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January 14, 2011 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2011-01-14

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2 - Friday, January 14, 2011

The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

2 - Friday, January14, 2011 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom

In Other Ivory Towers Questions on Campus Professor Profiles
TOP LEFT Michigan Athletic
Director Dave Brandon at a pressT
conference Wednesday, Jan. 12,
2b11. Brandon used the confer-
ence'to announce the hiring of
hew head football coach Brady
Hoke, who was the previous head
coach at San Diego State Univer-
sity. Brandon's announcement
came one week after former
coach Rich Rodriguez was fired.
BOTTOM LEFT Five-year-old
twins Johnathon and Ashton
Gaden came to the University's
Natural History Museum on
Thursday, Jan. 13, 2011 to see the
dinosaurs exhibit. (ERIN KIRK-
RIGHT Sophomore guard Darius.
Morris (4) plays against Ohio,
State at Crisler Arena on Wednes-
day, Jan. 12, 2011. Michigan lost
the game 68-64. (JAKE FROMM/

Campus Clubs

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BB gun damages Pissed drunk Memorial lecture
window years ago WHERE: Mary Markley WHAT: Civil rights activist
Residence Hall Shirley Sherrod will deliver
WHERE: Oxford Housing WHEN: Thursday at about the keynote address at the
WHEN: Wednesday at about 3 a.m. University's 25th annual
10 p.m. WHAT: A University under- MLK Symposium. Her
WHAT: Staff noticed dam- graduate student was arrested lecture will commemorate
age to a window in Goddard for possession of alcohol, the life and work of Dr.
House, University Police University Police reported. A Martin Luther King, Jr.
reported. The damage complaint was filed after he WHO: Office of Academic
appeared to be from a BB gun. was observed urinating in the Multicultural initiatives
'rhere are no suspects at this hallway. WHEN: Monday, Jan. 17 at
time because the damage was 10 a.m.
likely incurred years ago. Exit sign stolen WHERE: Hill Auditorium
Students arrested from West Quad .e
for marijuana WHERE: West Quadrangle prormanc
Residence Hall p ror a c
WHERE: Vera Baits t1 Resi- WHEN: Wednesday at about
Oence Hall 10 a.m- WHAT: Performing art-
WHEN: Wednesday at about WHAT: An interior exit sign ist Laurie Anderson will
12:30 a.m. was stolen from the second combine music, technol-
WHAT: Two students were floor of Lloyd House, University ogy, visuals and storytell-
arrested for possession of Police reported. The sign has ing in her new multimedia
narijuana in Conger House, not yet been recovered, and work "Delusion."
University police reported. there are currently no suspects. WHO: University Musical
MORE ONLINE WHEN: Today at 8 p.m.
Love Crime Notes? Get more online atmichigandaily.com/blogs/The Wire WHERE: The Power Center
for the Performing Arts

Drawing class
WHAT: A drawing class
to teach fundamentals of
art, including proportion,
perspective and
composition. The drop-
in session cost is $10.
WHO: Ann Arbor Art Center
WHEN: Today at 11 a.m.
WHERE: University of
Michigan Museum of Art
WHAT: CAPS is offering
a seminar on relaxation
as part of their student
mental health resources.
WHO: Counseling and
Psychological Services
WHEN: Today at 12:15 p.m.
WHERE: Michigan
Union, room 3100
. Please report any
error in the Daily to

