2 - Tuesday, December 6, 2011 !N \v The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com (The Mchian Dailm 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1327 www.michigandaily.com STEPHANIE STEINBERG ZACH YANCER Editor in Chief Business Manager 734-418-4115 ext. 1251 734-418-4115 ext. 1241 steinberg@michigandaily.com zyancer@michigandaily.com Rose Bowl Queen against lowering voting age 40 years ago today (Dec. 9,1971):AstheWolverinespre- pared to go to the Rose Bowl, The Michigan Daily obtained an exclusive interview with that year's Rose Bowl Queen, Margo Lynn Johnson, from Pasadena City College. Nineteen-year-old John- son, who the article states tipped the scales at a "sleek" 120 pounds and enjoyed ski- ing and swimming, said being queen for the year was a dream of hers. In the parade, Johnson was to be the "main flower" along with "six meaty specimens" who made up her court, accordingto the article. During the interview, Johnson declined to answer questions about politics - as well as questions about the draft, the Vietnam war, marijuana, women's libera- tion or campus unrest, which she said she could not answer because of Rose Bowl board regulations. But she did say she was against 18-year-olds having voting rights because she was not sure of her own political beliefs at age 18. "When I do vote, you can bet that I'll vote intelligently," she told The Daily at the time. 20 years ago this week (Dec. 10, 1991): With the end of the semester approaching, more than 350 people waited up to four hours to use the computers at the Angell Hall computing center. "I waited for two hours with a friend," then-LSA senior Val Washington said. "We went shopping and got food while we waited." Jeff Adams, who worked at the computing center, said a record number of people flooded the computer site. "There's a record back-up this term," Adams said. "It's busier than most because more people are becoming computer literate." 90 years ago this week (Dec. 8, 1921): While students were preparing for finals, children in the University Hospital were busy getting ready for a visit from Santa Claus. The children decked out the hospital in bright strips of paper and used trees and toys donated from the previous year's fraternity holiday par- ties. One child named Henry, who the article described as a "little red-headed fellow," was furiously working on the decorations and told the Daily at the time that he preferred the red strips. According to the article, many of the girls preparing for Santa's visit wanted "dolls that sleep," and one girl in particular asked for acab and a bed for her doll. - CAITLINHUSTONAND JOSEPHLICHTERMAN Newsroom 734-418-411s opt.3 corrections@micigandaily.com Arts Section arts@michigandaily.com Sports Section sports@michigandaily.com Display Sales display@michigandaily.com Online Sales onlineads@michigandaily.com News Tips news@michigandaily.com totnctinsLetters to the Edtnr tothedaily mchigandaily.com Editorial Page opinion@michigandaily.com Photography Section photo@michigandaily.com Classified Sales classified@michigandaily.com Finance finance@michigandaily.com 4 CRIME NOTES CAMPUS EVENTS & NOTES ShREE T iNGS YOU SH~ll Im k NoW TADAY Crazy carrel Laptop stolen Mood review Film screening The British Pregnancy WHERE: Shapiro in a sea of PCs WHAT: Students are WHAT: A montage of Advisory Service will Undergraduate Library invited to participate in historical and pop-culture distribute free morning- WHEN: Sunday at about WHERE: Angell Hall sessions to identifythought clips, called "Untitled," after pills during the holiday 2:45 p.m. WHEN: Sunday at about patterns that contribute to will be screened. The film season to anyone over age WHAT: A student's 11:30 p.m. anxiety and mood problems. archives activism in the 16, BBC News reported. backpack was stolen from WHAT: A laptop was They will then apply this first few years of the AIDS Individuals will be able to a study carrel some time stolen from a computing information to their own crisis, and will be shown obtain the ill after a hone between 2 p.m. and 3:45 center between 7:30 p.m. negative thoughts and come to commemorate the p p mUversity Poi ce antti1- .2n n, m ,-i, . i. ein.with w.3..to tn, them n S . t . C '. 