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September 12, 2011 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2011-09-12

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Ann Arbor, Michigan Monday, September 12, 2011
Diag candlelight vigil
commemorates 9 11


Hundreds gather at
memorial event
Daily Staff Reporter
Flickering candles dotted the crowd
on the Diag last night, as several hun-
dred students gathered at the campus
wide ceremony to commemorate the
tenth anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001
terrorist attacks.
LSA seniors Chris Dietzel and Jenna
Weinberg spearheaded the event after
they realized there was no official 9/11

campus commemorative event sched-
uled for yesterday.
"(Jenna) and I both agreed that it
was necessary and decided to take it
upon ourselves (to) step forward and
have the service we all wanted," Diet-
zel said.
The 30-minute vigil began with a
short introduction by Dietzel, who
emphasized the importance of inspir-
ing change in the world.
"Our goal for tonight's memorial is
first and foremost to remember and
recognize all of the lives lost because of
the September 11 attacks," he said. "But
also we are here as a campus united to
strive to obtain respect, understanding
and peace."

Dietzel's address was followed by
School of Music, Theatre & Dance
sophomore Shea Rennee singing the
national anthem. Vice President of Stu-
dent Affairs E. Royster Harper spoke
next on the steps of the Hatcher Gradu-
ate Library and told the crowd that she
stood in the exact same spot 10 years
ago when students congregated on the
night of the attacks.
See VIGIL, Page 3A
Ann Arbor police, fire
departments lead ceremony
See News, Page 5A

Left: Students gather on the Diag last night for a candlelight vigil to commemorate the 9/11 tenth
anniversary. Top Right: American flags were placed on the Diag yesterday. Bottom Right: Ann
Arbor officials lead the city's 9/11 memorial service yesterday.


A2 landmark,
Liberty St.
Borders to
close today
Future of company
still unknown
Daily Staff Reporter
Ann Arbor-based Borders Group Inc.
said it will close its flagship location at
612 East Liberty St. today, six weeks after
announcing it would liquidate its 399
stores and all of its assets.
But even as the chain liquidates stores
nationwide and clears stock at discount
rates as high as 90 percent, Borders's
future remains uncertain. An auction
of the group's intellectual property -
including its brand name, website and
customer loyalty program - is set for
Sept. 14. This leaves the possibility that
Borders could continue as an online
bookseller, like the now online-only elec-
tronics retailer Circuit City.
It is unclear if Borders, which
announced its liquidation on July 18,
has received any bids for its intellec-
tual property. The bids were due Sept.
8, according to Borders spokeswoman
Mary Davis. However, she wrote in an
e-mail interview to The Michigan Daily
that she would not comment further until
the information is ready to be made to the
As it nears the end of its liquidation
process, Borders is also entangled in a
pair of legal battles with former employ-
ees and business partners. Davis declined
See BORDERS, Page 5A

Junior quarterback Denard Robinson overcame a poor first half to lead Michigan to a 35-31 win over Notre Dame. Robinson accounted for 98.7 percent of the Wolverines' offense.
obinson Co. stole the show

One-hundred fourteen thousand,
eight hundred and four pairs of eyes
slowly turned toward Jeremy Gal-
lon. They widened when they real-
ized no Notre Dame jerseys were
in the picture they'll remember
"Oh my god. Where did he come
from?" said one man standing in the
South endzone.

From his
vantage point,
Denard Robin-
son just threw
a pass to no one
in particular
down the right
sideline. Gallon
blended in with
his teammates

on the sideline, until a blue blur
came streaking out of nowhere. Just
like Michigan had.
The crowd was roaring, woken
up from its slumber by a team that
needed waking itself. Every maize
pom-pon beat the air in unison. The
event - the first night game ever,
the largest crowd ever, the antici-
pation building because it seemed

everyone who had ever called Ann
Arbor home was back in town this
weekend - felt larger than life.
Under the lights.
And the game was outshining the
Now Gallon was wide open, run-
ning free.
But Robinson and Gallon had
See ROHAN, Page 6A


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