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February 03, 2012 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2012-02-03

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2A - Friday, February 3, 2012

Professor Profiles Photos of the W--

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Bye, bye
WHERE: Shapiro Under-
graduate Library
WHEN: Wednesday at
about 10 a.m
WHAT: A student reported
her backpack stolen after
she left unattended on the
fourth floor, University
Police reported. Contain-
ing her phone, wallet and
laptop, the backpack's total
worth was approximately
All cracked up
WHERE: 1421 Ann St.
WHEN: Wednesday at
about 4:50 p.m
WHAT: A parked car was
hit and the taillight was
cracked, University Police
reported. There are nosus-

WHERE: Hill Carport
WHEN: Wednesday at
about 11:20p.m
WHAT: The driver's side
rear quarter panel of a vehi-
cle was struck by another
vehicle in the parking
structure, University Police
Whiff of weed
WHERE: South Quad Resi-
dence Hall
WHEN: Wednesday at
about 2:30 a.m
WHAT: Suspected mari-
juana and paraphernalia
were taken from student,
University Police reported.
The student will be charged
with possession of mari-

Hip hop
WHAT: A conference that
gathers students, artists and
others to learn how to use
hip hop to create positive
social change. The event
will last two days andtickets
start at $15.
WHO: Office of Academic
Multicultural Initiatives
and the Center for Educa-
tional Outreach
WHEN: Tonight at 8 p.m
WHERE: Michigan League
Dance recital
WHAT: Dancelucent 2012,
a dance performance with
guest choreographer Lucin-
da Childs and a number of
faculty performers. Tickets
are $10 with a student ID.
WHO: School of Music,
Theatre & Dance
WHEN: Tonight at 8 p.m
WHERE: Power Center for
the Preforming Arts

Folk concert
Researchers have found
WHAT: Cheryl Wheeler, that path that Alzheim-
a contemporary American er's disease's distorted
folk musican with several protein, tau, take when they
albums to date, will perform travel the brain, The New
at the Ark. Tickets are $25. York Times reported. the
WHO: University of Michi- discovery could prompt swift
gan Ticket Office changes to the development
WHEN: Tonight at 8 p.m o
WHERE: The Ark o potentia treatments.

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" An article in the Feb.
1 edition of The Michi-
gan Daily ("New drug
helps alleviate symptons
ofhepatitis C")incor-
rectly stated the drug
needs to be tested in two
phases. There are three
phases of drug testing.
i Please report any
error in the Daily to

2 Columnist Joel Bat-
terman explores the
over-importance placed on
degrees. If masters' degrees
are the new bachelors', will
a Ph.D. be the new master's?
The government's no-
fly list, which includes
suspected terrorists
who are banned from fly-
ing, doubled this past year
from 10,000 to about 21,000
people, the Associated Press
reported. The list includes
about 500 American citizens.

From Page 1
to get approval for the bike-
sharing program in the fall, and
it has now reached about 1,250
signatures. In addition, both
Central Student Government and
LSA Student Government's Tak-
ing Responsibility for the Earth
and Environment subcommittee
have recently endorsed the pro-
"We increased our campaign
efforts and we have expanded
like crazy," Elliott said. "In the
past two days alone, we got over
400 signatures. We were just
getting our feet wet in the fall but
now we have a lot of student sup-
Elliott said the process of set-
ting up the program is difficult
and requires continued support
and collaboration from students,
University administrators and
city officials.
"We have talked to adminis-
trators and they have been help-
ful and insightful but they are
not sure if the University has the
money or the critical mass at the
moment," Elliott said.
Stephen Dolen, executive
director of the University's Park-
ing and Transportation Services,
said the University has been
working with the city to make
infrastructure more bike-friend-
"A lot of the roads bikers use
are major city roads so we are
working together with the city
on that," Dolen said. "We are col-
laborating with city on the non-
motorized plan."
While developing the pro-

gram, Elliott and Dolen have
extensively researched other
communities with successful
bike share programs.
Dolen said he is following
plans similarto those established
in Denver and Boulder, Colo. and
colleges such as the University of
California Davis and Washington
State University.
Elliott said he worries that
the University may try to use
a bike rental system in place of
bike sharing, a mistake made by
Washington, D.C.'s SmartBike
"A bike share will be more
readily used," Elliott said. "If you
rent a bike you need to return it
to the (Sports and Recreation
Center) and on top of that you
need to pay a small fee. For a bike
share program there are multi-
ple places to return the bike and
it would increase mobilization
throughout campus."
LSA senior Matt Lonnerstater
wrote in an e-mail interview that
he thinks students would ben-
efit from a bike share program,
but that pressing infrastructure
issues should be resolved before
the program is instated.
"If a bike-sharing program
were to be introduced in Ann
Arbor today given its current
bike infrastructure, the program
would go down in flames," Lon-
nerstater wrote. "Much like an
incomplete game of connect the
dots, Ann Arbor bike rental sta-
tions would serve no feasible
purpose without an organized
system of bike lanes and paths to
get from one station to another."
Lonnerstater wrote that the
establishment of a better trans-
portation system for bikers

