4A - Wednesday, October 19, 2011 The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com 4A - Wednesday, October 19, 2011 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan since 1890. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 tothedaily@michigandaily.com 'Occupy' is socialist...so what? STEPHANIE STEINBERG EDITOR IN CHIEF MICHELLE DEWITT and EMILY ORLEY EDITORIAL PAGE EDITORS NICK SPAR MANAGING EDITOR Unsigned editorials reflect the official position of the Daily's editorial board. All other signed articles and illustrations represent solely the views of their authors. Illuminate Detroit's issue Privatization can't fix public lighting problem D etroit has been struggling for decades to shine as a major American city. Now, residents and city officials are calling attention to Detroit's inability to keep its streets lit. While this is a difficult issue for a city with few resources, the Bing adminis- tration must quickly develop an effective plan to address the lighting issue to ensure the safety of Detroit residents. A s you may have heard, some greedy low-life punks inhabit Wall Street right now. No, not the executives and bankers who torpedoed the American econ- omy and caused .. a global finan- cial crisis. Those people are hon- est hardwork- ing folks. It's DAR-WEI the Occupy Wall CHEN Street protest- ers. According to many in Republican circles, these people are lazy socialists looking for government handouts. Fox News pundit and conservative media rat- ings giant Sean Hannity said this to an OWS protester: "You don't believe in liberty, you don't believe in freedom." He also threw in a "Marxist" charge in there for good measure and probably said some- thing about fascism and socialism since he and his Fox cohorts use all of those terms interchangeably. The funny thing is, Hannity and other conservatives don't seem to realize that OWS is actually similar to his beloved Tea Party. Both are angry about the various bailouts over the past few years - albeit for somewhat different reasons - and want to have their voices heard in the political process (the Tea Party has since gotten off economics and decided to focus on God, guns and gays, but stick with me here). I know Tea Party supporters are reading this and thinking: "You liberals slammed us for our protests, so if our movements are so similar, the OWS movement should be slammed too!" However, no one is criticiz- ing the Tea Party movement for the fact that the party's supporters wanted to express their opinions - the main gripe people have is with its policies and actions. Tea Party folks are the ones that brought guns to see President Barack Obama and shouted racial and gay slurs at Democratic lawmakers during the health care reform debate. More recently, they cheered Republi- can Gov. Rick Perry's executions, applauded the idea of letting an uninsured sick man die and jeered a soldier for being openly gay. So what does the OWS move- ment want, anyway? The message from OWS protesters has not been streamlined into a few cliche talk- ing points because no leader has emerged yet. Nevertheless, the gen- eral complaints are that corporate influence in politics is too pervasive, the financial system is rigged for the rich and Wall Street is not being held accountable for its actions in destroying the economy. Sounds populist (or socialist, depending on perspective) enough, but top Republican presidential hopefuls are already taking their shots. GOP presidential candidate Her- man Cain said this to OWS protest- ers in an interview with The Wall Street Journal: "If you don't have a job and you're not rich, blame yourself." Hmmm ... maybe he's right - people need to assume more personal responsibility. Wait, what if you're a public school teacher in Wisconsin who earns a startingsal- ary of barely more than $25,000 to do the important work of educating the next generation? Or how about a private who has served in the Army for six years and still receives annu- al basic pay of less than $20,000 to defend our nation? Are they at fault for choosing a profession that pays so poorly? Next time I see a teach- er or a soldier, I will be sure to tell them "blame yourself." GOP frontrunner Mitt Romney has also demonized the protesters, saying they are inciting "class war- fare." He is trying to say that the lower and middle classes are wag- ing "class warfare" on the upper class, but I got confused because I thought the statement makes more sense the other way around. Check out these statistics: The United States has the 39th-most unequal income distribution in the world, behind almost all Western coun- tries - incomes are actually more equal in Iran. And it's no surprise because the wealthiest 1 percent in the U.S. earns almost one-quarter of all income. Remember, if you don't like these numbers, you're fascist. And socialist. And whatever Protests aim for accountability, not revolution. 