41 2A -- Monday, September 12, 2011 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom THURSDAY:_. FRIDAY:. ... TUESDAY: This Week in History WEDNESDAY: Professor Profiles Campus Clubs Photos of the Week ISMASHING NOTRE DAME FOOTBALLPAER NLRIV FSU players await charges 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1327 www.michigandaily.com STEPHANIE STEINBERG ZACH YANCER Editor in Chief Business Manager 734-418-4115 ext. 1251 734-418-4115 ext. 1241 sreinberg@michigandaiyeom zyancer@michigandaity.com Football players at Fresno State Univeraity have been accused of being connected to a social ser- vices worker in a welfare fraud investigation, according to a Sept. 9 Asaociated Presa article. The social services worker may have filed for false benefits for the approximately two dozen players said to be involved in the investigation, the article states. The social services worker was arrested but no charges have been made, the AP reported. SOUTH PARK CREATORS LECTURE AT NYU South Park creators Mat Stone and Trey Parker surprised a group of 25 New York Univgr- sity students on their first day of class on Sept. 6, when the creators showed up as instructors, accord- ing to a Sept. 8 New York Times article. The show creators showed up to a claas called "Storytelling Strategies" in NYU's Tisch School of the Arts and spoke about how they developed their various proj- ects, including "South Park" and "Team America: World Police," the New York Times article states. The lecturers were filmed by mtvU for an Oct. 3 episode of "Stand In," a show about celeb- rity lecturers speaking at col- lege classes, the New York Times reported. UC BERKELEY GOLF PLAYER PASSES AWAY The body of 25-year-old Diane Kwon, a University of California, Berkeley golf player, was found in a Fremont, Calif. parking lot at 11 p.m. last Monday, according to a Sept. 9 San Francisco Chronicle article. At this time, the cause of death is unknown, according to the article. The Alameda County Coroner's Bureau employee said the bureau is viewing the case as "suspicious," the San Francisco Chronicle reported. - PAIGE PEARCYAND BETHANYBIRON Newsoan 734-418-4115 spt3 Corrections corrections@michigandaily.com Arts Sectian art@michigandaily.com Sports Section sports@michigandaily.com Display Sales display@michigandaily.ooo OnirneSales onlineads@michigandaily.com EDITORIAL STAFF Sick Spar Managing Editr Sicale Abet Managing NewsEtditor Sews Tips news@michigandaily.com letters to the tditor rothedaily@michigndailyom tditorial Pate opinion@michigandily.omw Photography Section photo@michigandaily.com Classified Sales classified@michigandaily.ooe Finance finance@michigsndaily.com sitkspar@michigandaily.oom Aber@michigndily.omn a 4 TODD NttDLt/Daily Engineering junior Greg Ewing participates inou Go Blue Beat She Irish car hash on Saturday. CRIME NOTES M.I.Peace out iPod iJacked CAMPUS EVENTS & NOTES Patriotic art Students for exhibition Life meeting WHERE: 721 State St. WHEN: Saturday at about 12 a.m. WHAT: A University student took off running after being approachedhby police for possessing alcohol as aminor, University Police reported. The student was chased and arrested. Trash throwin' at the house of Coleman WHERE: President's House WHEN: Friday at about 2:15 am. WHAT: A male University student was issued a citation for littering on Coleman's property, University Police reported. WHERE: Duderstadt Center WHEN: Friday at about 6:45 p.m. WHAT: A University student's iPod and hat was taken from the game room, University Police reported. Interviews conducted on the scene returned no leads, but the case remains open. Room swap WHERE: Michigan Union WHEN: Saturday at about 1:35 .m. WHAT: After walking alone to the Union, a caller reported that a female student had not returned to her residence hall, University Police reported. She was later found in a different room of the residence hall. WHAT: An art exhibit honoring the tenth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks will be open free to the public all week. WHO: University Unions Arts and Programs WHEN: Today through Friday, 8 am. to 2 am. WHERE: Michigan Union WHAT: Students for Life invites potential members to learn about their organization at the first meeting of the year. Food and refreshments will be served. WHO: Students for Life WHEN: Today at 7 p.m. WHERE: Michigan Union 1A German researcher has designed a cell phone that can simulate acts such as kissing, hand hold- ing and breathing, the LA Times reported. The kissing simulator, for instance, uses a motorized wet sponge to imi- tate a slobbery smooch. 