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April 12, 2011 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2011-04-12

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2 - Tuesday, April 12, 2011 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom


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A healing hospital

While the majority of campus
denizens are here to live and learn,
there is a significant portion of
visitors who are here for a different
purpose - to be treated at the Uni-
versity of Michigan Health System.
Ranked as the 14th hospital in
the nation by U.S. News and World
Report, UMHS has top-ranked
specialties in both adult and pedi-
atric care.
In 2010, the health system facili-
tated nearly 1.8-million outpatient
visits, according to the UMHS
website. Of those who required an
overnight stay, the hospital hosted
44,665 patients in its 885-bed facil-
There were also 79,206 emer-
gency and urgent care visits to
UMHS in 2010 - 1,000 less emer-

gency room visits than the previ-
ous year.
Not only does the health sys-
tem provide care for millions of
patients a year, it also provides
training for thousands of medical
students. More than 22,000 staff
members and medical students
are currently involved in treating
patients at UMHS. This includes
those in office, research and medi-
cal care positions.
Additionally, UMHS embarked
on nearly 1,500 survival flight
missions in 2010, according to
the UMHS website. Among these
flight missions were organ trans-
ports and patient and medical team

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Fatih Celiker, an assistant professor of math at Wayne State University, gives a presentation
at the Heros of Peace Symposium in the Michigan Union yesterday.



Phone jacked Fire safety gets Science in 15 Film screening
from student real messy minutes talk WHAT: "Reteaching Gen- study, coffee addictions
der and Sexuality," a film may be linked to genet-
WHERE: Shapiro Under- WHERE: Goddard House WHAT: Rosina Bierbaum, about LGBTQ youth, will be ics, TIME.com reported.
graduate Library WHEN: Tuesday at about professor and dean of the shown. Participants who had high-
WHEN: Monday at about 2 a.m. School of Natural Resources WHO: Spectrum Center consumption variants of one,
1:30 p.m. WHAT: An unknown and the Environment, will WHEN: Tonight at 8 p.m. of two genes studied drank
WHAT: A student reported subject discharged a fire talk about science in a 15 WHERE: School of Social more coffee than individuals
his cell phone was missing extinguisher in the hallway minute lecture. Work, room 2752
from the fourth floor study and stole the bracket for the WHO: Water Theme who had the low-consump-
area, University Police extinguisher, University Semester CORRECTIONS tio variants of the genes.

KyleSwanson ManagingEditor swanson@michigandaily.com
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The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and
winter terms by students at the University of Michigan. One copy is availablelfree ofcharge
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reported. There are no
Boarder gets
the boot
WHERE: West Hall
WHEN: Monday at about
11:45 p.m.
WHAT: A subject was
issued a warning for skate-
boarding, University Police

Police reported. There was
no damage.
Lights out
WHERE: Lot NC-53
WHEN: Tuesday at about
1 a.m.
WHAT: A student told
police his locked car had
been broken into, University
Police reported. Nothing
was taken from inside the
car, but the driver's tail light
was stolen. There are no

WHEN: Tonight at 5:30
WHERE: Shapiro Under-
graduate Lihrary, Bert's
Study Lounge
WHAT: Students of Prof.
David Jackson will play
tromhone and give several
solo performances.
WHO: School of Music,
Theatre & Dance
WHEN: Tonight at 8p.m.
WHERE: Moore Building,
Britton Recital Hall

* An article in the April
10 edition of The Michi-
gan Daily ("'U'Relay
for Life raises record
amount ofmoney")
incorrectly stated the
amount of money Relay
for Life exceeded its
goal by. It also incor-
rectly stated the amount
of money Phi Gamma
Delta fraternity raised.
. Please report any
error in the Daily to

Michigan head football
coach Brady Hoke and
offensive coordinator
Al Borges still haven't named
a starting running back for
their newly-implemented
pro-style offense.
New Mexico has
become the 30th state to
ban spanking children
in public schools, the Mother
Nature Network reported.
Opponents of the law argued
the threat of physical punish-
ment is needed to maintain
classroom discipline.


Former Libyan official pleads
with country to avoid civil war

Koussa devoted 30
years to serving
Gadhaffi and Libya
LONDON (AP) - The high-
est profile insider to break with
Moammar Gadhafi's regime
since Libya's conflict began
warned yesterday that the coun-
try risked becoming engulfed in
civil war like Somalia.
Ex-foreign minister Moussa
Koussa, making his first public
statement since he fled Tripoli,
quit his post and arrived in Brit-
ain on March 30, called on Gad-
hafi and the country's opposition
to show restraint.
"I ask everybody, all the par-
ties, to work to avoid taking
Libya into a civil war. This will
lead to bloodshed and make
Libya a new Somalia," said
Koussa, who has spent almost
two weeks at an undisclosed

location in interviews with Brit-
ish intelligence officers and dip-
Britain's Foreign Office said
Koussa is not being detained by
authorities, but have repeatedly
declined to discuss the details
of his debriefings or comment on
his whereabouts.
The former Gadhafi loyal-
ist read a prepared statement to
the BBC's Arabic language tele-
vision channel and did not take
any questions. The BBC did not
disclose where it had filmed
Koussa did not make any
explicit criticism of Gadhafi, but
said he had quit after he became
increasingly concerned over
recent events. He confirmed he
now has no contact with the dic-
tator's Tripoli regime.
"My country lives in a difficult
time. It's the worst. When the
Libyans started to lose security
and stability I decided to resign,"