4,s An consultation. EDITORIAL STAFF Nick Spar Managing Editor nickspar@michigandaily.com Nicole Abet Maagig News Editor aber@michigandaily.com 5EIOR tNWSEDTRS OBethany Bion, DylanCinti, Caitlin Hustn, oseph Liteman, Brienne Prusak ASIT NEWSEDITORS:HaGleyGatt enhoCieosiscSuzanneJacobs, Sabira Kanb, Michele aro, e Pe, Ada Rbnire, Kaitli:w:n Wlim MichelleDewittand opinioneditors@michigandaily.com EmilyOrley EditorialPageEditors SENIOR EDITORIAL PAGE EDITORS: Aida Ali, Ashley Griesshammer, Andrew Weiner ASSISTANT EDITORIAL PAGE EDITORS: Harsha Nahata, TimothyRabb StephenJ. Nesbittand sportseditors@michigandaily.com Tim Rohan ManagingSports Editors E * R SOSnED ORS: Ben Estes, Michael Florek, Zach Helfand, Luke Pasch, Kevin ASTSO RTS00050000 :::teven Braid, Everett Cook, Matt Rudnitsky, Matt nSvi, Lz Vuklich, Dani:elWssemn SharonJacobs Managing Arts Editor jacobs@michigandaily.com SENIOR ARTS EDITORS: Leah Burgin, Kavi Pandey, Jennifer Xu ASSITANTARTASdDITORS:JacobAxelrad, CassieBalfour,Joe Cadagin,EmmaGase, Marissa McClain and photo@michigandaily.com Jed Moch Managing PhotoEditors ASSISTANTPHOTOEDITORS:ErinKirkland,TerraMolengraff,AnnaSchulte Zach Bergson and designomichigandaily.com Helen Lieblich ManagingDesign Editors ASSIS ANT DESIG NIE TOR:Krist iBe onjn Corinn Lewis Carolyn Klarecki MagazineEditor klarecki@michigandaily.com DEPUTY MAGAZINE EDITORS:Stephen Ostrowski, Devon Thorsby, Elyana Twiggs Josh Healy copy chief copydesk@michigandaily.com SENIOR COPY EDITORS: Christine Chun, Hannah Poindexter Sarah Squire WebDevelopment Manager squire@michigandaily.com ImranSayed PublicEditor publiceditor@michigandaily.com BUSINESSSTAFF Julianna Crim Associate Business Manager Rachel Greinetz sales Manager Alexis Newton Production Manager MeghanRooney Layout Manager Connor Byrd Finance Manager Qay Vo Circulation Manager The Michigan Daly IssN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and win t termsby students at thesUniversity of Michigan. One copy is available free of charge to all readers. Additional copies may be picked up at the Daily's office for $2. Subscriptions for fal term, starting in September, via U.smal are $110. Winter term anuary through Aprl)is $115,yearlong(September through April)iss19suniversity affiatesare subject toareduced subscription rate.On-campus subscriptions for falterm are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid. The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and The Associated Collegiate Press. 4 P.m., 1Y11y U1: reported. There are no suspects. ana 10:30 p.m., university Police reported. There are currently no suspects. Marijuana Crashing while drama in park WHERE: East Quadrangle Residence Hall WHEN: Monday at about 6 a.m. WHAT: Two suspects were in posession of suspected marijuana, University Police reported. The case is currently being imvestrgart WHERE: 1535 Hospital, M-22 Carport WHEN: Monday at about 5:45 a.m. WHAT: Two vehicles collided in the parking structure, University Police reported. There were no injuries, and damage to the 0are ;e ,nisent up wi ways to purge iem. WHO: Counseling and Psychological Services WHEN: Today at noon WHERE: Michigan Union, room 3100 Billiards showdown WHAT: Billiards trick shot artist Nick Nikolaidis, who has been featured on ESPN, will perform trick shots and accept challenges from audience members. WHO: Center for Campus Involvement WHEN: Tonight at 7p.m. WHERE: Michigan Union, Billiards Room apectrum centers +vtn Anniversary. WHO: Spectrum Center WHEN: Tonight at 6:30 Fans of late British pop p.m. star Amy Winehouse WHERE: Michigan League get one last chance to Henderson Room savor her deep, soulful vocals in her new release, Lioness. Philharmonic >FOR MORE, SEE ARTS, PAGE 7 performance q i WHAT: The London Philharmonic will perform Tchaikovsky's Manfred Symphony, which is based on a poem by Lord Byron. WHO: Spectrum Center WHEN: Tonight at 6:30 p.m. WHERE: Michigan League Henderson Room More than 220,000 rare Eisenhower $1 coins were recently dis- covered in a Montana vault, The Associated Press report- ed. The coins had been in the vault for more than 30 years and are collectively valued at more than $1 million. CITY COUNCIL From Page 1 of