2A - Thursday, January 13, 2011
The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom
In Other Ivory Towers Questions on Campus Professor Profiles
Teaching in Tanzania
Photos of the Week
With the limited educational
and career resources, many women
living in Tanzania lack the oppor-
tunities available to women in the
United States.
But a new student group on cam-
pus, AfricAid, aims to address this
issue by providing young women in
Tanzania with the opportunity to
receive an education.
AfricAid is based on a larger
organization started in Golden,
Colo. in 2001. LSA sophomores
Mia Kelly and Kelsey Hamrick said
they came up with the idea to bring
AfricAid to the University this past
fall and were driven by their pas-
sion for promoting education for
young women.
Hamrick said AfricAid's first
goal as a club is to sponsor a couple
of young women in Tanzania and
send them to secondary school.
In addition to working with its
parent organization, AfricAid also
coordinates with the Kisa Project
- a training program for African
women to equip them with skills to
enter into the workforce. AfricAid
aspires to offer .a stipend and two
years of leadership training to the
girls they sponsor, so they have the
tools to be successful and imple-
ment projects in their communities.
Sponsoring one young woman for
two months costs $2,000, so fund-
raising is essential, Hamrick and
Kelly said.
In March, AfricAid is scheduled
to host, a panel about gender and
education in Africa that features
keynote speaker Frances Vavrus, a
professor at the University of Min-
nesota's College of Education &
Human Development.
"We are also in the process of
gathering a panel of University
of Michigan professors in differ-
ent areas like Education, Women's
Studies, International Studies and
Public Policy," Hamrick said. "The
idea is to get a group of people that
are interested in these topics and
can give different viewpoints on
this greater issue of education."
Kelly added that after the event
in March, there will be a question-
and-answer session, with a possible
raffle and silent auction as well.
Once the club gains more rec-
ognition and expands beyond its
current 15 to 20 active members,
Kelly and Hamrick said they plan to
organize a variety of activities that
will continue to work toward the
group's goals.
"We are really focused on fund-
raising right now, but we'd like to
shift that as we raise more money
to promoting cultural awareness,
and I'm hoping that in the long run
that we can have trips to Tanzania
to meet the girls that we sponsor,"
Kelly said.
AfricAid leaders explain the club's mission to prospective
members at Festifall this year.
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Man files fake Car speakers Nourish
prescriptions catch on fire YourSELF
WHERE: East Ann Arbor WHERE: 1000 Block Wall lunch series
Medical Center Street
WHEN: Tuesday at about WHEN: Tuesday at about WHAT: Nourish Your
4:10 p.m. 10:40 p.m. a lunch series for wom
WHAT: A 45-year-old male WHAT: The speaker in a color, will discuss issu
was arrested for using fraudu- University staff member's car empowerment and hea
lent prescriptions to buy caughtfire due to a faulty wire, WHO: Multi-Ethnic
medicine, University Police University Police reported. The Student Affairs
reported. He is not affiliated car was engulfed in flames, but WHEN: Today at 11:31
with the University. there were no injuries. WHER:ai. san
en of
es of
0 a.m.
Union, MSA Chamber
BWinter slip 'n
Bedding burglar slide on the ice
WHERE:East Quad Resi- s
dence Hall WHERE: 1500 East medical
WHEN: Wednesday at about Drive
2:50 a.m. WHEN: Tuesday at about 6:45
WHAT: A comforter and p.m.
pillows were stolen from a WHAT: A vehicle slid on ice
female student's room, Uni- and into the back of a Uni-
versity Police reported. Police versity bus, University Police
believe the suspect is a male reported. No one was injured in
student. the accident.
Love Crime Notes? Getlmore online atmichigandaily.com/blogs/The Wire
LGBT bullying
prevention class
WHAT: A class to educate
people on the issues sor-
rounding harrassment of
LGBT students. The class
will also discuss how to
preventbullying. Course
registration is $60.
WHO: Spectrum Center
WHEN: Today at Ip.m.
WHERE: School
of Social Work
* In yesterday's arti-
cle titled "A Variety
of Vegetation" mis-
identified LSA senior
Lindsay De Carolis.
