DESTINATION: DETRO U' artists are learning the ins and outs of working in the Motor City- 9 SEE THE 8-SIDENSIDE ~1i l3idigan 0ij Nl a ll.. 1 , NIDI 'l. 1) \VI NT'lrl 'y1.'(_ l 1 , , . , . , ry i . } i , i r Ann Arbor, Michigan Thursday, September 15, 2011 BIG TEN SCHOOLS University of Nebraska voted out of association Music, Theatre & Dance senior Christian Schulte (left) and LSA senior Christopher Sbonek (middle) help Engineering sophonmore Angie Zhang get anew Mcard at the Mcard Center in the Student Activities Building on Monday. Students can also replace Mcards at the Chemistry Building and CCRB. New Mca expected to increase building securiety President Mary Sue Coleman involved in AAU vote By RAYZA GOLDSMITH Daily Staff Reporter The newest member of the Big Ten, the University of' Nebraska-Lincoln, was voted out of the Association of Ameri- can Universities - becoming the only member of the Big Ten to not be part of the association. The AAU - an association comprised of the nation's top research universities - has never before voted to remove a member, though other universi- ties have left voluntarily on the expectation they would soon be voted out due to failure to meet the organization's criteria. The vote comes nine months after the university's induction into the Big Ten. Among the committee mem- bers who voted on Nebraska's membership in the AAU was University President Mary Sue Coleman, who was also involved in the final vote in determining the school's place in the pro- gram. According to a Sept. 3 arti- cle in the Journal Star, Har- vey Perlman, chancellor of the University of Nebraska, said he thought Coleman and Carolyn Martin, the former chancellor of the University of Wisconsin- Madison, voted against Nebras- ka's membership in the AAU. Though the vote is anonymous, he said in the article he assumed this given the fact that Coleman and Martin are members of committees that recommended the reassessment of Nebraska's AAU membership. The decision to remdove Nebraska from the organization in April transpired after the school was called to be reviewed by AAU committees that were concerned the school no longer held the qualifications for mem- bership in the program, accord- ing to Barry Toiv, the AAU's vice president for public affairs. "There is a set of criteria that are used to determine whether universities ought to be consid- ered for membership or current members should be discontin- See NEBRASKA, Page SA Students required to trade in old 1 IDs by Nov.1 By LIANA ROSENBLOOM Daily StaffReporter The Mcard system on campus is about to get a lot smarter. In the final phase of a two- year effort to make buildings across campus more secure, all returning University students must trade their existing Mcards for new "smart" Mcards by Nov. 1. As the new Mcard system is put into place, the University is aiming to make more LSA build- ings only accessible after hours through the programmable chips found in the smart Mcards. Department of Public Safety spokeswoman Diane Brown said the safety effort first began on North Campus this past summer, when the University replaced manual locks on academic build- ings with either card-swipers or proximity card readers. By installing the card-readingtech- nology, Brown said, buildings can be locked earlier and will only be accessible to students, faculty and staff members with smart Mcards. The system also allows particular colleges with- in the University to limit their building access to only students in the college or school rather than the entire student body. Brown said the hope is that by Jan.1 the system will be expand- ed to a number of LSA build- ings and other commonly-used buildings on Central Campus that have traditionally remained unlocked until late in the eve- ning. The goal of using the new Mcards is to reduce and ulti- mately eliminate unauthorized access to campus buildings - particularly at night when they are less occupied, she said. See MCARDS, Page SA MICHIGAN STUDENT ASSEMBLY MSA resolution calls for plastic water bottle ban Environmental Issues Commission hopes to discuss topic with regents By ALYSSA ADLER Daily StaffReporter A group of University stu- dents is continuing its crusade to make the University more environmentally friendly by eliminating the sale of bottled water on campus. As aresult of the efforts of the Michigan Student Assembly's Environmental Issues Com- mission, the assembly recently passed a resolution calling for the University to cease selling plastic water bottles. During the winter semester, the com- mission started a petition that garnered several thousand sig- natures in support of the water bottle ban. Now, the EIC is hoping to further its cause and eventually present the proposal before the University's Board of Regents. LSA junior Maggie Oliver, chair of the EIC, wrote in an e-mail interview that many people don't realize the adverse effects plastic water bottles have on the local environment. See MSA, PageSA UNIVERSITY APPAREL Collegiate fair-labor apparel co. helping workers, but not profitable Sava Lelcaj's new business, babo: a market by sava,nlocated on the first floor of Sterling 411 Lofts awaits its November grand opening with a new window display. Restaurateur Sava Lelcaj looking toward next venture Alta Gracia provides higher wages for employees By ADAM RUBENFIRE Daily StaffReporter One year after its founding, fair-labor college clothing com- pany Alta Gracia, which sells apparel on campus, is continuing its mission to provide higher-pay- ing 'wages to its employees and more jobs to a community in the Dominican Republic, where the company's factory is located. Alta Gracia Founder Joe Bozich, also the CEO of Knights Apparel, said in a conference call last night that the company pays its workers a living wage - approximately 340 percent more than required by Domini- can Republic law - which allows the factory's workers to build their own homes and support their families. The company also allows the employees to union- ize. However, the company has not yet been able to break even, according to Donnie Hodge,,COO of Knights Apparel and Alta Gra- cia. "We did not intend it to be a non-profit, but it has (been) so far," Hodge said. See APPAREL, Page 5A Editor's NotekThis is the' first of a continuingseries about local business owners. By HALEY GOLDBERG Daily StaffReporter Sava Lelcaj's career in the restaurant business began at age 13 busing tables. Now, 15 years later, Lelcaj - owner and operator of Sava's Restaurant on State Street - is on the eve of expanding her career by opening her new business, babo: a market by sava, this fall. With a focus on unique and quality products, babo is slated to open in mid-November on the first floor of Sterling 411 Lofts at the corner of Washing- ton and Division streets. But if the past 15 years of Lelcaj's life are any indication, the restau- rateur won't be stopping there. CONTINUING SERIES: BEHIND THE BUSINESS In college, while Lelcaj was majoring in journalism at the University of Toronto, she also managed a restaurant. "... I worked every job in a restaurant, so I bused, washed dishes, hosted, prepped - (I) See SAVA, PageSA WEATHER HI:62 GOTANEWSTIP? NEWONMICHIGANDAILY.COM INDEX AP NEWS.........3A CLASSIFIEDS............6A WE Call 734-418-4115 or e-mail Basement Arts remembers September 11 Vol. CXXII, No.8 0 OPINION.......... ..4A S PORTS ............... 7A TOMORROW LO: 4 and let us know. MICHIGANDAILY.COM/BLOGS/THE FILTER ©211 The Michigan Daily NEWS .......................5A THE B-SIDE........t........1B