4A - Wednesday, November 16, 2011 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com 4A - Wednesday, November16, 2011 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom C4C itigan 4:a.1,6, Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan since 1890. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 tothedaily@michigandaily.com MICHELLE DEWITT STEPHANIE STEINBERG and EMILY ORLEY NICK SPAR EDITOR IN CHIEF EDITORIAL PAGE EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR Unsigned editorials reflect the official position of the Daily's editorial board. All other signed articles and illustrations represent solely the views of their authors. Imran Syed is the public editor. He can be reached at publiceditor@michigandaily.com. Liberty for all? Pledge shouldn't be mandated in public schools tate lawmakers are apparently very concerned about dis- plays of patriotism by students in Michigan. The state Senate recently passed a bill that would require all public schools to recite the Pledge of Allegiance each school day. The bill is an attack on free speech in Michigan's public schools, and Republican Gov. Rick Snyder should not allow it to become law. The Type 3 gaffe n the modern American news media's coverage of politics, every event needs a narrative so that people keep watching. Whenever a candidate for an office says or does something, pundits acrossD the country rush DAR-WEI to label what CHEN happened or out- line the ramifi- cations of said event. One of these labels is called the "gaffe." For political purposes, gaffes can assume a few forms. Sometimes a politician will accidentally say something that doesn't accurately portray what he or she actually thinks. One example of this form is Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain's latest statement about the sexual misconduct allega- tions coming from various women he's worked with: "For every one person that comes forward with a false accusation, there are probably thousands who will say that none of that sort of activity ever came from Herman Cain." Many comedi- ans and liberal analysts are having field days with this quote because it seems to imply that Cain is using the "I've only groped a few women" defense, butI will defend Cain here. What he probably meant was: The vast majority of people who know Cain would say that he's not capable of such misconduct. Other times, a politician says something he clearly believes, but states it in such an awkward man- ner that the candidate's clumsiness overshadows the message. Republi- can presidential candidate Rick San- torum has become famous for one particular incident where he had one of these gaffes. On a campaign stop in Iowa earlier this summer, Santorum pointed to a napkin on a table and stated, "This is a napkin - I can call this napkin a paper towel, but it is a napkin," making the case that gay marriage is actual marriage to the same extent that napkins are paper towels. His main point is clear (gay marriages are not legitimate), but the news media covered this epi- sode as a gaffe because the analogy was such a strange one. The funny thing about this year's GOP presidential nomination pro- cess is the invention of a new type of gaffe (let's call these "Type 3 gaffes"). Type 3 gaffes happen when politicians clearly and sen- sibly delineate what they believe, but receive backlash because their opinions run counter to all cred- ible research or mainstream public opinion. During the summer cam- paign season, Republican presiden- tial candidate Rick Perry talked to a young boy in Iowa about how "evo- lution is a theory that's out there ... it's got some gaps," and with respect to the evolution-creationism debate, "You're smart enough to figure out which one is right." Some media members pounced on these quotes, tagging them as gaffes from Perry (Type 3), even though few in Repub- lican circles believe in evolution to begin with. I cannot bring myself to accept this incident as a mere gaffe. To me, a gaffe involves a mistake. Remember what happened in the GOP debate last week when Perry couldn't name the third government agency he'd eliminate? That's agaffe because his memory lapsed, and he couldn't locate his notes (and it's inconsequential because he'll have his notes if he becomes president of the United States). On the other hand, what Perry said on evolution is what he meant exactly. The media does everyone a disservice by using the gaffe label because what Perry says will have very real consequenc- es if he wins the presidency. GOP frontrunner Mitt Romney also had a Type 3 gaffe this sum- mer when he infamously said "cor- porations are people." With citizens struggling across the country and corporations earning record profits, many people took offense because corporations cannot be treated like people, especially with the economy in bad shape. This quote was labeled a gaffe by many in the media, but Romney honestly meant what he said and how he said it. Unfiltered looks at GOP candidate comments. When the media calls something agaffe, they seemto imply that there was something inadvertent about it. The "gaffe" label also too eas- ily sweeps nonsensical statements under the rug when substantive policy discussions arise. Nothing was inadvertent about Perry's state- ments on evolution and Romney's statements on corporate person- hood. These Type 3 "gaffes" have serious consequences, such as teach- ing schoolchildren pseudoscience or allocating the country's resources inefficiently. Sure, President Barack Obama has once said that he's vis- ited 57 states (Perry supporters are happy to tell you about this), but unless he's going to waste federal money on imaginary states, his gaffe will have no tangible consequenc- es. I don't know what to call them, but maybe Type 3 gaffes should be named something else that reflects * how terrifying they are. Maybe "unfiltered looks at Perry and