6 6 From massive population and business flight, to an unsustainable 13 percent unem- ployment rate, the Motor City's list of ailments is growing and the money to address these problems is virtually non-existent. Making matters worse, nearly 20 percent of all public lighting in Detroit doesn't work, and efforts to fix the problem are proving ineffective. According to The Detroit News, 15 to 20 percent of the city's 88,000 lights aren't work- ing. In some neighborhoods, 50 percent of lighting is non-functional. Public lighting currently costs the city $10.7 million annually, and fixing the problem would substantially increase that figure. The biggest challenge facing efforts to relight the city is theft of valuable transform- ers and wiring in lighting fixtures. Many of the fixtures are outdated, allowing for crimi- nals to easily rip transformers from bottoms. These units are costly and time-consuming to replace - often requiring the entire fixture to be rewired. City workers are replacing transform- ers, but they cannot keep up with the rate of theft. In the Indian Village neighborhood, transformers disappear only days after being replaced. In one incident, a worker was seri- ously burned during an underground explo- sion, which highlighted the age of cables and lack of previous maintenance. The city should focus on infrastructure problems and maintenance. These efforts, however, need to be prioritized by neighbor- hood. Since many neighborhoods are almost completely unpopulated, the city should first focus on densely populated areas that require lighting repairs. Detroit residents have expressed concerns that the lack of public lighting decreases their feeling of security. Dark neighborhoods and stretches of major roads do little to detract from Forbes ranking Detroit the most danger- ous city in the country. Lighting has the poten- tial to improve individuals' perception of their safety and potentially impact crime. If Detroit is goingto thrive again asa city, residents need to feel safe living there. The city has been exploring options to privatize public lighting, including a deal with DTE Energy. Transferring the problem to a third party risks that company putting its profits before the people of Detroit. Privati- zation will not detract from the underlying theft issue. Public lighting is a city concern and should be taken care of by the Public Lighting Department. A plan to combat the problem was sup- posed to be revealed at an Oct. 17 Detroit City Council meeting, but no representative from Public Lighting came. Detroit officials need to take the public lighting problem seri- ously, not delegate it to private companies or ignore it altogether. When the issue is read- dressed at the City Council meeting on Oct. 31, Detroit must come up with a comprehen- sive plan to turn the lights back on and keep its residents safe. that last one is. The main point I want to make is OWS is a movement that almost everyone should be able to appreci- ate and that even some of the rich- est (like Warren Buffet and Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban) are supporting. Conservatives will deride it as socialist, but if you think about it, who isn't a socialist? Unless you are against every form of gov- ernment wealth redistribution (like taxes going toward roads, high- ways, schools, police, firefighting, military, environmental protection, health care, food inspection, etc.), you are socialist at some level. It's just a label. The people at OWS want the government and Wall Street to be accountable to the vast majority of people in this country, not a rul- ing elite class. If that idea makes me socialist, sign me up. -Dar-Wei Chen can be reached at chendw@umich.edu. EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS: Aida Ali, Michelle DeWitt, Ashley Griesshammer, Patrick Maillet, Erika Mayer, Harsha Nahata, Emily Orley, Teddy Papes, Timothy Rabb, Seth Soderborg, Andrew Weiner A win for the Great Lakes NAOMI SCHEINERMAN AND TALI NACHBI I Shalit's release stirs debate Yesterday morning, Gilad Shalit, the Israeli soldier abducted by Hamas militants in June 2006 and held with minimal human contact in the Gaza Strip for more than five years, returned home. The media was abound with heart-wrenching images of his reunion with his parents Aviva and Noam and relatives who tirelessly applied pressure to the Israeli government to negotiate his safe return. They inspired a widespread movement and helped to sculpt a national consciousness