public art are gifts to their viewers. "Our willingness to take chances to make these gifts of beauty happen for ourselves and for complete strangers says something about us as a city, as a culture and as a people," Elliot said. Briere stressed that while she appreciates the concern of the many speakers who insisted on the importance of public art for the city, the changes to the ordi- nance were not a matter of sup- porting or not supporting public art. "I'm terrifically impressed with the passion that was expressed tonight by those advocates of public art, and I want to be clear that to me, we really are talking about a fund- ing mechanism," Briere said. She added that the amend- ments were intended to clarify and redefine the meaning of capital improvements, adding that the percentage change, if passed, would not be signifi- cant. "This is a very narrow ordi- nance, and the impact is also in itself very narrow," Briere said. Council member Christo- pher Taylor (D-Ward 3) said he doubted that cutting the funds for public art to half of one per- cent would have been an effec- tive way to free up funds for other initiatives like city infra- structure projects. "I also doubt that it will have a material impact on our abil- ity to fix water mains and to pave streets and to fix potholes because I see no evidence to the contrary," Taylor said. Council members ultimately did not pass the amendments. 0 0I Amid GOP attacks, Obama vies for Jewish support in 2012 REMY DE LA MAUVINIERE/AP French President Nicolas Sarkozy, left, smiles as he greets German Chancellor Angela Merkel prior to their meeting at the Elysee Palace in Paris yesterday. French, German leaders call for changes to E.U. treaty Jew in battl WASI dent Ba Republic ing over as each from Jev critical ii Aimin unfairly soft on t lican pr Romney have cal fire his The env said tho stemmed Israel an ney andt unfairly1 The W has a st for Israe with a "anti-Ses The Stat man wou Repub Obama's last week hasdone rity of th previous vish vote could ney said Obama has "repeatedly thrown Israel under the bus" - an rpact results accusation the Republican Nation- al Committee repeated Monday. In several Firing back, Democratic l undstate National Committee Chairwom- goU states an Debbie Wasserman Schultz called Romney's comments "out- HINGTON (AP) - Presi- rageous" and questioned his own arack Obama and his policies. The White House cited an opponents are clash- military aid to Israel and support U.S. policy toward Israel at the United Nations, and pointed side jockeys for support to statements from Israeli officials vish voters, who could be backing up Obama's assertion. n the 2012 election. The fiery debate will likely con- g to cast Obama as tinue tomorrow when the GOP harsh toward Israel and presidential candidates attend a :he Palestinians, Repub- Washington forum hosted by the esidential hopefuls Mitt Republican Jewish Coalition. and Newt Gingrich Obama campaign officials say led on the president to they will be ready to respond. ambassador to Belgium. And the next day, Jewish leaders oy, Howard Gutman, had will be at the White House for at some anti-Semitism briefings on Israel and a Hanuk- I from tensions between kah party, followed by an Obama d the Palestinians; Rom- speech next week to an expected Gingrich say his remarks audience of nearly 6,000 at a con- blamed Israel. ference of the Union for Reform thite House says Obama Judaism. rong record on support Such attention is all being paid I, and quickly fired back in recognition that Jewish vot- statement condemning ers, though comprising only 2 mitism in all its forms." percent of the electorate nation- e Department said Gut- wide, are an important part of ld remain in his job. Obama's base and could make the 'licans also challenged difference in battleground states assertion at a fundraiser including Florida, Pennsylvania, that "this administration Ohio and Nevada in a close elec- more intermsofthe secu- tion. Moreover, the Jewish com- e state of Israel than any munity is an important source of administration." Rom- donations, and Obama campaign supporters want to maintain that support as much as Republicans want to chip away at it. "This campaign takes the Jew- ish vote very, very seriously," said Ira Forman, the Obama campaign Jewish outreach director. "I'm confident this will be the most comprehensive effort in presi- dential campaign history." The White House outreach has increased since May when Obama caused a furor by calling for Israel's 1967 borders, with agreed-upon land swaps, as a basis for resuming negotiations toward a two-state solution with the Palestinians. