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February 02, 2012 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2012-02-02

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2A - Thursday, February 2, 2012 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Professing joy

What brought you to the
After completing my
undergraduate work at the
Massachusetts Institute of
Technology and teaching for
a few years at three Boston
colleges, I came to U of M to
pursue my MFA in Creative
Writing. After finishing that,
I was incredibly fortunate
to receive a Zell Fellowship,
which gave me a year off to
write. Now, finally, years later,
I'm thrilled to be teaching
What is one life message
you want your students to
take away from your classes?
To do what brings you joy.
There is so much in life asking

for your attention, some of it
worthy, some of it not. Figur-
ing out which is which is a life-
long process. So in any given
moment, do what brings you
joy. What do I write this paper
about? What do I major in?
What should I do with my free
time? Whatever brings you joy.
What was it like recently
winning the 2012 Moscow
I am beyond honored to
receive this award. The Mos-
cow Prize is given here at U of
M and is awarded for teaching
excellence. Students nominate
their instructors, then a com-
mittee picks winners based on
a larger teaching portfolio. I
was awarded the prize for my

English Prof. Jessica Young won the University's 2012 Mos-
cow Prize for excellence in teaching.


Emergency The pillar of Raucuous
charges great strength concert
WHERE: University Hospi- WHERE: Fletcher Carport WHAT: Frontier Ruckus,
tal Emergency Room WHEN: Tuesday at about a Southeast Michigan band
WHEN: Tuesday at about 9:20 a.m. that has gained recent
1:20 p.m. WHAT: A vehicle slid on ice attention from Rolling
WHAT: A University and hit a pillar, University Stone, will perform its own
employee discovered $503 Police reported. There was blend of Americana. Tickets
was withdrawn from his minor damage to the vehi- start at $15.
bank account, University cle's body. The pillar remains WHO: Michigan Union
Police reported. The activ- intact. Ticket Office
ity is said to be a result of WHEN: Tonight at 8p.m.
debit card theft. Unauthorized WHERE: The Ark
Car hit in lot server access

Faculty music
WHAT: University fac-
ulty members will perform
instruments such as piano,
trombone and baritone. The
event is free.
WHO: School of Music,
Theatre & Dance
WHEN: Tonight at 8p.m.
WHERE: Moore Building
Herbal remedy
WHAT: A discussion to
educate students on the
use of herbal medicines,
hosted by Vishal Kothair,
a University cancer
WHO: Michigan
Alternative Medicine Club
WHEN: Tonight at 8 p.m.
WHERE: Mason Hall
. Please report any
error in the Daily
to corrections@

work last term with my English
124 and 125 classes, and the
committee cited my dedication
to and respect for my students
and their writing.
You're also a writer. What
types of things do you write?
I write poetry, mostly. In
particular, I write narrative
poetry - poetry that tells a
story in unassuming, everyday
language. My book, "Only as
a Body," is a series of narrative
Tell us a random fact
about yourself.
In 2008, I lived on a moun-
taintop in Arizona researching
the evolution of supermassive
A guest in a West Virgin-
ia Holiday Inn Express
died of carbon monoxide
exposure, msnbc.com report-
ed. Four other hotel guests
fell sick due to the exposure,
which was said to be the
result of a faulty heater near
the indoor pool.
Rave Cinemas provides
Sensory Sensitive Cin-
ema screenings spe-
cifically tailored to people
afflicted with disabilities
like autism so they can enjoy
films in a safe and comfort-
able environment.
New York Police Com-
missioner Ray Kelly
has banned officers
from wearing clothing with
an NYPD logo without prior
approval, The New York Post
reported. The ban is said to
be the result of complaints of
offensive police apparel.

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The Michigan Daily (ISSN 074s5-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and
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WHERE: 1600 East Medi-
cal Center
WHEN: Tuesday at about
3:15 p.m.
WHAT: An unknown driv-
er struck a car that had been
parked in the structure
since 9:30 a.m. and fled.
There are no suspects.

WHERE: Michigan
Academic Computing
WHEN: Tuesday at about
10:50 a.m.
WHAT: An unknown,
unauthorized suspect
accessed a computer server,
University Police. An
investigation is underway.