commit- ted to his safe return. In addition to the long awaited return of a young man to his home, the event must be understood as an instillation of national cohesion and an opportunity to reflect on and strengthen prospects for peace. While the overwhelming majority of Israe- lis support the deal, many express concern and some opposition. Indeed, Shalit's return is not without a price: Israel will release 1,027 Pales- tinian prisoners, 477 of whom were released Monday, the day before Gilad was returned, and 315 of whom are convicted of killing hun- dreds of Israelis in terror attacks. Among them is Hamas militant Abdullah Barghouti, who is serving 67 life sentences for building bombs used in suicide attacks. Some of the family members of terror victims whose killers are to be released petitioned the Israeli Supreme Court to halt the exchange. The court declined intervention in fear of endangering Gilad's life. Israel has freed 13,509 prisoners in order to release a total of 16 soldiers. This is an aver- age ratio of 800 to L Furthermore, Israel has exchanged hundreds of prisoners for the dead bodies of abducted Israeli soldiers. Like many other aspects of this conflict, the arguments for and against this deal are com- plicated and nuanced. There are strong argu- ments against making such disproportional exchanges of human beings. First, terrorist militants may be emboldened to kidnap more Israeli soldiers knowing that Israel will go to great lengths to secure their return. Hamas deputy leader Abu Marzouk commented that Hamas will continue to use means for abduct- ing soldiers until the remainder of the prison- ers are released in hostage exchanges. Second, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas greeted the released prisoners yester- day as "freedom fighters" and "holy warriors." In addition, Hamas has declared the prisoner exchange a victory against Israel, validating its policy of armed resistance over Abbas's policy of peace-seeking. A There are also strong arguments for the exchange. First, it endows each soldier withthe knowledge that his or her country and govern- ment will go to extraordinarylengths to ensure his or her return. Such national consciousness and awareness promotes unity, strength and conviction within both the army and the civil- ian population. Second, it is inaccurate to view the exchange of one life for more than 1,000 as a sign of weakness. Indeed, it is a strength to deny the quantifying of human life. It is also important to consider the families of the pris- oners being exchanged. While several hundred are convicted terrorists, many of the released Palestinians were held in Israeli prisons under ambiguous levels of conviction and some held without trial. The prisoner exchange also occurs at a unique time in the peace process. Interestingly, both sides hail the exchange as a victory. For Israel, the entire countryhas pushed forGilad's return for five years, and Prime Minister Ben- jamin Netanyahu has finally delivered it. For the Palestinians, the West Bank's Palestin- ian Authority, led by Mahmoud Abbas's party called Fatah, and Hamas, the terrorist orga- nization that rules the Gaza Strip, have united in triumph at the release of both Hamas and Fatah members. The prisoner exchange nego- tiations were moderated by Egypt, a nation whose political stability is questionable, has a peace treaty with Israel and is on good terms with the Palestinians - making it an ideal bro- ker for other agreements. This successfulnego- tiation gives hope to the future of peace talks between the Israelis and the Palestinians. The Palestinian statehood bid at the United Nations is still on the table, and Gilad's release is a great jumping off point for negotiations to recommence. Deep concessions on both sides are necessary to attain peace; compromise, negotiation and dialogue are indispensible. Disproportionate and unilateral action should be avoided at all cost. Both sides must be pre- pared to cooperate on a range of issues previ- ously considered "unnegotiable." Gilad waited in captivity for five years, and his homecom- ing is miraculous. Let us hope that we all do not have to wait as long as Gilad did for peace to arrive. Naomi Scheinerman is an LSA senior. She is the Israel chair at Hillel. Tali Nachbi is an LSA junior. She is the chair of the American Movement for Israel. hat a terrible weekend in sports for the state. Michigan natives know what I'm talking about: Our Wol- verines fell to the thugs in East Lansing for the fourth-straight year, the Tigers _ got thumped out of the playoffs by JOE the Rangers and SUGIYAMA Lions Coach Jim Schwartz almost had a conniption after an aggres- sive handshake and a Detroit