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September 12, 2011 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2011-09-12

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The Michigan Daily - micnigandaily.com

Monday, September 12, 2011 - 3A

The Michigan Daily - micnigandaily.com Monday, September 12, 2011 - 3A

MSU licenses new
anti-fraud software
People who try to hide their
identities by changing their fin-
gerprints could run into a road-
block because of new technology
that Michigan State University
developed and is licensing to a
security company.
Engineering and computer sci-
ence professor Anil Jain headed a
team that developed the software.
It's being licensed to Morpho, a
unit of the Paris-based Safran
group, Michigan State announced
Friday. Terms of the deal weren't
"The technology ... can help
law enforcement and border con-
trol officials detect these altered
fingerprints," said university
spokesman Tom Oswald.
Jain says authorities world-
wide encounter people who have
surgery or other "extreme mea-
sures to alter their fingerprints
to avoid being identified by auto-
matic fingerprint recognition sys-
Suspicious male
detained at Kansas
City airport on 9/11
Security agents detained a man
and shut down one of three termi-
nals at the main airport in Kan-
sas City yesterday after detecting
suspicious items inside his carry-
on bag on the 10th anniversary of
the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
The man was stopped about
9:30 a.m. at the Southwest Air-
lines checkpoint at Kansas City
International Airport. Trans-
portation security agents who
detected suspicious items in his
bag asked to examine them, and
he was detained when he refused,
airline and law enforcement offi-
cials said.
The suspicious items tested
negative for explosive materials,_
according to a statement from
the Transportation Security
Administration. A bomb squad
and bomb-sniffing dogs remained
on the scene yesterday after-
noon, and passengers were being
SPARWOOD, British Columbia
3-year-old boy
returned to family
after abduction
Police say a 3-year-old Cana-
dian boy was returned safe to his
own home four days after he was
Royal Canadian Mounted
Police Cpl. Dan Moskaluk said
yesterday that Kienan Hebert
was returned by the suspect to
his home in Sparwood, British
Columbia, after an emotional plea
from his family.
Police say someone called the
police emergency dispatcher and
told authorities they would find
the missing boy at the home from

where he was abducted.
They believe the suspected
kidnapper brought him back
there. A search is now on for the
ASUNCION, Paraguay
Iran, Russia agree
to greater nuclear
Iran's official news agency
is reporting the country has
agreed to more nuclear coopera-
tion with Russia.
Iran's first nuclear power
plant was built with Russian
heln and after years of delays is
to t 'a preliminary phase of
ele, icity production today.
' he IRNA news agency
re orted yesterday that Irani-
an Foreign Minister Ali Akbar
Salehi said important agree-
ments were signed by both sides
in nuclear and other fields.
Salehi spoke after meeting
with visiting Russian Energy
Minister Sergei Shmatko. Sale-
hi did not elaborate. Currently
there are no plans for Russia to
help build another plant.
-Compiled from
Daily wire reports

From Page 1A
The two vigils events suc-
ceeded in bringing students
together, Harper said.
"One of the things that was
clear 10 years ago that is clear
tonight is that we are more sim-
ilar than we are different," she
Relaying a message from
University President Mary Sue
Coleman, Dean of Students
Laura Blake Jones urged stu-
dents to remember and reflect
and to honor those who lost
their lives on 9/11. Jones went
on to recall her own memory of
that day.
"I lived on the West Coast,
and I woke to a phone call from
the East Coast telling us what
had happened, and as a parent
I spent time thinking, 'How are
we going to break this news to
our children?'" she said. "(9/11)
changed our country and our
world and undoubtedly impact-
ed the childhood of adoles-
After Jones spoke, LSA senior
Annie Sajid and School of Music,
Theatre & Dance student Jonah
Thompson took the podium to
discuss how 9/11 affected their
lives. A Muslim American from
Michigan's Upper Peninsula,
Sajid said she faced fears of dis-
crimination in the wake of the
attacks. But she said her family
didn't let this fear discourage
"My family took this chal-
lenging time as an opportunity
to bridge gaps instead of create
them," Sajid said. "We would
lead Islam 101 dialogues to raise
other's consciousness. I encour-
age our generation to do the