is critical before a bike shar-
ing system can successfully be
implemented. This concern was
echoed by other students at a
forum last week hosted by the
Office of Campus Sustainability
and PTS. Students said biking,
especially to North Campus, was
School of Information gradu-
ate student Shiblee Hasan said he
would use the bikes to get to class
and around campus.
"I would use it a lot," Hasan
said. "I have to jump around a lot
of buildings and I think it would
help me get places faster."
LSA freshman Damie Pak
agreed with Hasan and said she
is looking forward to the sharing
system, as she commutes home
by bike.
"I have a bike but I leave it
home for the winter," Pak said.
"But if there was a bike sharing
program I would definitely use
it. It's healthy and I like doing
it. And with the shared bikes
it would be more convenient
because I can leave it anywhere."
At the bike forum last Monday,
students voiced concerns regard-
ing a lack of enclosed spaces and
parking availability.
However, Elliott said bike-
sharing works due to its simplic-
ity, adding that finding parking
and worrying about maintain-
ing the bike is not the student's
"A lot of students have bikes,
but are not able to bring them
from home, or choose not to
because there are not enough
bike racks or they are afraid their
bikes will get stolen," Elliott said.
"So this just allows them to have
an easy source."

From Page 1
LSA-SG president Anne
Laverty said she hoped the event
helped to improve the relation-
ship between students and LSA
"(We want) to bridge that
disconnect between students
and administrators," she said.
"(People) want to connect."
LSA senior Eman Abdelhadi,
president of the Muslim Stu-
dent Association, said the dia-
logue was especially relevant to
the Arab and Muslim students
studying liberal arts. She said
many Arab and Muslim students
feel they can only study engi-
neering ortake pre-med courses.
"Without these types of dia-
logues, you have whole pockets
of communities on campus who
just don't know about the initia-
tives that the administration is
putting on for them," she said. "I
think that's problematic for both
From Page 1
The petition now has more
than 900 signatures. Behzadi
said the council is waiting to gain
at least 1,000 signatures before
presenting its requests to Univer-
sity administrators.
Steve Dolen, executive direc-
tor of University Parking and
Transportation Services, said
the department takes a variety of
factors into consideration when
making decisions to alter bus
scheduling. He said the addition
of Oxford bus hours on the week-
end was not a direct response to
the petition, but rather the result
of an evaluation of the situation
and collaboration among groups
on campus.
"An evaluation process is
always a collaboration between
Student Affairs, Housing and
other groups on campus," Dolen
said. "We don't make decisions
in avacuum."
Dolan said the weekend hours
of 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. were chosen
to give students a transporta-
tion option before SafeRide - a
free service offered to students
in need of transportation late at

Abdelhadi added that Univer-
sity administrators need to do
a better job of advertising the
value of LSA degrees.
"When a student graduates
from a top five department and
yet feels like their degree will
not take them anywhere in life,
then that's a huge failure," she
said. "(Administrators) com-
municate to students the value
of that degree and to instill in
them that confidence to know
that that's a degree that's sought
after in the world."
Philip Deloria, LSA associ-
ate dean of undergraduate edu-
cation, and Marjorie Horton,
assistant dean for undergradu-
ate education in LSA, also spoke
to the meeting's attendees.
Deloria stressed the importance
of improving the relationship
between administrators and
Deloria specifically men-
tioned the Sophomore Initia-
tive - a program tailored to
LSA sophomores that includes
courses and a special CTools site
night - begins service.
Dolen declined to comment
on how PTS will react to the
petition since it has not yet been
presented. However, he said the
opinions of students and other
organizations are important to
PTS and would certainly be con-
sidered, adding that administra-
tors will also take into account
the financial aspect of expand-
ing hours as they continue to
reach out to members of the
"We would take (the petition)
'into consideration, with every-
thing else, when we're talking
to these other groups, our con-
stituents and our customers,"
Dolen said. "We're making sure
we're touching base with all the
right folks and of course it comes
down to making sure we're
using our resources wisely, so
it's a financial decision as well."
Dolen added that ensuring
student safety is a "key part" of
PTS' role on campus.
"It's about supporting the
academic mission, it's about sup-
porting the housing mission for
students," Dolen said. "Security
is definitely a key piece of any
decision we make."
LSA sophomore Kristen Cleg-

and how LSA used e-mail list-
servs to inform students about
exclusive courses, though few
were aware of these efforts.
Deloria added that he is look-
ing for new ways to reach out
to students, including improv-
ing the presence of LSA deans
"All the websites in the dean's
office are a total mess," he said.
Deloria said he would also
consider obtaining a list of LSA
students' phone numbers. He
said the list could be used to
send out short, important text
messages to students that would
lead them to a simple, easy-to-
use website, adding that access
and use of the list would need to
be extremely limited to prevent
After the event, both McDon-
ald and Laverty agreed that it
was a productive discussion.
"People are interested in this
and want more conversation," .
Laverty said. "Hopefully this
will be something student gov-
ernment will do more of."
horn, president of the Oxford
Community Council, said she
is motivated by the previous
changes to the Oxford Shuttle
hours and is looking forward to
future changes.
"Now that we've won that
battle, we're trying to expand
busing hours because the need
is still high, especially in the
Oxford area," she said.
Cleghorn said the need for
extended bus hours is crucial,
especially because of the numer-
ous assaults and robberies that
have occurred in the Oxford
area in the past.
"We think it's really impor-
tant to have hours that extend,
just for everyone's safety," she
Cleghorn said she sent the
petition to a number of Greek
Life leaders in order to gain
additional support, adding that
she is pleased that the major-
ity of them have forwarded the
petition to their members, which
has made a significant impact.
"I'm honestly really glad to
see it picking up pace," she said.
"I'm really happy that the coun-
cil has the opportunity to make
such a lasting improvement to
Michigan safety."


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