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January 26, 2012 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2012-01-26

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Blues Brothers Dance: Two University alums share the origins of the now-iconic Michigan athletic tradition. PAGE 4A

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Thursday, January 26,2011


" Survey data
paints portrait
of class of 2015

CIRP: Most
freshmen support
LGBT rights
For the Daily
Along with entrance exams
and campus tours, new stu-
dents at freshman orienta-
tion are required to complete
the Cooperative Institutional
Research Program survey, the
results of which were released
for 2011 yesterday, and showed,
among other things, that a
majority supported legalizing
gay marriage.
Administered by the Higher
Education Research Institute
- the graduate school of edu-
cation and information studies
at the University of Califor-
nia, Los Angeles - the survey
tracks behavioral and educa-
tional trends among incoming
college freshmen across the
One of the areas that the sur-
vey focused on is student opin-
ion on LGTBQ rights. Survey
data showed that 71.3 percent
of incoming freshmen nation-
wide believed that gay mar-
riage should be legalized, while
80.7 percent of the University's
incoming freshmen did.

The executive board of the
Central Student Government's
LGBT Issues wrote in a state-
ment to The Michigan Daily
that it was pleased with the
results of the survey regarding
the support of gay marriage.
"We now hope to see this
level of support reflected on
the state and national levels,"
the board wrote.
However, thesUniversity's
freshmen were less supportive
of affirmative action than their
national peers. In 2011, 42.1
percent of all freshmen were
in favor of preferential treat-
ment in college admissions to
students from disadvantaged
backgrounds, while at the Uni-
versity, 32.7 percent of fresh-
men were.
Malinda Matney, a senior
research associate at the Divi-
sion of Student Affairs, wrote
in a statement to the Daily that
she was not surprised that Uni-
versity students were less sup-
portive of affirmative action
than their peers.
"These debates have been
ongoing in the state of Michi-
gan media since before these
students started kindergar-
ten," Matney wrote. "They
have never known a time in
which this was not an issue of
active debate."

People began lining up for tickets to see President Barack Obama speak at 7:30 p.m. last night. Tickets will be distributed at 9 a.m. today.
Students swarm to Union
for tickets to see president

As of 2 a.m., about
1,000 line up in
Regents Plaza
Daily News Editor
The basement of the Michi-
gan Union reached capacity last
night as nearly 1,000 people lined
its walls with the hope of receiv-
ing tickets for President Barack
Obama's address at Al Glick Field
House tomorrow morning.

Students, faculty members
and Ann Arbor residents began
forming a line at about 7:30 p.m.
that stemmed from the Michi-
gan Union Ticket Office, reached
back toward the connector to the
West Quad Residence Hall and
wrapped around the food court,
U-Gos and Computer Showcase,
before students were forced to
relocate outside at about 1 a.m.
Tickets were scheduled to
be distributed from the ticket
office at 9 a.m., on a first come,
first serve basis. There was
a limit of one ticket per per-

son. The event tomorrow will
be Obama's second visit to the
University, following his Spring
Commencement address at
Michigan Stadium in 2010.
A Department of Public Safe-
ty officer on the scene said he
was there to "coordinate with
staff," and acknowledged there
were no security issues as of 1
a.m. The officer said the Union
would be evacuated at its regu-
lar closingtime of 2 a.m.
But, at about 1 a.m., a Union
employee announced to the
assembled crowd that they

needed to vacate the building
and line up outside.
"Unfortunately, we've
reached capacity, so we have
to move people outside early,"
the official told the hundreds of
people lined up. "So you guys -
when the other DPS officers get
here - please stay ina single file
line. I'm sorry we have to get out
early, we have no more space in
the Union."
After being forced from the
building, the crowd waited in
a line that stretched through
See TICKETS, Page 6A

Warner, head of newly opened
hospital, to retire on April 4


Co-workers Hospital last month, the leader
of the complex announced she
aud executive will be retiring on her 67th
'ector's 35-year Patricia Warner, execu-
tive director of the hospitals
UTMHS career who led the construction of
the newly opened $754 million
By ALEXANDRA hospital, will officially retire on
MONDALEK April 4. In an interview yester-
Daily StaffReporter day, Warner said her co-work-
ers and patients have made her
ortly after the opening of past 35 years at UMHS excep-
ew C.S. Mott Children's tional.
Von Voigtlander Women's "Everyone gets to a point in

their life where they feel ful-
filled and move on," Warner
said. "I am looking forward
to my retirement career after
having been privileged to work
with wonderful people and
meet our families."
Kelly Parent, patient-family
coordinator at the Mott Chil-
dren's Hospital, said War-
ner had a lasting impact on
the facility. Parent runs the
Patient-Family Centered Care
Program, where she took the

Students attend various sex education workshops in the Michigan League yesterday.
Strict regulations protect
human subjects in studies

the n
and N

New Master's of Health Informatics
to merge two academic programs

NIH, review
boards enforce
safety policies
Daily StaffReporter
Though people often conjure
the image of long hypnotic ses-
sions on Sigmund Freud's couch
when imagining psychological
research, that picture isn't the

norm for modern day practice.
As research psychology has
continued to evolve over the
course of the last 40 years, so too
have the ethical guidelines over-
seeing such research. Psycholo-
gists at the university level are
bound by institutional review
boards, peer reviews and the
National Institutes of Health to
validate the quality of the stud-
ies and the safety of their par-
ticipants - methodology that
has led to safer standards across

the board.
Colleen Seifert, chair of stu-
dent academic affairs in the
Department of Psychology, said
regulations governing experi-
ments today allow for little dam-
age or ethical concern. At the
University and peer institutions,

Degree to award
degrees from
multiple schools
For the Daily
In response to the rapidly
growing demand for educa-
tion in the fields of informa-
tion technology and public
health, the University plans
to launch a new Master's pro-
gram in Health Informatics

this fall.
The program will be direct-
ed by Charles Friedman, for-
mer chief scientific officer for
Health Information and Tech-
nology in the U.S. Department
of Health and Human Ser-
vices, and Meghan Genovese,
senior associate director of
Health Informatics. The pro-
gram will combine material
from both the School of Infor-
mation and the School of Pub-
lic Health, and offer students
the opportunity to obtain a
degree from both programs

- making it the only program
in the University for which a
degree will be attributed to
more than one school.
Genovese described Health
Informatics as the develop-
ment of methods and infor-
mation technology that
capitalizes on the digital
age by collecting, analyzing,
storing and communicating
health-related information.
"Health Informatics is
about planning for the 'problem
after next,' in today's health-

...w :. , w


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INDEX NEW S .........................2A SUDO KU ..................... 7A
Vol.CXXII,No.81 OPINION ....................4A SPORTS.............. .......7A
Q011 The Michigan Daily CLASSIFIEDS...............6A THE B-SID E..................1B

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