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November 14, 2011 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 2011-11-14

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The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Monday, November 14, 2011 - 5A

The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Monday, November14, 2011 - 5A

Michigan home
explodes, killing
2, injuring 4
An explosion at a southwest-
ern Michigan house where a resi-
dent was using oxygen tanks for
a medical condition killed two
people and injured four others,
police said yesterday.
The blast happened about
11:40 p.m. Saturday, according to
police in Berrien County's Ben-
ton Township. The community is
east of Benton Harbor.
When emergency crews
arrived, they found four injured
people outside the burning house
and were told two other people
were trapped inside, said Lt. Del-
mar Lange.
Clinton: Iran must
respond to U.N.
weapons report
Iran must respond soon to a
report by the U.N. atomic agen-
cy alleging that it is working
secretly on developing a nuclear
weapon, U.S. Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton said Friday while
attending a Pacific Rim summit.
Clinton said she discussed
the issue with her counterparts
gathered in Hawaii who also
expressed serious concern over
the issue.
"Iran has a long history of
deception and denial regard-
ing its nuclear program and in
the coming days we expect Iran
to answer the serious questions
raised by this report," Clinton
told reporters.
"The U.S. will continue to con-
sult closely with our allies on the
next steps we can take to increase
pressure on Iran," Clinton said.
The International Atomic
Energy Agency showed satel-
lite images, letters and diagrams
to 35 nations earlier Friday in
Vienna as it sought to underpin
its case that Iran apparently is
working secretly on developing a
nuclear weapon.
Bangkok residents
advised to flee
Bangkok authorities are telling
more residents to leave as flood-
waters threaten southwestern
neighborhoods in the Thai capi-
Governor Sukhumbhand Parib-
atra said people should evacuate
three neighborhoods due to surg-
ingwaterlevels. He saidyesterday
pumps were operating around the
clock and more pumps were being
added to help drain the water.
Still, floodwaters are reced-
ing elsewhere. Prime Minister
Yingluck Shinawatra said previ-
ously the city center would have
light flooding if the water pen-
etrated that far but western areas

of Bangkok were threatened with
The national death toll from
floods since late July has reached
536. More than 13.1 million people
- one in five Thais - are affected.
-Compiled from
Daily wire reports

From Page 1A
Floyd was up late on Friday
night. Inside the team hotel, he
kept the reel rolling, watching
Jenkins torch cornerback after
cornerback. To a man, he'll admit
he's no match for Jenkins. But he
caught something in the film - a
split, atendency.
There were certain situations,
depending on the score, down
and spot of the ball, that Jenkins
and quarterback Nathan Scheel-
haase got predictable. Third
down on Michigan's 40-yard line
was one of those situations.
When the pass went up, so did
"The coachesawere talking to
me telling me, 'Just trust your
instincts,"' Floyd said. "I just read
it. I seen the receiver raise up in
his break, and Itjust went for it"
He returned the interception
43 yards to set up the Wolver-
ines' final score.
Jenkins finished with eight
catches for 103 yards, but Floyd
was resilient. He kept Jenkins
out of the endzone.
A year removed from Michi-
gan's 67-65 triple-overtime thrill-
er against Illinois, the Fighting
Illini didn't cross midfield until
the end of the third quarter. It
was the Wolverines' defense that
From Page 1A
place mainly in the Union and on
the Diag, included a World War
II veterans panel, film screen-
ings of "Lioness" and "Taking
Chance," a care package collec-
tion drive for those currently
serving and a discussion on post-
traumatic stress disorder.
The symposium started off
with a panel led by student vet-
erans in the Union's Kuenzel
Room. LSA senior Ryan Pavel,
president of the University's
chapter of Student Veterans of
America, said during the panel
- which he facilitated - that he
believes it is importanteto discuss
the challenges student veterans
There are approximately 400
student veterans on campus,
according to Pavel. The Univer-
sity's SVA chapter was founded
in the spring of 2007, and sup-
port for veterans on campus has
grown over the past few years,
he said.
"Since then, there has been a
few people who have been con-
From Page 1A
In an interview before the
game, Glen Ashlock, a vet-
eran and the Navy basketball
team captain, explained that
the rules of wheelchair basket-
ball are the same as NBA rules
with the exception of dribbling
- the ball must be dribbled in
between every two pushes of the
wheelchair. Despite the label as
a wheelchair basketball game,
only four of the players use
wheelchairs in their daily life.
Checking is OK according to
Ashlock, "but there's a line," he

said. Ashlock also explained that
basketball wheelchairs are engi-
neered differently than regular
wheelchairs. Basketball wheel-
chairs have wider angled wheels
and metal bars onthe bottom that
help protectplayers' legs and feet.
While the Navy team had

