2A -'Monday, November 7, 2011
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com
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Jersey Shore' star talks bullying
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Students in Columbia Uni-
versity Prof. Diane Vaughan's
sociology class called "Mistake,
Misconduct, Disaster" were in
for a fist-pumping surprise when
guest lecturer Vinny Guadagni-
no from "Jersey Shore" spoke to
their class on Wednesday, accord-
ingto a Nov.3 Gothamist article.
Guadagnino, who is a part
of the anti-bullying group "Do
Something," spoke about bully-
ing to the class, the Gothamist
According to the article, after
the class, students left posts on a
blog for Columbia students. One
student wrote, "The thrust of his
speech in Vaughan's class was
about how we can all set good
examples in the world, stop vio- foundation, which works with
lence before it escalates, and be at-risk children, according to the
models for polite society. article.
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Jerry Sandusky, former defen-
sive coordinator for Per1n State
University, was arraigned last
Saturday and later released on
$100,000 bail for multiple counts
of sexual abuse, according to a
Nov. 5 New York Times article.
The grand jury's report stated
that Sandusky had made sexual
advances or assualts toward eight
boys between 1994 and 2009, the
Times reported. He met all of the
boys through his Second Mile
Administrators of Thiel Col-
lege, located 80 miles north of
Pittsburgh, announced Thurs-
day that the estate of recently
deceased steel executive William
Dietrich II will donate $25 mil-
lion to the college, according to
a Nov. 3 Associated Press article.
The $25 million donation is
equivalent to the school's annual
budget, according to theAP.
The Compulsive Lyres, a student a capella group, per-
forms "Superstition" on Saturday.
Nuisance in Laptop lifted
the library from Quad
WHERE: Law Library WHERE: North Quadrangle
WHEN: Thursday at about Residence Hall
9:45 p.m. WHEN: Thursday at about
WHAT: A group of girls 7 p.m.
entered the library two WHAT: A student's laptop
separate times, screamed was taken between 5 and
and fled the scene, 7 p.m., University Police
University Police reported. reported. The laptop has
The area was mostly empty not been recovered.
at the time.
Look out below! Case of the
Religious film Job interview New York City Mayor
screening tips session Bloomberg spent $5.64
Smillion this ye ar on a pub-
WHAT: The Library WHAT: Career Center staff lic image campaign despite
Diversity Committee will will host an interactive not re-running for office, The
screen "Seven Passages: the workshop covering New York Post reported. He
Stories of Gay Christians" presentation strategies for spent more than $100 mil-
in honor of the Spectrum resumes, CVs, cover letters lion during his re-election in
Center's 40th anniversary. and interviews. 2009.
Nick Spar Managing Editor nickspar@nmichigandaily.com
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The Michigan Daily (IssN 0745-967) is published Monday through Fridayduring the fall and
winter terms by students at the University of Michigan. One copy is aval5able free of charge
to all readers. Additional copies may be picked up at the Daily's office for $2. Subscriptions for
fall term, starting in September, viaU.S.mailare $110. Winter term( anuary through April)is
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subripionrate.On-cmpusubiptonfeorllteArnre$n Teuscipdosusterepe
The MicignrDtely s a member of The Associated Pess and TheAsociuated Collegate Pess.
WHERE: South Quadrangle
Residence Hall
WHEN: Thursday at about
7:45 p.m.
WHAT: A subject was
seen throwing water
balloons out of a window
at passersby, University
Police reported. No
damage was caused.
missing clothes
WHERE: University
Cancer Center
WHEN: Thursday at about
3:15 p.m.
WHAT: Clothing was taken
from a patient ina locker
room area, University Police
WHO: Spectrum Center
WHEN: Today at 7 p.m.
WHERE: Hatcher Graduate
Politics lecture
WHAT: Roy Norton, the
Canadian consul seneral,
will discuss the 235-year
relationship between the
U.S. and Canada and the
significance of the state
of Michigan in Canadian
policymaking. Admission
to the event is free, and a
reception will follow.
WHO: Gerald R. Ford
Presidential Library
WHEN: Today at 7:30 p.m.