Rom- ney" will do. -Dar-Wei Chen can be reached at chendw@umich.edu. In addition to the required recitation of the pledge, the bill mandates that schools purchase an American flag for each class- room and ensure that it is on display. The bill passed in the Senate on Nov. 10 with a 31-5 vote. While most members of the Republi- can-led Senate voted in favor of the bill, some expressed concerns about whether it would foster love for one's country. The bill would force students to recite the pledge, potentially against their will, and is a violation of free speech rights in schools. The bill does provide an opt-out policy in which students would not be mandated to recite the pledge if they or their parents object. But while students technically have the option to not participate, the pressure they will likely face from peers and teachers will place a bur- den on them to make this choice. Lawmakers are under the impression that forcing students to recite the pledge each school day will teach students American val- ues and their importance. The pledge cer- tainly features buzzwords that represent the country's value system, but whether or not the words teach students anything is debat-_ able. In reality, forcing students to robotically recite the pledge without teaching them what it means or why they are saying it strips the pledge of all meaning, instead of making it a beacon of patriotism as lawmakers intend. The appropriate way to encourage stu- dents to state the pledge is through educa- tion. Michigan schools should teach students what the pledge means and why it is thought to be important. After students have learned about the pledge, they can make their own educated decision about whether or not to recite it. But this should be done with older students - not third-graders who may not understand the impact of their words. Forc- ing the recitation of the pledge not only voids it of meaning, but it discourages freethinking and personal decision-making among young people. Every minute that is spent debating and voting on this bill is a slap in the face to the thousands of unemployed people throughout Michigan who are looking for help from their lawmakers. Legislators need to stop wast- ing time and resources on arbitrary bills and show a commitment to legislation that will increase Michigan's economic strength. While ensuring first-graders are patriotic is a noble goal, Michigan lawmakers should consider focusing on rebuilding the economy and creating jobs. Public school administrators should handle the task of overseeing the Pledge of Allegiance, and state lawmakers should begin tackling Michigan's real problems. FOLLOW DAILY OPINION ON TWITTER m Keep up with columnists, read Daily editorials, view cartoons and join in the debate. Check out @michdailyoped to get updates on Daily content throughout the day. EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS: Aida Ali, Michelle DeWitt, Ashley Griesshammer, Nirbhay Jain, Jesse Klein, Patrick Maillet, Erika Mayer, Harsha Nahata, Emily Orley, Teddy Papes, Timothy Rabb, Vanessa Rychlinski, Caroline Syms, Seth Soderborg, Andrew Weiner ADRIENNE ROBERTS | Lea.ving leasing for later What the frack?' Simply put, housing is a mess. It's a big- ger mess than a front lawn the morning after game day. It's more complicated than a biol- ogy exam the day after Halloween. Most stressful of all, thoughts of where to live, who to room with, what to pay for and which com- panies to deal with engulf students' minds. If first-year students haven't already found an apartment or house by the time this is pub- lished, say "hello" to another 5-by-5 dorm room with that same roommate you haven't decided if you like or not. In February 2006, Ann Arbor City Coun- cil passed an ordinance stating that lease- signing would be prohibited until one-third of the current lease period has passed. The ordinance also allows house showings to prospective tenants after a quarter of the lease period has passed. However, this ordinance only affects Sep- tember-to-September leases. To evade this ordinance, many landlords changed their leases to May-to-May. This loophole in the language exempts many properties from the ordinance's measures, which are clearly ben- eficial to students. Tearsdo not need to be shed over this prob- lem - there are simple solutions. Ann Arbor needs to set a standard date for all landlords to begin signing on houses or apartments, regardless of a September-to-September or a May-to-May lease. That date needs to be in the second semester. Freshmen should not have to scramble to decide which people they met within the past few blurry weeks they actually could live with. Students con- sidering study abroad for the following year should not have to chose to live in a dorm in September. You may have been best friends with your roommate in the beginning of the year and then find out your personalities don't mesh just right. Unfortunately, you've already signed a lease - tying yourself to that person for at least the coming year. The solution is simple: Give people more time. We need it. College is a time of growth and discovery - people change and that's ok and expected. Please give us the beginning of the year to worry about exams, papers, social lives, money and the football season, instead of housing. Winter semester is generally less dramatic than the fall. Housing crises may actually be entertaining at that point. Setting a standard for when house and apartment leases are allowed to be signed will not stop students from knocking on doors in October or recruiting people to live with early on. It will, however, give students time to fig- ure out their wants and needs, who they can envision as a roommate and their best option for the following year. This way, students can be flexible early on and focus on more impor- tant activities. Ann Arbor's economic vitality is dependent on its 