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October 05, 2011 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2011-10-05

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_I The University's campus-wide smoking
"a Ive es t 6. ban has been in effect for three months,
f but the topic is still hot.
~11eEllkligan 0aiIg

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


URC spurs
by $15.2B

Students participate insa yoga event sponsored by Victoria's Secret PINK in the Michigan League Ballroom yesterday. People who attended the free yoga class
received Victoria's Secret items and had the chance to receive PINK yoga clothing through a raffle.
Borders intelectl er
a i b a sN
acurdb Bne

University Research
Corridor launched
71 start-ups in last
five years
Daily StaffReporter
While the state has stripped
millions of dollars in funding for
higher education, Michigan's
three largest research institu-
tions have given that amount, and
more, back to the state.
The University Research Cor-
ridor, a consortium of the Uni-
versity of Michigan, Michigan
State University and Wayne State
University, released a report yes-
terday crediting the corridor with
a $15.2 billion contribution to the
state's economy.
The University of Michi-
gan alone spent $1.24 billion on
research in the 2010 fiscal year,
and the 2011 Empowering Michi-
gan Economic Impact Report
indicates thq URC spent $1.8 bil-
lion on research in the last year.
Since its inception in 2006, the

universities that arepart of the
URC have awarded an increas-
ing number of high-tech degrees
and havt grown 13.3 percent from
2006 to 2010. The corridor also
fostered 14 start-up companies in
2010 and has produced 71 start-up
companies in the past five years.
URC Executive Director Jeff
Mason said the findings show the
significance of the universities'
"The universities that came
together five years ago to create
the URC are having a significant
impact on Michigan's economy
and the future of our economy
here in the state," Mason said.
Similarly, University President
Mary Sue Coleman wrote in an
press release issued yesterday
that the report shows how much
universities can help the state.
"Higher education plays an
increasingly significant role in
the transformation of our state,
region and national economy,"
Coleman wrote. "This report is
clear evidence of that impact."
Mason said the URC allows
Michiganuniversitiesto pooltheir
strengths and enhance research in
See URC, Page 5A

Customer data
transferred in
$13.9 million deal
Daily StaffReporter
Subscribers to newslet-
ters from the defunct Borders
___ Group Inc. may still receive

e-mails announcing new book
releases, discounts and promo-
tions. But, the sender won't be
the recently closed Ann Arbor-
based company.
As part of a $13.9 million deal
to acquire most of Borders's
intellectual property, Barnes
& Noble will gain Borders's
website, trademarks and infor-
mation database for 48 mil-
lion customers. The sale was

approved in a U.S. Bankruptcy
Court on Sept. 26. The- deal
came four days after discus-
sions between the court's judge
and a third-party ombudsman
about whether the transfer of
the database, which includes
former Borders customers' first
and last names, e-mail address-
es and phone numbers, could
compromise consumer privacy.
Barnes & Noble earned pur-

chasing rights for the intel-
lectual property in a Sept. 14
auction. On Sept. 22,in one of
the first hearings since the auc-
tion, Judge Martin Glenn halt-
ed the sale saying he believed
privacy concernswould prevent
federal and state regulators
from approving the deal. More
than 25 state attorney generals
authored a letter to the case's

DPS releases annual safety report,
larcenies still most frequent crime

DPS chief: 2010
campus crime rates
similar to past
Daily StaffReporter
Despite the recent rise in
reported assaults near campus,
crime data released last week

indicates there was no large
change in criminal activity on
campus last year.
The University's Depart-
ment of Public Safety released
the University of Michigan
Annual Security Report and
Annual Fire Safety Report on
Friday. Previously referred
to as the Campus Safety
Handbook, the report con-
tains crime statistics in DPS's

jurisdiction - all University
property - for 2010. The infor-
mation is required by law to be
publicly released, as outlined
in the Jeanne Clery Disclosure
of Campus Security Policy and
Campus Crime Statistics Act.
DPS Chief Greg O'Dell said
the crime data shows noth-
ing particularly different
from previous years. The most
reported crime during 2010

was larceny with 840 reports
- an increase from 786 larce-
nies in 2009. In 2008, there
were 861 larcenies.
In addition to the larcenies,
there were 50 sexual assaults
reported to the University's
Sexual Assault Prevention
and Awareness Center as well
as 10 aggravated assaults,
27 burglaries, 391 liquor law
See DPS, Page SA

Children play on the public art piece created by Herbert Dreiseiti at the city of
Ann Arbor Municipal Center yesterday.
City unveils public
. ."
art piece in front of
Municipal Center
Structure by Municipal Center at 301 E. Huron
Street yesterday, "Honk if you
German artist led to love public art!"
Chamberlin PNA
controversy about was one of more
than 150 people
art funding who attended 0
the unveiling of a
By ADAM RUBENFIRE public art piece in
Daily StaffReporter front of the city's
recently renovated Municipal
Marsha Chamberlin, arts pro- Center last night. The enthusiasm
fessional chair of the Ann Arbor from the crowd contrasted the
Public Arts Commission, shout- previous controversy surround-
ed at passing traffic outside the See ART, Page 6A

Jennifer Egan discusses her latest novel during campus visit

Author of 'A Visit
from the Goon
Squad' gives talk
in Zell series
Daily Community Culture Editor
Yesterday's roundtable dis-
cussion in the Hopwood Room
found Jennifer Egan packing
the room as effectively as the
rockers she writes about in her
latest novel, "A Visit from the
Goon Squad."
Egan's work has resonated
with everyone, from the Mas-
ter of Fine Arts students and
smattering of Ann Arbor resi-

dents who crowded yesterday's
roundtable discussion, to even
the 2011 Pulitzer Prize Board
that bestowed "Goon Squad"
with one of most coveted prizes
in literature. The famed author
was invited as part of the Zell
Visiting Writers Series to make
three public appearances at the
University this week, culminat-
ing in a lecture this afternoon
at the University of Michigan
Museum of Art.
Despite having written
"Goon Squad" with a middle-
aged demographic in mind, the
book has a punk-rock sensibil-
ity that makes it appealing for
a wider audience than just par-
ents and literary gatekeepers.
Modern and quirky storytell-
ing distinguishes the sprawling

Author Jennifer Egan reads from her novel at the University of Michigan
Museum of Art on Monday.
novel, and nearly every charac- her fluency in text-speak in
ter is fleshed out and connected one section. Another chapter
to all the others. Egan proves See EGAN, Page 6A


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