WHERE: Gerald Ford
WHO: The Career Center
WHEN: Today at 3 p.m.
WHERE: Rackham
Graduate School
Organ recital
WHAT: Students of
Professor of Music James
Kibbie will perform a free
WHO: School of Music,
Theatre & Dance
WHEN: Today at 8 p.m.
WHERE: Moore Building
" Please report any
error in the Daily to
For the third-straight
year, Iowa knocked
Michigan's starting
quarterback out of the game,
and for the third-straight
year, Iowa won The Wolver-
ines lost on Saturday 24-16.
Republican presidential
candidate Herman
Cain said he would not
answer more questions about
his alleged sexual harassment
incidents, the Huffington
Post reported. He blamed
the media for "nit-pickiness"
regarding the issue.
From Page 1A
started running to Ann Arbor.
In a game where the Michi-
gan defense forced just three
3-and-outs, it made sense that
one of them came with just
under four minutes left when
Iowa could have put the game
away. It made sense that despite
not playing well for three quar-
ters, the Wolverines were going
to march down the field on the
final drive and tie the game. It
was a foregone conclusion.
"We thought for sure we were
goingto go into overtime," said
redshirt junior safety Jordan
Kovacs. "But it didn't work out
like that."
Except this time, Jeremy Gal-
lon wasn't inexplicably wide
open on a wheel route. The
Wolverines had two touchdown
plays go to review on that final
drive: Vincent Smith's he's-
play and Junior Hemingway's
catch that wasn't a catch. Nei-
ther was called in Michigan's
The referees could have
called pass interference on the
final play of the game, when
it appeared Hawkeye corner-
back B.J. Lowery wrapped up
redshirt junior Roy Roundteee
before the ball arrived. They
didn't. The officials also could
have called pass interference on
the deep pass to Roundtree in
the second quarter, when it was
still an eight point game. One
threw the flag, then picked it up.
"There are always six to eight
plays in a game that are really
going to define when you're
playing a good football team,
when you're playing ateam on
the road," Hoke said.
Those past plays were four.
Whether they were the right
calls isn't important when look-
ing at the fact that Michigan
didn't get the breaks.
As for play No. 5, how about
Robinson's interception at the
end of the half, when Iowa's
Micah Hyde got an arm on the
ball to tip it into his teammate's
waiting hands?
And No.6? Robinson's fumble.
He did the hard part in avoiding
a sack. Then he didn't just drop
the ball, he swung his leg and
accidentally kicked right to the
Hawkeye defensive lineman.
Back in the tunnel, about
20 feet ahead of Mattison was
Hoke, surrounded by a gang of
police officers. It may have been
the first time he actually needed
them this season. That Midas
touch is gone.
On the field Michigan has
few long-term injuries. For all
the bad interceptions junior
quarterback Denard Robinson
had thrown, he won games.
Then there is the Notre Dame
game, which still doesn't make
It hasn't been magic because
that implies some form of
deception. Michigan came
into Saturday at 7-1 because
nearly everything has just sort of
worked out in its favor.
For the first time all season
Hoke seemed like a regular
coach who had to go through
regular channels, not some sort
of fairy-tale creature who bleeds
toughness and creates winning
with his mind.
It's obvious now that Michi-
gan's season isn't going to be a
fairy tale either. Its outside shot
at the Big Ten Title game likely
ended four days into November.
The Wolverines will have to
finish the season without rely-
ing on ridiculous turnovers and
every questionable call going
their way. Even when they got
beat by Michigan State, Michi-
gan had its good fortune, recov-
ering two fumbles that were
dropped by the Spartan player
and not forced.
Now, they'll simply have to be
better than the opposing team.
And through all the non-catches,
non-pass interference calls and
tweets from Junior Hemingway
about how he caught that ball,
did the Wolverines actually play
better than Iowa?
No. Why does it feel like
Michigan should've won?
- Florek predicted 8-4 at the
beginning of the season. He feels
pretty good about that prediction.