Similarly, Thompson stressed
the importance of social advo-
cacy on any level.
"Think about the things we
say and the things we do, and
challenge the assumptions that
divide our community," Thomp-
son told the crowd. "We have
the potential, and we have the
challenge. All that is left is for
us to rise to it."
The vigil, which concluded
with a rendition of Bob Dylan's
"Blowin' in the Wind,"
was well-received by attend-
ees as well Weinberg and Deit-
zel, who expressed surprise at
the turnout.
"I couldn't be more pleased
with how things went tonight,"
Deitzel said. "Just to see every-
one come together with such
reverence in such a powerful
and inspiring way ... (shows)
how far we've come."
Dental School student Elena
Petrova-Amstutz said in an
interview after the vigil-that she
volunteered at ground zero the
day after the 9/11 attacks. She
emphasized the anniversary's
importance for all Americans.
"I hope that we will never
forget the day and that no mat-
ter where we are - in the U.S.
or anywhere in the world - we
will always remember the peo-
ple who lost their lives," she
Business School senior Jeff
Ong said he felt the ceremony
had an appropriate and reflec-
tive tone.
"Any time something tragic
like this happens, it's always a
good time to reflect, take a step
back and assess how you are
working to affect some kind of
positive change in our society,"
he said.

Michael Lehrman, executive managing director of Cantor Fitzgerld and Co., bows his head yesterday at the names of
some of the over 600 employees from Cantor Fitzgerald who lost their lives in the 2001 terrorist attacks.
Looking back and ahead,
America remembers 9 11

Obama: 'These past
10 years tell a story
of resilience'
NEW YORK (AP) - Deter-
mined never to forget but per-
haps ready to move on, the
nation gently handed Sept. 11
over to history yesterday and
etched its memory on a new gen-
eration. A stark memorial took
its place where twin towers once
stood, and the names of the lost
resounded from children too
young to remember terror from
a decade ago.
In New York, Washington and
Pennsylvania, across the United
States and the world, people car-
ried out rituals now as famil-
iar as they are heartbreaking:
American flags unfurled at the
new World Trade Center tower
and the Eiffel Tower, and tears
shed at the base of the Pentagon
and a base in Iraq.
President Barack Obama quot-
ed the Bible and spoke of finding
strength in fear. George W. Bush,
still new to the presidency that
day, invoked the national sacri-
fice of the Civil War. Vice Presi-

dent Joe Biden said hope must
grow from tragedy.
And Jessica Rhodes talked
about her niece, Kathryn L.
LaBorie, the lead flight attendant
on the plane that hit the south
tower. She remembered a radiant
smile and infinite compassion,
and suggested that now, 10 years
on, it is time to turn acorner.
"Although she may not ever be
found, she will never ever be lost
to her family and her friends,"
Rhodes said after she read a seg-
ment of the list of the dead at
ground zero. "Today we honor
her by letting go of the sadness
over losing her and embracing
the joy of having known her."
It was the 10th time the nation
has paused to remember a defin-
ing day. In doing so, it closed
a decade that produced two
wars, deep changes in national
security, shifts in everyday life
- and, months before it ended,
the death at American hands of
the elusive terrorist who master-
minded the attack.
"These past 10 years tell a
story of resilience," Obama said
at a memorial concert at the
Kennedy Center after he visited
all three attack sites.

"It will be said of us that we
kept that faith; that we took
a painful blow, and emerged
stronger," he said.
The anniversary took place
under heightened security. In
New York and Washington
especially, authorities were on
alert. Ahead of the anniversary,
the federal government warned
those cities of a tip about a pos-
sible car-bomb plot. Police
searched trucks in New York,
and streets near the trade center
were blocked. To walk within
blocks of the site, people had to
go through checkpoints.
The names of the fallen -
2,983 of them, including all the
victims from the three Sept. 11
attack sites and six people who
died when terrorists set off a
truck bomb under the towers
in 1993 - echoed across a place
utterly transformed.
In the exact footprints of the
two towers was a stately memori-
al, two great, weeping waterfalls,
unveiled for the first time and, at
least on the first day, open only
to the relatives of the victims.
Around the square perimeter
of each were bronze parapets,
etched with names.