commanded the flow of the game
from start to finish.
The 2010 Michigan team got
punched and fell flat. These Wol-
verines get punched and they
punch back.
Last season, with 110th-
ranked defense in the nation,
Michigan couldn't stopa nose-
bleed. That defense just wasn't
good enough to win.
"That's all you heard about
when I took the job here," said
Michigan coach Brady Hoke.
This season, usingthe same
cogs and a few well-oiled addi-
tions, Hoke and defensive coor-
dinator Greg Mattison have
a defensive machine on their
So what happened? How is
Michigan winning on defense?
Floyd knows the answer and
doesn't mind sharing. Twice, he
credited the coachingstaff for
putting him in the right position
to make a play. Twice more, he
admitted his newfound dedica-
tion to film.
That difference comes from
Hoke and his staff - they have
the Wolverines prepared to play
every Saturday.
It's the toughness Hoke
preaches. It's demanding every
week that nobody's job is certain.
It's accountability.
And it has Michigan back on
the map.
sistently lobbying for increased
support (of veterans)," Pavel
said. "Now I would say that (the
University) is getting ... increas-
ingly veteran friendly."
The panel featured eight stu-
dent veterans who spoke about
their experiences at the Uni-
versity. LSA junior Brendan
Lejeune, a student veteran, said
that he considers the University
a very "veteran-friendly place."
He said the support of SVA
helped ease his transition into
academic life.
"I was 25 when I came here,
and in some of my classes the
kids were 18, and our life experi-
ences were just night and day,"
Lejeune said. "Having other vets
near me made it feel like I was
more a part of the University."
Other panelists pointed out
that veterans constitute only a
small part of the student body.
LSA sophomore Andrew Floyd
said he feels there is a relatively
small number of student veter-
ans on campus and said he only
sees fellow veterans at SVA func-
"I would definitely like to see
more veterans in classes," Floyd
momentum in the beginning -
scoring three times in the first
three minutes - the Army team
put up a fight to make it a close
game. The Navy ended up win-
ning by a mere two points with a
final score of 36-34.
Engineering freshman Jim
Rasche, a U.S. Navy veteran, said
he rested up in preparation for
the game. He added that learn-
ing how to play basketball in a
wheelchair is like "learning to
walk again." Rasche attributed
the Navy's lead in the beginning
of the game to good shooting and
luck and said he had no expec-
tations for the outcome of the

"The main point is it's all about
honoring and bringing attention
to veterans," Rasche said.
Army basketball team captain
Jerry Sarasin, also a veteran, has
played wheelchair basketball for
the last 20 years and said he's
gotten good at the game.
"For the first time we've ever

"The past is somethingthat's
always goingto be in the back of
your head," said senior captain
Mike Martin. "We don't focus on
it because we're so much differ-
ent as a team, as a defense. Guys
are so much better, our mentality
is just so much better, and I'm
sure that it showed on the field
Allowing just over two touch-
downs a game - at sixth in the
nation in scoring defense - these
players finally know the feeling
of a job well done.
But the transition in the past
season hasn't been easy. Ask
Floyd. Hoke and Mattison admit
they've been hard on Floyd all
season. He's notejust No. 8, he's
the team's No. 1 cornerback.
"Coaches are always tough on
me, but that's why I came here,"
Floyd said. "I came in to win
and win big. The coaches did a
good job to get me prepared each
week, make sure I'm focused,
makingsure I'm keying in on
what I need to key in on."
So when Floyd turned away
from Jenkins at the goal line and
looked around again. He was the
last Michigan player off the field.
He'd done his job, he'd made his
- Nesbitt can be reached
at stnesbit@umich.edu or on
Twitter: @stephennesbitt
said. "Certainly I think (veter-
ans) enrich the learning environ-
Business graduate student
Lindsay Compton, a student
veteran, agreed that veterans
enhance the classroom setting.
During the panel, Compton said
she brings her experience in the
armed forces to class by provid-
ing examples of leadership, disci-
pline and teamwork.
"Our classmates have really
great experience in the consult-
ing world, or as accountants or
whatever they may have done,
but it's amazing the depth and
breadth that we (veterans) can
give with our experience,"
Compton said.
Compton added that it's chal-
lenging but rewarding for stu-
dent veterans to share these
experiences with their civilian
"I think sometimes it's a little
bit harder to open your mouth
and share that because our expe-
riences are a lot more intimate
and a lot more challenging, but
I think our classmates really
appreciate our perspectives,"
Compton said.
played together, (we're) really
good," Sarasin said of the team.
While Sarasin was involved
in many of the rough wheelchair
collisions on the court, he said
the event was more about pro-
moting awareness and having
fun than anything else.
"If it wasn't for the veterans,
there wouldn't be wheelchair
basketball," Sarasin said.
Event coordinator Gerald
Hoff, a University insurance ver-
ification representative, said the
event is popular among student
"Student veterans met with me
after last year's game and asked
that if I could please have another

Army-Navy game," Hoff said.
Hoff organized the event with
the help of volunteers, including
members of the University ser-
vice group Circle K, who passed
out free snacks and drinks dur-
ing the event. Hoff said he hopes
to move the event to Crisler
Arena in the future.