Send him hate mail at florekmi@
umich.edu. You can also yell at
him on twitter: @michaelflorek
Howard University alumni and students march by the Treasury Department in Washington on Oct. 28, 2011.
olice, D.C. protesters differ
on accounts of car collision
Slaying plunges rebels in
Colombia into uncertainty
Motorist struck three his vehicle struck the three at
around 10 p.m.
people near Occupy "The protesters were appar-
entlytryingto block the roadway,"
DC demonstration Micciche said. "It was essentially
an accident where three individu-
District of Columbia police and als were injured but they were in
Occupy DC protesters are offering violation by being inthe roadway."
conflicting accounts about a week- Micciche said witnesses told
end incident in which a motor- police that the three pedestrians
ist struck three protesters near a "either ran toward or jumped in
downtown demonstration. front of the moving vehicle.". He
Police said Saturday that a driv- said one pedestrian jumped on the
er will not be charged for striking hood of the car.
the three people Friday evening. But the demonstrators said that
Assistant Police Chief Lamar wasn't true.
Greene said at a Saturday eve- Heidi Sippel of Vandalia, Ohio,
ning press conference that police said that she, her 13-year-old son
concluded from talking to two and her wife Brandy Sippel were
witnesses that the collision was taking part in the demonstration
unavoidable. But the three people when a silver Lexus sped toward
involved in the crash gave a differ- them. The driver slowed down,
ent story. threw up his hands in appar-
Hundreds of protesters affili- ent frustration and then drove
ated with Occupy DC shut down forward, hitting them, she said.
streets Friday night near the city's Brandy Sippel, who is six months
convention center in downtown, pregnant, was grazed by the car's
where a conservative group was rearview mirror. Heidi Sippel said
gathering. The two adults and one she and her son were both hit by
teenager who were struck were the front of the car.
taken to the hospital after the col- "He just threw his hands up
lision and later released. and hit the gas," Heidi Sippel said
Lt. Christopher Micciche of the driver.
(MITCH'-ih-kay) of the D.C. She said none of them had
police said the driver was not cited thrown themselves in front of the
because he had a green light when car.
"We weren't trying to get in
front of the cars. We would have
very happily, given the opportu-
nity, stepped out of the way and let
him pass by," she said.
Sippel said all three members of
her family were cited by police for
obstructing traffic and walking
against a do-not-walk sign, both of
which carry fines. A police report
confirms the citations.
A man identified in a police
report as the vehicle driver, Shawn
Valentine of Clinton, Md., said he
was at work when reached bytele-
phone Saturday night and could
not speak about the incident.
According to a police report, he
told officers he observed a clearing
between the protesters and tried
to pass between them when the
demonstrators jumped "onto and
in front of his vehicle."
Other individuals affiliated
with the Occupy DC group said
the same driver struck another
demonstrator nearby before hit-
ting the Sippel family. Greene,
the assistant chief, said he did not
know about another incident.
That all changed in 1955, when
Legendary GM design head Har-
ley Earl created a car known for its
beauty and speed. The Bel Air had
chrome accents and was powered
by a small, V-8 engine.
Insurgents will
name new leader
after death of Cano
BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) -
President Juan Manuel Santos
on Saturday called on fighters
of Latin America's only major
rebel force to accept the killing
of their top leader as proof the
movement is doomed and to sur-
"This is the moment to decide
to lay down your arms because,
as we've said many times, the
alternative is prison or a tomb,"
Santos told combatants of the
Revolutionary Armed Forces
of Colombia a day after troops
killed their 63-year-old chief.
But analysts don't believe
Cano's death will lead the drug-
funded rebels, known by their
Spanish initials FARC, to crum-
ble. While it's a body blow to the
insurgents, the rebels remain
potent. They have depth in their
leadership and resilience steeled
in a half century of armed revolt.
Santos expressed satisfac-
tion but said it's "not a moment
for triumphalism" after meeting
Saturday with the military high
command behind closed doors
in Popayan, the southwestern
provincial capital where Cano's
body was taken.
He said Cano's ranks were
infiltrated by rebel defectors,
but refused to discuss details.
Santos added that "my eyes
moistened" at the news of Cano's
death, "a few tears of emotion."