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October 25, 2011 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2011-10-25

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Four Michigan teams are near the Even though the
top of the hockey rankings, thankscan d,'y
to in-state talent. please.
o PAGE 7q
41ie 0Iidigan 0a Igj

Ann Arbor, Michigan
agree on
Both sides have
been in discussions
since April
Daily Staff Reporter
After months of negotiations,
the University of Michigan Health
System and the Michigan Nurses
Association reached a tentative
contract agreement on Friday.
The MNA will meet at a date to be
determined to hold a ratification
Katie Oppenheim, chair of the
University of Michigan Profes-
sional Nurse Council, said spe-
cific details about the deal can't be
released yet, but more details will
be provided soon.
"We are unanimously recom-
mending ratification of this agree-
ment," Oppenheim said. "That is
all that we can say at this point.
Once we have the first ratification
meeting, we will post (the agree-
ment) on our website."
A UMHS spokesman declined
to comment on the new contract.
UMHS and the MNA have been
in negotiations since April and the
nurses have been working without
a contract since July. The main
controversy in the discussions
was centered on the nurses' com-
pensation and benefits.
The nurses claimed that UMHS'
See CONTRACT, Page 5

Tuesday, October 25, 2011



argues for
same -sex
Faculty also tutional autonomy of universi-
ties in the state of Michigan,"
supports updates Scarnecchia said.
The University's current
to recreational benefit policy under the bylaws
includes health benefits for
facilities homosexual as well as unmar-
ried heterosexual couples.
By MARY HANNAHAN Earlier this month, some
Daily StaffReporter SACUA members questioned
whether the University should
As the state threatens to take be involved in the state issue
away domestic partner benefits because it operates according
for employees, the University is to its own bylaws. At the time,
claiming their independence. SACUA Chair Kate Barald said
Suellyn Scarnecchia, vice she believed the University
president and general counsel, needed to be involved because
spoke before the Senate Advi- of the law's widespread impact
sory Committee on University on other institutions.
Affairs yesterday, stressing the At yesterday's meeting, Ed
importance of domestic part- Rothman, SACUA member and
ner benefits for employees. She professor of statistics, raised
said if the state passed legisla- concern that this course of
tion requiring the University action would potentially putthe
to revoke benefits for domestic University's autonomy at risk.
partners, the University would Scarnecchia acknowledged his
stand by its current constitu- unease, and said constitutional
tional independence ard disre- self-government cases are risky
gard the legislation. because the court may poten-
"We would argue that the tially rule against the University
Legislature cannot tell the uni- and create limits on its power to
versities what kind of benefits make its own decisions.
to offer its employees, and this "Any time we go into court
would be based on a long line of and argue that we should be
cases that recognize the consti- See SAME-SEX. Page S

School of Music, Theater & Dance junior Jordan Harris and Prof. of Music Stephen Rash, the creator of the "Gypsy Pond
Music 13" exhibit, dial a music-producing telephone in frost of the Moore Buildingyesterday.
Council supports street
crossing i-mprove-ments

Members approve
resolution for
increased safety
Daily StaffReporter
In order to make the city's
streets safer for pedestrians,
Ann Arbor City Council mem-
bers voiced their support to
explore new ways to improve

crosswalks during last night's
council meeting.
members unan-
imously voted p
to approve a
resolution to
permit city staff
to research
ments for the pedestrian street
crossing at the intersection of
Washtenaw Avenue and Plym-
outh Road. The staff plans to

report back to council with
their recommendations in late
fall and further the discussion
in a meeting on Dec. 12.
During the meeting, City
Council member Carsten
Hohnke (D-Ward 5) said pedes-
trian safety is an initiative that
will always be.a priority for the
City Council.
"We are continuously
engaged in trying to find new
ways to improve all of the E's:
See STREET, Page 6


Michigan fans receive
'Heartsaver Hero' awards

School of Music, Theatre & Dance senior Justin Aftab performs his piano and vocal piece "Landscape 4:54" yesterday.
Definition of life debated by Students
for Life, Secular Student Alliance

Two celebrated for
saving Notre Dame
fan's life at game
Daily Staff Reporter
While fans became con-
sumed by the seconds ticking
away in the final minutes of the
Michigan versus Notre Dame
football game on Sept. 10, Leo
Staudacher, a Notre Dame fan,
was thankful for another ticking
- the beating of his heart.
Staudacher, who suffered a
heart attack at the beginning
of the second quarter, left the
Big House still alive, thanks
to Michigan fans Dr. Marvin
Sonne, a dentist from Trenton,
Mich. and a School of Dentistry
alum, and Jan Tardiff, a regis-
tered nurse from Bay City, Mich.
who performed CPR on Stau-
dacher. The two were presented
with "Heartsaver Hero" awards
at the American Heart Associa-
tion's Washtenaw County Heart
Ball this past Saturday.
Dr. Al Dodds, chair of the ball
and cardiologist for Michigan
Heart at Saint Joseph Mercy
Health System, awarded Sonne

Groups to address Diag that spurred controversy
across campus, murmurs of
more abortion the issue were heard again at a
debate last night.
issues in future In the Kuenzel Room of the
Michigan Union, members of
By KATIE BURKE the Secular Student Alliance
For the Daily and Students for Life gathered
to discuss the 1973 Supreme
Three weeks after the Cen- Court ruling Roe v. Wade -
ter for Bio-Ethical reform held which defined abortion as legal
a pro-life presentation on the until a fetus is "viable" - in an

event hosted by the Michigan
Political Union.
The question of the defi-
nition of life was repeatedly
contested on both sides. While
the Secular Student Alliance
argued that life is a continu-
ous process with no definitive
beginning, Students for Life
countered with the idea that
life begins at conception.
See DEBATE, Page 6

Dr. Marvin Sonne receives an award for saving the life of Leo Staudacher at
the Michigan v. Notre Dame game on Sept.10.

and Tardiff for their ability
to effectively apply their CPR
training to save Staudacher's
"They were able to prevent
brain injury damage because of
lack of oxygen by getting in and
quickly starting CPR," Dodds

said. "He was saved. It was very
fortunate to have people right
there who knew CPR."
Staudacher, a 69 year old from
Bay City, said he was enjoy-
ing the Notre Dame game with
his three sons until the second
See HERO, Page5

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INDEX AP NEWS.........
Vol. CXX11,No.34 OPINION..........
0201 The Michigan Daily N EWS.................

............3 CLASSIFIEDS .... 6.........6
. 4 SPO RTS ........................7
............5 ARTS......... .......8


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