loss. Michiganders need something, anything, to help swallow such a disappointingtwo days. How about an adrenaline shot to the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative? Well, it's no Big Ten Championship, but beggars can't be choosers. The GLRI was first sent into motion in 2005 under the Bush administration, but it was President Barack Obama who first provided federal funding for the initiative - about $775 million in the past two years. Though this is a far-cry from the promised $5 billion over the next 10 years, it's a start. According to the Environmen- tal Protection Agency, the GLRI is meant to actively restore the Great Lakes, while preventing further destruction to the region. Unfor- tunately, it's become commonplace to now pay for the past 100 years of damages done to the environment. It took our government decades to figure out that dumping toxins into drinking water wasn't exactly the best thing for our health or the health of the environment. Even after the creation of the EPA, it took a while to finally get it right. Over the past 50 years, the focus has been on how to stop our waters from getting worse, but only recently has fixing our mis- takes become a focal point. The issues vexing the Great Lakes are numerous. Agricultural run- off is causing algae booms, which lower the oxygen levels in the water and suffocate aquatic life. Indus- trial pollution blankets lake beds, posing a direct threat to human health by poisoning the water and contaminating fish. Invasive spe- cies of mollusks and fish threaten to send the current ecosystem into an unrecoverable tailspin. I think it goes without saying that the GLRI is a long time coming. Not only will the GLRI help to mend the Great Lakes, it will also provide the Midwest with jobs. In order to receive funding from the EPA for individual clean-up proj- ects, the designers of the clean-up will need to provide 20 jobs to the previously unemployed. Currently, the EPA has set $6.6 million aside for the sole purpose of paying the wages of people put back to work through different GLRI grants. Though this is a small sum, it's another step in the right direction. This action shouldn't be catego- rized as frivolous spending of our tax dollars - it's employing the unemployed to provide a service that's desperately needed. So what's stopping the GLRI from achieving its long-term finan- cial goal? Well, the state of the economy for one. But the driving opposition to the initiative is - wait for it - disagreement within Con- gress. Who would've thought? A number of members of Congress are opposed to any plans of action set forth by the EPA and view the GLRI as just another creation proposed by fear-mongering tree-huggers. Those from the Midwest know better, and the initiative has gained bipartisan support from our region. To counteract the opposition, Ohio Republican Rep. Steve LaTourette suggests good bookkeeping is the key to swaying those opposed. By making"sure the money is resulting in shovels being turned, sediments being removed and fish habitat being restored," the EPA can assure Congress that the money is "not sit- ting in some federal agency's bank account," he said. Though this approach would appear to be a standard operating procedure, LaTourette's words sug- gest otherwise. If bad bookkeeping habits are all that is stopping the GLRI from going into full swing, then the blame should fall squarely on the shoulders of the government for its poor organizational skills. The GLRI has gotten an adrenaline shot. The GLRI will always have its opponents, and those hailing from the coasts or the South will never fully appreciate this great resource that provides drinking water for about 30 million Americans. Obama has proposed that another $350 million be pumped into the GLRI in 2012. However, that money is at the mercy of those unacquainted with the shores of Lake Michigan. Years of futility have plagued the Great Lakes for some time now, but ever the eternal optimist, I think things are starting to look up, and the EPA is on the right track with the GLRI. If you still doubt that good things are around the corner for the Great Lakes, just look at the Great Lakes' own Detroit Lions. Yeah, they suffered their first loss of the season on Sunday, but 5-1 isn't bad. Anyone else smell a Super Bowl? The eternal optimist strikes again. Joe Sugiyama can be reached at jmsugi@umich.edu. 0 0 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Readers are encouraged to submit letters to the editor. Letters should be fewer than 300 words and must include the writer's full name and University affiliation. We do not print anonymous letters. Send letters to tothedaily@michigandaily.com I a