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September 27, 2011 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 2011-09-27

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6 - Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

6 - Tuesday, September 27, 2011 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom


Amnesty urges release ofe
jailed Egyptian blogger

Man on hunger
strike to protest
three-year prison

cent of the ex-president's regime,
locking up thousands of protest-
ers in military prisons, where
some have reportedly been tor-

LSA sophomore Jenny Kim practices with Ashanti McGhee of her dance group, Dance2xs, in Angell Hall on September 26, 2011.
Consultant accused
of stealng $1 milion*

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Sanad was arrested a first time
sentence in February and again on March
28 and was tried by a military tri-
O (AP) - Amnesty bunal known for swift and harsh
tional urged Egypt's mil- verdicts.
lers yesterday to release a Yesterday, Amnesty Interna-
logger and activist who tional said it considers Sanad "a
n a hunger strike more prisoner of conscience, detained
month ago to protest his solely for peacefully exercising
ear prison sentence for his right to freedom of expres-
ng the military in his sion."
stings. "Maikel has vowed not to
el Nabil Sanad, 25, start- end his hunger strike until he's
nger strike Aug. 23. His released," Amnesty quoted his
old Amnesty that Sanad's brother as saying. His appeal is
as deteriorated dramati- scheduled for Oct. 4.
ad that authorities have In his postings, Sanad accused
ed him from taking med- the military of loyalty to the old
or a heart condition. regime. He also made accusa-
ists are pointing to the tions of shocking torture and
Sanad and others as evi- abuse at the hands of military
hat little has changed police during an earlier deten-
te popular uprising that tion.
Hosni Mubarak, Egypt's . Sanad titled his blog posting
tic ruler of nearly three "The people and the army have
never been one hand," revising a
cs accuse the council of slogan chanted during the upris-
s who took control of the ing when protesters looking to
from Mubarak on Feb. the military for help chanted
erating in ways reminis- that they were united with the

army as "one hand."
Criticized as incompetent,
slow and reluctant to make dras-
tic changes, pressure has been
building on the military council
to hold parliamentary and presi-
dential elections within a clear
timetable and to hand power
back to a civilian administration
without delay.
Yesterday, activists launched
an online campaign calling for
the lifting of the Mubarak-era
emergency laws, which the mili-
tary council recently re-acti-
vated after a mob attack on the
Israeli Embassy in Cairo.
The much-hated emergency
laws, imposed under Mubarak in
response to the 1981 assassina-
tion of President Anwar Sadat,
empower authorities to detain
people without charge and curb
strikes and protests.
As part of their campaign, the
activists swamped the military
council's official Facebook page
with postings that read: "End the
emergency law by the end of Sep-
tember. ... I reject the extension
and I consider it canceled."
Others called for a rally of
1 million people on Sept. 30
against the emergency laws and
military tribunals.

Bloomberg staff
claims Haggerty
used campaign
money to buy house
NEW YORK (AP) - A politi-
cal consultant accused of steal-
ing more than $1 million from
Mayor Michael Bloomberg has
been turned into a scapegoat by
mayoral staffers eager to distance
themselves from unsavory cam-
paign practices, a defense lawyer
told jurors Monday as the consul-
tant's criminal trial began.
"There is fraud here, but it's
campaign fraud by Mr. Bloom-
berg and his people," lawyer Ray-
mond Castello said in his opening
statement at . John Haggerty's
Haggerty is accused of taking
the mayor's money to underwrite
an elaborate 2009 poll-watching
effort but then mounting only a
meager operation and using most
of the cash to buy his father's
house. The mayor's representa-
tives have said that his campaign
broke no laws and followed stan-
dard practices. Prosecutors have
not accused him of wrongdoing.
But the defense told Manhat-
tan jurors Monday that the case

would revolve around the billion-
aire mayor, and they sought to
paint a picture of a self-financed
candidate surrounded by loyal-
ists who skirted campaign rules,
blurred the line between the pub-
lic and private sphere and didn't
hesitate to bend the law to Bloom-
berg's benefit.
"This case is about winning
at all costs. That's what Michael
Bloomberg is all about," Castello
told the jurors. "He spent over
$100 million to win his third term
as mayor of New York City. And
he did not want to lose."
Prosecutors gave a less dra-
matic accounting of events, say-
ing that Haggerty had outlined
plans to provide more than 1,300
poll-watchers and instead pock-
eted hundreds of thousands of
dollars and executed a cover-up
after questions were raised by a
Haggerty didn't have the
money tobuy his father's house,
but he did have "access to one of
the largest mayoral campaigns
this city has ever seen.... And with
it, the mayor's money," Manhat-
tan Assistant District Attorney
Brian Weinberg told the jurors.
The case could prove to be
uncomfortable for the mayor, who
is expected to testify. It stands to
provide a rare peek behind the