From Page 1A
at roundtables to better facilitate
"It is an entirely different
experience hearing their per-
sonal stories and to see the way
they tell theem," Sternberg said.
"Some of the people we bring in
are teachers, authors - people
who really want to share their
While Fleish said it is difficult
to share stories of the atrocities
she endured, she believes it is
important to move forward.
"The dreams are there, and
you can't make them go away,"
Fleish said. "It lives inside of me.
You never get over it. It is a part
of you, always in the back of your
At another table sat 83-year-
old Anton Opengeym, who spoke
of his troubled life running from
the war. Because his family was
wealthy, the Nazis targeted his
father and brother, who were
among the first in the town to be
"They like to take everything
you have - your weaknesses,"
Opengeym said.
After the war, Opengeym fled
communist Latvia with his wife
and children - hoping to give
them a better life. He came to
Michigan and worked as the
custodian for The Birmingham
Temple in Farmington Hills for
26 years until he retired.
"God Bless America," Openg-
eym said with a smile on his face.
"I started with nothing, and now
I have Social Security."
Opengeym said even though
his life was not as prosperous as

when he was a child, survival is
the only thing that is important
to him.
"Sometimes you just need to
have a bad life to know what a
good life is, and I have a really
good life now," Opengeym said.
Holocaust survivor Henia
Ciesla Lewin lived in the ghettos
of Kielce, Poland and then fled to
the woods for nine months with
her sister and aunt, where she
witnessed the murders of fellow
hiding refugees. After return-
ing to the ghettos, she was sent
to five different concentration
camps, including Auschwitz,
before being freed by the U.S.
"I remember when Hitler
came into the town, and I felt the
hostility all around him," Lewin
said. "It still rings in my ears."
Lewin said that now her
life goal is to share her stories
so people can understand and
stop the hatred that caused the
Holocaust. She wrote a poem in
remembrance of her mother for
her grandchildren that she likes
to share.
"My mother begged me,
before we separated, that her
only wish was for me to survive,"
Lewin said. "I think her wish
kept me alive. Someone had to be
there to tell the stories."
When asked how she could
continue to be optimistic after
living through such horrific
events, Lewin explained thatshe
had to rise above her oppressive
past to foster a future that tran-
scends the hatred of the Holo-
"I hope and I pray that a time
like that will never come again,"
Lewinsaid. "I am full of so much
pain, but I don't hate anybody."

From Page 1A
than normal red blood cells and
deliver less oxygen to tissues in
the body. Deprivation of oxygen
to tissues can often cause organ
damage and lead to death.
According to the Centers for
Disease Control and Preven-
tion, 90,000 to 100,000 Ameri-
cans have sickle cell anemia.
The disease, which is identified
by a lower than normal fetal
hemoglobin count, is prevalent
in Africa and found in about
one out of 500 African-Ameri-
can babies born.
In the study, Campbell suc-
cessfully increased fetal hemo-
globin levels in mice with sickle
cells. Increasing the production
of TR2 and TR4 proteins has the
potential to prevent and reduce
organ damage. Similar results
were seen when the study was
conducted on mice with trans-
planted human genes.
Campbell said that increased
fetal hemoglobin directly cor-
relates with decreased disease
mortality rates.
"Those who have higher
fetal hemoglobin levels associ-
ate with significant decrease in
death and definitely in morbid-
ity and complications," Camp-
bell said.
Currently there is only one
drug, Hydroxyurea - which is
also used in cancer treatments
- that is FDA approved to
increase fetal hemoglobin lev-
els in sickle cell patients. How-

ever, the side effects of the drug
are not well known.
Campbell said the study will
allow an alternative method to
treat the disease that might be
more favorable.
"There's a lot of intoler-
ance in some patients in taking
(Hydroxyurea)," Campbell said.
"... They need other options, so
we're just discovering another
protein. This is a protein, and
it's in the body."
The study was a collabora-
tive effort by different Univer-
sity departments, Campbell
said. Osamu Tanabe, a research
assistant professor of cell and
developmental biology, and
James Engel, a cell and devel-
opmental biology professor
and department chair, were co-
authors and contributors to the
In 2007, Tanabe first devel-
oped the gene that caused the
over-expression of TR2 and
TR4 proteins and proposed the
study on mice to Campbell.
Now, the researchers will
begin to translate these find-
ings into a treatment safe for
humans. Tanabe said it could
take a long time, but the next
step is to find a way to cause the
same effects seen in the mice
by increasing the activation of
TR2 and TR4 receptors, which
may lead pharmacological
researchers to develop a drug
that can do this.
"(I think) our findings
may lead to a new therapeu-
tic approach for the disease,"
Tanabe said.


Applicants sought to provide leadership and participate in various middle
through college level research projects; Write research reports and
manuscripts; Write and manage IRS; Participate in the overall direction of
the Institute. For more information about the Institute, visit
irmse.msu.edu. Qualifications: A Ph.D. in Science or Science
Education with Master's in Science or Mathematics Education. Strong
background in chemistry or molecular biology; Teaching experience in K-
12 science or mathematics; Data management and analysis experience.
To Apply: Visit www.jobs.msu.edu and search posting number 5329.
U 1 V ER S I T Y
MSU is committed to achieving excellente through a diverse
workforce and inclusive culture that encourages all people to reach
their full potential. The University actively encourages applications
and/or nominations of women, persons of color, veterans and persons
with disabilities.

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