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December 07, 2011 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2011-12-07

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i e 1*idigan 40ailjj

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Wednesday, December 7, 2011



to open today

Borders spot on East Liberty still
vacant due to legal issue with lease

27 rooms added due
to greater number
of patients
Daily StaffReporter
Doors open today to a $17.7
million renovated Adult Emer-
gency Department in the Uni-
versity Hospital, which is
designed to provide improved
waiting areas and additional
space for patient treatment.
The new space added 27
patient rooms and augments the
size of the departmentby nearly
17 percent or 5,800 square feet.
Jennifer Holmes, director of
operations for the University's
emergency department, said
the renovation was necessary
to accommodate the increased
number of patient visits, which
have been approximately 200
each day.
"We needed additional space
to meet our patient volume,"
Holmes said. "And we really
wanted to provide a better space
for patients."
In 2009, a survey by the Cen-

ters for Disease Control and
Prevention found that emer-
gency department visits had
reached 136 million nationwide,
a 10-percent increase from the
previous year.
Beside meeting spatial needs,
the renovations provide more
convenient grouping of nursing
stations to ease communication.
The new wing also features
some aesthetic improvements
such as frosted glass, framed
photographs and accent colors.
The renovation was possible
because the Pediatric Emer-
gency Department moved to the
new C.S. Mott Children's Hospi-
tal and Von Voigtlander Wom-
en's Hospital, which officially
opened on Sunday.
The last Adult Emergency
Department construction proj-
ect ended in 2001. However,
Holmes said that for the last
five or six years, there has been
a need for a more open space to
allow for a more comfortable tri-
age check-in area and a smooth-
er transition from check-in to an
emergency room bed.
"We really felt there was
a more efficient way to bring

Other recently The rental office of Zaragon
West has moved into the space
empty locations vacated by the This & Thatcandy
store, which
begin to fill up closed last
month. Poshh, q
By K.C. WASSMAN a clothing store j
Daily StaffReporter that called EastO
Liberty home
Several recently vacant store- for a decade,
fronta and office spaces on East also closed this
Liberty Street are filling up, fall, and there is a potential ten-
while others have yet to remove ant lined up to use the space.
their "For Rent" signs. However, the 37,000 square-foot

building that formerly housed
Borders remains vacant.
Tom Heywood, executive
director of the State Street Area
Association, said the Ann Arbor
community will have to wait a
while before it sees another store
in the former Borders building.
Heywood said the wait is due
to an ongoing legal issue stem-
ming from the current lessee,
who was subletting the building
to Borders when the bookstore
went bankrupt in February. The

East Liberty Borders location
closed in September..
According to Heywood, the
owners of the building are suing
the current lessee in Washtenaw
County District Court in an
effort to terminate the lease. The
owners will not be able to lease
the space to another tenant until
the current agreement is termi-
Heywood said he does not
know the names of the owners
See BORDERS, Page 3A

DPS identifies suspect of
reported sexual assault

Suspect charged
with assault on
Monday in Baits I
Residence Hall
Daily StaffReporter
University Police have identi-
fied and interviewed a suspect in
Monday's sexual assault in Baits

I Residence Hall, according to
University Department of Pub-
lic Safety spokeswoman Diane
A student reported being sex-
ually assaulted in Baits I Resi-
dence Hall on Monday at about
11 a.m. by a "visiting acquain-
tance," according to a crime alert
sent out Monday evening. DPS
officers were looking for a sus-
pect described as a light-skinned
black man in his 20s with an
"average build," the crime alert

Brown confirmed that the
sexual assault was classifiable as
rape - which according to the
Michigan Penal Code includes
circumstances in which the the
actor sexually penetrates the
survivor - per the survivor's
account of the incident.
According to Brown, police
could have arrested the sus-
pect when they identified him if
"existing elements" were pres-

The Michigan Daily elects a
new class of editors for 2012

Sava Lelcaj, the owner of babo: a market by sava, at her new business on Nov. 30. The market, located on East Washington
Street and Division Street, officially opens today.
Babo: a market by sava fuses food,
aesthetics and community in design


ew editors plan the 2012 calendar year.
Every year, staff-wide elec-
increase online tions are held to determine who
will inherit the positions of edi-
sence, diversity tor in chief and editorial page
editor. Sections such as news,
of coverage arts, sports and photo elect their
own editors while other posi-
By JENNIFER LEE tions - such as the managing
Daily Staff Reporter editor and online editor - are
appointed by the paper's man-
e Michigan Daily recently agement desk, a group of about
d a new class of editors to 30 editors.
ge the newspaper during This year, the Daily staff held

an election that lasted until 6
a.m. to elect the paper's new edi-
tor in chief, Public Policy junior
Joseph Lichterman. Lichterman,
who has been working at the
Daily since his freshman year.
Lichterman said he is overjoyed
to start his new job, and he will
ensure that the newspaper is
held to the best journalistic stan-
"As students at the University
of Michigan, we have a unique
See EDITORS, Page 3A

New market opens
today on corner of
Washington and
Division streets
Daily Arts Writer
Walking into babo: a market by
sava, it's easy to forget the fluores-
cently lit, barren grocery stores of
shopping trips past.
Glowing light bulbs hang

from the ceiling, and industrial
metal appliances meld with the
antiquated wood furniture and
decor arranged on the walls.
Full-length windows feature the
corner of Washington and Divi-
sion streets as the backdrop for
the market, creating a blend of
city life and rustic charm. The
exposed high ceilings through-
out the market yearn to be filled
with the sweet smells of freshly
baked bread and delicacies. Babo
is a place where food meets art,
and grocery shoppingtransforms
from an errand to an experience.

The aesthetic appearance of
the market, which opens today,
even applies to the products. Paul
Hannah, general manager of the
market, said babo selects quality
products whose labels play to the
design of the market.
"We want the store to kind of
have a sexy feel to it," Hannah
said. "We want people to walk in
and want to buy everything that
they see."
Along with retail food prod-
ucts, the market will also offer
prepared foods, baked goods,
See BABO, Page 2A

Call 734-418-4115 or e-mail
TOMORROW LO: 28 news@michigandaily.com and let us know.

GEO responds to attorney general's motion

INDEX AP NEWS....................2A ARTS.................. .5A
Vol. CXXII, No.63 NEWS .....................3A SPORTS .................... 6A
Q011lTheMichiganDaily OPINION....................4A THE STATEMENT.......1B


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