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejected the '67 borders as inde- fensible and largely disregarded Obama's emphasis on land swaps to account for current conditions. Republicans seized on the dis- pute. And while Obama support- ers say his argument was widely mischaracterized, damage was done. Now the Obama campaign and its backers say they are deter- mined to respond rapidly to such criticism in future. "We are trying to responsibly respond to all of these unsub- stantiated or false allegations, but there are so many of them, and they areso frequently recited despite the fact that the people who are spreading them have to know that they're false, that it's hard to keep up with them," said Alan Solow. S&P threatens to cut credit ratings on 15 European countries PARIS (AP) - Seeking to restore confidence in the euro, the leaders of France and Ger- many jointly have called for changes to the European Union treaty so that countries using the euro would face automatic pen- alties if budget deficits ran too high. But not everyone on Wall Street was reassured that Europe would get control of its 2-year- old debt crisis. Stock prices rose and bor- rowing costs for European gov- ernments dropped sharply in response to the changes proposed yesterday by French President Nikolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. But some of the optimism faded late in the day when Standard and Poor's threatened to cut its credit ratings on 15 eurozone countries, including the likes of Germany, France and Austria which have been considered Europe's safest government debt issuers. The announcement came only hours after Sarkozy and Merkel revealed sweeping plans to change the EU treaty in an effort to keep tighter checks on overspending nations. The pro- posal is set to form the basis of discussions at a summit of EU leaders on Thursday and Fri- day that is expected to provide a blueprint for an exit from the crisis. While the Franco-German plan would tie the 17-eurozone nations closer together, a tighter union would likely also result in heavier financial burdens for the region's stronger economies, which have already put up bil- lions of euros to rescue Greece, Ireland and Portugal. Analysts noted that the pro- posals did not foresee a clear roadmap on how to get the euro- zone economies growing again and to reduce funding costs for struggling nations in the long- term. "If this is all we get it's really very bad news for the future of the euro," said Simon Tilford, chief economist at London's Cen- tre for European Reform. Many analysts have called on the European Central Bank to intervene in debt markets to lower struggling countries' bor- rowing costs or the creation of eurobonds - debt backed by all 17 euro countries. The euro fell after the S&P announcement, trading down 0.1 percent at $1.339, and trading in futures on the S&P 500 and Dow Jones Industrial Average turned negative. After the New York markets closed, S&P confirmed that it had placed 15 nations on notice for possible downgrades. Only two countries that use the euro weren't affected: Cyprus already had that designa- tion and Greece already has rat- ings low enough to suggest that it's likelyto default soon anyway. France and Germany, the eurozone's two largest econo- mies which currently both have an AAA-rating, quickly came out against the S&P move. "Germany and France reaf- firm that the proposals they made jointly today will reinforce the governance of the euro area in order to foster stability, com- petitiveness and growth," they said in a joint statement. "France and Germany, in full solidarity, confirm their determination to take all the necessary measures, in liaison with their partners and the European institutions to ensure the stability of the euro area." 4 a