Cartoon humor
WHAT: Robert Mankoff,
cartoon editor for The
New Yorker, will discuss
his experience editing the
annual New Yorker cartoon
captioning contest, which
he has done since 1998.
WHO: University Library
WHEN: Tonight at 6 p.m.
WHERE: Hatcher Graduate
Library, Gallery Room 100

- ,;,_ -





Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney waves to supporters at his Florida primary night rally in Tampa; Fla, Tuesday.
Despite Romney's win,
GOP race is far from over

Please join us for this complimentary event: a private screening of
the nationaly adaimed documentary
Something Ventured tellsthe storyof theacreation of an industry that went on
to become the single greatest engine of innovation and economic growth in
the 20th century. It is told by the visionary risk takers who dared to make it
happen. The film also offers a peek into a lighter side of the business:
* The famous entrepreneurwho decided not to buy a third of Apple
for S50,000 in f17;
* Venture capitalist Arthur Rock raising S3 million to start Intel
with just a one-page, typo-filled business plan; and
* The first genetically engineered batteria being transported from
Los Angeles to San Frantisto in a Genenteth investor's potket.
Refreshments will be served following the movie.
*This fim will not be shown in theaters.

Gingrich, Santorum
vow to push forward
after Florida defeat
ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) - The
race for the GOP presidential
nomination probably is far from
Front-runner Mitt Romney's
rivals - chief among them Newt
Gingrich - are refusing to bow
out despite his resoundingFlori-
da victory. New rules for award-
ing delegates to this summer's
Republican nominating conven-
tion give even losing candidates
little incentive to drop out.
And so-called "super" political
action committees have proven
they can keep even the most
cash-strapped campaigns alive
by accepting unlimited dona-
tions from individuals to run
ads on their behalf.
"All of them have earned the
opportunity to keep going,"
said David Azbell, an Alabama
Republican consultant said of
the candidates. "We're only
four primaries in for goodness
Indeed, some 46 states have
yet to vote and only 6 percent of
the delegates have been won.
"I understand that people are

concerned about how long the
primary process is dragging out,"
House Speaker John Boehner,
R-Ohio, said yesterday. "I think
everybody just needs to realize
that this will resolve itself."
His assurances aside, the
likelihood that the primary
will stretch into the spring or
beyond has some Republicans
fretting about their eventual
nominee emerging battered and
broke, only to have little time to
prepare for what promises to be
an intense fall campaign against
President Barack Obama.
"Dealing with the residue of
a very tough primary battle can
be a difficult problem," acknowl-
edged former New Hampshire
Gov. John Sununu.
Others, Romney included, are
defending a protracted nomi-
nating fight as a test of strength,
even though a long battle risks
tearing an already fractured
GOP even further apart.
"We are looking for a full-
spectrum conservative, sub-
stantively and politically skilled
- not possible to discern in a
couple of contests," said Mary
Matalin, a veteran GOP presi-
dential campaign operative.
But she added: "A possible
concern of protraction is not
duration but acrimony." She

recalled the fight between
Republicans Gerald Ford and
Ronald Reagan in 1976, when
Democrat Jimmy Carter won
and said: "That one was ideolog-
ical. This one is personal."
Former Rep. Asa Hutchin-
son of Arkansas said Romney's
Florida victory makes clear
"that he's going to be the likely
nominee. Yet, Hutchinson also
downplayed the notion that
a protracted fight would aide
Democrats, saying: "Only if (the
Republican contest) is a negative
campaign does it benefit them."
Said Azbell: "We're kind of in
a Catch-22 situation. We don't
want to be hurt by a long prima-
ry but we also don't want to be
stuck with a nominee that the
public cannot coalesce behind."
In his victory speech Tuesday
night, Romney sought to turn
his bitterly personal fight with
Gingrich into a positive light,
even as he all but urged the GOP
to rally behind his candidacy.
"A competitive primary
does not divide us, it prepares
us," Romney told supporters
in Tampa, Fla. "And when we
gather here in Tampa seven
months from now for our con-
vention, ours will be wwa unit-
ed party with a winning ticket
for America."

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