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September 30, 2011 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2011-09-30

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Friday, September 30, 2011


Admissions at
'U' still need-
blind despite
funding cuts


Nationwide survey:
More universities prefer
applicants who don't
need financial aid
Daily StaffReporter
After states have slashed their bud-
gets for higher education funding, some
universities are favoring applicants
who don't need financial assistance to
cover tuition.
In the last year, more than 50 per-
cent of public research universities
have been trying to recruit more stu-
dents who don't require financial aid,
according to a Sept. 21 New York Times
article. However, University of Michi-
gan admissions officials say decisions
to admit University students are not
based on applicants' financial statuses
and that the University is need-blind.
The New York Times article report-
ed the results of a survey of 462 admis-
sions officials at public universities
conducted by Inside Higher Ed - an
online higher education source. Admis-
sions directors who responded to the
survey said they are seeking more stu-
dents who do not need financial aid,
including out-of-state and internation-
al applicants.
However, Ted Spencer, the Uni-
versity's associate vice provost and
executive director of undergraduate

admissions, wrote in an e-mail inter-
view that the University of Michigan
hasn't changed its admissions practices
and will continue making admissions
decisions regardless of applicants' abil-
ities to pay for tuition.
"Michigan is a need-blind institu-
tion," Spencer wrote. "Thus, admis-
sions decisions are made entirely
separately from financial reporting or
In The New York Times article,
David Hawkins, the director of pub-
lic policy and research at the National
Association for College Admission
Counseling, attributed the number
of colleges eliminating of need-blind
admissions to dwindling state funding
for higher education and universities'
desires to uphold their reputations.
"As institutional pressures mount,
between the decreased state funding,
the pressure to raise a college's pro-
file, and the pressure to admit certain
students, we're seeing a fundamental
change in the admissions process,"
Hawkins told The New York Times.
In Michigan, state funding for high-
er education will decrease by 15 percent
for the 2012 fiscal year. The decrease
translates to a $47.5-million cut in state
appropriations for the University.
The University increased tuition by
6.7 percent and 4.9 percent for in-state
and out-of-state students, respective-
ly, for this year. Compared to the last
academic year, in-state students are
paying $797 more, and out-of-state stu-

Brothers of the Sigma and Delta Nu chapters of Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity perform during the National Pan-Hellenic Council's Midnight
Madness Step Show on the Diag Ist night.
g b Dia
to measure student use

Trial run fond
bins contain d25
percent trash
Daily StaffReporter
With bright blue receptacles and the
words "Planet Blue" displayed in large
text, the latest additions to the Diag are
hard to miss.
Blue frames now deck six new recy-
cling bins, which were placed beside
trash cans around the Diag last week.
The University plans to use the six bins
as a trial run to see if students actually
use them for recycling, according to
Tracy Artley, sustainability programs
coordinator for Plant Building and
Ground Services at the University. If
properly used, the goal is to eventually
increase the number of recycling bins
across campus.
Each recycling bin has a sign depict-
ing the different materials that can and
cannot be recycled. Items considered
trash, such as sandwich wrappers and
coffee cups, are represented on the sign
with a red "no" placed over the illus-
trations, while pictures of recyclable

Six blue recycling receptacles were placed on the Diag last week by Planet Blue. The bins,
which were set up near trash cans, will test students' recycling habits.
materials such as paper flyers and plas- found that 50 percent of the trash was
tic cups are below the word "yes." recyclable. The most common recycla-
Last June, student volunteers sort- ble items they found were paper flyers
ed through trash cans on the Diag to and plastic cups and bottles.
determine if recyclable materials were "The (recycling) bins that are out
being thrown in the trash, and they See RECYCLING, Page 3

Sheesh Mediterranean Cuisine, located at 207 North Main St., has not yet reopened y
Sheesh remains closed
l o i e n
folwn 1 -re 111 ugust

Indie group Fleet Foxes play to
nearly sold-out Hill Auditorium

Grease fire causes
minor damage to nearby
businesses on Main St.
For the Daily
After a severe fire last month, Sheesh
Mediterranean Cuisine on Main Street
has not yet reopened its doors for busi-

The fire at Sheesh restaurant, located
at 207 North Main St., occurred on Aug.
22 at about 11 a.m. A grease fire caused
the incident, which also affected busi-
nesses neighboring Sheesh, according
to Reka Farrakand, a fire inspector for
the Ann Arbor Fire Department.
The fire took five hours to extinguish
and smoke damage was more substan-
tial due to the age of the building, Far-
rakand said.
Fifty-one firefighters from Ann
See SHEESH, Page 3

Playing album favorites
and new material, band
gets standing ovation
DailyFineArts Editor
In the world of indie rock, one
bearded, plaid-wearing group, of
mountain men has been attracting
quite alot of attention.
Since their debut, selitled album
was released in 2008, Fleet Foxes have
soared to fame and evengained some
mainstream recognition. Last night,
the band played a nearly sold-out
concert at Hill Auditorium as part of
a tour that will lead them across the

United States and onto Europe, Japan,
Australia and New Zealand.
"I thought it was pretty fantastic,"
said Public Policy junior Michael
Bloom after the show. "Hill Auditori-
um has the best acoustics in the Mid-
west, so you know, it really topped it
Hill Auditorium often hosts classi-
cal music concerts - the last popular
music artist to play at the venue was
rapper Lupe Fiasco in April. The audi-
torium is recognized by many as atop
venue, and with a capacity of 3,561
audience members, it's an ideal place
for Ann Arbor to hold high-profile
"Hill's really cool, because it's really
easy to hear," said LSA junior Elana
Firsht. "I may be in the mezzanine, but

it felt like Iwas in the front row."
Even Fleet Foxes's lead singer Robin
Pecknold remarked from onstage that
Hill is "so beautiful and funto play in."
Formed in 2006 in Seattle, Wash.,
Fleet Foxes have released two EPs
and two full-length albums. The lat-
est, Helplessness Blues, came out in
May and garnered near-perfect rat-
ings from Pitchfork, allmusic.com and
Rolling Stone magazine.
Part of Fleet Foxes's popularity
is due to their folksy, Appalachian-
inspired melodies, blending elements
of rock with traditional American
music. Many of their songs seem to
come straight out of a log cabin in the
"I like their folky, indie, kind of off-


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news@michigandaily.com and let us know. MICHIGANDAILY.COM/BLOGS/THE FILTER

INDEX AP NEWS....................3 SPORTS ....................5
Vol. CXXII,No.19 NEWS .....................3 CLASSIFIEDS ...........:6
2011The MichiganlDaily OPINION .....................4 ARTS ...................... 7


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