internship help seminar WHAT: A seminar to provide students with techniques for finding and preparing for the perfect summer internship in any industry. Students must RSVP with the Career Cen- ter to attend. WHO: The Career Center WHEN: Today at noon WHERE: Student Activities Building Jewelry workshop WHAT: Students will have the opportunity to learn how to create chain maille jewelry from Living Arts student Nadine Dyskant- Miller. WHO: Living Arts Pro- gramming Board WHEN: Tonight at 7 p.m. WHERE: Burnham-House, room 1320 WHAT: A workshop for students to learn about their sleep problems and develop strategies to overcome them. WHO: Counseling and Psy- chological Services WHEN: Today at 4 p.m. WHERE: The Michigan Union, room 3100 CORRECTIONS . An article in the Feb. 6 edition of The Michigan Daily (1"'U' alums launch online greeting card com- pany') incorrectly stated the name of the company. It is Joy and Raptor. " Please report any error in the Daily to correctjons@michi- gandailycom. IA rerent article pub- lished in the journal of Psychological Science suggests online dating isn't working, the Washington Post reported. The issue apparently lies in the diffi- culty of choosing dates from profiles. While msaking all new University buildings LEED certified is com- mendable, columnist Joe Sugiyanma argues sustainable practices should affect exist- inghbuildings as well. >> FOR MORE, StE OPINION, PAGE 4 3Thse prevalence of sexu- ally transmitted dis- eases has risen among the elderly in the last decade, CBS Nesvs reported. Cases of syphilis, chlamydia and gon- orrhea have increased among 45 to 64 year olds, and HIV cases have doubled. EDITORIAL STAFF lash Healy MnagiEdit j ahealye ichadailyecem Bethanylinin Managieg esEtditor biron@michigandaily.com Ashley Griesshannen and opinianeditors@michigandaity.com Andnew Welter tditerialPagetEditoes SENIOREeDITORIALPAEsEDeIeOS:asaNaata, T,imota bbVnessa RychSinki Stephen Nesbitt MeagiegeSportstditere nesbitt@michigandaily.com Neal Rothscl,wat Sloin CollensThoas, Liz ukelic ,,,Dan ,iasserman si~n~i~is Leah Burgin Managing Ar5tsEitor iargiei~mfihigaedaity.een Ern Kinkland and photo@michigandaily.com Alden Reiss MaeagiegrPheetdutors Marlsene sse acters~sxenea iiis Arjun Mahanti MaetginggDesignEditor mahanti@michigandaily.com SEN [OR DIiGEIOR:Kiit Bgja,iAna Lein-Zielinski Dylan tinti and statementgmichigandaily.com Jennieilu agazsine Editoe, DEPUTYsMAGAINEEDITOR:itin5Willams thnistine thun and copydekgniehigandaily.con Hannah Poindexter Copy Chiefs SENIeORCOPYt ETRJs~iepieas,sethCoplitz Zach BergsonnlinetEditor bergs@michigandaily.com lnran Syed Public Editor publicedior@michigadaiytcom BUSINESS STAFF Julianna tim AsoitenBusieess Manaer Rachel Gienet Sates Manager Siphie GreenhaumnPreductiaerManagee Sean lackson SpecialProjectseManager tontor Byrd Finaece Maeager Ashley KaradshehCieelaitionships Manager Menyl HultengNaioineltAcceunt Maeager The Michigan taily (SN15-96)iist apblshed Monday through Frdaydurisgtheifall and winter termi by sudentsattheUiiversity ofM:iigae. tie capyis aailableifreeoftchare to al eaesAddionacis a eiked up att ie iysaffice o i$2iSbsripion fr fall term, starig inteptemere,ia .1. mail are $10t in5ter term (anarythrogh Apil)is $1ll, yerlngt(Septembe through pril) eis $9. Uiversity affilateaeiiubet toarediced sbscriio ttrte-campisisusriptionsiforfal term ae $35. Sibsiriptioenimutle pepaid. 0 0 0 ........... IVon nwlisee' 'aI ftifn gif t tat BUYea Cvd.Gram from Th. MtEanDaily! Deadfline; Thur y, F - " y 3pm Cost: Only $5 Pubsilcation Date:: Tuesday. Febi14th Reciplent's ea iladdress n v : 0 URI0 Please stop into The h1 a 420 Maynard (Behind the LSA (2 this formnd 5, CASH ONLY P Ifiloust this form on TeM we ite and pay withacr Each Cpd Gram b : , .dgives yu t charc to win one f wodiners or r two a d's Mongolian ar ecue! A h 4