~1ic lian 01aitjj Ann Arbor, Michigan Tuesday, November 21, 2011 michigandaily.com Spectrum Center celebrates 40 years Senior defensive tackle Mike Martin celebrates the Michigan football team's 45-17 victory over Nebraska at Michigan Stadium on Saturday. Doubt no more, Michigan has oven itselfalready LGBT activists share experiences during anniversary events on campus By DANA DEL VECCHIO and SABIRA KHAN For theDaily and Daily Staff Reporter After working for the Univer- sity as an athletic trainer for the football team from 1968 to 1979, Lindsy McLean joined the San Francisco 49ers as a trainer. But for the 24 years that McLean worked with the team, he stalled coming out to his professional community to keep his personal life and career separate. During a roundtable discus- sion on Friday as part of the Spectrum Center's 40th anni- versary events,. McLean talked about his experience coming out and the discrimination he faced from people in the industry. After being verbally harassed at work, McLean found solace at a church that welcomed the gay community. "I'd leave Candlestick Park and go to church," McLean said. "I think the fact that I had an outlet there, it really helped me." To overcome his difficulties and serve as a role model for other gay people, McLean looked to others for support including author Betty Berzon and her book "Setting Them Straight." "I thought, what do I have to lose?" he said. "Maybe I could help a few others inatheir strug- gles against hate and lack of acceptance by coming out." McLean was recognized by the sports community in an ESPN Magazine article in 2004 that illustrated his efforts to achieve increased tolerance for LGBT people in the realm of sports. During another discussion on Friday celebrating the Spec- trum Center's mission to pro- mote awareness of LGBT issues and tolerance on campus, phi- lanthropist and technology entrepreneur David Bohnett dis- cussed his foundation, the David Bohnett Foundation - a non- profit, grant-making organiza- tion that aims to improve society through social activism. Bohnett, a University alum, See SPECTRUM, Page 5A is No 32 white throw- back jersey covered in grass stains and dirt, Jordan Kovacs stood in a trailer home outside Spartan Stadium. He was beaten and bruised, try- ing to put the Michigan football team's fourth straight loss to the rival Spartans into words. Thirty or so reporters crammed into the trailer, as cameras and bright lights shined in Kovacs's face. Every question stung, each harder to answer than the last. But Kovacs stood at that podium and i spoke the, truth. "They were defi- KEVIN nitely more RAFTERY physical," RATERY_ the redshirt junior safety said. "They pounded us. They beat us up." That's like Batman compli- menting the Joker - it's not easy. But Kovacs knew his team was beaten, plain and simple, and he wasn't going to sugar- coat the loss. The questions kept coming. Kovacs answered each one as honestly as he could, keeping his head up throughout. "I think it would be easy to say that this is the same Michi- gan team from the last two years," he said. "ButI have no doubt in my mind that we're not." Kovacs spoke with confi- dence, but Michigan fans still doubted. Doubt no more. On Saturday, Kovacs and the 20th-ranked Wolverines proved this year is different. And they proved it by doing to No. 17 Nebraska exactly what the Spartans did to them. "We knew that (Nebraska was) gonna be a physical team and that the tougher team, the more physical team, was gonna See RAFTERY, Page 6A UNIVERSITY HOUSING Residential College to move to West Quad next school yr. With upcoming renovation, East 0 Quad groups prepare for move By TAYLOR WIZNER Daily StaffReporter After spending the last 44 years in East Quad Residence Hall, the Residential College will have a new home next year. The Residential College, currently located in East Quad Residence Hall, will temporar- ily move to West Quad Resi- dence Hall next fall while East Quad undergoes a year of major renovations, according to Uni- versity Housing spokesman Peter Logan. The Health Sci- ences Scholars Program, also currently housed in East Quad, will be re-located to Couzens Residence Hall. While West Quad offers the same residential accommoda- tions as East Quad, it does not have the classrooms and offices needed by the RC, according to RC Director Angela Dillard. To remedy the lack of classrooms, the RC is looking into reserv- ing classrooms in the Dennison Building. This will cover most of the community's needs, but it will also use some spaces on North Campus and in Alice Lloyd Residence Hall, the Bur- ton Tower and the University of Michigan Museum of Art. The dispersal of classes across campus will be a big change to the RC's structure. Dillard wrote in an e-mail interview that the RC does not anticipate the relocation hav- See RC, Page 6A Former Michigan Student Assembly President Chris Armstrong speaks at the Spectrum Center Pink Carpet Gala Event Friday. Armstrong unvells new scholarship on campus CAMPUS RENOVATIONS Updates continue at recreational facilities TVs installed in their workout. d r TThough some updates, includ- CCRB, NCRB, ing new televisions, are now in place in University recreational IM Building today facilities, Bill Canning, direc- tor of the Department of Recre- By JOSH QIAN ational Sports, said the additions For theDaily are just the "fingernail on the little finger of the whole hand." Students heading to campus The Department of Recre- gyms today will now have the ational Sports received $1.6 opportunity to watch TV during million from the University's Division of Student Affairs and the Office of the Provost in Feb- ruary 2010. The funding was used for 11 different projects, according to Canning. Among the projects is the installation of flat-screen TVs in the IM Building, the North Campus Recreation Building and the Central Campus Recre- .ation Building. The televisions See FACILITIES, Page 5A Fund starts with endowment of $100,000 By HALEY GOLDBERG Daily StaffReporter With his parents standing proudly behind him on stage, Chris Armstrong, the first openly gay Michigan Student Assembly president, announced the Chris Armstrong Scholarship Fund on Friday at the Spectrum Center's 40th anniversary Pink Carpet Gala Event. The scholarship - which has an initial endowment of $100,000 - is intended for incoming fresh- men, Armstrong told The Michi- gan Daily. In his speech to the crowd of students, alumni, mem- bers of the LGBT community and allies at Rackham Auditorium, Armstrong said the scholarship - which is funded by his par- ent - is meant to give students who have been bullied because of their sexual orientation the opportunity to attend the Uni- versity and to help foster a sup- portive community. "My parents and I decided to start a scholarship for students who've been bullied, to come to the University of Michigan ... and show students how it gets better," Armstrong said. Armstrong said that while at See ARMSTRONG, Page SA ...3A CLASSIPE D S...............6A ...4A ARTS........................7A ...5A SPORTSMONDAY..........1B WEATHER H I: 45 TOMORROW LO: 39 GOT A NEWS TIP? Call 734-418-411s or e-mail news@michigandaily.com and let us know. NEW ON MICHIGANDAILY.COM The Varsity receives approval from City Council MICHIGANDAILY.COM/BLOGS/THE WIRE INDEX NE WS.. Vol. CXXINo.53 O PINIO N.. 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