scenes of the $109 million effort
that won the Democrat-turned-
candidate his third term at City
Hall. Attorneys said that Bloom-
berg's first deputy mayor, Patricia
Harris, would be among several
staffers called to testify.
Castello called into question
the motivations of the Bloomberg
employees, saying they had all
been granted immunity by pros-
"Mr. Bloomberg has paid or is
paying large sums of money to
almost every witness who is tes-
tifying," the lawyer said.
A Bloomberg spokesman said
Monday that the mayor has done
nothing wrong.
"The person accused of break-
ing the law in this trial is Mr.
Haggerty, who the evidence will
show stole money from Mayor
Bloombergthrough outright lies,"
said Jason Post. "Mr. Haggerty
and his legal team are prepared to
say anything to avoid prison."
Former Deputy Mayor Kevin
Sheekey testified Monday that
he had asked Haggerty to handle
poll watching for the 2009 cam-
paign. Bloomberg donated $1.2
million to the state independence
Party, which agreed to pay Hag-
gerty $1.1 million for the effort,
prosecutors said.

Kabul CIA office attack kills "
agency contractor, injures one

Afghan attacker
worked as
security officer
in building
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) -
An Afghan working for the U.S.
government killed a CIA con-
tractor and wounded another
American in an attack on the
intelligence agency's office in
Kabul, officials said Monday,
making it the latest in a series of
high-profile attacks this month
on U.S. targets.
The incident marked the most
recent in a growing number of
attacks this year by Afghans
working with international
forces in the country. Some
assailants have turned out to be
Taliban sleeper agents, while

RELEASE DATE- Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle
Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis
ACROSS DOWN 39 Military day 50 Pealed
1 Dinner wearfor 1 See 35-Across starter 55 Spook's forte
the highchair set 2 Part of, as a plot 40 Shame 57 Baldwin of "30
5Talisman 3 Awe 41 Green prefix Rock"
11 Spoil 4 Panache 42 Struck (out) of 58 Brightstar
14 Working 5 Basics the text 60 Dolls' dates
without 6 Spaghetti go- 44 Red or Whiteteam 61 They may not be
1 dams 7 Mi branch 46 Inn resident quietlon the set
prSdast 5Connetion 47 Morphine, e.g. 62 Small body-shop
17 Invasive airline 9 Barbara who k Where YHOO lob
inosnvenience payed aogenie stock is taded 55 FarmertOpry
19 Grooyreative? 10 yiga- g oss 0 49China's Sun network
20 Onewith an office 11 Oceanic ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE:
coach, maybe 12 Statewith the Big
21 Untrustworthy Dipper on itsflag M A N S E O CS O M A H A
23 _ garden 13Papa Smurf's A L O H A F00 L A C E D
24 A/Cmeasura headgear TUBE S FOUL LODRES S
26 Durante's "__ 18Pop music's 'N- C L E A T S L O O P
DinkaDoo" 22Sight H A L F W I N 0 5 0 R E B H
27Wood-dressing 25"Morethanw E E E M S E UQ E
tost need to know!oOUl
29 Uncomfortable 27Suited ESC S T A I R A U R A
airline 28cooby- Q U A R T E R F I N A L I S T
inconvenience 30Mrs.Gorbachev U P T O S A T O N P A S
33 President when 31 Skip church, in a A R T E R Y Z 0 T
Texas was way? LAY E M P T Y N E S T E R
annexed 32 Sci-fi's Lester _- A C L U S A T I R E
35With1-Down, Rey F U E L G A U G E T O T E S
discovererof 34Jamping chess A T S E A G A S E N A C T
caoebteasare piece
36 Island ring 38 Comm. for the BET 0 N STS RENT S
37Salon polishtarget hearing-impaired xwordeditor@aol.com 09/2611
39 Flippable cardtfile 1 2 3 3 a s 0 7 9 10 11 12 13
43 Mag. edition
44 Father's Day mo. 14 351
anAastralia 1 91
46 Wearying airline 21 22
51 Lawn strip 2 24 2 26
52 Moonfish
53 Lumberjack'stool 20 H H H3 31 33
54 Sub. wit x x 34 H H
56 Faraway
59 Paid no attention 3n z 3 39 a 4H a142
63 Roam (about) 43 a a
64 Excruciating 4 0 H so1
inconvenience 63 sas
(the aststraw!)
66tDae-ishr. cH 30 38 593sH 01 9