" Please report any
error in the Daily to
Patients at a Southern Cali-
fornia health clinic were
exposed to hepatitis C from
an IV line, the Chicago Tri-
bune reported. The IV line is
believed to have been contami-
nated by a nurse who works at
the clinic.
Several students who
graduated from the Musi-
cTheatre program have
made names for themselves on
the Broadway stage. Some have
even received nominations for
Tony Awards.
A 17th Century Bible was
found at a small Luther-
an school and church
in Bonduel, Wisc., Fox
News reported. According to
researchers, the 1,500-page
Bible was printed in Germany
in 1670. The book was discov-
ered in a safe by a sixth grade
Poetry Slam
at the Union
WHAT: A night of poetry
with an open mic session,
competition between seven
poets and a performance
from a featured poet.
Cost is $5 per person.
WHO: University Unions
& Arts Programs
WHEN: Tonight at 8:30 p.m.
WHERE: Michigan Union
Highhopes for banks
bring Dow, asdaqup
Stocks shoot higher
as worries ease
about Europe's debt
NEW YORK (AP) - Hopes that
banks would start raising their
dividends sent financial stocks
sharply higher yesterday. Indexes
closed at their highest levels in
more than two years after a suc-
cessful bond auction in Portugal
eased worries about Europe's debt
Portugal borrowed $1.6 billion
at a lower long-term interest rate
than many expected. Investors
have been concerned that Por-
tugal will struggle with its debts
and become the third European
country to require a bailout after
Greece and Ireland.
Analysts cautioned that it's
still possible Portugal could need
a financial lifeline if its economy
slips back into recession this year.
"Things are not resolved com-
pletely here," said Rob Lutts, pres-
ident and chief investment officer
of Cabot Money Management.
Banks led the market higher
after an analyst at Wells Fargo
Securities issued a report saying
their earnings should grow much
faster than other companies this
year. He also said banks were like-
ly to distribute more of their earn-
ings to shareholders as dividends.
JPMorgan Chase & Co. rose 2.5
percent to $44.71 after the com-
pany's CEO, Jamie Dimon, told
CNBC late Tuesday that the bank
hopes to raise its dividend in the
second quarter. JPMorgan's stock
led the 30 large companies that
make up the Dow Jones indus-
trial average, followed closely by
Bank of America. Bank of America
gained 2 percent to $14.99.
The Dow rose 83.56 points, or
0.7 percent, to close at 11,755.44.
That's the Dow's highest close
since Aug.11, 2008.
The Standard & Poor's 500
index also reached itshighest level
since Aug. 28, 2008. The index
gained 11.48, or 0.9 percent, to
The Nasdaq composite rose
20.50, or 0.8 percent, to 2,737.33.
ITT Corp. jumped 16 percent
to $61.50 after the defense. con-
tractor said it would split itself
into three publicly traded com-
panies. ITT plans to separate its
defense and information, water
technology and industrial prod-
ucts divisions. Thatshould make it
easier for investors to understand
the company's various businesses,
said Robert Pavlik, chief market
strategist with Banyan Partners.
American International Group
Inc. slipped 1 percent to $58.40
after the company agreed to sell
its stake in Taiwan's third-largest
insurer for $2.2 billion. The deal is
part of AIG's plan to raise money
to repay the $182 billion it received
in government bailout funds.
rneigi oa aa odsuscnen bu eao' oen etclapeysedyU.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, right, gestures as she talks to Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit during their
meeting in Doha, Qatar to discuss concerns about Lebanon's government collapse yesterday.
Hezbollah and allies
topple Lebanese gov.,
Lebanon's worst
political crisis since
2008 prompted by
Hariri tribunal
BEIRUT (AP) - Lebanon's gov-
ernment collapsed yesterday after
Hezbollah and its allies resigned
from the Cabinet in a dispute with
Western-backed factions over
upcoming indictments in the 2005
assassination of former Prime Min-
ister Rafik Hariri.
A U.N.-backed tribunal inves-
tigating the truck bombing that
killed Hariri and 22 others is widely
expected to name members of the
Shiite militant group, which many
fear could re-ignite sectarian vio-
lence that has erupted repeatedly in
the tiny nation.
