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February 06, 2012 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 2012-02-06

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* The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

From Page 1A u
for accreditation or certification as
in the futur , he said the commis- p
sion may eonsider the complaint as
and the organization's compli- sa
ante with related standards in s
making their decision. Coons said
the commission has not yet found ti
that UMHS has failed to comply o
with any of its standards. no
University spokesman Rick re
Fitzgerald confirmed Friday thi
afternoon that the Joint Com- ta
mission has asked for informa- re
tion regarding the incident but n
said a formal complaint against fi
UMHS had not been filed.
Fitzgerald said hospital h
accreditation is not presently at th
risk because the Joint Commis- it
sion has only asked for informa- of
tion about the incident, adding w
that UMHS officials are cooper- thi
ating with the Commission.
However, Fitzgerald said the oi
University had not received any in
direct communication from the of
DOE regarding the incident as of
Friday afternoon. al
University President Mary C
Sue Coleman responded to the oi
delay in reporting by calling for er
an internal investigation, which M
Fitzgerald said is still in prog- th
From Page 1A s
founder of McKinley Real Estate
Management, Rob Steele, a for- e
mer cardiologist, and Dan Horn- in
ing, a former regent who served ca
from 1994 2002. so
Matt Frandewey, a spokes- it
man for the Michigan Repub- fr
lican Party, said he is excited
about the Republican candidates w
because they will uphold the th
values of the party and support a
limited government. m
He added he is confident w
about the Republican prospects thf
in the upcoming election, par- ta
ticularly with what he believes di
to be decreased enthusiasm for ec
President Barack Obama and
Democrats in Congress - a sen- im
timent he said will trickle down re
to the regents' election. in
"I think that the Obama cam- si
paign is very concerned with
losing the state," he said. " ... If re
the enthusiasm for the president is
isn't very high, it will dramati- to
cally impact the lower end of the w
ticket." cui
Taylor, a retired DTE Energy of
executive who was elected as a ni
Democrat to the board in 1996, cc
decided not to run again so he fa
could enjoy his retirement and in
spend more time with his grand-
children, he said. w
From Page 1A m
and sell these,"' Roberts said. "As
it turned out, Bhavik had said the ot
exact same thing to her." in
After hours of deliberation on
how to launch the business, Rob- cl
erts said th decided on the name it
Joy and Ra or, a play on words of bui

the quote "Oh, Joy! Oh, Rapture!"
from prominent Victorian-era
playwrights Gilbert and Sullivan.
Roberts explained that the
cards, which are sold online for
four dollars each plus shipping,
feature mainly science-themed
"We wanted to come up with
something that was either dino-
saur-related or funny or science-
related somehow," Roberts said.
He explained that Joy and Rap-
tor is self-sustaining and only
hopes to break even, as money isn't
what's important to the owners.
"If something makes us laugh
and smile, we bet it will make
someone else laugh and smile
too," he said.
Joy and Raptor prints its cards
at Kolossos Printing in Ann Arbor
because the company hopes to
support other local business,
Roberts said. He added that the
owners are thinking ofexpanding
their business by selling the cards
to local vendors.
"I think we're going to try to
reach out to museums, starting
in Ann Arbor, and at least send-
ing sample packages around the
country," Roberts said.
Lathia, who handles most of
the business aspects of Joy and
Raptor, said the three co-founders
pride themselves for being based
in Michigan.
"While this is an online busi-
ness, it's very much a Michigan
business, and we're very proud of
that fact," Lathia said.