2 Saturday's football game against Notre Dame attracted a record crowd of 114,804 fans. This number beats the pre- vious Big House attendance record by nearly 1,400 people. >>F08 MORE, StE SPORTSMONDAY, INSIE 3 An art student in Detroit has plans to sell her product - a coat for homeless people that con- verts into a sleeping bag - nationally next year, SFGate. com reported. The coat costs between $7 and $10 to pro- duce. ASSISTNTsNEoWSEDITOS: ly Glaoho, Caireoscicki, S:uznneJaos, Soi Kahn, Mihl5,eNav, Pigeec,Aodam RbenfireoiOtli ilaso MichellelDewitt and opinioneditrsr@michigandaily.com tmily Orley EditoriolPageEdisons SENIOR EDITORIALPAEDTORnoS: Adali, Ashle Giessham, Anudnrw eine ASSISTAsN EInORIALPAEuuEDIOSosaNahatas,oTimothynRabb StephenJ. Sesbitt and sportseditors@michigandily.omo Tin Rohan Managing SporsEditors SENIOR SeORTS EDITORS: 0en 0ste, Michael Fek, ZachHelfand, Luke Psch, Zak Pyzik,Kevin Rafterty ASSISTNTnSeORTEORoS: veet o:cok,NealRohschild, Mattsd,::,gk, Matt Slovi,,LizVuklich, Daniel Wassma Sharon Jacobs MasningArsEditor Jacobs@micthigondaity.com SENIORARnS EDnTOS:Lah Burgin, Kavi Pe,JeniferXu ASSSTNT RSnu EDIT100ORS aobAxelrad, Cassie Bafo,oe ,,Cadagin,Emma Gas,, ProKhola, David a Mdarissa Mctlainrand photo@michigandailyscom led Moth ManagingPhtsootditrs ASSISATOOEITns o O RS: En Kikla, Chisyba~, na Shult, SamanthaTraben Zach Bergson and design@michigandaily.om Helen tieblich Manging DeignsEditors ASSISTNTSIGoN EDTORS: Knsi Bia, oin~n ios Carolyn Klarecki Magazine Editor klarecki@michigandaity.com oDEUnYMAGAZIsNnEITORS:StepenOto~si,DoThorbyl ssna wggs Josh Healy toeynthieftcopydesk@michigandaily.com SENIOR COPY EIORS:sChristin hun,HannahPoindexter Sarah Squire WeboDevelopmentrManager sqoire@michigandailycoom BUSINESS STAFF JulianntrilnAssociateBusinessManager Rachel Greiretz as t:Manaer Alexis SewtonnPeoduotiooManager Meghan RooneynLayoutManager Connor Byrd1inancerManager Qay VOniculation Manager Theihigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967)is publisdMorday though Fidydrinth fallsan winter trms bystudensatthe vrsiaty ofMichign.s On opyis avilabl~e re fharge toall raders. Addiionalcopiesy be pickeiupat the Dailys oficeo$. Subscrpios for fa nSlletrsatn in Septembe,,via 0.S. nail are $110. 0Winter term Jauay throuh April) i $115,yearlon (Sptember through 'Apil) is$195:Uniesity afflitels are sbjct toa rducd subscription rate. On-campus subscriptono foi al term ore $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid. The Michinan Daily itsa enbrofThe5Asociated Pess and The Asiated CollegatePess. 'I IFC info session Northfest WHAT: Students WHAT: A student interested in rushing organizations fair hosting Interfraternity Council more than 150 campus groups. fraternities should attend WHO: Student Activities & this informational meeting Leadership to learn details about rush. WHEN: Tomorrow at 11 a.m. Members of Greek Life will WHERE: North Campus be on site to field questions Diag and mingle with potential CRRTIN pledges.CORTIN WHO: University Office of Greek Life * Please report any WHEN: Tomorrow at 7 error in the Daily to p.m. corrections@michi- WHERE: Michigan Union gandaily.com. 4 MORE ONLINE lve crime Notes? Share them with your followerson Twitter @CrimeNtesor find them onntheir new blng. 'V 6 6 I a can test-drive-a. lifetime commitment The HTC Tablets featuring HTC Scribe TeChnologyT11 Innovation inspired by YOU001 a Cll iT HC lrpral 3ioci AlE llts cdfri _ .nC logo, brilliant Ilogo, o r: 11I1{1 C r: m i'> ir ..ii :,(111 115 10 r lomie rl k :m.7r1k of BI1.3Y SollIC r: cc A o. 'l" or mdil- 1 orb- i. dC Available at +E BUY a r