5 & 6 BR Houses
May 2012

others have been motivated by
personal grievances.
The assailant in Sunday eve-
ning's shooting was killed, and it
was not yet clear if he acted alone
or if he belonged to an insurgent
A U.S. official in Washington
said the Afghan attacker was
providing security to the CIA
office and that the American
who died was working as a con-
tractor for the CIA. The official
requested anonymity because he
was speaking about intelligence
The CIA declined to comment.
Gunfire was first heard some-
time after 8 p.m. local time
around the former Ariana Hotel,
a building that ex-U.S. intelli-
gence officials said is the CIA
station in Kabul. The spy agency
occupied the heavily secured
building, which is just blocks
away from the Afghan presiden-
tial palace, in late 2001 after the
U.S.-led invasion that toppled
the Taliban.
The U.S. Embassy acknowl-
edged that an Afghan employee
of the complex carried out the
"The motivation for the attack
is still under investigation," the
embassy said in a statement.
Embassy spokesman Gavin
Sundwall declined to comment
on what the targeted annex was
used for, citing security rea-
sons. Sundwall said the Afghan
employee was not authorized to
carry a weapon, and it was not
clear how the man was able to
get a gun into the secured com-
The embassy did not provide
information on the American
who was killed, and said the per-
son wounded in the shootingwas
taken to a military hospital with
injuries that were not life-threat-
ening. It said the embassy has
"resumed business operations."
The attack came less than
two weeks after militants fired
rocket-propelled grenades and
assault rifles at the U.S. Embassy,
NATO headquarters and other
buildings in Kabul, killing seven
Afghans. No embassy or NATO
staff members were hurt in the
20-hour assault. But it plunged
U.S.-Pakistan relations to new
lows as U.S. officials accused
Pakistan's Inter-Services Intel-
ligence agency of supporting
insurgents in planning and exe-
cuting the Sept. 13 attack.
Nearly 80 American soldiers
were wounded and two Afghan
civilians were killed in a truck
bombing targeting an American
base in eastern Afghanistan on
Sept. 10. American officials also
blamed that attack on insur-
gents from the Haqqani network
who are allegedly supported by
Pakistani intelligence. Senior
Pakistani officialsreject the alle-

Sunday's assault also follows
closely on last week's assassina-
tion of former Afghan President
Burhanuddin Rabbani, who was
leading a government effort to
broker peace with the Taliban.
He was killed when an insurgent
claiming to be a peace emissary
detonated a bomb hidden in his
turban upon meeting Rabbani.
President Hamid Karzai
called Rabbani's death a "big
loss" and said greater security
measures should be taketo pro-
tect top Afghan figures, lclud-
ing religious clerics and tribal
leaders. A government spokes-
man said the man who brought
the suicide bomber to Kabul has
been arrested.
NATO bases and embassies
have ramped up security fol-
lowing a number of attacks over
the past year by Afghan secu-
rity forces against their coun-
terparts. Since March 2009, the
coalition has recorded at least
20 incidents where a member
of the Afghan security forces or
by them killed coalition forces.
Thirty-six coalition troops have
died in the attacks. It is not
known how many of the 282,000
members of the Afghan security
forces were killed.
In December2009, an al-Qai-
da double agent blew himself up
at a CIA base in eastern Khost
province, killing seven CIA
The attacker, a Jordanian
man named Humam al-Balawi,
had been brought into the base
because he claimed to be able to
reach high-level al-Qaida lead-
Meanwhile, political ten-
sions between Afghanistan and
Pakistan continued to mount
Monday. The Afghan Foreign
Ministry warned that relations
with its neighbor will suffer if
cross-border artillery attacks
hitting eastern Afghanistan con-
The Afghan government has
said that an unknown number of
by the shelling coming from
Pakistani territory in recent
days. The attacks have allegedly
destroyed several houses and
mosques and displaced hundreds
of people.
The Foreign Ministry quoted
Mohammad Sadeq, Pakistan's
ambassador in Kabul, as saying
that the attacks were not inten-
tional and that he regretted the
killings and the destruction of
The Afghan censure comes
as U.S. officials have sharpened
their missives to Pakistan over
the past week, drawing more
direct lines between the govern-
ment and the Haqqani network,
which is affiliated with the Tali-
ban and al-Qaida and is often
blamed for attacks in Kabul.

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By Steven J.St. John
(c)2011 Tribune Media Services, Inc.


Northquad from Mum and Dad in Syd-
ney and Yash in London. Go Blue!!

t I


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