"An internal r ?View is still
nderway, and weare confident
at the interval review will
nswer a lot of the questions that
eople are asking and that we're
sking ourselves," Fitzgerald
id. "We hope to find answers
Preliminary recommenda-
ons from the internal review
btained by The Michigan Daily
ote there was "not a clear line of
sponsibility for investigating
se case," adding that the hospi-
l's general counsel had initially
viewed the case and decided
ot to pursue it due to lack of suf-
cient evidence.
The report also noted that
ospital security did not log
se incident into the database
shares with the Department
f Public Safety. If it had, DPS
ould have been made aware of
e incident.
DPS declined to comment
n the incident and referred all
quiriesto the University's Office
FPublic Affairs.
The preliminary document
so states that UMHS Medical
enter Information Technol-
gy staff reviewed the comput-
's internal log, but it notes that
[CIT staff members don't have
re proper equipment to conduct
"it was wonderful to have
rved and I think (the Univer-
ty) is being left in even better
ape," Taylor said.
Taylor added that he is
adorsing Diggs in the upcom-
g election. He said since medi-
l research and academics are
prominent at the University,
's important to elect someone
om the field.
"I think it's long overdue that
e have a medical doctor on
ie board," he said. " ... There's
huge change coming in the
edical field and it's critical that
e get it right because if ever
e health affairs of the hospi-
Il started going in the wrong
rection, it could reflect on the
stire University."
Taylor added that the most
nportant thing for future
gents to strive for is maintain-
g affordability of the Univer-
ty for its students.
Maynard, also a Democratic
gent elected in 1996, said she
stepping down from the board
become more involved in her
ork in the community. She
rrently serves as president
F Michigan Prospect, an orga-
zation that seeks to promote
immunity development and
cilitate government-citizen
Maynard said she is satisfied
ith her accomplishments as a

a forensic investigation of a com-
puter. And therefore they weren't
able to retrieve "other relevant
The preliminary review
offered four recommendations
that are currently being con-
sidered, including creation of a
common protocol for reporting
breaches of security that arise
on campus, regular logging of
potential crimes in the data-
base shared by hospital scurity
and DPS, development of joint
training exercises between DPS
and Hospital Security and the
referring of all future computer
forensic cases to DPS.
Ora Pescovitz, the University's
executive vice president for medi-
cal affairs, wrote a blog post on
Jan. 30 about the issue and wrote
that she is a proponent for collab-
oration in thorough examination
of the case.
"It is our collective respon-
sibility to be diligent in report-
ing behaviors and actions that
are inappropriate, and that we
applaud and support those who
have the courage to do so," Pesco-
vitz wrote. "It isn't always easy
to speak up, but it is always the
right thing to do. And it is my and
all leadership's responsibility to
thoroughly and timely investigate
reported concerns."
"I have tried to be true to my
values and support the adminis-
tration, the faculty and the stu-
dents," she said. "That doesn't
always mean you agree with
them, but it does mean that you
support the job they do."
Maynard added she was
proud to be involved in the hir-
ing of University President Mary
Sue Coleman to her current post
in 2002.
"I think she has bqen an
amazing president," M'anard
Maynard said she )hopes
future regents work together to
improve the state of the Univer-
sity. In the upcoming election,
she said she is endorsing Cherry
because she believes Cherry's
knowledge about higher educa-
tion is important for the posi-
"He understands higher edu-
cation and the value of not just
the Ann Arbor campus, but also
the two regional campuses," she
Ultimately, Maynard said she
will miss the experiences she
has had as a regent.
"There are so many exciting
people ... that are so bright and
add so much value that it has
always been such a rewarding
experience. I'm going to miss

From Page 1A
sentative Kevin Mersol-Barg, LSA
Assembly Representative Omar
Hashwi and College of Engi-
neering Assembly Representa-
tive Crissie Zuchora also ran for
MForward's nomination.
While only one nominee was
able to emerge as the candidate
for MForward, Walser said the
party remained united.
"(The other nominees were)
probably disappointed," Walser
said. "But I think everyone recog-
nizes Aditya is a great leader."
Currently, none of the four
other nominees will run for presi-
dent with a different party. Singh
said despite her personal loss, she
is looking forward to Aditya's run
for president.
"Aditya will be a great choice
for our presidential nominee,"
Singh said. "I think the nomi-
nation process was very fair ...
(MForward) selected a good can-
MForward Party Chairman
Sean Walser said Sathi's strong
victory is a sign of the party's
"The fact that he won a major-
ity with five candidates is indica-
tive of a broad base of support in
the party and indicative of the
great work Aditya has done,"
Walser said.
The last two presidents of CSG,
previously known as Michigan
Student Assembly, have come
from MForward, but this is the
first time in MForward's two-
year existence that more than one
candidate went after the party's
presidential nominee.
Walser said the MForward
candidate for vice president will
be announced later this week,
adding that the vice president
may potentially be an individual
outside of student government.
Brendan Campbell, the CSG vice
president, was the chair of the
University's chapter of College
Democrats before he became vice
president, El-Kilani noted.
Walser and the other mem-
bers of Sathi's election team are
currently unaware of any other
candidates running for presi-
dent, but they expect to face a
candidate from the Defend Affir-
mative Action Party and possibly
a reprise of the ever-popular fic-
tional candidate.
Last year, the Every Three
Weekly developed the fictional

