The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 19, 2011 - 5A The Michigan Daily - michigandailycomWednesday, October19, 2011 - 5A RAFTERY From Page 1A soft teams to start the season? Should we prepare for another Michigan football collapse? Is it still OK to call Michigan State "Little Brother"? Has Denard Robinson (9-for-24 for 123 yards, one touchdown and a critical interception) actually ever thrown a football before? Or was that Nick Sheridan in disguise? These are all valid questions that deserve to be answered. The thing is, while they could have easily been answered after a win (Answer key: No. No. Yes. Yes. No - you're welcome), the questions remain impossible to answer after this loss (except maybe questions three through five, but I'll leave those up for your own interpretation.) Yes, it was a fourth-straight loss to the Spartans. It hurts - bad. It's like losing to your little brother in... Eh, nevermind. The bottom line is, it's embarrass- ing, really. Last season, the Wolverines went 2-5 after the loss to Michi- gan State. In 2009, they went 1-6. Could this be the start to another epic second-half col- lapse? Possibly. But there's too much talent on this team, and this coach- ing staff has brought a winning attitude that the players have clearly bought in to. Only time will tell. While it was a loss to a bit- ter rival, it was still just one loss. It wasn't five. There's still plenty of football to be played this season, as Michigan coach Brady Hoke would love to tell you. After a bye week this week, the Wolverines have home games against Purdue, No. 14 Nebraska and Ohio State, and they play at Iowa and No. 16 Illinois. None of the games will be easy, especially after Purdue. Iowa currently may be near the bottom of the Big Ten stand- ings, but Kinnick Stadium isn't exactly a welcoming environ- ment to play in. Illinois has played like the real deal this year. So has Nebraska, despite a loss to Big Ten favorite Wis- consin. And Ohio State - well, they're still Ohio State. But if this team is going to prove it's different from past years, winning the tough games is how it's goingto happen. The Wolverines failed their first big test, but it wasn't the only one they'll have. "I know for a fact this team will bounce back," said senior defensive tackle Mike Martin. "Guys are hungry for the next game, and that's the biggest dif- ference in this team." The players and the coaches are already saying the right things, but now Michigan is going to have to show it. Starting with a win against the Boilermakers in two weeks, you might be able to begin turn- ing a blind eye to that chaper- one and make your move. And who knows, by the end of the season, maybe you'll still even get a smooch. -Raftery never had a good experience atan eighth grade dance. He can be reached at AAU From Page 1A institutions. Coleman and the AAU recently made headlines when the Uni- versity of Nebraska-Lincoln was voted out of the association. Even though the vote to eliminate Nebraska from the association was anonymous, some speculated that Coleman voted against Nebraska's membership. Apart from her work at the Uni- versity and with the AAU, Cole- man is on the boards of director for Johnson & Johnson and media company the Meredith Corpora- tion. She also serves as co-chair of the National Advisory Council on Innovation and Entrepreneurship. START-UPS From Page 1A and Providence, which are less expensive to live in than other typical post-graduate destinations. Program fellows are expected to receive a sal- ary -L ranging from $32,000 to $38,000 - for their work. "Our goal is to provide a recent grad with the network, the experience, and the training to enable them to start their own businesses," Yang said. Next year, there will be 12 to 15 opportunities at Detroit businesses, including the popu- lar Detroit eatery Slows BBQ, accordingto Yang. VFA will also work with venture capital firm Detroit Venture Partners. Detroit Venture Partners employee Jim Xiao wrote in an e-mail interview that the company is supporting VFA in Detroit as the fellowship pro- gram's "primary launch city." He wrote that Detroit Venture Partners will assist at least 20 fellows working in Detroit start- ups, particularly in digital and web-based companies. Other companies country- wide in which VFA will place graduates are VCharge, a Provi- dence, Rhode Island-based company focused on improving energy efficiency, and Audio- socket, a music licensing compa- ny in Seattle and New Orleans. Yang said he believes VFA will have a positive effect on the graduates and the cities they work in. "VFA is our chance to build a bridge between companies and graduates that will benefit both sides and the economy as a whole," he said. Yang said that he has worked with many graduates over the years who didn't know how to find work with start-ups, adding that VFA is unique because par- ticipants gain hands-on experi- ence developing businesses. "We know that many Univer- sity students have interest in entrepreneurship and start-ups, but it is difficult to find these opportunities," he said. VFA has recruited on cam- pus, and