Koussa said.
Also an ex-Libyan intelligence
chief, Koussa said that for more
than 30 years had been devoted
to his work for Gadhafi and con-
fident he had been serving the
Libyan public.
"But after recent events
things changed and I couldn't
continue. That's why I took this
decision. Not because I'm wait-
ing for anything, but because I
know that what I did to resign
will cause me problems, but I'm
ready to make that sacrifice for
the sake of my country," Ioussa
He rejected suggestions of
dividing Libya between the
rebel-held east and Gadhafi's
strongholds in the country's
west, calling instead for talks
between the regime and opposi-
"We refuse to divide Libya.
The unity of Libya is essential to
any solution and any settlement
in Libya," Koussa said, according
to a translation provided by the
BBC. "The solution in Libya will
come from the Libyans them-
selves, through discussion and
democratic dialogue."
Koussa also called on the
United Nations to help deliver
food, medicine and aid to the
Libyan people.
"We hope the Security Coun-
cil will take a humanitarian
responsibility," he said.
Last week, Scottish pros-
ecutors interviewed Koussa as
a witness over the 1988 bomb-
ing of Pan Am Flight 103 over
Lockerbie, Scotland, which
killed 270 people - most of them
Americans. Libya acknowledged
responsibility for the terrorist
attack in 2003, and opposition
leaders have long claimed Kous-
sa was closely involved.
Koussa acknowledged he had
previously worked closely with
overseas intelligence agencies as
the West sought to return Libya
to the international fold in the
1990s, following terror attacks
that tainted the North African
country's reputation.

A volunteer firefighter sprays a fire on April 9 which began outside Marfa, Texas, and was carried by winds to nearby Fort
Davis. The fire danger remains high in West Texas where firefighters are battling a blaze that's destroyed dozens of homes.
T exasWIldfires ravage
land, destroy 6 homes0

Fires total 654 this
year in wake of
severe drought
LUBBOCK, Texas (AP) -
Firefighters battled yesterday
to contain several large blazes
that have burned hundreds of
square miles of rural Texas
and destroyed dozens of homes
since last week, getting rein-
forcements from out of state as
they struggled against some of
the worst wildfire conditions in
state history.
One firefighter was in criti-
cal condition at a Lubbock hos-
pital with severe burns suffered
while fighting a Panhandle wild-
fire, officials said.
Powerful winds that sent
walls of flame through parched
ranchland in and around the
West Texas communities of Fort
Davis and Midland, incinerating
more than 60 homes during the
weekend and killing livestock
and horses, took pity by direct-
ing the fires to largely unpopu-

lated open spaces north and east
of the cities.
An overnight thunderstorm
- a rare occurrence of late, with
the state coming off its driest
March since 1895 - gave crews
the break they needed to begin
containing a wildfire that had
scorched about 110 square miles
of rolling prairies about 175
miles west of Fort Worth.
All of Texas is experienc-
ing drought, and conditions are
classified as extreme or excep-
tional in 60 percent of the state,
according to the most recent
U.S. Drought Monitor map.
Rain from last summer's Hur-
ricane Alex led to particularly
lush vegetation growth, said
Mark Stanford, the operations
director for the Texas Forest
Service. A cold winter and the
drought killed off much of that
growth, and with fewer cattle
grazing on Texas pasturelands,
the dried remains have provided
a perfect fuel for wildfires to
consume, he said.
Thus far this year, the Forest
Service and fire departments

have responded to 654 fires that
have burned 916 square miles of
land and destroyed 189-homes.
That's a far cry from March
2006 - when wildfires burned
more than 3,000 square miles,
destroyed 413 homes and killed
12 people in the deadliest wild-
fire month in state history. But
Stanford said current wildfire
conditions are even worse than
five years ago.
"We're in new territory
because it's drier than it has
been for '06, '08 and '09, but
there is more fuel to burn,"Stan-
ford said.
The parched conditions are
expected to last for several
days, at least, but the 30-40 mph
winds that have been fueling the
western blazes are expected to
drop into the teens and low 20s,
he said.
"And that makes a huge dif-
ference," Stanford said.
It'll be too late for those who
watched the terrifying, fast-
moving fires sweep through
their West Texas communities
on Saturday and Sunday.


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