Astronomers have recal-
culated the dates for the
12 zodiac signs and added
one more, called Ophiuchus,
The Huffington Post reported.
The signs changed because of
changes in the Earth's align-
Ann Arbor's second annu-
al Restaurant Week starts
on Sunday. Lunch and
dinner specials will be offered
at 41 restaurants in the city.
Archaeologists have dis-
covered a sword casing
thought to have belonged
to the notoriously feared
pirate Blackbeard, National
Geographic reported. The cas-
ing was found in the wreckage
of Blackbeard's Queen Anne's
Revenge ship in North Caro-

rI. As unemployment apps.
n p rse, stock market dips

Report: First-time
applications for
benefits up by 35,000
NEW YORK (AP) - Stocks
dipped yesterday after a report
found that more people applied for
unemploymentbenefits last week.
The Labor Department said
first-time applications for unem-
ploymentbenefits rose 35,000 from
the week before to 445,000. It was
the highest level since October and
above what economists had pre-
"It was a disappointingnumber,"
said Kim Caughey Forrest, an ana-
lyst at Fort Pitt Capital.
Merck & Co. fell 6.6 percent to
$34.69 after announcing that clini-
cal trials of its cardiovascular drug
vorapaxar would be discontinued
for some patients. Merck fell the

most among the 30 stocks that
make up the Dow Jones industrial
average. Home Depot Inc., which
gained 1.3 percent, led the index.
The Dow fell 23 points, or 0.2
percent, to 11,731.9. The Standard
and Poor's 500lost2,or0.2percent,
to 1,283.76. The Nasdaq composite
lost 2, or 0.1 percent, to 2,735.29.
Losses were spread across the
market. Seven of the 10 company
groups that make up the S&P 500
fell. Materials companies had the
largest move, falling0.8 percent.
Whole Foods Market Inc.
jumped 4.6 percent to $52.31 after
an analyst said that the company's
shares would continue to rise
because its customers are willing
to pay higher costs for food. The
company is up nearly 80 percent
over the last year.
The Labor Department also
reported yesterday that wholesale
prices in December rose by the
largest amount in nearly a year, as
a result of higher energy and food

costs. Most other prices rose only
slightly, suggesting inflation isn't
spreading through the economy.
A decline in the dollar helped
limit stock losses. The dollar lost1.1
percent against an index of six cur-
rencies after successful bond auc-
tions by Spain and Italy pushed the
euro higher. The dollar's slide helps
U.S. companies that rely on exports
by making their prices more com-
petitive overseas.
After the market closed, Intel
Corp. reported that its income rose
48 percent last quarter. That easily
beat analyst estimates.
Bond prices rose, pushing their
yields lower. The yield on the
10-year Treasury note fell to 3.30
percent from 3.35 percent late
Wednesday. That yield is used to
set interest rates on many kinds of
loans including mortgages.
Four shares rose for every three
that fell on the New York Stock
Exchange. Consolidated volume
came to 4.4 billion shares.


Caroline Kennedy speaks yesterday about the launch of the JFK Digital Archive, as part of the 50th anniversary of the inaugura-
tion of former -President John F. Kennedy, at the National Archives in Washington, D.C.
JFK library opens $LOM
online presidenti al archive

Online archive is the
first of its kind among
presidential libraries
WASHINGTON (AP) - Caroline
Kennedy unveiled the nation's first
online presidential archive yester-
day, a $10 million project to digitize
the most important papers, photo-
graphs and recordings of President
John F.Kennedy's days in office.
Users can sort through the drafts
of Kennedy's "Ask not what your
country can do for you," speech and
see how he tinkered with the words
of that most famous line from his
inauguration. Or they can listen to
his personal phone calls and read
his letters.
In advance of the 50th anniver-
sary of Kennedy's inauguration
Jan. 20, Caroline Kennedy visited
the National Archives, saying it
reminded her the nation was built
bn words and ideas - and that her
father's call to service was more
relevant than ever.
"His time is becoming part of
history, not living memory, and
we need to reach across the gen-
erations in new ways," Caroline
Kennedy said, noting many young
people are disillusioned with poli-
tics. "He inspired a generation
who inspired their children. They