Yang spoke at Entre- preneurship Hour, a talk hosted by the University's Center for Entrepreneurship. VFA is also employing similar outreach efforts at other schools such as Harvard University, Dartmouth College and Yale University. "(The University of Michigan) is a high priority for us because it is such an important univer- sity on the national stage," Yang said. Additionally, many VFA board members are University alumni, including graduates of the College of Engineering, the Ross School of Business and the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts. Engineering sophomore Najia Yarkhan, project director for MPowered Entrepreneurship's 1,000 Pitches program, said she expects VFA to be a popular program among University stu- dents. "(This) sounds like some- thing I'd be interested in at least hearing more about," Yarkhan said. Yarkahn said the success of 1,000 Pitches, which generated more than 3,000 entrepreneur- ial ideas last year, suggests that many University students are interested in entrepreneurship. She added that many MPowered members would be interested in gaining hands-on experience with the start-ups connected to the VFA program. "A lot of our members are interested in going and getting their feet wet," Yarkahn said. But not everyone on campus is certain VFA will succeed. Busi- ness sophomore Erinn Sandberg said she thinks the program isn't applicable to everyone. "I feel like people here are very ambitious and might already have a career path in mind," Sandberg said. She added that Business stu- dents who are interested in entrepreneurship might be open to joining VFA, but it's the time commitment that deters her the most. "I would want to work for an established business (after grad- uation), then go for my MBA," Sandberg said. BOARD From Page 1A Act is silent on that particular situation," Fitzgerald said. "In our view, nothing else about the meeting changed - the location was the same, the day of the week was the same." Additionally, no one had signed up to speak before the board in the public comment section of the meeting, so the rescheduled start time didn't prevent anyone from participating inthe meeting, Fitzgerald said. The regents allow up to 10 peo- ple to address the board about any topic during the public comment section at each meeting. Anyone wishing to speak must sign up with the Office of the Vice Presi- dent and the University Secretary by 9 a.m. the day before the meet- ing. Even if nobody participated in the public comment por- tion, Mikalonis said the public still deserved the opportunity to attend the meeting and voice their opinions about decisions the board made. "If there had been people who were interested, and they didn't plan to actually participate in the public comment section, they were still denied the opportunity of perhaps going to the meeting," Mikalonis said. "So they can say there was no harm, no foul, but the rules are there for a reason." On Thursday, the regents approved the next phase of reno- vations to Yost Icg Arena, the addition of a cardiac catheteriza- tion laboratory in the new C.S. Mott Children's and Von Voigt- lander Women's Hospital and the update of the University's Central Campus Power Plant. The regents also approved the presentation of honorary degrees for four individ- uals - including New York Times Executive Editor Jill Abramson - at the Winter Commencement ceremony in December. If a lawsuit is filed against the regents concerning the meeting time agenda, a judge may force the board to hold the meeting again in accordance with the Michigan Open Meetings Act, Mikalonis said. "Say the Board of Regents made a decision that was in vio- lation of the Open Meetings Act, and the court ruled there was a violation, then the remedy would be (to) re-hold the meeting and have the decision comply with all the requirements," she said. The last accusation of the board violating the Open Meetings Act was in February 2010 when Uni- versity alum Robert Davis sued the regents over an alleged viola- tion. Davis claimed that a closed- door meeting, held by the regents to discuss an NCAA investiga- tion regarding whether or not the Michigan football program violated NCAA rules limiting the amount of time a team is allowed to practice, wasn't in accordance with the law. The University and Davis set- tled the case in June 2010 when the University agreed to pay $5,380, according to a settlement agreement acquired by AnnAr- NSA Is Coming to Your Campus Get to know NSA. J/1/ F f UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Information Session Thursday, October 27 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m U.S. CITIZENSHIP REQUIRED Meet and talk with recruiters to discover excellent career opportunities in these fields: g Computer/Electrical Engineering * Computer Science * Information Assurance * Mathematics * Foreign Language * Intelligence Analysis * Cryptanalysis -s KNOWINCMATTERS * Signals Analysis * Business & Contracting * Finance & Accounting * Paid Internships, Scholarships and Co-op >> Plus other opportunities CAREER TRAINING. 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