Hezbollah's walkout ushers in
the country's worst political crisis
since 2008 in one of the most vola-
tile corners of the Middle East.
Lebanon's 14-month-old govern-
ment was an uneasy coalition link-
ing bitter rivals: a Western-backed
bloc led by Hariri's son Saad and
Hezbollah, which is supported by
Syria and Iran and maintains an
arsenal that far outweighs that of
the national army.
Disputes over the tribunal have
paralyzed the government for
months, with Hezbollah denounc-
ing the court as a conspiracy by the
U.S. and Israel and urgingthe prime
minister to reject any of its findings.
But Hariri has refused to break
cooperation with the Netherlands-
based tribunal.
Now, the chasm between the two
sides is deepening with Hezbollah
accusing Hariri's bloc of bowing
to the West. Hezbollah's ministers
timed their resignations to coincide
with Hariri's meeting with Presi-
dent Barack Obama in Washington,
forcing him to meet the American
president as a caretaker prime min-
Western governments have
worked to strengthen the central
government since Israel and Hez-
bollah fought a devastating 34-day
war in 2006, but they also have
expressed concern about the bal-
ance of power with the heavily
armed militant group.
The U.S. classifies Hezbollah asa
terrorist organization.
A White House statement said
Obama commended Hariri for his
"steadfast leadership and efforts to
reach peace, stability and consensus
in Lebanon under difficult circum-
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary
Rodham Clinton said Hezbollah's
actions are "a transparent effort ...
to subvertjustice and to undermine
Lebanon's sovereignty and indepen-
"No country should be forced to
choose between justice and stabil-
ity," Clinton said while traveling in
Doha, Qatar. "The Lebanese people
deserve both."
Hariri's office had no immedi-
ate comment on the walkout that
brought down his government, but
they said he was heading to France
to meet French President Sarkozy
before heading back to Beirut.
France, Lebanon's former colonial
power, is a major player in Lebanese
The immediate trigger for the
Hezbollah withdrawal was the fail-
ure of talks between Syria and Saudi
Arabia, a Hariri ally, to try to find a
compromise over the tribunal.
There had been few details about
the direction of the Syrian-Saudi
initiative, but the talks were lauded
as a potential Arab breakthrough,
rather than a solution offered by
Western powers.
Cuba calls immigration
talks with U.S'. 'fruitful'
Diplomats discuss
Cubans' attempts
to illegally enter
HAVANA (AP) - Senior U.S.
and Cuban diplomats met yester-
day to discuss immigration issues
in an encounter described by the
Cuban side as fruitful and carried
out in a spirit of mutual respect.
The two sides discussed ways to
combat people-smuggling across
the treacherous Straits of Florida,
according to a statement released
by the Cuban government.
"It was a fruitful exchange
aimed at ... the establishment
of more effective mechanisms
of cooperation to combat illegal
migrant smuggling," said Deputy
Cuban Foreign Minister Dagober-
to Rodriguez, who led the Cuban
The statement said both sides
recognized that the number of
Cubans attempting to get to the
United States illegally, often in
rickety rafts or inner tubes, had
dropped significantly.
There was no immediate com-
ment from the American side,
which was led by Roberta Jacob-
sen, the United States' principal
deputy assistant secretary of state
for Western Hemisphere affairs.
The gathering focused on a
17-year-old agreement under
which the United States issues
20,000 visas to Cubans a year. But
diplomats from both countries also
use the twice-yearly meetings to
detail a long-standing list of com-
Chief among them, as far as
Washington is concerned, is the
detention of Alan Gross, an Ameri-
can subcontractor jailed by Cuba
for more than a year without
charge on suspicion of spying.
U.S. diplomats were also likely
to have raised what Washington
considers Cuba's spotty human-
rights record overall.
The Cuban delegation never
fails to voice its opposition to the
48-year-old U.S. trade embargo,
which Havana says has put a stran-
glehold on the island's economy.
The Cuban statement said its
officials also reiterated displeasure
with a U.S. policy that allows any
Cuban reaching American soil to
remain, while sending back those
intercepted at sea. The Cubans
have said in the past they believe
the policy encourages people-
Despite the many points of
contention, the Cuban statement
said the meeting "developed in an
atmosphere of respect."