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February 02, 2012 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 2012-02-02

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the b


The Michigan Daily I michigandailycom I Thursday, February 2,2012

Let the UM Symphony Band entertain you - the
theme of tomorrow night's concert at Hill Auditorium
is "points of departure," allowing audiences to explore
the ways creative expression develops outward from
a place of origin. The free performance will begin at 8
p.m. and will feature soloists from MT&D's Musical
Theater Department.

- weekend essentials'-
The Trotter Multicultural Center is kicking off Black
History Month with a visit from the Black History 101
Mobile Museum. The museum, known for its wealth
of culturally significant documents and artifacts, is
featuring the mini-exhibit "And the Legacy Continues."
The items will be on display Saturday and Sunday from
12 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Michigan Union. Free.

Michigan natives Frontier Ruckus will take The Ark
by storm tonight, so be sure to stop by to see why
Rolling Stone called them "the perfect recipe for
Gothic Americana."'U' alum David W. Jones and his
bandmates are musicians, poets and artists - all
wrapped up in an original sound. The music begins at 8
p.m., and tickets start at $15 online.


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