25,000 students. Allowing students to sign a lease at a reasonable time will not harm landlords - their properties will still sell out. City Council should push the ordinance's dates to the winter semester. It is the simplest way to end the unnecessary and untimely stress placed on students. Adrienne Roberts is an LSA sophomore. ydrofracking is one of the most volatile forms of fossil fuel extraction around. I say this not as an environmental- ist, but as an engineer. My classmates can vouch for me when I say that JOE engineering stu- SUGIYAMA dents are drilled in the art of logical deduction. We understand that opinions and actions can have repercussions that can affect the lives of millions. Without adequate logical planning - and I'm not even talking about something crazy sci- entific, simply weighing the pros and cons would suffice - any proj- ect can turn disastrous. This was clearly not the approach taken by the New York based group, Clean Growth Now, when they decided that hydrofracking can be safe. Just like that, huh? The self- proclaimed "moderate voice" of the hydrofracking debate - which has conspicuously forgotten to include any environmentalist experts on its panel - appears to have turned a blind eye to the laundry list of prob- lems associated with the practice. For those of you who may not be familiar with hydraulic fracturing known as hydrofracking - here's the lowdown. It's a method used to extract natural gas that channels millions of gallons of highly pressur- ized water - along with hundreds of toxic chemicals and particulate matter - to break through bedrock and reach natural gas deposits deep below the surface. This method of extraction poses a serious threat to the health of people as well as the environment. The water that is used to break up the bedrock is ridden with chemicals that contaminate the groundwater in the vicinity of the hydrofracking. The Environmental Protection Agency has recently been investigating this matter in Pavillion, WY, where concerns have grown over the levels of contaminates in drinking water caused by local hydrofracking. The EPA has advised the resi- dents of the city to not cook with or drink the water. It has also advised that showers should be taken only with adequate ventilation to avoid the inhalation of the chemicals. Encana, the company respon- sible for the hydrofracking in the area, has taken necessary steps - including providing alternative water sources to the citizens - to lessen the blow of probable law- suits. Once further investigation is done, the company will surely be responsible for the ensuing reme- diation processes. Unfortunately, this is not a unique situation throughout the country, and it begs the question: How can something so destructive be allowed to occur in populated areas? The fis- cal benefit of hydrofracking seems to have put health concerns on the back burner. A Feb. 26 New York Times arti- cle assures us that poisoning our groundwater is not the only problem associated with hydraulic fractur- ing. The water used to break through the ground can sometimes be taint- ed by radioactive materials that exist naturally below the surface. The highly pressurized slurry of water injected is pumped out of the excavation and placed in a retention pond for decontamination and then shipped off to the nearest wastewa- ter treatment plant. However, negligent laws gov- erning the on-site treatment have allowed the radioactive levels of the water to go largely untouched. Wastewater plants don't have the capacity to treat the high levels of radioactive materials present in the drilling water and have no choice but to discharge the contaminated water into local water supplies. In Pennsylvania, the radioactive levels detected were thousands of times greater than federal standards. Although treatment of this con- taminated water occurs before the water reaches our faucets, farming and fishing don't have the benefit of this secondary treatment, and peo- ple are thus exposed to the radia- tion by way of ingestion. Many proponents of hydrofrack- ing have argued that natural gas is * a cleaner energy alternative to coal, which is certainly true. There is nothing clean about the burning of coal, which is a major contributor to globalwarmingand other air quality issues. However, coal appears to be the lesser of two evils. The benefits for the atmosphere associated with using natural gas simply don't out- weigh the irrefutable damage done to our water supply. This method to extract natural gas is dangerous. * So how do we stop such a terrible innovation in energy technology? With alternative energy sources. Original, no? Though this point has been belabored by environmental- ists across the board, it should be noted that even natural gas wells will someday run dry. We need a logical approach to this situation and address it before we have an energy Armageddon. If we divert the money from hydrofracking to, say, creating a more efficient solar panel, the looming energy crisis for our grandchildren could potentially be averted, and millions of people can stop thinking twice before run- ning their faucets. So next time you see one of those ExxonMobil hydrofracking commercials - laced with inspi- rational music and scenic nature shots - or hear the Clean Growth Now group raving about the ben- efits of hydrofracking and natural gas, please admire their sheer igno- rance toward human health. Yes, hydrofracking is big business, but with a little more time and funding, renewable energy could be big busi- ness as well. - Joe Sugiyama can be reached at jmsugi@umich.edu. *j LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Readers are encouraged to submit letters to the editor. Letters should be fewer than 300 words and must include the writer's full name and University affiliation. We do not print anonymous letters. Send letters to tothedaily@michigandaily.com A*