Four terror-
related arrests
made in Sweden

NATO: Truck bomb targets
U.S. base in Afghanistan

Officials suspect.
men linked to
al- Qaida
ish police arrested four people
on suspicion of preparing a ter-
ror attack and evacuated an arts
center in the country's second
largest city, security officials said
The four were arrested in the
west coast city of Goteborg and
were suspected of plotting ter-
rorism, security service spokes-
woman Sara Kvarnstrom said.
She declined to give details on the
arrests and wouldn't say whether
they were linked to the 10th anni-
versary of the Sept.11 attacks.
Kvarnstrom said Swedish
security service SAPO saw no
reason to raise its terror alert
level, which has been at "elevat-
ed" since October.
"Our assessment is that there
is no reason for public concern at
the moment," she told The Asso-
ciated Press.
Swedish tabloid Expressen,
citing an unnamed police source,
said investigators suspect the
men belong to a terror network
with links to al-Qaida, and that
they had acquired, or were trying
to acquire, firearms, explosives
and hand grenades. Security
police declined to comment on

the newspaper's information.
Police in Goteborg said in
a statement they had evacu-
ated the Roda Sten arts center,
located beneath the city's land-
mark half-mile (930-meter) Alvs-
borg bridge, because of a threat
deemed to pose "serious danger
to life, health or substantial dam-
age of property."
Kvarnstrom declined to say if
the arts center or the bridge were
considered potential targets for a
terror attack.
The Alvsborg bridge runs over
Goteborg's harbor to connect the
mainland with the island of His-
ingen. The six-lane passage is a
vital link from the Norwegian
capital Oslo to southern Sweden.
Goteborg police and Sweden's
Stockholm-based counterterror-
ism unit assisted security police
with the arrests.
Henrik Wallgren, 46, says he
saw a Swedish navy combat boat
race back and forth on the river
by the arts center just before he
and others were evacuated from
the center.
"We were sitting on a skate-
board ramp behind the graffiti
wall at Roda Sten," when it hap-
pened, he told The Associated
Roda Sten is a former heat-
ing plant that was abandoned for
years before being reopened as an
arts center in 2000, according to
its website.

Taliban claims
responsibility for
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) -
Nearly 80 American soldiers were
wounded and two Afghan civil-
ians were kiled in a Taliban truck
bombing targeting an American
base in eastern Afghanistan, NATO
said yesterday, astark reminder that
the war in Afghanistan still rages 10
years after the Sept.11 terror attacks
against the United States.
The blast, which occurred late
Saturday, shaved the facades from
shops outside the Combat Outpost
Sayed Abad inWardak province and

broke windows in government offic-
es nearby, said Roshana Wardak, a
former parliamentarian who runs
a clinic in the nearby town of the
same name. The Taliban claimed
responsibility for the attack.
Eight wounded civilians were
brought to Wardak's clinic, two of
them with wounds serious enough
that they were sent to Kabul. She
said one 3-year-old girl died of her
wounds on the way tothe clinic.
The attack was carried out by a
Taliban suicide bomber who deto-
nated a large bomb inside a truck
carrying firewood, NATO said. It
was unclear how many foreign and
Afghan soldiers were serving on
the base.
"Most of the force of the explo-

sion was absorbed by the protective
barrier at the outpost entrance,"
NATO said, adding thatthe damage
was repairable and that operations
Fewer than 25 Afghan civilians
were also wounded, NATO said,
adding that none of the 77 injuries
sustained by the Americans were
life-threatening. Spokesman Maj.
Russell Fox said yesterday that
all the international troops at the
combat outpost are American.
The truck bombing came hours
after the Taliban vowed to keep
fighting U.S. forces in Afghani-
stan until all American troops
leave the country and stressed
that their movement had no role
in the Sept.11 attacks.

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