transformed America, and that's
why 50 years later, his legacy still
Kennedy himself broached the
ideaofmakinghis records available
to the masses in 1961.
At a news conference, a reporter
asked if he would consider putting
his papers in Washington, rather
than his hometown, to make them
more accessible to scholars.
"Through scientific means of
reproduction ... and this will cer-
tainly be increased as time goes on,
we will find it possible to reproduce
the key documents so that they will
be commonly available," the presi-
dent responded.
After four years of work, the
Kennedy Presidential Library in
Boston has made that a reality.
Archivists digitized over 200,000
pages, 1,200 recordings and 300
museum artifacts, as well as reels
of film and hundreds of photo-
Library Director Tom Putnam
said they started with all of Kenne-
dy's oval office files - everything
that went across his desk - along
with his personal papers, official
White House photos, audio of all his
public remarks, video of his famous
speeches, and home movies. Archi-
vists knew the most requested items
in their research room in Boston
and used them as a guide.

Private partners - including
AT&T, EMC Corp., Raytheon Co.
and Iron Mountain Corp. - con-
tributed $6.5 million in equipment
and technical services to digitize
thousands of records. Iron Moun-
tain will store backup copies of
all the digital files about 200 feet
below ground at its facility in west-
ern Pennsylvania.
Original files will remain acces-
sible at the Kennedy Library, Put-
nam said. The digital records,
though, will help preserve the orig-
inals because they will be handled
less frequently, he said.
The library will continue digi-
tizing about 100,000 pages a year,
along with thousands of photos and
recordings. At that rate, it would
still take more than 100 years to
digitize all records from the Ken-
nedy administration.
For students across the country,
the online archive will mean access
to primary documents for school
research. They could examine Ken-
nedy's correspondence with Mar-
tin Luther King Jr. from the time
they first met to the time King was
jailed in Birmingham, Ala.
Drafts of Kennedy's speeches
show how he was writing and edit-
ing along with speechwriter Theo-
dore Sorensen, giving people a sense
of the president's power as a writer,
Putnam said.

vory Coast: Mobs, security
ally to attack U.N. vehicles


Violence comes after
West African leader
refuses to accept
Nov. election loss
ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast (AP) -
Mobs and security forces allied to
Ivory Coast leader Laurent Gbagbo
attacked at least six U.N. vehicles
yesterday, setting some ablaze and
injuring two people in the latest
round of violence sparked by this
West African nation's disputed
U.N. Secretary-General Ban
Ki-moon strongly condemned the
attacks by loyalists of Gbagbo,
who the U.N. says lost the Nov. 28
poll to longtime opposition leader
Alassane Ouattara.
Ban said the attacks by "regular
and irregular forces" constituted

crimes under international law,
and warned that those respon-
sible would be held accountable.
Other officials with the global body
sounded an alarm, warning they
were being prevented from protect-
ing civilians.
Gbagbo has refused to accept the
outcome of the November poll and
has ordered the U.N.'s 9,000-strong
peacekeeping mission to leave. The
U.N. has refused, and its troopshave
increasingly come under attack,
including earlier this week when
gunmen wounded three peacekeep-
ers after their car crashed, said
spokesman Kenneth Blackman.
In the violence yesterday, Ban
said one military vehicle belonging
to the U.N. peacekeeping mission
was burned, and a doctor and driver
of an ambulance targeted in one
attack were injured.
An Associated Press reporter
saw a U.N. vehicle smoldering, its

U.N. insignia charred, as a crowd
of men gathered around. Witnesses
said the vehicle had been stopped
by young men in the Riviera II
neighborhood, near a university
campus packed with Gbagbo sup-
porters. Two international journal-
ists that attempted to photograph
the car when it was still in flames
had their cameras confiscated by
security forces.
Also Thursday, a spokesman
for the U.N. human rights office in
Geneva, Rupert Colville, said the
U.N. has been trying to investigate
an alleged third mass grave in Issia
in central Ivory Coast, but hasn't
been able to confirm it.
The U.N. has already been
blocked from the site of two other
alleged mass graves in the lush,
cocoa-producing country. Colville
wasn't immediately able to say
whether the investigation into
those two sites has progressed.


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