candidate Karlos Marks, who ran
as a write-in candidate. While
Marks did not receive as many
votes as current CSG President
DeAndree Watson, he did win
several elections on campus.
Walser said the Marks cam-
paign showed a disconnect with
students that MForward hope to
overcome this year.
"There are still students that
we need to connect with and
demonstrate why they should
select an actual candidate for
president," Walser said. "(We
need to) demonstrate that CSG
is actually doing a lot of great
Though the election is almost
two full months away, Robert
Bowen, Sathi's campaign manag-
er, said MForward will launch an
extensive campaign. According
to Bowen, students can expect
that he and Sathi will be walk-
ing through the residence halls,
speaking to student leaders and
campaigning on the Diag as a
part of the campaign.
Sathi said he began his college
experience at Wayne State Uni-
versity where he was also a mem-
ber of student government. Upon
running for the student senate at
WSU, Sathi said he decided his
plan to study medicine was no
longer his dream.
"I realized that I wanted to
dedicate my life to service," Sathi
said. "I had this moment where I
realized I can't be pre-med."
Sathi said he was a part of a
program at WSU through which
he received full tuition and was
ensured acceptance into WSU's
medical school before ultimately
deciding the medical field was
not in his plans.
"It was hard to say no to that
program," he said.
Ultimately, Sathi said he
believed a degree from the Uni-
versity of Michigan would be the
best way to fulfill his goals. He is
majoring in political science, with
a minor in community action
from the School of Social Work.
By the time Sathi decided to
transfer, he was the student body
vice president at WSU, a role he
says is similar to his current post
as vice speaker in the CSG assem-
bly. With plans to transfer, Sathi
decided to step down because it
would be "unfair" for him to con-
tinue serving while knowingthat
he would not fulfill his term.
Sathi instead returned to
being a student senator for the
remainder of his time at WSU.

Monday, February 6, 2012 - 5A
During his time at WSU, Sathi
said he worked on programs that
established a 24-hour library and
improved lighting in neighbor-
hoods around campus.
Arriving at the University of
Michigan for the winter 2011
term, Sathi quickly became
involved with student govern-
ment on campus, but said it was
not particularly easy to secure a
Sathi applied to fill an opening
in the Student Assembly through
LSA, but he was not selected.
Instead of representing LSA in
the Michigan Student Assem-
bly, Sathi said he unknowingly
became an associate representa-
tive in LSA Student Government.
"Little did I know that if
you attend three meetings, you
become an associate representa-
tive and you have your own plac-
ard," he said.
Members of LSA Student
Government encouraged him to
attend MSA meetings, Sathi said.
By March, Sathi ran with MFor-
ward for the same seat for which
he had unsuccessfully applied
before. Being new on campus
made the election difficult, but
Sathi said he met this challenge
"I was very interested and pas-
sionate about being involved," he
Sathi was elected a repre-
sentative before serving as vice
speaker of the CSG assembly.
During his time on student gov-
ernment at the University, Sathi
has worked on several projects
including ongoing attempts to
bring medical amnesty to the
campus and the promotion of
more involvement with the Stu-
dent Association of Michigan - a
collaboration of student govern-
ments from universities within
the state that advocates for stu-
dent issues.
Sathi has also served as the
recruitment director of MFor-
ward and vice chair of the CSG
External Relations Commission.
As chair of the ERC, Walser
is responsible for publicizing
the election to students and also
plans to be strongly involved in
Sathi's campaign, adding that he
will not let these two positions
"I love working with the ERC
stuff, but when I sit down for
MForward stuff I work on MFor-
ward," he said. "I don't want my
work in ERC to be driven by my
work in MForward or vice versa."

Lathia added that there may be
ore than just cards in the future,
entioningthe potential to devel-
"We would love to do a lot of
her things (like) screen print-
g, T-shirts," Lathia said
Since the business launched
ose to Valentine's Day, many of
s cards are romantically themed,
it the business plans to "branch

out," according to Lathia.
Long also said she hopes Joy
and Raptor will be sustainable as
a long-term project, adding that
the business allows her to express
her creative side.
"We're all into dinosaurs, we're
all into biology, and we're all into
nerdy things like that," Long said.
"We're all into design and making
cool things."

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